Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 962: The growth of everyone

Overlord-looking domineering swept out of Luffy's body, and the entire square was shrouded in domineering coverage. In front of Luffy's absolute power, even if Hordy's army was as many as 100,000, it was only 100,000 ants.

Even the elite of the navy headquarters and the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were unable to withstand Luffy’s domineering and fainted a lot, let alone after two years of training, there were these murlocs and human slaves. Resistible.

"Wow, what's going on!" A murloc screamed in horror uncontrollably.

Hundreds of thousands of eyes stared blankly at everything that happened in the square. The big mouth couldn't be closed for a long time. They stretched out their hands without sweeping and rubbed their eyes. When they saw that what happened in front of them was true, they had no choice but to Accept this reality.


Hordi’s eyes were already stunned, and even the most basic language ability seemed to have been lost. The body's uncontrollable trembling was not the same as before when the body was trembling under the domineering impact of the overlord, but fear, unable to suppress. The fear underneath surged from Hordy's heart.

Obviously he didn't do anything, the straw hat boy just stood there calmly, but his army suffered heavy losses, with more than half of the casualties. What kind of power this is, Hody can't imagine.

The one hundred thousand army is the power that Hordi has become a dream. With this power, Hordy is not afraid even in the face of the rumored Lin Tian. No matter how strong Lin Tian is, he is just a person. How could he be his one hundred thousand army opponent.

But now only the straw hat boy with a bounty of 400 million has the power to instantly solve his 50,000 army, then the bounty reaches 1.3 billion, and the man who is called the killer by the world-how strong is Lin Tian, ​​I am afraid that instantly It can solve one hundred thousand troops under his own.

At this moment, Hordy finally understood the previous ridicule of King Neptune to himself. In front of the real strong, no matter how large the number of people were, it was just a few strokes of dead souls on the road of Huangquan.

"This is domineering..."

Robin is no stranger to this kind of power. If Robin didn't understand what kind of power domineering is two years ago. But in the past two years in the New World Revolutionary Army, not to mention the ordinary armed and domineering, even the domineering and domineering collision, Robin has seen no less than ten times, by comparison, the kind of world-class The domineering collision of the strong overlord is even more shocking.

"In just two years, since he can cultivate to such a degree..." Zhenping couldn't help but marvel.

At the top of the war two years ago, Luffy didn't know what domineering is. Although Luffy once broke out of domineering in the top war, it was also unconscious.

But now, Luffy has not only allowed the overlord to grow up to the present level, but has also been able to control it at will. This kind of speed growth is completely shocked.

"Overlord? That guy is really good." Sanji was also surprised when he raised his head slightly.

Sanji wasn't a guy who didn't know anything two years ago, he naturally knew that those with overlord **** had the posture of kings.

The corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, his surprise dissipated, and Sauron smiled slightly: "If you don't even have this kind of qualifications, then the overlord will be replaced."

In the new world, there are more overlord and domineering characters than the crucian carp who crosses the river, and the one above all overlords is the one piece! Sauron had heard this sentence from the eagle-eyed mouth. Having a domineering look is just the most basic requirement to become a One Piece.

At this point, Sauron, who is going to become the world's number one swordsman in the future, is naturally not bad.

Bai Xing covered his mouth and said with surprise: "That's amazing, Lord Luffy!"

Resolving 50,000 people in an instant, his own powerful brother and father can't do it, I am afraid that Lin Tian's brother can match it. In Bai Xing's perception, no one in this world can surpass Lin Tian.

Although Lin Tian didn't say much, he was slightly surprised at Luffy's performance, and a touch of joy rose in his heart at the same time. It seemed that it was really a wise choice to throw Luffy this guy to Raleigh for teaching.

Looking directly at Hoodie in front of him, Luffy covered his hat and said, "Your name is Hoodie. I must take you away. I don't care where you want to be the king, but the king on this sea has me. one is enough".

"What a powerful, unconventional force, this force is simply not something we can resist"

Looking at the fallen companions in the surrounding area, the remaining fish people couldn't restrain their fears and retreat. Only a straw hat boy was so strong, and what was even more terrifying was that there was a man who didn't make a shot and claimed to be a killer. How could they win against this kind of opponent.

A big hand came from behind, and Hordy raised a murloc who had escaped. Apart from anything else, Hordy smashed the murloc in his hand into the ground heavily, and could not die again.

Hoddy’s extremely cruel actions immediately frightened the many murlocs who were fleeing. They realized that their captain was a fierce devil facing their own people. If they dared to escape, they would definitely be caught by the captain. No one wanted to be the unlucky ghost under the captain who killed it by himself.

Stepping on the murloc who flees underground, Hody said murderously: "It is really unforgivable to dare to escape during the revolution in the murloc island. Even if 50,000 people are killed, we still have 50,000 troops. Hand, the straw hat guys are the enemies that stop our dreams!"

Although frightened by the power displayed by Luffy, Hodi is not an ordinary murloc, otherwise he would not set off a rebellion that would subvert Murloc Island.

Hoddy is an ambitious, cruel, and crazy guy. People like Hoddy will not admit that he has failed even if they die. Hoddy grew up relying on hatred of humans, even if Luffy showed power beyond him. Expected.

But this will only make Hodi crazier and magnify the hatred of mankind in his heart infinitely. For Hodi at this moment, as long as he can solve the straw hat boy in front of him, it will be no problem even if all the 50,000 people under him are sacrificed.

"Jinpei, traitors of the Murloc tribe, kill them!"

After Hordy’s words were scared, the timid fish people once again picked up their fighting spirit, and the stopped team once again rushed towards Lu Fei and others in the center of the square.

"Luffy, you don't need to kill so many all at once. Originally, Lin Tian shot to prevent this battle from being so boring. I didn't expect that you guy would kill half in one shot." While blaming Lu Fei for his heavy shots, Sauron had already Put the headscarf on your arm.

"Really? I'm sorry," Luffy turned around and apologized to Sauron.

However, the power of the domineering color of the overlord color is not the same as that of the sighted color and the armed color. The domineering color of the overlord can control when it erupts and when it disappears, but the specific range and strength cannot be achieved. A spirit.

"Why are you so energetic all of a sudden, the green algae, 30,000 people belong to me, have you heard?"

"Shut up, Mr. nosebleed, you should spray your nosebleed on the side, I will solve 30,000 people here"

Before the battle started, Sauron and Sanji had already fought over how many opponents they had to resolve. They did not show any tension in the face of an army of as many as 50,000 people. Seeing this scene, Bai Xing covered his mouth and chuckled. , Brother Lin Tian, ​​these partners are really interesting.

"Come on, let them see the gap between races!"

Amidst the shouts, the remaining murlocs were like tides. Although 50,000 people were solved instantly by Luffy, the remaining 50,000 people were also a huge number.

call out…

Luffy made a lifelong leap, leaping over the crowd, opened his mouth and sucked a lot of air into his mouth, and then bit his right thumb, all the air in his mouth poured into Luffy’s hand, and his thin arms had grown at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, an arm comparable to a giant appeared above the crowd.

"No matter how many people, come up to me, the rubber giant gun!"

In the roar, Luffy raised that huge arm and slammed it down towards the crowd below. Looking at the floating arm in the sky, the many murlocs in the square were shocked.

With such a huge arm falling from the sky, they didn't even have room to escape, they could only watch Luffy's huge arm hit the middle of the square heavily.

With a loud bang, the entire square was shaken, the earth was trembling, cracks spread, large patches of dust and rubble rose, and a wave of air swept out close to the ground.

With this dense crowd, Luffy didn't care about any target and just found a place to drop it I don't know how many murlocs died.

Luffy joined the battlefield, and Sauron and Sanji behind them naturally couldn't wait to rush into the crowd.

"The first kick!"

Sanji Fei rushed into the crowd, Sanji fell from the sky and kicked a murloc. The powerful force kicked the murloc directly into the ground, smashing into a deep pit several meters wide, and set off a wave of air around him. All the murlocs flew out.

"I won't let you destroy the murloc's paradise!" Sanji yelled angrily as he scanned the murlocs around him.

This is the paradise where countless beautiful mermaids stay. How can they be destroyed by these guys? For Sanji who is a knight, this is simply the most hateful thing in the world.

Looking at the many pirates rushing with their weapons, Sauron slowly pulled out the Hedao Yiwen from his hand and bit it in his mouth, and then pulled out the other three generations of Oni Toru and Qiushui at his waist.

"Are you surrendering, or is all annihilation first?" The light words revealed Sauron's wild domineering.

"Three swords flow. Worry wind!"

In a low shout, Sauron's three swords flew out, the sharp blade tore the air, and a dazzling slash erupted from the tip of the sword, like a flying giant bird rushing into the crowd.

The fish people only felt a flash of light in front of them, and the next moment they didn't realize what was happening, they were already in a different place, completely losing their breath of life.

The flying slash rushed into the crowd, there was a loud bang, the slash burst suddenly, and countless rubbles were lifted by the air waves caused by the explosion, and many murloc soldiers were mixed in, and the flat ground was directly blasted out. A large pit, tens of meters wide.

"Very cruel flying slash!"

Looking at Sauron's shot, this was Lin Tian's only comment on him.

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