Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 972: Luffy vs Hordy

In the deep sea, over the fisherman island, the huge Noah is like the sword of heavenly punishment hanging high over the fisherman island, which can easily destroy the entire fisherman island at any time.

Sauron curiously asked Lin Tian, ​​"Lin Tian, ​​how are you going to destroy Noah".

Lin Tian, ​​whose whole body was shrouded in bright white light, replied: "Next, I will break through the space between Murloc Island and Noah, forming a huge space wormhole, and destroy Noah in the spatial turbulence."

"But Noah's size is really too big, even if I shoot, I am not sure how much I can destroy, I can only do my best."

Even after two years of growth, Lin Tian didn't have much confidence in the face of this huge Noah ship that was half the size of Murloc Island.

But at such a moment, even if there is not much certainty, Lin Tian still needs to try, it is impossible to let Noah hit the fisherman island like this.

On the other hand, when Lin Tian was preparing to destroy Noah, the battle between Lin Tian and Hoddy finally started. Through the empty storage that sent air to the fisherman island, he created a huge soap bubble to wrap Noah. There is air above Noah.

However, because of the soap bubbles, Noah could not stop, instead it would increase the speed of Noah's descent, so the time for Luffy to solve Hordy was limited.

Now Lin Tian and Luffy are both launching actions. Luffy wants to solve Hordi as quickly as possible in a short period of time. What Lin Tian does is to make preparations. After Luffy solves Hordi, start Destroy Noah.

Facing Luffy, Hodie smiled wildly: "Haha, it's useless, straw hat, although I don't know how the guy Van der Deyken died, why Lin Tian didn't change Noah's trajectory, but there is one thing It is certain that Noah will fall towards Murloc Island, and the entire Murloc Island will be destroyed."

"No! Next, I will use a trick to solve you!" Facing Hoodi who struck, Luffy's words were full of confidence.

"Second gear!"

The high-speed flow of blood caused Luffy's rubber body to enter a state of extreme excitement, exerting combat power several times higher than usual.

"Rubber Rubber...Fire Fighting"

In the roar of anger, Luffy's right fist covered by the domineering armed color, with the help of the speed of the high-speed fist, violently rubbed with the air to produce high-temperature flames wrapped around his arm, just like Ace's fire fist.


The powerful flame fist was in the middle of Hordi's abdomen. The hot flame exuded terrible heat, and even the bones could melt. Hordi suddenly screamed.


A big mouth of blood spurted out of his mouth, and Hodie suddenly flew out, like a cannonball flying from the muzzle, with bursts of air breaking sound, and slammed into the deck of Noah. With a bang, Hordy directly knocked out a big hole on the deck and fell into Noah's cabin.

On the side, Bai Xing looked at Luffy and solved Hordi with a punch, with a delighted smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Luffy, you are really amazing."

Hearing Bai Xing’s praise, Luffy’s face did not change at all, and some were just solemn. He could clearly sense that Hoodie was still breathing, "No, coward, Hoodie is still alive!"

"How can it be!"

Bai Xing was a little unbelievable. Just now Lord Luffy's punch was so powerful that Hoodi was knocked into the air, how could he be alive.

But as if to confirm Luffy's words, with a bang, a plume of smoke flew up on the deck, and Hodie flew out from under the deck, half-kneeling on the deck, clutching his chest.

Although he understood that Hordi was still alive, when he saw it with his own eyes, Luffy couldn't help but marvel that Hordi's ability to resist and fight was so strong that he could still survive such damage.

call out…

Luffy jumped, flew out of Bai Xing's hand, and landed steadily on the deck. Since Hordy hadn't fallen, then Luffy had to take another shot to solve this guy.

Seeing Luffy's arrival, Hordy quickly took out all the es medicines from his pocket, stuffed them into his mouth, and swallowed them all. To solve the straw hat boy in front of him, all Hordy could do was to take the es medicines and use that The hypocritical power provided by drugs.

Of course, even if he takes more es drugs, Hordy's win rate against Luffy is only zero.

As the es drug swallowed, Hordy let out a scream from the sky. With a strong aura radiating from Hordy, a gale of tens of meters seemed to be set off on the deck.

Not only that, but there was bleeding red steam on Hordy's body. His entire body was already swelling at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, Hordy's size more than doubled, his eyes exuding bloodthirsty gazes that look like a beast, looking directly at Luffy , A steady stream of power gushes out of the body again, and Hordy experiences unprecedented strength.

"Boy with straw hat, I won't let you touch a finger of this ship. I won't let you get in the way. Then I will deal with you first, and then I will kill Lin Tian together, hahaha..."


As the voice fell, Hoddy's figure flashed quickly. Seeing Hoddy's movements, Luffy's eyes shrank. This speed is the same as those guys encountered on Judicial Island. The shave in the Navy's Sixth Style is beyond the naked eye. The speed of movement.

"Die to me, Straw Hat Boy!"

The disappeared Hordy appeared behind Luffy, raised the right hand that turned into a blade, and Hordy cut his neck toward Luffy.

"Rubber rubber jet pistol!"

But before he could attack Luffy, Luffy turned back and blasted out a powerful fist, as if he had expected Hordi’s move, hitting Hordy’s stomach, and all the power was perfectly vented on Hordy, Hordy Directly fly out.

Although Hordy's speed is fast, Luffy's powerful vision and dominance can even avoid the laser light, and every step of Hordy's movement is clearly in Luffy's sense.

"Rubber Rocket Launcher"

Without stopping, Luffy hurried to catch up with Hodie, who was flying upside down, and his ready-made fists quickly blasted out. With a muffled sound, the powerful force directly hit Hodie's entire abdomen into a depression.

But Hordy actually resisted Luffy’s powerful blow. He opened his mouth and bit towards Luffy’s shoulder. The sharp teeth stabbed into Luffy’s arm. The rubber man was not afraid of sudden blows, but sharp objects could easily Pierced Luffy's body.

what! !

In the severe pain, Luffy couldn't help but let out a scream.

"Armed color hardened!"

The pitch-black armed color is domineering like an invisible armor covering his fist, resisting the pain from his left shoulder, raising the black fist glowing like a metal light, Luffy punched Hoodie in the face and knocked Hody away.


With two feet on the ground making a harsh rubbing sound, and withdrawing more than ten meters away, Hordy removed the violent impact, but two dark gullies were left on the ground, and the force generated by the high-speed friction even the deck. Burning into charcoal, you can imagine the violent fist of Luffy.

Seeing that Hordy was able to resist his own attack, Luffy was puzzled: "My attack can still work, but now... this guy is too strong."

Below, watching Luffy fall into a disadvantage in the battle of Hordy, Lin Tian's expression has not changed at all. Although Hordy has taken a lot of es medicine, his body has undergone unpredictable changes, but the power of hypocrisy is the power of hypocrisy. .

Taking a lot of es drugs not only strengthened Hordi's power, but also put Hordi into a crazy state.

Regardless of Hodie’s current lack of reaction under Luffy’s attack, Lin Tian could clearly see that it was just an illusion that Hodie thought he was. In fact, Hodie had already been extremely traumatized under Luffy’s attack. The injury was suppressed and didn't show up immediately, so neither Luffy nor Hodie thought the attack was useless.

From the moment when the blood red steam was emitted from Hordy, Hordy had already entered the time of pouring, because the blood red steam on Hordy's body was emitted from the body through the epidermal pores, and drastic changes were taking place in his body. How much blood can be dissipated in this way, and how long can this state be maintained.

On the other side, the battle between Luffy and Hordy is also going on very tragically. It is undeniable that at this moment Hordy already has Luffy's power in the same second gear. The two are like two humanoid monsters, showing powerful destruction. force.

There was a ruin on the deck, with big holes all over the deck, and shattered sawdust fell everywhere.

"I won't delay time with you, Straw Hat boy, let me solve this final battle!"

With that said, Hordy raised his fists and slammed on the deck. With a loud bang, two large holes were blasted out of the deck. Immediately, two streams of water spouted from the hole and hit Hordy's ~Although Noah was wrapped in soap bubbles, there was still a huge amount of seawater stored in Noah's cabin.

"Murloc soft water technique. group of sharks"

Hordy raised his hands in the water, and the stream of water was photographed by Hordy. The high-speed water tumbling turned into sharks and flew towards the road.

The sharks in the sky are like covering the sky and the ground. The air is torn apart by the sharks rushing fast. The piercing sound of the air pierces through the ears. The sharks swing their tails and open their mouths like a road flying.

"Let me solve you with one move, third gear!" Putting his thumb into his mouth, Luffy said lightly.

As a large amount of air poured into his arm, Luffy's right hand had already collided rapidly at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and his armor was hardened, and Luffy raised the black giant fist surrounded by domineering.

"Rubber Rubber... Elephant Tradition!!!"

In the face of Luffy's crushing power, the water sharks had no resistance, and one after another sharks were bombed.

That black giant fist was like a meteorite falling from the sky that directly slammed Hodi into flight. The terrifying force smashed dozens of cabins in succession, and blasted the Noah into a large hole hundreds of meters deep.

Facing the explosion of Luffy's true power, Hodie's seemingly hypocritical power actually has no possibility of resisting it.

Quiet! As Hoddy was stunned, the Noah fell into a strange silence, and Bai Xing covered his mouth and was a little afraid to accept this extremely exciting scene.

"Successful, Hoddy was defeated, and the Straw Hat boy won!"

The news of Luffy's victory was spread across the fisherman island instantly through the horn. In a short time, cheers rang out, and the name of the straw hat boy echoed for a long time in this tens of thousands of meters deep seabed! !

"Ok, if that's the case, then I should act, space..."

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