The forest of the sea!

Nami's choice of kindness moved Jinping. Faced with herself, the culprit who released Aaron and made Nami's miserable fate, Nami was able to choose to end this hatred here.

Jinping couldn't help thinking of the dead Princess Otohime and Big Brother Tiger. Although they were killed by humans at the end of their lives, they both chose to end the hatred in their hearts. This courage that can even let go of hatred made Jinping admire. .

Looking at Jinping who was crying on the ground, Nami said in her heart: "I didn't expect you to endure such severe suffering in your heart."

Seeing this scene, Nami was even more certain that her choice was correct, and all this hatred should not be recorded on her head.

He just did what he should do as a big brother. No matter what Aaron is like, Jinping will always be Aaron's eldest brother. There is no reason why Jinping, as a big brother, can give up Aaron, but what Aaron did to Kokosia Village Everything is not what I hoped for.

"However, I heard what you said. I didn't expect that murlocs and mermaids would have such a great hatred with the human race." After lighting a cigarette, Sanji couldn't help but sigh after hearing the story of Princess Otohime.

When I was in the East China Sea, it was the first time I encountered a species like murloc in Nami's hometown. They were born ten times stronger than humans and could live in the deep sea. This species was much stronger than humans.

However, in the Chambord Islands, they are actually discovering that murlocs, a powerful and cruel species in their eyes, are actually suffering from human persecution and arrive at the murloc island. Sanji discovered that their imagination is actually only a small part of the murderous murlocs to humans. Most murlocs yearn for peaceful existence.

In short, when he came to Murloc Island, Sanji had an earth-shaking cognition of this creature.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian said: "In fact, a long time ago, mermaid and murloc were still divided into the fish race, but until two hundred years ago, the Dragon Palace Kingdom became a member of the world government. As a friendly alliance, the king of the Murloc Kingdom was also allowed to participate in the World Conference, but humans have always hated the Murlocs. In the eyes of many humans, the Murlocs are ferocious and evil."

"In my memory, the most serious period of discrimination occurred in the age of the sea. The pirates of mankind arbitrarily caused huge panic on this island. Until now, I still remember that the fisherman island was occupied by humans at that time. ", Jinping recalled.

That was a tragic age for Murloc Island. I don’t know how many murlocs and merfolk died under the pirates. Now many murlocs who hate humans in Murloc Island also started from that era, including the current leader of the rebel army, Hordy. His parents also died in that rebellion. Since then, Hordy has lived in Murloc Street, growing up on human hatred every day.

Hordi’s hatred of humans is like a seed that sprouts in Hordi’s heart, takes root, and evolves to what it is now, and this kind of situation like Hordi is not rare in Murloc Island.

"Until that man came, White Beard came to Murloc Island and drove away all the pirates, and the old man declared that Murloc Island was his territory like the whole world. From then on, the Murloc Island was restored to peace, but this did not Change human discrimination against Murloc Island. You have already seen this kind of thing in the Chambord Islands."

"It is worthy of being the world's strongest man with white beard. He has already deterred the pirates of the entire great sea route by one person." But listening to Shin Ping's statement, Nami seemed to have seen the scene of the domineering show of white beard.

When I entered Whitebeard and started sailing on the great route, I was blessed by King Neptune. For Whitebeard, King Neptune was a lifesaver. This is why Whitebeard wanted to incorporate Murloc Island into himself. Site.

Including the top war, the coating of the White Beard Pirates Group also rushed directly to the original navy headquarters, Malin Vando, with the help of King Neptune.

Slowly exhaling the smoke in his mouth, Sanji wondered: "How could this happen? When we were in the East China Sea, murlocs were cruel and terrifying creatures for ordinary people, but in the Chambordian Islands, mermaids suffered To persecution".

"Actually, this should be related to the rulers of the world government", Lin Tian explained aloud: "The murlocs live on the great sea route. For people from all over the world, they have never seen murlocs, even in the great sea routes. How many people have seen murlocs".

"But why do people all over the world think that murlocs are lowly? This situation is caused by the Dragonites from 800 years ago. Due to the influence of the Tianlong people, the world's high-level governments also subtly think that the murlocs are lowly. It greatly affects ordinary people, so even if 90% of the people in the world have never seen murlocs, they think that murlocs are low-level creatures."

Lin Tian, ​​who was a high-level world government back then, is naturally very clear about the deep-rooted low-minded murloc thinking in the high-level.

This kind of thinking was formed in the history of hundreds of years. It is deeply ingrained in the senior government of the world. It is basically difficult to change. At least this generation can no longer change this kind of thinking.

Nodded, Jinping's face was full of helplessness, "The high-level world government that is friendly with murlocs is like this, let alone ordinary people who have never seen murlocs."

"It's not only the top level of the world government, even the top level of the revolutionary army", as if motivated by Jinping's words, Lin Tian sighed.

It is not just the high-level government of the world, in fact, the high-level human beings have a lot of discrimination between the murloc and the mermaid.

"Is this even the revolutionary army?" Jinping was surprised. He didn't expect that the only forces in the world that had the opportunity to overthrow the world government would discriminate against murlocs and mermaids.

Most of human discrimination against murlocs comes from high-level influences. Jinping did not expect that discrimination against murlocs and mermaids at the high level of humans is so serious. This is not good news for murlocs who desire to live in peace.

Waved his hand, Lin Tian found a place at random and did it. He smiled flatly at his face, "In fact, it's not that serious. In the revolutionary army, only a small part of the murlocs are discriminated against, like me. Long and the three army commanders, as well as the chief of staff and other real high-level officials, actually did not discriminate against the murlocs."

At this point, the highest level of the revolutionary army is to maintain a unified attitude, and the dragon itself also wants to solve the relationship between the murloc and the murloc race and humans.

Otherwise, the revolutionary army would not ask Lin Tian to adopt a tender attitude towards the fisherman island. According to the iron-blooded opinions of a few revolutionary army high-level officials, their original idea was to directly occupy the fisherman island.

"Revolutionary leader Dragon, isn't that your father? Luffy," Frankie said to Luffy sitting on the side.

Since the war at the top, Luffy's identity as the son of the dragon has been confessed to the world, and the straw hat boy has finally entered the eyes of the world's major overlords.

"That's great, Master Lin Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to have this kind of life experience," Bai Xing said in surprise, even Bai Xing, who was kept in a hard shell tower, had heard of the name Dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army.

"En!" Nodded, Luffy touched the back of his head and said: "I haven't seen my father either. It's just that Lin Tian showed me his photos, but I haven't seen his real person either."

After listening to Lin Tian's statement, Shen Zhenping suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said: "If there is no such discrimination among the high-level revolutionary army, it would be much better."

The fact that the revolutionary army wins over the fisherman island is very common and knows a little bit. If the high-level revolutionary army is like the world government, then the negotiations between the fisherman island and the revolutionary army will add a lot of unknowns.

But now according to what Lin Tian said, even Shi Ping's heart is more inclined to cooperate with the revolutionary army, but the most basic point, if everything Lin Tian said is true.

"Are there three major army commanders in the revolutionary army?" Nami suddenly raised her head and asked curiously.

As we all know, there are only two leaders of the Revolutionary Army who are widely circulated in the world, one is Dragon and the other is Lin Tian, ​​but Nami has never heard of the three commanders of the Revolutionary Army.

Before Lin Tian could speak, Sanji who smoked on the side first explained: "There are actually six senior leaders in the Revolutionary Army, including the leader Long, the deputy leader Lin and the general staff of the Revolutionary Army. In addition to these three, there are three army commanders."

"All the army of the Revolutionary Army is divided into three parts as a whole, so the leaders of those three parts are also called the three commanders of the world. If you want to compare, the three commanders have the same status as the three generals of the navy."

Sanji was able to know this, thanks to staying in the Shemale Kingdom for the past two years and following Ivankov. As an important cadre of the Revolutionary Army, Ivankov received a lot of important information from the Revolutionary Army every day. Naturally, I know a lot about it.

After Sanji's voice fell, Lin Tian immediately said: "The true highest level of the revolutionary army is actually the six of us. The matter of Xiangyu Island. Once the six of us are decided, it will represent the will of the entire revolutionary army."

In addition to explaining to Nami, Lin Tian's remarks were also spoken to Jinping. It represents that the revolutionary army has maintained a peaceful attitude towards the fisherman island and has the greatest sincerity.

"Okay." At this moment, Luffy, who had been doing it, stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and said lightly: "No matter what I said, I must go to Gironde Square. Since that guy is facing I challenged, then I must go to challenge."

"Huh? It is really impossible for you to change your mind." Nami patted her forehead, and Nami looked helpless.

As soon as Nami's voice fell, Lin Tian stood up immediately, "Since it’s enough to say so much, I also want to meet Hoodi who dared to challenge me, and King Neptune and the three princes are there, and I don't want to see Bai Xing cry again."

"Brother Lin Tian! Lord Luffy!"

There were tears in Bai Xing's eyes again, and Bai Xing was grateful for the actions of Luffy and Lin Tian.

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