Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 952: Strange se drugs

Outside the Dragon Palace!

The extremely fast Lin Tian, ​​like a sharp arrow, went straight through the layers of soap bubble protection between Mermaid Island and Dragon Palace.

An hour later, Lin Tian stepped into Dragon Palace City again. At this moment, Dragon Palace City was no longer as peaceful as before.

As soon as he entered the soap bubbles in Dragon Palace City, there was a Neptune Army soldier's body floating along the ocean current in front of Lin Tian. Looking at it, there were no fewer than hundreds of Neptune Army corpses floating in front of him. As for the dead fish. Not to mention.

The palace located in the middle of the coral reef was also blasted out of several large holes, and a large amount of sea water poured into the Dragon Palace.

"It seems that I am a step late," Lin Tian muttered to himself. There are only corpses and wreckage in Dragon Palace City, but no trace of the rebel army. Needless to say, the battle here must have been the defeat of the Neptune Army.

It’s just that Lin Tian is surprised that the guys Sauron are here, and they already know how their strength can't deal with the rebel army in a small area. After two years, the strength of these guys has increased even he doesn’t know, especially the guy Sauron. After two years of studying with Hawkeye, only Sauron knew how terrifying his swordsmanship had grown.

But the guy Sauron was actually defeated, which is surprising. It seems that there are some strong men among the rebel army.

The figure flashed, Lin Tian rushed into the Dragon Palace City, after the battle turned into ruins under the battle, Lin Tian rushed into a passage beside the main hall.

Although the battle in Dragon Palace had stopped, Lin Tian still sensed a few breaths of life in the southwest corner of Dragon Palace, including the complaints of the fellow Usopp.

In a room in Dragon Palace City, Sauron, Usopp, and Brook are being locked in an iron cage and hung from the ceiling, while several passages below the room are filled with seawater.

As long as the time has passed a little bit, the seawater will submerge on the ceiling of the room, and they will be drowned alive by the seawater.

"Ah, what to do with Sauron, we're going to be over, we are over!" Looking at the sea that was getting closer and closer, Usopp said in fear.

Brooke is not much better. As a capable person, he is very afraid of the sea, and urges: "Usopp, find a way, I finally dried it, I don't want to be drowned by the sea."

"Idiot, what can I do, I'm **** now," Usopp yelled without even thinking about it.

Immediately, his gaze was at Sauron, who was sitting calmly in the corner of the cage. Usopp hurriedly leaned forward and shouted close to Sauron, "Sauron, think of a solution. If we don’t think about it, we’ll be done." ".

At this time, among the three of them, there is probably only the powerful Sauron who can have a method.

"Get out, you guy get out of here, how can I do it, I'm also tied up", Sauron looked at the disgusting face on which Usopp came.

Sauron quickly tried to kick Usopp away with his feet. Originally, Sauron wanted to use his hands, but unfortunately his hands were tied by chains, and the cage was only this big, and Usopp was holding him tightly. Sauron couldn't kick it at all.

Holding Sauron tightly, Usopp cried and said, "Sauron, if you can't help it, we will be finished. I don't want to be drowned in the sea just after sailing. This method of death is too tragic." .

"Stupid, you go away for me, go away", Sauron was still kicking Usopp with his foot, and all the tears and snot of this guy's weeping flowed on him.

Kicked Usopp away, Sauron quickly stood up and said indifferently: "But don't worry, Nami has escaped. As long as she finds Lin Tian and calls him over, everything can be resolved. Up".

"Yes, we still have Lin Tian." At Sauron's reminder, Usopp sitting on the ground remembered that Lin Tian was still outside, "Lin Tian, ​​help."

"Help, Lin Tian, ​​come and save me," Brooke also shouted aloud.

Suolong, who was startled by the sudden cry of the two of them, immediately cursed angrily: "You two fools, is it useful to shout at this time? Lin Tian is not in Dragon Palace now."

"Sauron, who said I'm not in Dragon Palace!"

As soon as Sauron's voice fell, Lin Tian's voice suddenly rang in his ears, and the three of Sauron were taken aback, and when they reacted, they quickly followed the direction of the voice and looked back.

I don't know when, Lin Tian has reached behind them, leaning against the gate. In fact, Lin Tian had already arrived when Usopp hugged Sauron tightly. Just watching the funny of these three guys, Lin Tian did not immediately make a sound.

"Ah, Lin Tian, ​​you are here, it's great"

"Haha... I don't need to die... Although I am already dead"

Seeing Lin Tian's arrival, Sauron didn't say anything, but he was suddenly relieved. Facing the sea water that was constantly surging under his feet, Sauron didn't worry that it was fake.

Lin Tian, ​​who was leaning against the wall, stood up straight, looked at the three people in the room, and wondered: "What happened to the three of you was actually defeated by a few rebels, Brook and Usopp. I still accept it, but Sauron you also lost."

Usopp is the long-range attacker, not very strong in melee combat, while Brook is a demon fruit capable person, and he will be finished when he touches the sea, but Sauron is different.


When asked by Lin Tian, ​​Sauron's face suddenly turned red, and there was a flash of shame. After two years, he was defeated by a few little murlocs when he started sailing. You must know that he was in the East China Sea two years ago. Long was already able to torture and kill the murlocs, but now he was caught by several murlocs, and they were still locked in a cage waiting for rescue. This was really a shame for Sauron.

"Don't worry about so much, Lin Tian, ​​let's save us first, let's talk about it, the rebel army has already breached the Dragon Palace City, including King Neptune was also caught by them."

Fortunately, this guy Usopp spoke in time and turned the subject, breaking Sauron's embarrassment.

"Oh, even King Neptune was caught." Although there were some predictions before, Lin Tian was still surprised when he heard the news. Except for the existence of Jinping, there should be no way to defeat Nepal in the entire Murloc Island. King Puton’s people.

However, even the fellow Sauron was defeated, but it was normal for King Neptune to be defeated.

Sauron's face suddenly changed as he watched Lin Tian, ​​not only Sauron, but Usopp also did the same, because several murlocs didn't know when they appeared behind Lin Tian and were attacking Lin Tian with a knife.

Sauron reacted most quickly, and loudly reminded: "Be careful, Lin Tian!"

Bang... bang...

In fact, Lin Tian had known that these murlocs had appeared behind him to make a sneak attack. He didn't say anything. He just hoped that these guys could get closer. When Sauron shouted, Lin Tian had already turned back and kicked out.

The wind swept across the legs, and the three murlocs behind only felt that they were hit by a violent force, their chests sank in instantly, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out of their mouths.

Like a broken kite, the inverted murloc slammed into the solid wall behind. With a loud bang, the wall was knocked out of a large hole by the three of them, causing a burst of rubble and smoke.

"Is it domineering? It seems that I am too worried. These little murlocs can also sneak into Lin Tian." Sauron's mouth curled up in disdain. The more he grows, Sauron understands Lin Tian better. How strong is that combat power?

For a powerful person like Lin Tian, ​​no one in this world can get close to Lin Tian without disturbing him, even if Lin Tian sleeps fast. The powerful sight and dominance is a kind of unopened all the time. Alarm device.

"Ah, it's finally out"

Walking out of the cage, Usopp, who had recovered his freedom, couldn't help stretching his waist. It felt as if the air he breathed became clearer.


When Usopp saw Lin Tian's hand accidentally, he suddenly made a sound of surprise and curiously said: "Lin Tian, ​​how did you get this thing?"

I saw that Lin Tian was holding a red and black medicine capsule with his fingers, which had just fallen from the three murlocs when they were flying away. He was a little curious, so Lin Tian took it.

Hearing Usopp's question, Lin Tian pinched the medicine and asked: "Why, Usopp, do you know what this medicine capsule is?"

"This drug is called es by them," Sauron suddenly interrupted and explained: "Once you take this, the fish people will be doubled. In the previous war, those guys took this. Kinds of drugs".

"Yes, yes," Usopp echoed from the side.

The murlocs were defeated by them, but it was a pity that they took this drug, and their strength was greatly increased, and because they were fighting in the sea, the three of them were caught by the murlocs.

"A drug that doubles the strength?"

Gently squeezing the drug capsule called es in his hand, Lin Tian suddenly fell into contemplation. Since this drug can double the strength of the murloc, it is no less than some evil drugs banned by the world government.

The so-called evil drug, although it can improve the biological strength in a short time, it has great sequelae, such as reducing vitality and making people crazy... So taking this drug is often not worth the gain.

However, it doesn't matter how the Murloc Rebel Army obtains this medicine, and these Murlocs are extremely racially discriminatory, treating humans as inferior races, just as some humans regard Murlocs as inferior races.

As for the possibility of murloc researching the es drug alone, then forget it. Only a small murloc criminal group can research this difficult drug. The murloc’s physical fitness is indeed much higher than that of humans, but In terms of studying this kind of IQ, that's far worse.

In this way, there is only one possibility for the origin of the es medicine that can enhance the strength of these murloc rebels, and that is that someone has given them to these murlocs.

And what are the plans behind those behind giving the Murloc es medicine? This is what Lin Tian is worried about.

Because as far as Lin Tian knows, research institutes under the world government have departments that specialize in researching this kind of drugs that can improve physical strength.

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