"Boned ursus eaten. One sacred geno point gained..."

"Woodland Gecko eaten. One ordinary geno point gained..."

"Scaled Python eaten. One primitive geno point gained..."

"Copper-toothed beast eaten. One primitive geno point gained..."

"Steel Sparrow eaten. One mutant geno point gained..."

With each body, he used corrosion on his geno point tally went up. That along with an array of information being imprinted into his mind as Raphael uses analyze on each creature.

This was for universal shapeshift. After Raphael analyzed the creatures, he'd be able to fully transform or partially transform into those creatures. He could be like a chimera.

This also was another hidden benefit. Since anything he transformed into would match his body's toughness. Making most of the beast souls, he got useless. Only when he started off in the sanctuaries would beast souls come in handy.

For example, his next plan was to search for the sacred-blood black beetle. But he was doing this only for the black crystal. So it didn't matter if he got the beast soul armor. Because even if he ate an ordinary black beetle, he could recreate their exoskeleton body armor. And it would match his body's fitness level, making it where the armor wouldn't be limited like beast souls would.


Han Sen looked in his stomach and saw all the creatures he'd gotten were gone. He'd used corrosion on all of them, and the monotone voice finally stopped speaking inside his head. So he decided it would be a good time to check his geno tally.


Han Sen: unevolved

Lifespan: 200

Requirement for next evolution: 100 geno points

Geno points gained: 092 ordinary geno points; 074 primitive geno points; 23 mutant geno points; 08 sacred geno points.


If anyone saw this, they would've thought he'd been in the sanctuary for years. If Han Sen told anyone hadn't even been in the sanctuary a full day, they'd call him a lying bastard.

He just wondered whether this would also work on humans. If so, would he get all of their geno points or only a partial amount? Maybe he would be able to get their beast souls? What about the bodies of super creatures.

Would consuming them give him super geno points? But that was something he was hesitant about since he needed to feed the pets he planned on getting in the future and feed them the super creature meat. But hey, if he killed enough super creatures, it would be plenty of super creature meat to go around.


Han Sen had left his temporary camp behind and was already heading back to the Steel Armor Shelter. But instead of entering the shelter, he went past it.

A golden black beetle that was a sacred-blood creature was his goal. It had initially also been an ordinary creature but had swallowed a black crystal. Thus, allowing it to evolve into a sacred-blood creature.

His goal was that black crystal. He needed to swallow it so he could put it into his sea of consciousness, where his beast souls resided.

It didn't take him any time to find the stone creek. He had Raphael scrutinizing anything that got caught within universal detect. It covered everything around him. It didn't matter underground, on the ground, or in the air; it was all within universal detect.

On the other hand, he ran around the entire creek and its surrounding areas, making sure he scanned everything.

It didn't take long before Raphael informed him of a black beetle that was much larger than any of its species.

He unsheathed the wakizashi on his waist before he stabbed it into the ground. If you could see the wakizashi up close, you would notice the blade had veins embedded over its entire structure.

He had specially made it to be that way. It was hell forging it, though. As the veins, he added throughout it caused structure instability. It took countless tries to get it right. Thankfully he had skimmed a good amount of special metals from Han Yufei's company before he disappeared.

He channeled Beelzebuth into the wakizashi and could feel the black miasma spread through the veins before overflowing outside the sword. Sucking up everything around it. Doing so, it began opening up a hole coming closer and closer to the abnormal black beetle.

He sheathed his sword right before it consumed the beetle. Then, before it could scuttle away, his fingernail turned into a claw before he sent a black spiked air bullet into its head.

He picked up its body with one hand and used his other clawed hand to pierce the chink in its underside. His hand rummaged around till he felt his claw hit something. Grasping the round object, he pulled it out to reveal and black crystal.

It was about the size of a pigeon egg, and when closely inspected, you could see what looked liked millions of tiny stars within it.

This small black crystal was called super gene. It was something the creator of the sanctuaries, along with others of his group, had made. It was to counter the gods in the outer universe who took the life force of others when they granted them three wishes.

He instantly put both the body and the crystal in his stomach. He used corrosion on the sacred-blood body gaining another nine sacred geno points. Bringing his overall sacred geno tally to seventeen


After finding the black crystal, Han Sen stood around the stoney creek for a short while, farming the ordinary black beetles that lived around it. By the time he left, he'd maxed out his ordinary geno tally, bringing it all the way to one hundred.

After that, he didn't have any reason to stay around, so he left. He was now heading back towards the shelter. After getting back, he beelined to his room and went straight through the teleport device, arriving back in the teleportation station on Planet Roca.

He took a train to leave and stopped by a store on the way home, grabbing some sweets for Han Yan. He was walking on the sidewalk on his street, silently nodding at a man reading a book on his porch. The man gave a simple nod in response and continued reading his book.

Han Sen just wasn't nodding at a random person. He was a part of the group ȧssigned to watch over his family while he was away. So, where did they come from exactly?

That and the fact that Han Sen had been very prevalent on Skynet, discussing hyper geno arts. What really caught attention was his ability to modify, combine, and improve hyper geno arts.

So when he graduated early, the people from the Alliance approached Han Sen, inviting him to join the military at a younger than average age. He was able to work out a contract with them. Where he wasn't technically "military," more like a partner of sorts.

He accomplished this by helping advance technology the military used in war.. From guns used on military space destroyers to improving the way metal was refined, bringing it to the level of the Shuras.

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