Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 11 An injured beauty appears unexpectedly

"Destruction, killing, bloodthirsty." Ming's heart was roaring, like the violent storm, like the rolling clouds and sea!

Unexpectedly, the ten times the power of the Titan's insect body this time actually inspired and amplified the dark side buried in his heart, making the will of the insect nature greater than his original human will.

However, Ming was still awake deep down in his heart. He had not completely lost his final will and thoughts. He was trying his best to control his terrible desires.

"No, this is the way to the grave of death... I can't face the sky yet, my Zerg army still needs time!"

He told himself that there would be billions of locusts waiting for him on the ground, and the mysterious and powerful Queen Tianjiang might be completely alarmed. By then, this place would be like the end of the world, and it would be difficult to compete!

"You listen to the order and come to the king's place quickly!" Ming relied on his strong will to directly transmit the order to his army on the spot.

Primitive insects, as long as they are the evolved form of ants, all have this information transmission function. Even if their tentacles have degenerated, this innate ability still exists, but the transmission abilities of different insects have different strengths and weaknesses.

So the red ant special soldiers scattered in all directions suddenly felt the great will of Pluto and successfully received the information conveyed in the will.

Then the red ant special soldier insects shuttled under the stone forest and conveyed the message of Pluto's will to each other. After a while, even the insect soldiers scattered far away got the news and began to give up the mission and quickly Xiang Ming rushed over.

"Take this mountain beetle and quickly evacuate this place, enter the primitive forest on the other side, and use the outer perimeter to hide. I will come after the break..."

Ming looked at the army of bugs that gathered in front of it. Although the combat power of these bugs was more than two to three times stronger than that of ordinary bugs, they were deep in the territory of the locust tribe. Once they went out, they would still be attacked by countless enemies. Insects will be killed instantly, and even the beginning and end of life will be a blink of an eye, and not even a little bone will be left.


When these red ant soldiers who absolutely obeyed the orders retreated directly, Ming couldn't help but go crazy. His goal now was very clear, which was to destroy.

Although he did not dare to go out easily, the damage caused by the destruction below the ground and the continuous collapse of countless stone peaks above seemed to be a huge loss for the Locust clan.

And how can we stand him in the end? As long as he doesn't face each other head on, if he wants to escape, are there any insects that can catch up with him?

At this moment, he even understood why the mountain beetle was at the bottom of the stone peak, and why the stone peaks began to collapse one by one? It turns out that he and it are like-minded in this regard and have the same purpose, which is to work hard to destroy the habitat of the locust family.

In the low sky, the densely packed locusts suddenly became impatient, and the moths that had been continuing to fight the fire finally stopped at this moment.

Because the black eternal flame on the ground suddenly disappeared beneath the ground, the unknown enemy below began to move quickly, causing the soil to break all the way.

Soon one of the stone peaks they used to rest on suddenly collapsed, which was even more profound than the previous collapsed stone peaks. They had no time to use their countless bodies to support it, or even re-insert it into the ground to place it.


What followed was a loud and shocking sound. Countless stone peaks hundreds of meters high collapsed to the ground completely unstoppably, causing the ground to shake violently.

"Buzz!!! Puff!!"

At this time, countless locusts in countless stone peak caves were completely alarmed, and the sky here suddenly became dark, as if thick dark clouds were suffocating the sky.

Ming knew that the ground was in a mess at this time, and countless locusts must have red eyes. They even wanted to rush into the soil immediately and eat him completely!

But what can I do to help him? And this hatred is not enough. This is just the beginning. His goal is to destroy hundreds or thousands of stone peaks. If he wants to destroy them, he must destroy them once.

"Bang!!! Bang!!!!"

Then there were one, two, and three... countless stone peaks were dug out at the bottom and collapsed.

At this time, a certain insect with great power in the locust tribe was finally disturbed.

I saw an incomparably huge locust jumping down from under a stone peak that reached the sky. The terrifying force of its stampeding was unimaginable. I saw that the ground exploded into a hole tens of meters deep and more than 20 meters in diameter. wide pit

The way this insect appeared was so terrifying that all the other insects bowed down and obeyed orders. At the same time, its appearance made the countless locusts around it seem particularly small.

It turns out that it is a full ten meters long, and it is too tall. Its forequarters are more than ten meters tall, and its hindquarters are more than fifteen meters tall. In addition, every joint on its body is very hard, like steel. It seems to be a very powerful being.

And this giant insect is the guardian of Queen Tianjiang. It is a veritable giant locust. The most terrifying thing about it is that it has six very powerful thighs.

In particular, the pair of bouncing legs on the hind limbs serve as the source of power for the entire body. They use force to take off and drive the huge body, and then fall rapidly from high altitudes, causing explosive damage.

Moreover, this giant locust is quite smart. It took relevant measures as soon as it appeared.

First of all, it keeps jumping and falling, destroying the target. At the same time, it also issues an absolute order to let countless moths and locusts carry or devour the earth and rocks in the pit, hoping that the target will have nowhere to hide.

"Fifty-six, fifty-seven..."

But Ming was still going on. He didn't know what was happening on the ground. He only knew that more terrifying bugs appeared outside. Although he was almost bitten by something a few times, he dug holes very fast, and he was hit every time. Dodge.


Suddenly, just when Ming was about to dig out the bottom of the fifty-eighth stone peak, there was an obvious hot and cold sensation in the soil in front of him, and he felt a strong crisis from it!

"What enemy?"

Ming was startled, could there be an insect waiting for him? But Ming was still very curious, because that dangerous mysterious power didn't seem to come from any Zerg.

But at this moment, Ming had no choice and no time to think deeply. He had to dig in quickly, otherwise a terrifying thing would hit him next, and it would create a deep hole like this. He didn't dare to resist the destructive power!


But sure enough, a ray of light golden light seemed to turn into a sharp sword, and it stabbed towards his head very quickly.

At this moment, Ming's pupils shrank extremely at this moment. His eyes, which were originally like car light screens, showed a pair of specific red eyes for the first time. You have to know how the eyes of insects that usually look like ants can be seen. The presence?

At the same time, under the instinctive reaction of Hades, he quickly turned his head and narrowly avoided being hit in the head by a sword.

But for some unknown reason, this sharp sword still pierced into his body, and there seemed to be a force that was ruthlessly destroying his body.

But now after Ming received a sword, he didn't have time to carefully feel the pain coming from his body. He saw a human being, and also a top-notch beauty. She was sitting and lying in a dug hole, looking extremely scared. Looking at Ming.

This woman's whole body was covered in wounds, and her original white clothes were completely dyed red with blood. Ming felt that she must have been attacked by the insects here, but now her condition was very bad, her face was extremely poor, and it seemed that she might faint at any time.


Ming didn't think much at this time, and acted instinctively. He quickly climbed over, bit the woman's clothes with his mouth, and took her directly into the sky.

The moment he soared into the sky, the giant locust trampled on his position, and a deep pit immediately collapsed.

ps: you, thank you, thank you!


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