Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1016: The gears of the world collapse

In the dark base, Luo's appearance stopped Wilgo's actions to resolve Smogg.

To be honest, Luo was also very surprised when he saw Vergo appearing, and asked: "Vergo, why are you here?"

Looking at Luo, Vergo smiled and said faintly: "Do you really think that the clown knows nothing? From the beginning, the clown did not trust Caesar, so he arranged in advance that Monet had appeared at Caesar as a secretary. By my side, secretly help us monitor Caesar's every move."

Hearing this, Luo's face suddenly changed. She never thought that Monet was actually the clown's subordinate. That is to say, from the first day he contacted Caesar, Monet actually reported to the clown, and every move she made was completely affected by the clown. Know.

As if guessing what Luo was thinking, Vergo said, "Yes, we knew your actions from the very beginning, but we haven't seen you for so many years. You really have become a big man. You should be called Master Qi Wuhai now. , Has the same title as the clown".

"However, Luo, the child is still a child, no matter how many years it will not change, do some sneaky things without an adult, think we don't know?"

Wielding the ghost bamboo in his hand, causing gusts of wind to roar, Vergo walked towards Luo, and said, "I happened to be here on the tanker from Deresaros. I will take you back to see the clown. After all, you I haven’t seen him for so many years, but your performance disappointed Luo."

"It's not just disappointment, it should be said that it is beyond the clown's imagination." Luo's words with a faint sarcasm echoed in the room, Vergo's moving pace couldn't help stopping, his face was rarely embarrassed.

Luo raised his head and said with a mocking face: "Now the Joker should be extremely anxious, but he can't be blamed. After all, this is one of his most important places, and he is worried about his life."

"He shouldn't have thought that the Straw Hats actually appeared on this island, and Lin Tian discovered the secret here. I am afraid he did not even think that I would form an alliance with Lin Tian."

Hearing Luo's words, Vergo's face became more and more ugly, and finally he showed a rare embarrassment.

There was nothing wrong with what Luo said. Instead, they were all correct. When he came here, Monet had already told himself about Lin Tian's arrival.

And there is also Caesar's seizure of Lin Tian and his party. Vergo is not a fool like Caesar. How could Lin Tian, ​​a man called a murderer by the world, be caught so easily? If it is so simple, it would be Lin Tian. Even after offending so many powerful people, he was still at ease in this sea, which made people afraid, and even the navy headquarters and the world government tried their best to get rid of Lin Tian.

So at this moment, seeing Luo, who was originally in the cell, appeared here, Vergo was not much surprised, just relying on Hailoushi how could trap such a strong man.

But what worries Vergo is the alliance between Luo and Lin Tian. Luo knows their Don Quixote family too well. The cooperation between Luo and Lin Tian is definitely not as simple as one plus one. Lin Tian, ​​who gritted his teeth in the Don Quixote family, was a nightmare for members of the Don Quixote family.

"As a child, are you ready to challenge the adults? It seems that the lessons back then were not enough." Vergo looked at Luo directly, without his own murderous aura in his tone.

With that said, Vergo slowly pulled out a beating heart from his pocket, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, Vergo proudly said: "Although the ability of the fruit of the operation is very difficult, it is a pity that your heart is in my hands. It feels very ironic, as those with surgical fruit ability will ultimately be restrained by their own abilities."

The heart in his hand was when he arrived at Punk Hassad before, Monet handed it to Vergo, just in case it was used to deal with Luo. It is undeniable that it will not be seen in fifteen years, and Luo who became Qiwuhai is no longer so easy to deal with. .

After that, Vergo squeezed the beating heart in his hand, and a scene that Vergo could hardly believe had happened. Luo was still standing there, not to mention the intense pain, and his expression did not change at all.

Seeing this scene, the confidence on Vergo's face could no longer be maintained, and he squeezed again in disbelief, but Luo still did not change at all.

If he hadn't realized what was happening, Vergo would be an idiot. The angry Vergo grabbed the heart in his hand and threw it to the ground. The huge impact directly caused the entire heart to burst.

At the same time, a pirate in protective clothing in the base let out a painful scream and fainted to the ground.

Pointing to his chest, Luo showed a sarcasm smile on his face and said, "My heart is actually here."

Looking up at Luo in front of him, Vergo suppressed his anger and asked: "When did you do it!"

The heart was clearly in his own hand just now, how could it be replaced by Luo suddenly, but he didn't know.

Suddenly, Smogg lying in the pit shouted: "Luo, don't talk so much nonsense, get me out of this traitor."

Hearing Smogg's shout, Wilgo suddenly realized that if he had a chance, he could not even notice that he would drop his heart, only when Smogg attacked him.

Wilgo glanced at the badly injured Smogg, angrily cursed: "So that's it, you **** has always had this idea."

Although the time to drop the package was thought of, another question came immediately. Wilgo frowned and asked, "How did you discuss it? From the moment you attacked the base, the two of you have not met each other." ".

Looking at Vergo’s angry expression, Luo stretched his finger to the top of his head and smiled triumphantly: "Did you not find out? I covered the entire room with the room a few minutes ago. In my domain, he secretly talked to Smogg. This is a simple matter for me."

Smogg panted and shouted angrily: "Although it is a navy shame to cooperate with the pirates, if I can kill you bastard, I can bear the shame."

According to what Luo said, Vergo finally figured it out. From the very beginning, he was played by Smogg, and he was still kept in the dark.

Thinking of this, Vergo's anger exploded, waving the ghost bamboo in his hand like a sharp arrow, piercing the air, making bursts of sound, and piercing Smogg's head straight.


With a soft sip, under Luo's overpowering control, Smogg changed his position with the gravel at his feet, and the ghost bamboo stabbed the moving gravel with a bang, and the solid stone suddenly burst.

It was enough to see the anger in Wilgo's heart at the moment. If Luo hadn't acted quickly, Smaller's head would have been like this gravel.

Covering his hat on his head, Luo said calmly: "Mr. Vergo, you are really over now. As for your head, let me be the first gift to Lin Tian alliance."

"Smelly boy, did you finally remember the relationship between our superiors and subordinates?"

Raising his head slightly, Luo Shun his mouth, disdainfully said: "Don't be too proud, Mr. Vergo, you can't sit firmly in the position of your **** all the time. The Navy Headquarters already knows everything about today. Are you feeling scared now? Mr. Clown".

Speaking of this, Luo showed a sardonic smile on his face, staring at Vergo's right pocket, inside the room, Vergo's secrets all over his body would be clear to Luo.


The unique laughter belonging to Ming Ge came from Vergo’s pocket, and Smogg, who fell on the ground, was already stunned by all this. He did not expect that the owner behind Vergo would be Don Quixote Qiwukai. Flamenco.

Just listening to Luo's words sounded again, this time he said to Ming Ge: "Joker, do you know what my original plan was? Destroy your most important sad, and then capture Caesar".

"Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu ...", as the laughter sounded strange, 多弗朗明哥 full of endless angry words came from the phone worm in:? "Lo, you sure you want to do this you should understand that if the destruction of sad What will happen, the whole new world will be chaotic."

The corners of his mouth were slightly cocked, and all he did was disdain for the threat from Doflamingo's mouth.

Luo Dandan replied: "Originally my plan was like this, but now my plan has changed, Joker, I have found an ally enough to wipe you out. Then the straw hats will clean up Caesar, and I will take your All the sads are destroyed, and then you will welcome the arrival of Lin Tian, ​​and he will take action to completely solve you."

"Such a terrible future, I'm afraid you didn't think of it. Everything is to blame for your too self-confidence. I don't know if you can still laugh so proudly when death comes."

"Humhhhhhhhhhh..." Doflamingo smiled disdainfully, "Little devil, you are too mad, do you think Lin Tian can really treat me like this? Compared to the future, you still look at the present , I don’t know if you can defeat Vergo, who is completely enraged."

"Remember how you angered Vergo before and what was the end result? That kind of fear that will never disappear for Vergo will remain in your heart forever, including your ability to divide people into two. It is completely invalid in front of his domineering, your kid is not Vergo's opponent in terms of momentum or strength."

With the sound of Doflamingo's words, Vergo, who was covered in armed and domineering, waved the ghost bamboo in his hands, making gusts of wind and thunder.

"is it?"

At the moment Luo's doubts sounded, with the ghost crying and waving in his hand, a cold light flashed by, and the sharp sword light even rushed out of the base.

Quiet, deadly silence, the world seemed to stop rotating at this moment, everything was still, even the huge flying base seemed to stop at this moment.

The seemingly ordinary slash exploded with terrible power. The sharp slash cut the entire base in half, what a steel gate several meters thick, what a steel wall with hundreds of layers, and what a huge base spreading thousands of meters. , Under Luo's blow, it was divided into two halves like tofu.

What a terrifying power. Looking at the flying base above his head, Smogg was already stunned, and his open mouth could not be closed for a long time.

Through the cracks between the bases, Smogg could even see that the huge snow-capped mountain outside was divided into two, and the peaks weighing tens of thousands of tons fell. The huge impact shook the entire island, and tremors swept across the entire Punkhasa. Germany, it's like an earthquake of magnitude ten.

Facing such power, Vergo, who had high hopes for Doflamingo, was like an ant in front of him. Looking at Luo in front of him, Vergo finally realized a problem he chose to Luo is no longer The little devil back then, now he is the man who stands on the top of the pirate, Qiwuhai, the king who has the same title as the clown.

"Joker, you have fallen from the surging tide of the times. After the war on the top two years ago, a new era of hegemony has come, and what are you doing, Joker!"

"Who is driving the trend of this world, and you are just a **** that can hardly control your own destiny. The death of the white beard only puts the end of the old age on this world, the revolutionary army shows its fangs, the world The government is finally dispatched. The emperor among the five pirates is coming to the new world. The navy headquarters has also integrated its combat power. The world has fallen into a weird and peaceful state, and everything seems to be ready to go."

"The torrent of history can only comply with it, and no one can stop it. The gear of the times has been destroyed by me, and the flames of war will be ignited from the underground world. The era of true heroes is coming!!!"


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