Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1028: Bullfighting arena


Robin, who was smiling, suddenly changed his face, and quickly reached out to cover his head.

Looking at this scene, Usopp asked strangely: "What's the matter, Robin".

"Oh, are these people?" Lin Tian looked at the side of the street with a little interest.

Usopp hurriedly looked in the direction of Lin Tian, ​​only to see the street, and instantly he could clearly see the three people wearing white robes and masks on their faces, and the people covering the whole body were walking slowly in the street. On the street, the pedestrians on the street looked at these three strange guys in surprise.

Touching his head, Usopp asked curiously: "Who are they? Why is Robin so scared".

Luo Dandan's explanation came: "cp0, the world's strongest spy agency".

"What, it's them", Usopp couldn't help exclaiming. When he realized that his voice was too loud, Usopp quickly covered his mouth and whispered: "I heard that they are even more powerful spy agencies than cp9. Every guy usually doesn’t show his true face. Few people have seen their faces just to facilitate the execution of some secret tasks.”


Hearing that Usopp had such a clear understanding of cp0, everyone looked at Usopp, let alone Robin. Even Lin Tian wondered where Usopp knew these things.

Seeing the doubtful eyes of everyone, Usopp touched his head and chuckled: "I have not been training for the past two years. Sometimes I heard my dad talk about cp0 things, and my dad said it. Also played against them."

Hearing this, Lin Tian and Robin suddenly realized that it was **** who told Usopp. No wonder Usopp knew this.

Only Luo and Caesar were left there with dumbfounded expressions. They had only been on the boat for two days, how could they know who Usopp's father is.

Seeing their doubts, Lin Tian explained: "I almost forgot to say that Usopp's father is **** Bu".

Hearing the words'Jesus cloth', Caesar and Luo's expressions changed suddenly, and Caesar was even more shocked and exclaimed, "What, your father would actually be that man, **** Bu, a senior cadre of the Redhead Pirates. ".

Seeing the two of them so shocked, Usopp held his chest out, with a proud smile on his face.

Caesar looked at Usopp deeply, and couldn't believe him: " is it possible, no, you are so timid, how could you be the son of **** Bu, you look like it at all".


Being ridiculed by Caesar, Usopp immediately became angry and punched Caesar on the head. How unprepared Caesar slammed his head against the table. The whole table was almost lifted by Caesar. When Caesar raised his head, A big bag has risen on his forehead.

To be honest, Luo couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that this long-nosed sniper still had such an identity, and the name of **** Bu, as long as the pirates sailing on this sea would know.

"Okay" stopped the quarrel between the two people. Lin Tian glanced at the CP0 who had left, and meditated: "The world's strongest spy agency has also appeared. It seems that Doflamingo is really prepared."

Hearing what Lin Tian said, Luo's face sank slightly. If cp0 these guys appear and have something to do with Doflamingo, their transaction will be in trouble this time.

"Well, don't worry about those cp0s, they are just small characters, we really have to face Doflamingo."

After speaking, Lin Tian got up and stood up, and the group of people who had settled the bill immediately walked towards the bridge leading to Greenbit.


At the same time, the four of Luffy were scattered due to the rumors of the fairies. After learning that the prize in the arena was the burning fruit of Ace, Luffy decided to participate in this duel competition and won. Burn the fruit back.

At this moment, the bullfighting arena! The lively cheers resounded over the arena, and tens of thousands of people cheered.

On the stage where the competition takes center stage, four beauties in bikinis surround a box covered with white cloth, and a fat commentator with a microphone is shouting on it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, toys, welcome you to the bullfighting arena. Today is another exciting day. Today’s grand ceremony is about to go down in the annals of history. Today, for the arrival of this day, the King will put a very amazing item Given to us"

"Two years ago, in the war that shocked the world by Marin Fandor, the man who was supposed to be killed in Huangquan but returned from Huangquan, he is the son of the Pirate King Roger, and is now called the White Emperor of the Three Emperors and Two Emperors. Ace, a man who ruled the world like an emperor, is known as a legendary man."

"At the age of 22, he sits high on the throne of the Pirate Emperor. He is known as the youngest Pirate Emperor in the history of the world. Moreover, he is brothers to Lin Tiannai, the deputy leader of the Revolutionary Army. The talent of his father, Gelu D. Roger, the One Piece King!!!"

In an instant, countless cheers rang from the seats. Baidi Ace has been called the youngest legend by the world, and Lin Tian, ​​the **** of death, is also called the legendary brother. He has created a myth in the world of pirates.

"Now everyone calls him Baidi, but two years ago he was the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Huoquan Ace. Back then, his fists could burn through warships and even plunge the town into flame purgatory. This terrifying and powerful power all comes from the burning fruit of the natural element, and now this ability has turned into a devil fruit to reappear in the world!"

The moment the voice fell, the narrator raised the white cloth in his hand and pulled it hard. As the white cloth disappeared, the burnt fruit was hidden under the white cloth and appeared in front of tens of thousands of viewers.

Looking at the fruit lying quietly in the glass box, tens of thousands of spectators in the arena were deeply shocked. They couldn't believe that the king would actually come up with such a terrible devil fruit as a prize, and it belonged to Baidi Ace. Devil fruit ability of the past.

"The strongest kind of natural devil fruit, and this taboo devil fruit will belong to the winner of this competition"

"Awesome, amazing!"

The shock lasted for one second, and the next second, deafening cheers resounded over the arena, and it was a long time that they could not fall, and countless people cheered and cheered.

"Today, we came here at the call of the king. The warriors of the new world also came to the arena to compete for the power of this devil fruit. The winner will challenge the powerful Don Quixote family cadres, Theo Pink, Dai Linjie, Mahabasi, and the hero of this arena, Mr Diamanci"

"The final winner will stand on this highly anticipated stage, take this taboo fruit, and accept the cheers of countless people!!!"

More and more loud cheers sounded, more people joined the cheers, and many people showed crazy excitement.

In the taboo field, in the shadow of a certain window, a man stood there, looking at the crazy people in the There was a touch of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"It's a sad country. The battle for death among humans is regarded as a catharsis game by them. It's really sad...!!!"

"However, in any case, the Captain's Devil Fruit ability can't be obtained by some useless guys, which will discredit our Whitebeard Pirates, hehe..."

On the other side, a corner of the arena.

A certain black shadow whispered: "Ace's ability, this can't be handed over to those guys, I will inherit this devil fruit."

After the opening speech of the game was finished, the long-awaited game finally began.

"Let you wait a long time, let me explain some of the next rules. The first round is a knockout round divided into four zones. The so-called knockout round is that everyone except yourself is an enemy, and the contestants are chaotic together. The final survivor is the final victor in the duel, and you will be disqualified if you fall on the field, and you will be disqualified if you die in a match."

"And there are also gifts waiting for everyone outside the arena, that is, a small fighting fish school, which means that if you fall into the arena, it is death that is right, and if you stay in the arena and wait for the opponent to attack, whether you stay in The arena or the fall are hell."

Just as the bell in the bullfighting arena was about to ring, Luffy entered the arena under the alias of Lucy, but the scattered Sauron perfectly performed the task assigned by Lin Tian.

On the other side, Lin Tian and others with Caesar finally passed the iron bridge without any risk, and arrived at Greenlit.

Everything was happening according to plan, and Ming, who was already prepared, finally started the action.

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