Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1173: War broke out

Chambord Islands!

There was silence at the moment, dense crowds gathered on the mangrove trees outside the Chambord Islands, as well as numerous reporters driving videophone bugs, all of them nervously waiting for the navy soldiers who returned home in triumph.

Time passed slowly, and the calm sea suddenly became turbulent, like boiling sea water, with layers of white waves undulating.

This scene made the crowds on the mangroves even more tense. The sudden surging of the sea water showed that there was a huge explosion on the seabed, otherwise it would be impossible to arouse the sea water above 10,000 meters.

The waves on the sea are breaking apart. The waves were only more than one meter high. Now the waves have evolved to more than ten meters in height. The huge white waves are like a city wall rushing to the Chambord Islands.

Looking up and seeing the huge waves in front of him, what a shocking scene, the dense crowd suddenly fled frantically.

"There is such a huge power tens of thousands of meters apart, what is happening below?"

"Is the fisherman island really destroyed by the world government"

"It can't be wrong, if it weren't for the destruction of the fisherman island, it would be impossible to make such a huge movement, it is really amazing."

For a time, countless people in the crowd were shocked, even if they had already expected it in their hearts, but they were still shocked when they knew that the Murloc Island was really destroyed.

And just in this huge waves raging in the sea, the white waves billowed and flowed, the sea ups and downs like a flag fluttering in the wind, a few huge black shadows appeared under the blue sea, the black shadows were getting closer and closer to the sea, and the appearance became more and more. The clearer.

Immediately, like a spear tearing through the seawater barrier, several hundred-meter-long naval warships rushed out of the sea, and the transparent soap bubble film was shattered the moment it rushed out of the sea.

The battleship rushed out and hit the sea with a weight of hundreds of meters. The powerful impact set off waves of tens of meters on both sides of the battleship. The white waves rushed in, reaching a height of 100 meters, and then fell like a pouring rain. Numerous navies instantly got soaked all over.

It’s just that the navy on the battleship did not put their minds on it at all. A soldier was half-kneeling, lying on his stomach, and lying down in various qualifications. His mouth was gasping for breath. Their eyes revealed deep fear, and the spirit was still He didn't react from the scary scene just now.

In that short distance of 10,000 meters, due to the destruction of the fisherman island, the shock wave raged and even rushed to the surface of the sea. The huge fleet of thirty warships only left four in the area, and all the other warships were destroyed. On the way to escape.

It can be said that these surviving naval fighters are very lucky. They looked at a warship dissipated in front of them with thousands of fighters because of the film fragmentation. Fortunately, this scene did not appear on them.

With such a huge loss, Masato Hirano and many other high-level officials looked very ugly. To solve a murloc island, they paid 24 battleships and 80,000 soldiers casualties. Moreover, it was not them who destroyed the island. Masato Hirano and other high-level officials The anger in the heart can be imagined.

Soon after, the Sonny rushed out of the sea, without any verbal communication. The moment the Sonny rushed out of the sea, the war broke out.

The four naval warships lined up took the lead in firing, hundreds of shells hit the sky as if covering the ground, and the entire sky was filled with pitch-black shells.

Naturally, Usopp and Frank were not to be outdone. The two who reacted from the violent shaking quickly launched a counterattack under the control of the Sonny and took the lead with defeating a battleship.

In addition to the battle between the two warships, the strong from both sides also immediately took action. Unlike the murloc island, which is 10,000 meters under the sea, without sea water restraint, Hirano Masato and others can finally take action without scruples.

The first to take the shot was Huang Yuan, who was as coquettish as two years ago. Huang Yuan stepped on the cannonballs and appeared above the Sonny, and made a light leap on the cannonballs.

Huang Yuan's thumb and **** are like crossed fingers in a traditional opera. When the **** merge, the dazzling light flickers.

The dazzling light flickered, and the yellow ape turned into countless flashing particles, like a huge flashing cross floating over the battleship.

Under the dazzling light, Nami Jiao screamed, and quickly raised her hands to block the sun from the sun. Even Sauron couldn't face the dazzling light. He Daoyi in her hand blocked her front and used the smooth blade to emit the light.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Huang Yuan drank softly, "Ba Chi Qiong Gou Yu!

In an instant, the huge cross of light in the sky emits countless flash particles, and the dense flash particles are no exaggeration in covering the sky, as if a storm is coming.

Lin Tian's figure flashed and appeared over the Sonny, with his right hand raised high, his entire arm had already turned into a high-intensity current.

"Wan Leishan!"

I saw a dazzling thunder pillar flying out of Lin Tian's palm. After the thunder pillar flew for a certain distance, it exploded without warning, and then the thunder pillar was divided into countless thin lines of lightning, like a flower blooming in the sky The blue flowers, huge buds slowly opened, swallowing all the thunder and lightning of the yellow ape.

Bang... bang... bang...

For a time, there were countless earth-shattering noises in the sky, huge explosions were endless, and the flames produced by the explosions bloomed on the sky like blossoms of red words, and the entire sea area was shrouded in flames. , The wavy sea seemed to be covered with a golden coat.

Finally, after the explosion lasted for nearly a minute, the fire in the sky quickly dissipated, and the sky became clear again.

However, the situation did not stop, and everyone did not breathe a sigh of relief. In the next second, a looming whistling sound suddenly resounded from the sky, which was like the whistle of a high-speed train.

Robin couldn’t help but look up and saw a few bright lights flashing in the blue sky. As the lights got closer, the harsh sound became louder and louder. The objects that seemed to be bright were actually meteorites. Falling from the sky.

"What! What is this?"

Seeing this scene, Nami was shocked, her whole body seemed to lose strength in an instant, she knelt on the ground, and finally muttered to herself uncontrollably.

"Hey, this is not a joke!"

Facing such a scene, even Shi Zhihao was shocked and unacceptable. How could he have such a terrifying ability to control the meteorite to attack them.

The meteorite is getting closer and bigger. The huge meteorite is like a fireball falling from the sky. Before it gets closer, everyone's eyes seem to see the earth-destroying power erupted by the meteorite falling on the sea. And such a meteorite There are actually three.

"Avoid, avoid quickly"

Sauron, who reacted for the first time, quickly turned around and shouted, rushed to the rudder, grabbed the rudder from the stunned Frankie, and controlled the Sonny to turn sharply to the right. The huge body of the ship swept across the sea. Cross a beautiful arc.

But with the speed of a ship in the Sunny area, how can it be faster than a giant meteorite that exceeds the speed of sound more than ten times.

Luffy was about to take a shot to smash the meteorite, but one of them was the first to take the shot.

"The rose blooms!"

In a soft shout, a figure leapt up from the deck of the Sonny. It was the white beard's fourth division captain's foil Bistan. The posture of Bista's sword dancing is very graceful. How to say, it is not a swordsman who is performing swordsmanship. .

When Bista's double swords are swung, the sky full of sword energy surrounds Bista, turning into a blossoming red beautiful rose, flying around Bista, as the saying goes, "The two swords cut through the cold glow, the sky rose. Xu Piaoluo'.

The flying roses gathered all over and turned into a long red dragon rushing towards one of the meteorites, seemingly beautiful flowers of roses, but in fact they are all fierce sword energy.

At the same time, thunder light flickered on Lin Tian above the Sonny, and a dozen thunder dragon rushed out of Lin Tian. The thunder dragon screamed and rushed towards the meteorite.

For a moment, when I looked up to the sky, I could clearly see the thunder and lightning blue dragon and the rose red dragon. The two dragons rose into the sky, exuding endless power, and collided head-on with the falling meteorite.


The loud noise of the sky and the earth cracked, and a dazzling light instantly swept the entire sea area. The white gas shock wave visible to the naked eye spread out in all directions, and the dust mist produced by the meteorite burst formed a mushroom cloud. The huge mushroom cloud has grown at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The strong wind is coming, be careful!"

As soon as Shi Zhihao’s reminder sounded, a gust of more than ten levels of strong wind was rushing towards her face with a hot wave. Nami screamed and was blown out by the strong wind. Fortunately, Robin reacted quickly and used her ability to create multiple arms. Rescued.

When the shock wave hit, the Sonny was caught in a violent shaking, the huge sails bulged high, and the Sonny had retreated at a very fast speed.

The violent shock wave raged for more than ten seconds before finally dissipating. When everyone opened their eyes, the Sonny had already moved to the vicinity of the Chambordian Islands under the impact, only a few tens of meters away from the nearest mangrove.

Robin stood up and saw that the naval battleship was approaching not far away. "It seems that the world government is going to use the Chambord Islands as the battlefield for the next battle."

When everyone on board stood up, suddenly, on the calm sea ahead, a huge blood glow that could not be described in words broke through the air, and blood-red lightning appeared on the blood glow.

Where the blood beam passed, the calm sea was finally rolling over it, waves more than ten meters high rose to the sky, and a gully a few meters deep appeared on the surface of the sea. What a terrible sword beam this is, even the sea must be cut. Into two halves.

"It's such a powerful murderous intent, it's even going to catch up with Lin Tian." Shi Zhihao was shocked. With such an astonishing murderous intent, only Lin Tian could surpass him among the strong men he had known.

"Blood red Is this..." Seeing the blood glow coming through the sky, Robin seemed to have thought of something, his face showed a look of surprise.

"Ah, help, we are going to be done..."

Chopper yelled in horror, clutching his head and scurrying on the deck, the cold light even the sea was in half, how could the Sonny resist it.

"Shuangdaoliu fits Rashomon!"

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Sauron flew out, Hedaoyiwen and the third generation of ghosts in his hands instantly unsheathed, and he slashed. This was a full blow of condensing energy.

File the clang......!! 71


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