Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1023: Green Pheasant vs Ming Brother

"Pirate's big brother, big sister, thank you for saving me!"

On the transport ship, the children gathered on the side of the transport ship and waved goodbye to Luffy and the others. In any case, leaving always made people feel unnaturally sad.

"Big brothers, big sisters, when we grow up, we must become pirates."

Hearing the shouts of these children, many navy soldiers suddenly changed their faces and shouted worriedly on the side: "Don't, pirates are evil, you must become a just navy."

After everything was settled, Lu Fei and the others did not have the need to stay in Punk Hassad anymore, and the sails of the Sonny bulged.

Stopping his steps, Lin Tian suddenly turned around and reminded Smug: "Go back and tell the fellow Aka Inu, Doflamingo's fall to the Qiwu Sea Throne is already inevitable, and Aka Inu must be careful. After he becomes the admiral of the Navy, The biggest test for the navy is coming."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian didn't care about Smogg's shock, waved back and boarded the Sonny.


Half an hour later, because the transport ship was carrying the children first, Smogg led the rest of the naval soldiers here now waiting for Dasqi to return to the base and lead the fleet to pick them up.


Suddenly I remembered a sound of breaking through the air. Bored in the harbor, the navy soldiers could not help but look up. They saw a pink figure descending from the sky and steadily landing on the harbor. Seeing the people coming, all the navy soldiers were suddenly jumped. .

"Why... how come... you are... Doflamingo", a navy trembling called out Ming's name.

Suddenly, many navies quickly got up and stood up and surrounded Doflamingo. The weapon in their hands pointed at Ming Ge and their fingers were placed on the trigger. Under Smogg’s words, they already knew that Lieutenant Vergo It was the matter of Brother Ming's pirates.

At this time, Ming Ge appeared here, definitely not passing by by chance, but coming on purpose.

Seeing the angry and nervous expressions on the faces of these navy soldiers, Ming-ge frowned slightly, and he had a bad premonition.

In the next second, Brother Ming moved, and his hands stretched out, and an invisible domineering burst out from within Brother Ming, domineering like a mountain of tens of thousands of kilograms pressed against the hearts of many navies.

In a blink of an eye, a swath of navy quickly fell, and among the navies on the ground, only a few of the navies that could resist Doflamingo's dominance were still standing.

"This is domineering!" The Navy shouted in fear, and the hands holding the gun could not restrain the violent shaking.

Sweeping around, Brother Ming knew that he was late, "The boat is no longer there, and no one has seen it. It seems that Lin Tian has already left there."

Thinking of the dead Monet and Vergo, Ming's brows frowned, and a murderous aura broke out from his body, "In that case, you guys will be buried with them."

With a flick of his finger, a thin, almost transparent line flew out of Brother Ming and inserted into the bodies of the navy soldiers.

Immediately after Ming Ge shook his thumbs in both hands, under the control of Ming Ge, each navy was like a puppet with a string, raising his spear and aiming at his companion.

Facing this weird scene, all the navy soldiers had nothing but fear, and now their bodies had been out of their control.

"The body keeps calling, what kind of strange ability is this..."

"Go away, go away, how could this happen"

At this moment, Smogg finally appeared, turned into a cloud of smoke, and rushed out of the third research base, raising his ten hands and stabbing towards Doflamingo.

With a flash of Doflamingo's figure, he easily escaped Smogg's attack, but Smogg's attack also interrupted Doflamingo's attack on the navy.

Stopping the retreating figure, Smaller asked sharply: "Doflamingo, what are you going to do to my subordinates? As Qiwuhai, you even attacked the navy. It seems that you, Qiwuhai, do not want to do it." .

Ignoring Smogg's question, Doflamingo asked with his arms on his hips: "Smogg, hurry up and tell me which direction Lin Tian and the others have taken Caesar, and my subordinates."

"Who knows, clown", Smogg snorted coldly and said with a hint of disdain: "Do you want to find Lin Tian for revenge? If so, I can point the way. They have just left for half an hour. , You can catch up with your speed in no time."

This was an undisguised mockery for Smogg. He knew that Brother Ming didn't dare to hunt down alone, but he still said this to Brother Ming.

After listening to Smogg's words, Doflamingo suddenly showed anger on his face and shouted: "You dare to taunt me, Smogg!"

Accompanied by the angry shouts, when Brother Ming overstepped the control, a thin line of almost transparent void slew towards Smog.

Although the thin line is invisible to the naked eye, he can still perceive the position after seeing and hearing the domineering induction, and Smogg repeatedly dodges the thin line attack.

With a scream, the armed color was domineering covering the ten hands, and Smogg waved his ten hands to kill Ming.

With a light leap, Brother Ming leaped into the air, avoiding Smogg's attack, and at the same time, his palm was severely slashed towards Smogg with beast claws.

"Five Color Line"

I saw five bright lights on the fingertips flashing slightly. In the next second, five thin threads of different colors emerged from the palm of Doflaming's palm, and the sharp threads fell from the sky, like piano threads, the sharp threads were covered and cut On Smogg.


The severe pain hit, Smogg let out a scream, five huge wounds lined up on Smogg's back suddenly, blood spurted out, and Smogg's white navy uniform was dyed bright red in an instant.

"Boss Smoker," the soldiers around were full of worry.

The man in front of him was really terrifying. Compared with Qi Wuhai, his strength far surpassed Luo. He wounded Lieutenant General Smogg with just a few moves. Facing Doflamingo, Smogg didn't have the slightest backhand.

Seeing Smogg being injured by himself, Doflamingo slowly jumped from the air with a ferocious smile.

At this moment, he fell to Dismoge and launched an attack, his right arm turned into a plume of smoke, and he held the ten hands inlaid with Hailou Stone and stabs him towards Ming.

"Kick the line!"

In the murderous shout of Ming Ge, Ming Ge kicked out sideways, and several thin threads flew out of his toes, kicking them accurately on Smogg's ten hands.

Attached to a straight kick from a sharp thread, its power can split a building into two. With a strong force attached to a sharp thread, Smogg’s ten hands instantly broke into a dozen pieces and fell to the ground. .

Regarding Smogg's combat power, facing Doflamingo was completely torturous, and the two were not above the same level at all.


Lifting his right foot, Ming Ge hit him on the panting Smogg. At this moment, Smogg was covered in blood, and the wound he had healed by Luo cracked open again.

Ming Ge raised his right hand high, and thin lines flew out between his fingers, spreading all over Smogg's head. As long as Ming Ge's palm was lightly pressed, Smogg's head would be cut into pieces.

"Stop it, you bastard, if Lieutenant General Smogg dies, who will lead our group of bastards?" The remaining naval soldiers rushed over to stop Doflamingo.

I have to say that after the Punk Hassad incident, everyone has completely accepted the existence of Smogg, the smoker boss.

With blood spitting out, Smogg laughed and said, "Brother Ming, you must be very worried now. At the same time, you have angered Lin Tian and Bai Beast Kaido. They will definitely be killed."

Smogg's words once again aroused Ming Ge's anger, making Ming Ge couldn't help but think of the scene where the **** Lin Tian announced to the world that he would take his life.

"It's a pity that you can't see this scene, Small, die." Ming Ge was furious, and controlled the thin line to cut straight towards Small's head.


Just as the thin thread was about to chop Smogg's head into countless pieces, an air of extreme cold blew from behind.


With the sound of this familiar voice, Brother Ming stopped abruptly.

Behind Brother Ming, the green pheasant, which had become a vicissitudes of life, appeared behind Brother Ming without warning. A faint cold air radiated from the green pheasant, and the ground under his feet was covered with ice.

Seeing the visitors, many of the advancing naval soldiers were startled, staring at the green pheasant dumbfounded, and exclaimed: "Hey... the former general green pheasant!"

"Can you open it? This is my friend."

The green pheasant heard the words that seemed to be discussed, but it revealed a trace of irresistible meaning in it. The meaning was very obvious. Today, Smogg is in Baoding.

There was a few seconds of silence, and a brutal smile appeared on Brother Ming's face, and the paused palm quickly pressed towards Smogg.

But the green pheasant seemed to have taken action earlier than expected, and the chill on his body fluctuated. In the next second, Doflamingo was completely frozen without even reacting at all.

Not only that, but for an instant, the entire port was covered by ice, and the sea area where the waves rolled could not escape the erosion of the ice and turned into an ice plain.

Time seemed to stop at this moment. The surrounding G5 navy soldiers had already been shocked and frozen Brother Ming, but the green pheasant did not take the next step and did not continue to shoot at Brother Ming.


A slight cracking sounded, followed by a loud bang, and Brother Ming broke directly out of the ice of the green pheasant.

Facing the green pheasant a little ghost-like smile appeared on his face. The red sunglasses on the bridge of his nose had shattered with the ice, revealing Doflamingo's true face.

Neither of them said a word, a tense atmosphere enveloped the harbor, and the navy soldiers on the side dared not even make a sound when facing this scene.

More than ten seconds later, Ming Ge took the lead and said: "Why Kuzan you will be here? Is it expected or happened to pass by".

"It just happened to pass by," the green pheasant exhaled cold, and said calmly.

The corners of his mouth curled slightly, Ming Ge obviously did not believe what the green pheasant said, how could there be such a coincidence, as soon as he was about to kill Smog, the green pheasant appeared.

Unwilling to look at Smogg at his feet, Doflamingo took his steps to leave. He knew that with the green pheasant, it was impossible for him to kill Smogg.

"I have no plans to fight with you. Since I can't seal this guy's mouth, then I have to change my plan."

Looking at Brother Ming on the side, the green pheasant suddenly asked indifferently: "Don Quixote Doflamingo, I also watched the announcement just now, are you afraid!!!"

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