Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 37 Two old men suddenly appeared

"Hmph! I will try your abilities first!"

Suddenly Pluto opened his mouth and rushed forward to show his attitude to the Black Queen. He, the Immortal Pluto, is fearless!

As he spoke, Ming directly held up his insect fist and punched the butterfly insect on the opposite side!

The distance between him and the butterfly is only a few hundred meters, but it only takes the blink of an eye to get closer.

Don’t ask why, it’s just so fast!

"Hmph, ant!!! How can a strange insect like yours attack this queen?"

Butterfly snorted coldly, saying that it was too late but it was too late. It seemed that she had become a huge target, but with a gentle shake of the five-colored cattails, her whole body became dreamy, leaving a string of foam phantoms in place.


Ming's punch failed. This damn movement method was a bit weird. He could clearly punch the opponent, but he could easily change his position?

"Ha! This queen is a colorful phantom species. How can a lowly insect like you get close to me?" The colorful butterfly was disdainful and began to dream in the same place.

"not good!"

Ming immediately felt a great threat, because he realized that the opponent's body was no longer in its original position, but...

"It's a pity you found it too late!"

But at this time, the butterfly had appeared behind him without anyone noticing, and slapped his back with a leaf-leaf fan!

At this moment, Ming only felt a terrifying and powerful force that spread directly throughout his body.

The flapping of the wings was actually much more terrifying than his punch.

"damn it!"

Ming gritted his teeth tightly, but his body could no longer stabilize and was blown away by the sudden appearance of a butterfly.

Colorful Fantasy Butterfly didn't want to let Ming go like this, and was ready to go up and do crazy damage to Ming.

But the Black Queen couldn't hold back. She had no hope that Ming could conquer the Tianjiang Queen. All this required her Qingtian Ant Beast to deal with this colorful phantom.

"No matter where you go, your real opponent is my king's sky-high body. That little bug is just a clown under my command!"

The Black Queen suddenly roared, and with a slight sway of her black wings, she drove her huge body towards the Queen of Tianjiang very quickly like a rocket!

When the colorful butterfly saw the black queen starting to attack her, how could she dare to be so calm? The other party is a body that holds up the sky. It has swallowed countless insect species of the ant tribe and continuously evolved into the alien insect king. It has the same terrifying abilities as her.

But now her own Huameng trapping power seems to have no effect on them.

The Black Queen's mouth has terrifying power of darkness. If her body parts are chewed by her, she will be eroded by the power of darkness, and the missing flesh and blood will be difficult to recover!

As a result, the colorful phantom butterflies and double cattails kept swaying and flapping in the void, creating a terrifying force that directly caused the void to twist and tremble. At the same time, an extremely heavy twisting force pushed directly forward in waves.

"Hmph! It's just a matter of strength, let's see how I crack it!!!"

The Black Queen was suddenly blocked in the void. It was an invisible and extremely heavy force that forcibly slowed down her speed, but she was not afraid and began to quickly spit out balls of black mist from her mouth and spread them around.

The black mist is very terrifying, directly devouring, destroying, and blackening this invisible force.

The Black Queen's speed actually increased due to this!

"Sure enough, he has become much stronger!"

Queen Tianjiang's expression was extremely solemn. This enemy was even more terrifying than before. When she used this force of air shock, the Black Queen couldn't make any progress at all, and could only keep up with her. Unexpectedly, it took a while No, it’s actually occupying the top!

However, Queen Tianjiang was not afraid, and seemed to have a backup plan. She kept fanning her cattails.

Suddenly, her body became more and more dreamy. She began to transform from one to two, then two to three, and directly evolved into three colorful butterflies. When they exerted force at the same time, they could bring up the power of air shock, forming terrifying invisible waves. Let’s push together towards the Black Queen!

"Hmph! Damn butterflies!"

The Black Queen's advance was once again forcibly stopped by the opponent, but she didn't believe it today. It depends on who can hold on longer and whose power is stronger!

So the Black Queen also put all her strength into it, and continued to confront the Tianjiang Queen in the void. The strength of both sides was already evenly matched, and neither could gain the upper hand for a while.

As time passed, the contact point between the two forces began to generate fierce shock waves. Circles of shock waves swept away in all directions, causing space to tremble wherever they passed, especially in the air. The two groups of insects fighting could not withstand the power of these shock waves, and their flesh and blood exploded on the spot as they "collided" in the void.

However, the kings of both sides did not stop the confrontation of strength and continued to fight with all their strength.

"Fight, you continue, don't stop, I will sit back and wait."

At this time, Ming, who was a few miles away, stood proudly in the void. He looked down at the wonderful showdown between the two kings of the Zerg. He did not take the opportunity to attack either side, but was patiently waiting for a better opportunity!

However, unexpectedly, suddenly the void somewhere in this side of the world became violently distorted, a gap opened up, and two white figures came out of thin air!

"Well, humans are here?"

Ming's perception is very powerful and his eyesight is even better. Even if he is far away from him, he can see the other person clearly immediately.

These are two immortal old men, one is older than the other, and they have grown into white beards and white hair.

But their blood is as strong as the sea, and their bodies contain terrifying energy. But for any insect of the Zerg tribe, their bodies exude an irresistible delicacy.

As soon as the two old men arrived in this space, they were stunned and broke into cold sweat involuntarily.

Because countless powerful auras fell directly on the two of them.

They immediately looked for a few breaths and glanced around. Not to mention that the air and the ground were filled with dense insects, they directly saw two insects that were no weaker than them fighting.

Moreover, there is an insect with a human body peeping in the dark, and there is also a terrifying presence in the tall cold forest.

"What should I do?" One of the old men said solemnly.

"If you can't deal with it, it will be a force of destruction!" Another old man was equally solemn.

"What about our disciples and grandchildren?"

"Help, they are obviously dead!"

Of course, Ming and the others couldn't hear the sound transmission between the two of them.

But Ming only saw the Black Queen and Tianjiang Queen looking at the two old men at the same time, and they seemed to have thought of something.

"Damn, did they all notice?" Ming felt bad in his heart. It was these two old men who suddenly appeared and broke his plan!

Ming had no choice but to risk his life, so just when the two queens were about to rush towards the two old men.

"Queen Tianjiang, use your power of Huameng to control her!" Ming yelled crazily.

If Queen Tianjiang doesn't respond, Ming is already ready to fight! He will become the common goal of the two kings, and a vigorous battle is inevitable.

ps: Thank you for your recommendation votes and Xiao Yuxin’s reward. You have always supported me silently. I am so touched. I am a little embarrassed.

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