Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 943: Flying Holland

In the deep sea!

Luffy and the three teamed up to kill this octopus monster galloping deep in the sea, known as the sea monster by the world. See you after two years. The strength of Luffy and the three have changed drastically. They have not beaten the octopus monster. Use all your strength.

The huge octopus monster that was knocked into the air slammed into the falling water not far away, and at this moment, a huge shark ran out of the octopus monster's mouth.

This shark is extraordinarily huge, far exceeding the normal size of an ordinary shark. The most important thing is that this shark is actually wearing a red dress with a small yellow star on it.

When they saw the shark swimming towards them, everyone was stunned.

"Shark? How could there be such a big shark"

"Hey, did you see it? This shark actually has clothes on it..."

"No, is this shark still raised..."

When everyone was surprised, Lin Tian looked at the mark on the shark, dragging his chin and his face showed a thoughtful look, "How do you feel that this shark and the mark are very familiar? Where have you seen it? How can you think about it? Can't get up".


With a loud noise, the Sonny was stunned, and the huge octopus monster that was hit by Luffy was rushing towards the bottom under the push of the current.

Seeing this scene, Sauron's face suddenly changed, as if he had discovered something, he looked around, and quickly said to Luffy: "Luffy, hurry up, it's not safe here, let's go back to the Sunny."

Luffy, who had not yet reacted to the octopus monster being washed away, was taken aback when he heard Sauron yell.

At this moment, suddenly an unknown force acted on the soap bubble, which led Luffy to rush towards the deep ocean below.

"Hey, what happened?"

Luffy in the soap bubble, under the impact of the downflow, had no resistance at all. Not only Luffy, but Sauron and Sanji were also swallowed by the downflow.

"No, Luffy and the others were swallowed by the downflow," Robin's face changed slightly, and he quickly shouted.

Lin Tian, ​​who was awakened by the shouts, quickly looked forward and saw that Lu Fei and the others had completely disappeared from sight. If he wanted to rescue him, even Lin Tian could not do it.


Reaching out his hand and patted the railing, Lin Tian, ​​who was thinking about the shark just now, did not notice that the three of Luffy had entered the range of the downflow following the battle, otherwise this would not happen. .

Without thinking about it, Lin Tian quickly turned around and ordered: "Frankie, follow up quickly. You must find those three guys. That kind of soap bubbles won't last long."


In fact, without Lin Tian's order, Frankie had already taken action, and the Sonny rushed into the downward current without hesitation.

The downflowing ocean currents are already flowing extremely fast. Under the impetus of the ocean currents, the Sonny seems to be held down by a pair of invisible big hands and rushes toward the deep ocean.

Under the impact of the ocean currents, the Sonny's hull trembled violently, and the deck was in chaos. Chopper, Usopp, and Brook flew around in various barrels. Only Lin Tian could hold Robin and Nami with both hands. , Standing firmly on the deck.

"Ah, I don't want to die here"

"What a joke, I rushed down without any preparation, we would be crushed like this."


The Sonny is like a sharp arrow, piercing the ocean current barrier and rushing to the seabed quickly by the descending current.

A few minutes later, the fast-moving Sonny finally stopped, the terrible downflow disappeared without a trace, and the Sonny finally reached the deep sea below the ocean.

Here is the sea surface at a depth of 5,000 meters. No sunlight can penetrate the water at a depth of 5,000 meters. Therefore, the deep sea layer can be said to be dark. Only a few fishes that can emit light emit light from the depths of the dark seabed. .

Except for the darkness, the dark seabed was silent, without the slightest sound. After all, it was a seabed that was thousands of meters deep.

"It's so dark here, I can't see anything, I can't find Luffy and the others"

"Woo, Luffy, don't be torn to pieces by sea beasts"

"We are afraid that we have already dived to a depth of seven kilometers, even the submarine will be crushed at this depth...".

Robin turned around and asked Lin Tian, ​​"How about it, did they find Luffy?"

"The sea water greatly hinders the domineering exploration of seeing and hearing, and there are many sea kings swimming around, and there is no sense of popularity such as Luffy." Lin Tian's tone revealed a touch of worry.

Lin Tian’s strong and domineering look and feel has already reduced the range in this deep sea, and with that small soap bubble, it can’t stand the ever-increasing sea pressure. Once it loses the protection from soap breaks, Luffy III This guy will undoubtedly die soon after fighting in the deep sea.

"Wait, Lin Tian, ​​what are you talking about, Hai... King class?"

Usopp, who was sitting on the ground, heard Lin Tian's words and stood up with a scream. The cold sweat of Dou Da quickly dripped from his forehead.

Nodded, Lin Tian said lightly: "Well, this is a seven-kilometer seabed, which is a restricted area for humans. Most sea king nests are built at this depth."

After listening, Usopp raised his head mechanically, and saw huge fuzzy figures swimming above his head under the illumination of the glowing jellyfish.

With a scream of ah, Usopp rushed to Lin Tian and hugged Lin Tian tightly, his hands and feet hung on Lin Tian like a koala.

Frightened in his mouth: "Lin Tian, ​​you must protect me, I don't want to be eaten by sea kings."

The Sonny floated in the deep sea for several minutes, and the surroundings were still pitch black. From time to time, one or two Neptune species flowed by the Sonny.

"Hey, do you feel the surrounding temperature has risen?" Chopper sat on the ground profusely, breathing heavily in his mouth.

"After what you said, the surrounding area really became a lot hotter." Nami touched her head with a cold sweat and dragged her coat off at the same time.

There was a rush of heat, and Lin Tian also took off his coat and said at the same time: "I think we should be near the submarine volcano, so the temperature is so hot."

"Submarine volcanoes, will there be volcanoes on the bottom of the sea?" Raising his head, Qiaoba asked doubtfully, how could there still be volcanoes in the sea.

"Of course there is. Submarine volcanoes exist at the bottom of the ocean. Normally, the surface of submarine volcanoes will be rapidly solidified by seawater, and there is hot magma inside."

Bang... bang...

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sea ahead. Perceiving the alarm, Frankie hurriedly controlled the Sonny to drive towards the place where the noise came from. It was very likely that the three of Luffy had caused the noise.

Before long, a faint light came into view, illuminating the dark seabed, and I saw a huge lantern fish several hundred meters long not far away. The light that came into view was emitted by the light-emitting organ on its head.

And around the lantern fish, a huge octopus was fighting with a pale humanoid monster. Next to the octopus, a soap bubble was floating quietly, and the three of them sat Luffy inside.

Seeing that the three people were still alive and there was nothing wrong, everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then focused on the octopus monster and the humanoid monster fighting.

"What is this, bald sea monster?"

"The sea is terrible. There are not only octopus sea monsters, but also bald sea monsters."

The fighting between the two monsters was huge, and the entire bottom of the sea seemed to be trembling. However, the huge octopus monster had the upper hand. Judging from the situation, the battle would be over soon.


With a suspicion in his mouth, Lin Tian looked to the side. Through domineering, Lin Tian noticed that someone was coming towards them.

There are only two kinds of creatures that can exist in the depths of this seven-kilometer-deep sea. There are only two kinds of creatures in the entire sea, either the merman tribe or the merman tribe. However, the merman tribe usually stay on Mermaid Island, and they rarely leave the island. Outside, so to speak, there are only murlocs.

Seeing Lin Tian inadvertently, Brook couldn't help turning his body and following Lin Tian's gaze. In the darkness, a pirate ship with broken holes and holes everywhere was driving in the sea, and there was no soap. Broken protection, the broken canvas on the ship floated with the ocean current, and the big characters clearly appeared in Brook's eyes, and Brook was so scared that he took a half step back.

"The dead have no mouth and no desire. In the black country where crows can't fly, the fingers of the dead don’t need gems, and no regrets can be seen in the darkness... Go and find, go and find, the sunken treasure belongs to me, I am The world’s richest man, Captain Van der Deyken."

A series of low, as if the sound from **** sounded, everyone couldn't help but turn around and look at the sound, the broken pirate ship clearly appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Could it be that there are ghost ships under the sea!"

An exclamation sounded, and Nami and others couldn't help but recall the scene when they first met Brook.

Brooke's horrified voice sounded at the same time, "I didn't expect it to be this ship, the legendary Flying Holland. I always thought it was just a rumor. I didn't expect that he actually existed deep in the sea."

"What? This is not a ghost ship," Nami reacted with curiosity on her face.

Just listen to Brooke's words: "This has happened hundreds of years ago. One day, the storm was The waves were soaring, and the captain of the Pirate Ship suddenly insane, threw his men into the stormy sea one after another. In the midst, killing all the crew members was an act that even the gods were angry with. He angered the gods and destined them to wander in the depths of the sea while being tortured by fate."

Waved her hand, Nami smiled and said, "What? How could there be a ghost ship? The last time we met was a fake."

Robin, holding a paintbrush, suddenly interrupted: "Even sea monsters that are overhead exist, and it is not impossible for ghost ships to exist."

When the voice fell, the timid Usopp and Joe Ba were frightened and ran around on the deck. Although Nami did not run around, her hands were tightly around Lin Tian, ​​and her plump chest was close to Lin Tian's arms.

"Isn't it a ghost ship?"

At this moment, Brooke was sitting on the side sipping coffee very calmly. He had even been to the real yellow spring. How could Brooke be afraid of the ghosts of the neighborhood.

"Well, Robin, don't scare them. This is not a ghost ship, but a murloc pirate ship."

"Hey, Murloc Pirate Group!"

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