Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 105 My remarks on the launch

The book has been open for more than two months, and it is officially on the shelves today, February 1st!

There is no hope of subscribing. I really can’t write well. It’s better if I don’t get trolled often. 233…

However, writing a book is really a test of perseverance.

Speaking of which, I actually write books very slowly. Unlike their speed of one chapter per hour, I almost always write one chapter in four hours. I can’t help it. I just can’t sit still. I have to play for a while to write a few hundred words. I am helpless, but I can write a chapter in more than an hour at the fastest!

But I also concluded that if you don’t have motivation, you really won’t be able to write fast. This is a very real problem!

Okay, that’s all.

First of all, I would like to thank our [Miss Xingye]. She is so nice that I was so overwhelmed. Miss Xingye also arranged several recommendation positions. Other editors would not take care of everyone like this. I'm a street author. After almost a trial, it didn't meet the standards, so I released it as a stand-alone game! (Well...thank you, I hope you will always be my editor!)

Then there is the [Fans List]. The book friends who gave me rewards are really happy. You have given me a lot of motivation... Thank you! (You should be happy every day!)

Especially the book friends who came here last time, I really appreciate it.

Of course, the one who impressed me the most is [Xiao Yuxin], because the baby in the avatar is so cute, I can’t help but look at it for a long time every time, I really want to hug it, hehe! (Be sure to be happy every day!)

And to all the book friends who voted for me, I really appreciate your support, thank you! (I hope you are happy every day!)

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