Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1018: Encounter together

File clang... File clang...

A burst of metal collision sounded, and Monet, who was overcontrolling the wind and snow, grabbed two strange spiked weapons with his claws, and continuously attacked Sauron.

In the face of Monet's offensive, Sauron just waved his sword and kept blocking, blocking Monet's attack, as if he had no idea of ​​a backhand.

With flapping wings, Monet was suspended in mid-air, and the huge **** of wings continued to set off blizzards.

Looking at Sauron in front of him, Monet asked puzzledly: "Why didn't I swing my sword at me? To be honest, I didn't think about defeating you in the short fight just now. My only responsibility is to hold you guys and protect Caesar's safety. Leaving this island, this is my purpose. Do you have any scruples that you can't do like me?"

Having said this, Monet showed a smile on her face, perhaps she had some idea why Sauron didn't move towards him.

Seeing Monet's proud look, Sauron frowned. If he hadn't seen this guy as a woman, Sauron would have killed her together.

Ta Ta Ta...

A slight footstep suddenly remembered, and saw a black shadow stepping across the snow quickly, drew out the sharp sword in his hand, and then took a leap, the sharp cold light flashed in Sauron's eyes.


The blood splashed out, Monet let out a scream, and then turned into a large pile of white snow falling to the ground, blending into the snow below his feet.

Unprepared, he was wounded by a domineering slash, even Monet, a natural ability person, could not hold it.

Seeing the incoming person, Sauron's face changed suddenly, his face was full of surprise, and he pointed to the person in front of him and shouted angrily: "Why is it you, this stinky woman, go away, I didn't say that you don't show up like this? In front of me?"

Sauron, who is not afraid of death, can be so panicked that there is only one person in the world, and that is Dasqi.

Before Da Siqi could react, Sauron's cursing sounded into Da Siqi's ears, and Da Siqi immediately replied angrily: "I'm so stupid, it's not your turn to say anything. It's you who should go away".

In the face of Dasqi’s abuse, Sauron's whole body stretched tightly, just like this, just like this, with this familiar face and the spirit of never admitting defeat, it is exactly the same as Guina back then. Had it not been for the identity of the woman in front of him, Sauron would have thought that Guina hadn't died.

In this world, only Guina can walk into Sauron's true heart. As a childhood sweetheart, Sauron was able to embark on the path of a swordsman, and was often influenced by Guina.

Even Sauron did not hesitate to go to sea to challenge swordsmen from all over the world and set foot on the throne of the world's first swordsman. In fact, it was just a continuation of Guina's dream.

Back then, the woman worked hard to become the world's first swordsman. The two even promised that one of them would become the world's best swordsman one day, but because of an accident, she fell to death on the stairs at home. As a result, Sauron inherited the words of Hedao, and went to the world to become the world's number one swordsman.

Thinking of this, Sauron instinctively grasped the word Hedao in his hand. This was not only a sword, but also a sword of promise.

Monet, who was restored to his original form, floated in the air, looked down at the wound in his abdomen, and suddenly became angry, "Dare to attack me, Xueyu!".

With a wave of the huge wings, a series of snow arrows flew out of Monet's wings. The blood arrows pierced the sky, setting off bursts of piercing and thundering noises, and the snow arrows all over the sky pressed like dark clouds.

Seeing Sauron staring at him intently, Dasqi's little heart plopped for some reason, and a cloud of blush flashed across his face, looking really cute.

What is going on, why do I be like this, my body feels very wrong, how can I have a feeling of heat, is it because of the cold environment? As a pure as white paper, Da Siqi has ever experienced this feeling, a touch of heartbeat.

In the cold environment, a different feeling slowly rose, and the two faced each other like this, and they didn't know how far they ran. As for Monet on the side, they had long been selectively forgotten.

Monet attacked Sauron, who was thinking about it, without saying a word, his figure flashed, he put his arm around Dasqi's soft waist, and pulled out his hand and said words with the other.

In the same chaotic thinking, Da Siqi only felt her body leaning forward, and she couldn't help but let out an exclamation. The next second, she fell heavily into Sauron's arms, only feeling a breath that was unique to men rushing toward her face.

Faced with this situation, Da Siqi, who was decisive and decisive, was at a loss as an ordinary woman. The pretty face that had been restored to whiteness once again turned redder than before, and the whole body was stretched to the straightest point, with her hands between her waist Nowhere to put it.

My mind was like being swept by a hurricane, my brain suddenly crashed and my mind went blank.

Sauron, who is a natural idiot in terms of emotions, naturally couldn't feel so much. He hugged Da Siqi as a kind of saving person, and he waved Hedao in his hand, and a shining slash burst out from the tip of the sword.

"One sword flow. Flame slash."

The sharp sword swinging at high speed violently rubbed against the air to produce flames. Sauron's slash was like a flame slash.

Like a group of scorching sun slowly rising, the sky full of snow arrows dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye in front of Sauron's slash, just as Baixue met the scorching sun.

After resolving Monet's attack, Sauron held Dasqi in his arms and quickly withdrew and pulled away from Monet.

Stopped his footsteps, looked down at Dasqi, who was flushed in his arms, and the idiot Sauron couldn't help being taken aback.

As Sauron stopped, Da Siqi also woke up. She was sore and feeble that she didn't know where to exert her strength and pushed Sauron away.


Urgently panting in her mouth, pulling her collar. At this moment, Da Siqi's mind was still confused, and she wondered why she was like that. Didn't you encounter the scene just now in the battle? Sometimes some Navy soldiers will protect themselves from harm in this way.

But like that **** just now, why did he feel weak and hot? After thinking for a long time, Da Siqi finally figured out the reason. It must be because he is always a comrade-in-arms to protect himself, and this guy is a pirate, he must be secretly What did you do to yourself.

That's right, that's it. After thinking about it, Da Siqi more affirmed her guess, comforting herself, and looking at Sauron who was pushed away with anger and vigilance.

Sauron had a bad feeling when he saw Dasqi’s gaze accidentally. Sauron naturally didn’t know it. In just a moment, he leveled up in Dasqi’s heart again. He still jumped several levels and turned into a big villain. Super big beast.

Sauron frowned and asked, "Hey, what did you look at? Know that I saved you just now."

Don't overdo it, Da Siqi blanked Sauron's eyes, and muttered proudly: "Who wants you to save me? I can avoid it by myself, so I don't want to be affectionate here."

‘Affectionate’, Sauron’s anger was like a volcanic eruption, his brows furrowed, this stupid woman, who clearly saved her by herself, actually said that I was passionate.

Before Sauron could speak, Dasqi walked to the middle of the door behind him, holding the sword in both hands, and facing Monet in a fighting posture.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" Raising his brows lightly, Sauron couldn't help asking when seeing Dasqi move.

Da Siqi faintly replied: "Don't think I don't know, behind this door are Caesar and the children who are running away, don't you want to catch Caesar? Leave this woman to me."

The corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, and Sauron raised his hand and Daoyi's words to block in front of Da Siqi, "This woman is my opponent, let alone interrupting the fight, is this the change in your two-year training?"

Looking sideways at Sauron, Da Siqi snorted and said with contempt: "Because the opponent is a woman, I let go in the life and death battle, regardless of the safety of the children behind. Is this your swordsman spirit? It seems that two years have passed. , You have not changed at all, you are not suitable for staying here."

Speaking of this, Da Siqi couldn’t help but recall that they met in Smog two years ago, when Sauron told him that he would not cut women.


Sauron could hardly believe that this woman was actually despising herself and being humiliated. It was so humiliating that she was actually despised by this woman.

"Do you really look down on me as a fellow?" The angry Sauron couldn't help but ask a few steps Looking back at Sauron, Dasqi nodded seriously: "Yes!"

Facing this answer, Sauron couldn't help but step back. Sauron couldn't accept that this woman was also underestimating herself. It was ashamed, and it was too embarrassing.

But Sauron could not find words to refute for some reason, and after a while, he could only curse: "You stupid woman"

In Lin Tian's words, when Sauron and Da Siqi met, they were already a bunch of happy friends. Neither of them wanted to see each other, but fate would always bring them together.

In fact, Da Siqi, who has the same face as Guina and the same belief in becoming a swordsman, is not a destiny arrangement, many things have an ending from the beginning.

Sauron took a few steps back, handed the battlefield to Da Siqi, sat down by the door, and said lightly: "Whatever you want, my purpose is just to stop this guy."

After speaking, Sauron closed his eyes and closed his eyes to rest up, as if he didn't care about Dasqi fighting at all.

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