Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1158: The era begins

On the second day of the outbreak of the Revolutionary Army War, the whole world learned of this amazing news. Everyone throughout the world was talking about the Revolutionary Army launching war on the four seas at the same time.

The whole world was shocked by the terrible power of the revolutionary army, and silently sent millions of troops to the four oceans.

A few days ago, under the publicity of the world government, the world knew that the world government had found the headquarters of the revolutionary army, and sent elite troops to capture the headquarters of the revolutionary army, killed many high-level revolutionary army, broke the revolutionary army troops, and wiped out millions of enemies. The high-level revolutionary army, who has become the leader of the dragon, hid in the dark.

But now the whole world knows that the high-level leaders of the world government are lying and expanding their record, and it is **** that the revolutionary army has suffered heavy losses.

The South China Sea, the North Sea, the East China Sea and the West China Sea all appear in the revolutionary army in large numbers. According to statistics, there are as many as nine million. This is the revolutionary army that has suffered heavy losses in the mouth of the world government.

"The world government is being a fool of the world!"

"A full nine million revolutionary army launched an attack on the four oceans. It is necessary to know that the revolutionary army was only ten million at the beginning."

"This is a heavy loss, a mere one million, just one tenth is called a heavy loss"

"The world government has been unable to save, and the record is lied. It seems that there is also a lot of water in the destruction of the revolutionary army headquarters."

For a while, the whole world was blaming the world government for being shameless and deceiving the world as an idiot. Many people are disappointed in the world government at this moment. They even dare to deceive their achievements. They have become rotten to some extent.

In fact, the world government was wronged because the world government was also calculated by the revolutionary army. They all thought that the revolutionary army had suffered heavy losses, but what they saw was just an illusion.

In comparison, the revolutionary army’s displayed strong strength has been praised by many people. It turns out that many people believed that the revolutionary army’s headquarters was breached by the world government and believed that although the revolutionary army grew rapidly, its foundation was unstable and it was impossible to successfully challenge. The world government rules, but now it is different. The revolutionary army has demonstrated power beyond the world's expectations.

No one could have guessed that the revolutionary army suddenly dropped the main force from the great route to the four oceans. Although compared with the great route, the four oceans are simply villages, but the area of ​​the countryside really occupies ten of the world. Seven.

The world seems to see the revolutionary army occupying the four oceans, relying on it to compete with the world government, and even continue to grow, thereby completely overthrowing the world government.

Holy land Mary Joa!

This year's World Summit was the shortest and most efficient in history. The entire conference only started two days before it ended.

Yesterday afternoon, the kings who stayed in the Holy Land Mariagioa were shocked when they learned that the Revolutionary Army had started the war. Where did they have any time and energy to stay in Mariagioa and torment with many kings.

Therefore, yesterday afternoon, the World Summit was held again. Kings wrapped in gauze attended the meeting. This meeting was held for only ten minutes. No one had any quarrels. The vote was passed directly. One thing was confirmed at the meeting. The world government includes many The participating countries entered a state of war.

Such a high-efficiency World Summit was unprecedented, but the five old stars were not happy at all. The revolutionary army's action and the bursting power far exceeded their expectations. This time, they finally felt a faint sense of crisis.

Subsequently, many kings returned to their respective countries at the fastest speed overnight. Many countries were in chaos because of the news of the revolutionary army's actions. Now they have to go back and sit down in person and mobilize all forces to block the revolutionary army.

It's a pity that they are too late. On the first day, the revolutionary army captured seven countries. These are not those small countries. They are all big countries like Alabastan with a standing army of one million.

But under the thunderous offensive of the Revolutionary Army, these scattered troops across the country were wiped out by the Revolutionary Army before they even had time to react. Only in the East China Sea because of its alliance with the revolutionary army, the revolutionary army has not taken action against the rest of the country for a while, but now the coalition has been surrounded by two million revolutionary corps. As long as these coalition forces are annihilated, the weak East China Sea has nothing to resist the revolutionary army. power.

By the time these kings return, the revolutionary army has almost all received in the four major ocean territories.

Somewhere in the upper level of the world government of Mary Joa, four five old stars are sitting in the first section of the pool. The other nine men and women in black suits are standing at the other end of the pool with their heads down. They are all cp1-cp9 leaders. As for cp0, they are affected by the dragon. People directly under.

The four five old stars sitting there were very ugly, their angry eyes stared at the opposite person, and a heavy anger filled the air.

Kenichi Ogata took the lead and shouted directly: "Aren't you going to give me an explanation? How did the revolutionary army appear in the four oceans?"

Facing the question of the five old stars, none of these leaders dared to speak. Everyone knew that in the anger of the five old stars, whoever spoke first would die the fastest.


Seeing that none of these guys spoke, Yuanbu Qiyi felt even more angry. His sword hilt hit the ground and said angrily: "You rubbish, the government gives you so much money every year. You didn't even notice that the Revolutionary Army divided the four oceans. , All are waste".

This is not just a few hundred people, nor a few thousand people, but nine million people. The nine million people are divided into four parts to go to the four oceans, but they don’t even find a trace. They only wait for the other side to act. It can't be described as waste, it's a bunch of idiots.

"The government provides you with tens of billions of funds every year. It is not for you to watch. Within seven days at the latest, I must see your report on my desk. If you fail to do so, you will put your head on it. Right", knowing that there is nothing to ask from these waste mouths, Masutani Yasuki finished speaking and waved to let the waste roll away.

Although the Cp spy agency is one of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world, their intelligence network has not yet been established under the sea.

Murloc Island is a great contributor to this operation. Without the help of their Murlocs, building a transportation channel on the seabed, the revolutionary army would not be able to transport 9 million troops to the four oceans without any forces discovering the situation. .

"I think the whole thing is not easy"

After the nine CP leaders left, Masato Hirano, who had not spoken yet, said solemnly: "There is no force that can transport 9 million people to all parts of the world in complete secret. Even if our world government can't, the revolutionary army must have a special channel."

Hearing that, the other three nodded at the same time. Nine million people were transported. This is a very huge project. It is very troublesome to maintain nine million people eating and drinking during the transportation. The dignified CP spy agency is not a real fool. Will not even notice the slightest trace.

Masutani Yasunichi dragged his chin and wondered: "Is it possible that it is related to Lin Tian's spatial ability? He can build a space channel to escape, and can he build a space channel between the two places to transmit personnel."

Everyone's eyes brightened and they thought it was very possible. When Lin Tian rebelled against the navy, he used the space channel to drive from the Great Sea Route to the East China Sea. It was not impossible to use the space channel to transmit others.

If Lin Tian hears this, he will definitely laugh. It is a fact that Lin Tian can bring others to travel between the two places through the space channel, but the space ability consumes a lot of physical strength, and there is a limit to the power of the void. Lin Tian carries hundreds of People are the limit, nine million people? It is not enough to squeeze Lin Tian into a man.

Putting the sharp sword on his knees backhand, Sonobe Keiichi said indifferently: "Not to mention the revolutionary army, the new world is also in chaos. According to our intelligence, the three emperors and two emperors are all acting, as if preparing for war."

"The White Beard Pirates Group is convening its pirates; the Black Beard Pirates have received the resources we provided and are now transforming them into power as soon as possible; after the BIGMOM Pirates have gained the power of the Vinsmok family, they are currently collecting resources. Build a stronger Homitz; the pirate group of beasts got a lot of artificial fruits from Doflamingo and formed an army of artificial powers; even the red-haired guy is in action ~ Hearing the word red hair, the three faces changed. Although the red-haired Shanks site is the smallest among the three emperors and two emperors, with the least number of people, he is the greatest threat to the world government.

Although the three emperors and two emperors are strong, they only dare to be interested in the throne of the Pirate King, and will not take the initiative to fight against the world government. The White Beard Pirates and the Black Beard Pirates have a life and death feud, and the beast Kaido is a brainless The lunatic, BIGMOM just wants to build a country that belongs to any race and has no interest in world hegemony.

The red hair is different. As a member of the Roger Pirates, he originally visited the ultimate island of Lovedrew, knowing some of the history of the year. Among the three emperors and two emperors, the most harmful to the world government is red hair.

"It seems that we didn't guess wrong, even that man acted."

The Red-haired Pirates have always been uncontested, and even the site is the smallest. The number of people is far worse than the other three emperors and two emperors. Red-haired is like a man without the slightest ambition, but Wu Lao Xing always thinks that red-haired is Disguise, how could such a domineering man behave so badly.

"I propose to increase the surveillance of the Redhead Pirates and send cp0. We need to get information about the man's every move."

"I agree!"


If we say that the war on the top two years ago, the death of the white beard, represents the arrival of an era of hegemony.

So today’s revolutionary war broke out, which completely kicked off the prelude to this era. The revolutionary army was the first and the world government was the second. Then who would be the third? Three emperors, two emperors, and Qi Wuhai are still the most evil ones. Generations.

The flames of war have been ignited, the era has begun and no one can stop it, countless hegemonies are about to step onto the stage of contention, the mystery that has been hidden for thousands of years will eventually be revealed, and this era will settle everything.

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