Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 144 The first wave of enemies

The dark tyrant of the Insect Tribe was born in this way, so casually and simply!

The last black dragon, the Dark Tyrant, was sent to the Hive Will ship for training and growth. It is currently too weak and of no use. Of course, if it grows to a size of thousands of miles one day, it will definitely do something for the Hades. Made many contributions.

The night elves, who possess the magic clan, have come from tens of thousands of light-years away, leading a huge night army in dark iron-clad ships, and are constantly coming towards the sphere of influence of the Insects, getting closer and closer!

This group of night elves comes from the world of Azeroth. Their purpose is to conquer the civilization here for the oldest god, Neltharion, who rules the earth and countless abyss. Because Neltharion's proud subordinates, Complete disappearance here means that you may have died!

This time, the night elf queen Azshara personally led the army. Among the huge army, there were also the demigods of Kaldorei in the Kalimdor continent, and the highest deity of the dark elf clan - the moon god Elune.

The power used by the night elves this time cannot be underestimated. After all, these powers are extremely ancient and come from the world of Azeroth, which is full of endless power.

"My Queen, we came here on this expedition, why not leave a legacy here?" On the way, there was a high-level magic elf. When he saw that the outside world of Azeroth was so vast, his heart was filled with excitement. Ambition begins to lead to decadence.

"Inheritance? But... we have to wait until this war is over!" Queen Azshara holds a staff that symbolizes supreme authority. As the supreme ruler of the night elves, she also has some ideas!

Because outside the world of Azeroth, she was attracted by wonder like other night elves. It turns out that outside the world of Azeroth, there are such vast stars and so many spheres!

It can be said that among the night elves at this moment, except for the sacred and beautiful moon god Elune, who maintains her true nature, the other dark elves have fallen one after another.

In fact, these elves have always been narrow high elves deep in their hearts.

In the world of Azeroth, they study superior magic every day next to the Well of Eternity. It is so powerful that it can cause changes in any living thing. Therefore, after the night elves have achieved magical achievements, most of the night elves did not contain them. The seeds of hatred and arrogance are planted deep in their hearts, and some night elves have even sprouted. Their self-righteous, complacent, and self-absorbed mentality seems to be like the Quel'dorei who have everything.

"Elune, Moon Goddess, what do you feel?"

Among the tens of millions of demigods surrounded by the night elves, there was the powerful demigod Cenarius in the Kaldorei Forest. God, looks like an old goat, but he is a half-orc, with strong muscles and body shape!

"The dangerous outside world, the strange but familiar smell, the front is full of endless fear!"

The moon goddess Elune is the god of the elves. Her magic is unfathomable, and this time she stepped out of the world of Azeroth. She was also ordered by the ancient god Neltharion, a powerful person who could not disobey.

Because in the world of Azeroth, there are four more powerful ancient gods like Neltharion, not to mention the terrifying power in the hands of these ancient gods!

"Then... can we escape unscathed this time?" Demigod Cenarius looked at his men behind him and felt a little sad!

Unlike most of the night elves who are self-righteous and have never seen the world, they are still excited to leave a legacy in this vast and endless universe. Little do they know that this time, there is a real abyss ahead of them, and the battles are terrifying. They are all in the midst of a real bloody battle!

"I don't know, either we destroy the enemy, or we are destroyed by the enemy!" Moon Goddess Elune said calmly, "We have attracted the attention of many civilizations along the way. You should have noticed it too, right?"

"They are indeed some very novel lives." Cenarius nodded.

Once upon a time, when the demigod Cenarius met the night elves in the Kaldorei Forest, he thought how magical these curious elves were, and often lamented the greatness of the Creator, but now he has left the world of Azeroth Yes, it turns out that there are really too many creatures that are more wonderful than night elves!

"So, we have to go all out?" Demigod Cenarius was a little silent. Going all out means leading his millions of subordinates to fight bloody battles, regardless of life or death.

"finally come!"

At this time, Ming, who was on the slime planet, was talking to the elf Alice. Unexpectedly, the invisible bug on the front line immediately discovered the traces of the enemy.

"What's coming? Is it other interstellar civilizations?" Alice was suddenly a little nervous. It was obvious that she didn't like fighting between races, but she should understand that in this bright and dark universe, if she didn't fight, , any race will disappear forever in the long river of this universe.

Who doesn’t want their race to continue forever?

"Yes, and you are elves who ran away from the world of Azeroth. You should still remember the night elves in the world of Azeroth, right?" In Ming's field of vision, he saw a group of long-eared elves, but they were very small. The strange thing is that they have no wings, but they are very arrogant!

"Why are they coming out? Those self-righteous high elves? Haha..." Elf Alice seemed to be full of dislike for the elves in the world of Azeroth.

"You know? It's those narrow-minded high elves who enslaved us, who were once low-level elves, and didn't even let us come into contact with the magical power of the Well of Eternity." Alice said.

And Ming does know something about the night elves in the world of Azeroth.

Before the castle was built on the edge of the Well of Eternity, the high elves were kind-hearted. But when they built the fortress, they were able to focus on the power of the Well of Eternity. It seemed that the power of the Well of Eternity allowed them to Evil has emerged, becoming hateful and arrogant, self-righteous, and even looking down on the weak and low-status fellows.

"Yes! But it seems that there are creatures that are not night elves walking with them!" Ming kept accepting the vision from the invisible bug, and naturally saw the number of enemies and more information.

"What do those creatures look like?" Elf Alice thought they might be creatures from the Kaldorei Forest, led by the demigod Cenarius. For a long time, the demigod Cenarius and their elves in the Kaldorei Forest walked Very close!

"The queen of the night elves, Azshara, holds a blue scepter in her hand. The moon god Elune is very calm in the middle of the team, and there is also the powerful demigod Cenarius!" Underworld told Alice all this. After all, in Ming's memory, he still has some understanding of the world of Azeroth!

"The Moon Goddess Elune is here too?"

But when Alice heard the name of the moon god Elune, her emotions suddenly became excited, but soon she fell into a tangle, looking at Hades with watery eyes: "Do you want all their lives?"

"That's natural. You may not know that they only have an army of tens of millions. But it's really ridiculous. With just this little power, they dare to come within the sphere of influence of my army of more than 10 billion insects!" Ming sneered.

"Well, my dear, can you let go of the Moon Goddess Elune? I think our Lady Queen will think so too!" Alice suddenly begged Hades. It seems that the Moon Goddess Elune is very respected by them. The presence.


Ming asked the reason, and of course the reason was very good. Even if it was an enemy who offended him, he could accept the request of his allies and spare the offense to the Moon Goddess Elune.

"Because she helped us leave the world of Azeroth, otherwise we might still be enslaved by those narrow-minded high elves. Therefore, we definitely don't want the kind-hearted moon goddess Elune to die. She is innocent. , Maybe something has happened in the world of Azeroth!" Elf Alice said hurriedly, she knew too well that today's Hades are really not something that tens of millions of dark elves can compete with, so why don't they give away their heads if they come?

"That's the case. Then I can let the Moon God Elune go and leave it to you to deal with it, right?"

"Thank you very much!" Alice became happy and almost wanted to rush up to give Ming a hug. However, since Ming was the master of tens of billions of creatures, she was a little scared and did not dare to run up and hug him.

"How about you come with me to watch the battle now?" Ming looked at Alice with a smile, and naturally saw that Alice was busy trying to hug him, but for some reason she suddenly stopped all actions.

"Okay!" Alice nodded and replied awkwardly, but she didn't expect Ming to notice it.

On the way there, Ming, through his powerful master spirit, directly ordered the interstellar ice worms and Tyranids to stop and kill the weak night elves!

"No! They're coming!"

Soon, when the night elves' army kept moving towards Hades' sphere of influence, Moon Goddess Elune suddenly raised her eyebrows and said, "A powerful enemy is moving towards us quickly!"

"The whole army is on alert quickly!" At this time, the Elf Queen took command of the battle and directly let the elves arm themselves with the power of magic.

Suddenly, streams of brilliant and colorful magical power filled the interstellar universe, and beautiful lights burst out in the darkness.

At the next moment, millions of interstellar ice worms and hundreds of millions of Tyranids came into the sight of these night elves.

"How is this possible?"

At this moment, the night elves felt fear. Is this the target they want to fight? It’s too scary!

Wherever they saw the creatures walking, a cold and terrifying layer of ice appeared under their feet, and judging from the power of this ice, it was actually much more terrifying than the ice magic they controlled.

"A creature from the world of Azeroth?" The King of Tyranids, the Evil Kaldragon, immediately roared. It is a mechanical dragon-shaped Tyranids that controls the Tyranid bugs of the Hades. It has powerful power and holds in its hands Holding a golden war hammer, it is more than ten meters tall, several meters taller than the opponent's demigod Cenarius.

"You know us?"

The night elf queen was a little surprised. She held the scepter tightly in one hand, and magic elements were flashing. It seemed that terrible magic power might burst out at any time.

"No, our great master knows you and has made a decision on your life and death." The evil Carl Dragon looked condescendingly at the night elves below, somewhat disdainful of this group of weak guys for actually daring to run into the power of their Hades. Range to fight?

"Ha! You actually know us and the world of Azeroth. You should understand how powerful the world of Azeroth is!" Queen Azshara said threateningly, "There are five powerful people in Azeroth. The ancient gods have completely offended us, and you will go extinct!"

"Haha... You are just a group of weak elves. In my eyes, they are just ants. Our great Netherworm clan, with just this army under my command, can easily kill you." The evil Karl Dragon roared with laughter. Now, an army of tens of millions wants to conquer their Zerg army of tens of billions?

"Ants? Weak? You are indeed very powerful, but we night elves are not existences you can understand!" At this moment, Queen Azshara of the night elves finally released her arrogant side. How much time did they spend studying the Eternity? well? How much time did you spend exploring powerful and wonderful magic?

And in the world outside Azeroth, which race is not coveting the power of their world in Azeroth? But who can enter their world of Azeroth?

They night elves should be proud. Maybe they won't necessarily lose to a huge number of enemies, right?


At this moment, Ming clapped his hands and rushed over. He landed directly on the front line of the Zerg army. The interstellar ice worms and Tyranid worms behind them all prostrate themselves to express their respect for the great master.

"Interesting, what kind of night elves, what kind of demigods? Even if those ancient divine dragons from your world of Azeroth come, they wouldn't dare to be so presumptuous. Do you know how powerful the underworld insect clan that I am is so powerful? How huge is the number? Let me tell you, after killing and devouring you, we can add a few points to the number of tens of billions!"

Ming had shown an extremely evil expression on this group of night elves, which directly made tens of millions of dark elves feel terror and fear.

"You are wanton and seeking death?"

But there are also dark elves who feel that they are powerful. Seeing the arrogance of the enemy in front of them, they immediately cursed and immediately released blazing fire magic in their hands to hit Ming.

"Hmph! Looking for death!"

Ming Lengheng saw millions of interstellar ice worms. They immediately released the power of ice like an ocean and directly attacked all the night elves.

"Did you know that the elf next to you is an extremely cunning existence?" Then the Elf Queen Azshara finally remembered at this moment why the elf next to the enemy looked so familiar. It turned out that he escaped from the world of Azeroth three thousand years ago. Out elves.

But at the same time, tens of millions of night elves, as the supreme scepter in the hand of the night elf queen burst into dark flames, they released fiery magic in their hands to jointly resist the majestic and terrifying ocean-like force. Ice.

In the end, after the night elves repelled the power of the interstellar ice worms, Azshara, Queen of the Night, said a little swollenly: "Is my good sister okay now?"

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