Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 34: Alliance with the Black Queen

"I can help you!"

Just when Ming was anxious and couldn't think of any countermeasures, as the king of beasts who had never appeared in the dark, she suddenly appeared at this moment.

With her arrival, there is endless cold air at her disposal!

"Fox... you came just in time. Stop those sand storms. My Zerg building is not yet stable!"

At this moment, Ming Ming felt happy, and he said to the fox unceremoniously.

"These storms are just old tricks."

The fox stood on all fours on the wall of the Zerg building, arrogantly looking at the three sand storms in front of her. She showed no fear and no waves.

"The King of Beasts? You actually helped a bug?"

Queen Tianjiang soared into the sky, looking down at the King of Beasts below. She did not understand that the current King of Beasts was actually helping a bug from the Zerg tribe.

What happened to this era?

"Space solidifies!"

The fox did not answer the colorful butterfly's words, but directly activated his incredible magical power.

A large amount of cold air emerged from her small body, rising into the sky, and quickly formed a sky-wide wall of cold air in front of her, and then solidified into an indestructible ice wall at a speed visible to the naked eye!

And soon, several swift and violent sand storms from the Death Desert hit the ice wall with a "boom!"

This wall of ice as high as the sky actually removed all the power and energy in the storm without moving at all.

Countless gravels in the storm were scattered on the ground. As the cold air eroded away from the ice wall, the gravels were solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye, forming piles of ice sculptures and sand dunes!

"Huh? Two...two tails?"

But at this time, Ming watched the fox's performance and found that the fox suddenly had a snow-white tail and became a two-tailed fox. Her strength suddenly increased a lot at this moment!

"Awesome, this fox is indeed a goblin!" Ming insisted on this bold idea in his heart, and he might even be a goblin at the level of a great demon!

"Huh? What are you looking at? By the way, the mental pressure not long ago was caused by you?"

After the fox was finished, he waggled his two snow-white tails and flashed in front of Ming in a few steps. He was surprised at first, and then looked directly into Ming's eyes and asked.

"Yes, that's what I released!" Ming replied calmly without any pride.

"Really yours?" Fox squinted, really not believing it!

"It's absolutely true. I said it would only take half a month, but now it only takes fourteen days. You understand!" Ming explained patiently, naturally unaware of the turmoil in the fox's heart.

"Awesome, you bug is really different. Do you know that your mental pressure can actually frighten all the beasts of this king?" The fox doesn't understand. Isn't the spirit of this Zerg only aimed at bugs? Why are all the beasts affected?

"I know!" Ming replied directly, because his spiritual skill - Haki is aimed at all living things, such as bugs, beasts, humans, etc. will be affected by his spirit!

"Okay, what are you going to do next? Does your Zerg struggle still need to be expanded?" Fox changed the subject and asked if it was a secret. She knew it!

"Expand it, but my goal is to get rid of the butterfly Queen Tianjiang first. If you can surrender to me, then I will accept her as the guardian of the Insect Tribe!"

As Ming spoke, he looked at the colorful butterfly on the desert of death. This butterfly was obviously an insect that could be created. If it were included in his own insect race, it might play a big role in the future!

"Then what should you do? It's impossible for me to step out of the primitive forest, and I can't help you with anything else!" Fox said seriously, because she was powerless to do anything about things outside the primitive forest. This was her limitation. !

"What else can we do? Take a risk and go to the underground Zerg, and I will make a deal with the underground Zerg!"

Ming Cong made a new plan and planned to use the power of the Black Queen to deal with the common enemy. At least he was originally from the underground Zerg tribe, but he just embarked on the road of betrayal. If the alliance is still easy to talk to!

"Then you are leaving now?"

The fox asked with great interest. To be honest, she was very excited to see the outstanding performance of this insect. What should she say? After all, how many years have passed? Could it be that this king can really come out this time?

"If you go now, you should hurry up. Although I am here, but if it takes too long...then my appearance will definitely bring disaster to you, and your Zerg Kingdom and everything here will be destroyed!"

"Don't worry, tomorrow is the day when Queen Tianjiang dies or surrenders to this king!"

It is impossible for Ming to let the fox defend Queen Tianjiang's attack for a long time. After all, it is a huge Zerg system. It cannot be stopped by a few ice walls. Perhaps everything must be frozen and the entire primitive forest is frozen!

So, Ming stopped talking nonsense, got up and flew high into the sky, heading towards the abyss of death again. This time he might be able to see the true form of the Black Queen. After all, he is now the undead Pluto, possessing the power of the Zerg spirit, and ordinary bugs are under his control. He looks like cannon fodder in his eyes and will be directly surrendered to his spirit!

After flying hundreds of thousands of miles, Ming arrived at the Black Queen's base.

Over the Mangcao Plain, after hovering for several weeks, Hades directly released powerful spiritual power, causing all the underground insects hidden nearby to faint and faint!

Therefore, Ming successfully fell directly into the abyss of death from a high altitude and entered this pit that was five thousand meters deep!

He is very familiar with it. He has stayed here for three months. If the Black Queen hadn't suddenly chosen him to become the next insect king of the underground Zerg clan, he would not have left a kingdom with a complete Zerg system!

It's a pity that the Insect King of the underground Zerg clan just passed by. After a few days, he was faced with the encroachment of the Black Queen and was devoured alive!

When it fell into a depth of three thousand meters, a powerful king's spirit surged up from the lower part of the abyss, and drove a large number of terrifying insects to fly up and climb up!

"I still remember your smell. You once betrayed me and the entire underground kingdom. Now you dare to come back. Are you here to die?"

This king's spirit contains the will of the Black Queen. She ordered countless insects to attack Ming!

"Honorable Black Queen, please stop! Except for you, the bugs here are no match for me, and I don't want to hurt them!"

Ming also sent out powerful spiritual power to intimidate the insect tide below!

"Huh?" The powerful spiritual power of the Zerg?

"Honorable Black Queen?" Is he surrendering to me?

"Hmph, tell me, why did you come back to see me this time?"

The Black Queen is very smart. Just as Pluto was only three months old, she took a fancy to him. He was obviously not a simple insect king!

"Yes, you are the noble black queen. Everything I have comes from you..." Ming began to say flatteringly.

To put it bluntly, it was thanks to the Black Queen for laying his eggs that he had the chance to be reborn!

"Our common enemy, Queen Tianjiang, has occupied your desert desert, robbed your resources, and killed millions of your insect soldiers.

But her sea of ​​​​stone forests has been destroyed by me, and she has no way to go. She is currently attacking the primitive forest, but the king of beasts inside is holding on to her position. If Queen Tianjiang cannot take down the primitive forest for a long time, then death The desolate land of the desert cannot satisfy her food and resource consumption! "

"Ha... you think she will come to invade my king's grassy plains and occupy my king's kingdom of death."

The Black Queen is so smart. After listening to Ming's words, she knew what Ming probably wanted to say next.

"Hmph... It seems that you want to join forces with me this time, in order to get me to help you deal with Queen Tianjiang?"

"Ahaha... But you are not qualified to join forces with me. If I eat you now, I can also mobilize the entire underground kingdom to compete with Queen Tianjiang for hegemony!"

The Black Queen laughed at Ming and pointed out her advantages. She did not need weak allies. What qualifications did a kingdom with hundreds of thousands of insects have to negotiate an alliance with her, the Black Queen's underground insect country?

"No, first of all, she will have to move her target to you in order to survive! Secondly, I have enough chips and a wider sky, but I lack allies and strength to invade. As for coming to you It’s because I’m from here and I never forget my roots!”

At this moment, Ming elevated his position to that of a Zerg king to throw out chips, and also explained why he did not ally with Queen Tianjiang, and then invade the wider sky and plunder more abundant resources.

"Did you find a wider sky and more food? Is that a place enjoyed by the mysterious human race?" The Black Queen was shocked. It seems that she should also know something about the human race!

"Of course, but the first step is to get rid of Queen Tianjiang, because she may be about to find out!"

"Where is the entrance?"

The Black Queen fell directly into deep thought. If she really had no choice, regardless of her alliance with Hades, she would get back her territory and find passages and a wider world, because there were not many resources and food in this area!

The destruction and longevity of her Zerg race is a major turning point here!

"Yes!" Mingxin confirmed with a sneer!

ps: Thank you for your recommendation votes, support and rewards. Next I will write about some bugs in StarCraft. Anyway, the world is about to end!

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