Soon, the rocky land with a radius of hundreds of miles was eroded and occupied by millions of insects.

At this time, Ming suddenly fell from the sky because he found a rich resource.

Thousands of miles away, a human race spiritual stone mining place was discovered.

"Come with me!"

Ming ordered millions of insects to attack towards their destination at this moment.

And after finishing this job, the bugs will take the rich resources back, and then come back, sending more and more terrifying bugs here.

But next, the insects must first follow Ming out of this land of rocks with a radius of a hundred miles, and then climb over a big mountain...

Soon, a large open-pit mine was completely exposed to the insects' sight.

There are thousands of immortal cultivators guarding this large mineral vein.

Moreover, there are a large group of ordinary humans working as coolies, perhaps slaves with little freedom in life. They are currently transporting white substance ores from the mines, which are the spiritual stones that cultivators need.

But if the movement of these carriers' hands slows down a little, the overseers who are guarding the repairs will regard these slaves as lazy. They will pick up the whips in their hands without sympathy and crackle them on this group of human beings. superior.


Three miles away from this large mineral vein.

Ming asked the insects to stop trampling on them, and he was ready to make some arrangements before attacking.

You must know that the power of insects is extremely terrifying. If combined with the leadership and orders of wise men, this terrifying power will be infinitely amplified, become more terrifying, and even become unimaginably catastrophic!

And now under Ming's observation, this group of immortal cultivators dressed in blue should be another human race force.

Moreover, the overall strength and cultivation of this group of immortal cultivators seemed to be much higher than the white-clothed immortal cultivators he met today!

Because the lowest cultivation level among them is in the middle stage of foundation construction, and the highest one is in the early stage of Yuanying in charge of this place.

"It seems that this mine is not simple, and this force is also very huge!" Ming thought to himself in his heart.

However, the mere thousands of immortal cultivators seemed to be unable to resist in the face of his tens of millions of insect armies.


Not long after this, a thick yellow fog suddenly drifted toward this large mineral vein.

"Wow, it stinks, it stinks!"

"Oh my god, does this smell horrible?"

"Who the hell farts, doesn't even make any sound?"

Suddenly, the group of immortal cultivators and the large group of slaves working as coolies began to chirp and explode.

They just felt that the smell was like the smell of rotten feces and corpses, which was unbearable for them!


At this moment, the master of the early stage of Nascent Soul who was sitting here roared out with powerful spiritual power. She is a middle-aged woman.

And everyone here immediately heard thunder and buzzing in their ears, causing their eardrums to tingle.

But the most innocent and pitiable ones were the ordinary humans. Under the roar of this master, their eardrums immediately hemorrhaged and they almost became completely deaf.

"Enter the highest alert state, the enemy is coming!"

But this middle-aged woman didn't care about the consequences at all. Instead, when she looked at the yellow smoke a few miles away, she felt something was wrong. She always felt like there was some ferocious beast waiting for an opportunity to watch their every move.


But then, she was shocked. Her consciousness was unable to detect the yellow smoke a few miles away!

"Elder, there's something weird about that smoke... Our consciousness can't detect it." At this time, there was also a Jindan cultivator who immediately said in shock. He even suspected that this might be caused by the Poison Sect!

"Hmph! You don't overestimate your capabilities." The middle-aged woman snorted coldly. She looked directly at the yellow mist that kept coming. "Why are rats coming here to cause trouble? This is the important place of Tianmen Sect. Those who know how to do it should retreat quickly." ?”

However, as time passed by, no response came from behind Huang Wu.

"Go and find out!"

So she directly arranged for a golden elixir master to go find out the situation.

This golden elixir master did not hesitate at all. He still knew his own cultivation and the means to save his life. Even if there were any enemies, it would be impossible for him to kill him immediately!

Soon the golden elixir master arrived at the edge of the yellow mist, but because his spiritual consciousness could not penetrate into it, he had no way of knowing what was going on inside.

He had no choice but to prepare himself, took out his sword and stepped into it.


However, the moment he stepped in, death had completely come to him.

He didn't feel anything inside at all, he only felt that his body was being eaten by countless terrifying mouths, and he didn't have time to make any resistance, so he died miserably!


"What happened?"

At this moment, countless immortal cultivators could not stand. As soon as a golden elixir master entered, he let out a terrible scream and died immediately?

"Damn it! Start activating the spiritual light array. We can't let this weird yellow mist erode here!"

The middle-aged woman took direct action, realizing that these yellow mist could be a terrifying evil force.

Not only does it stink, it can also block the penetration of spiritual consciousness, and can even kill a golden elixir master in an instant.

Following this woman's order, this large mineral vein was directly shrouded and protected by a huge energy.

This is a golden light screen. It seems that the existence of this light screen can make this place inviolable.

If you want to break this energy mask, I'm afraid it will take dozens of Nascent Soul masters to work together to break it.

But can this broken cover really block the millions of insects from underworld?

Just like the thunder beasts with the purpose of destruction, the huge Leviathan snakes, the cannon bugs and self-destruction bugs with the power of destruction, and even millions of iron armors and millions of other bugs, they will really Being forcibly stopped outside?

Time passed by minute by minute.

The spray bugs continued to emit large amounts of yellow smoke along the way, and the smoke quickly eroded onto this large mineral vein.

At this time, the cultivator who turned on the spiritual light array and hid inside saw that the energy shield did not consume any energy. Thinking that the smoke did not have any destructive power, he breathed a sigh of relief.

So I felt that these must be the actions of poisonous rats.

Then they don't have enough to fear these people.

You must know that they are from the Tianmen Sect, which is the leader of the ten sects, and there are thousands of fellow disciples here, and there are even Nascent Soul masters sitting in charge, why can't they be killed?

But the only thing that makes them cautious is that their spiritual consciousness cannot be detected at all and can only be used within the spiritual light array. This leads to them not knowing what the enemy is doing outside.

But they are confident. This spiritual light array is set up on a large spiritual vein. It would be a dream for enemies outside to destroy it by force. This must be done internally.

And I believe that the elders have also sent out the sect's distress signal. As long as they protect this large spiritual vein inside, all crises will be solved when the sect comes.

"Ah!! Help!!"

"Ah!! There are bugs!!"

"Ah!! Someone is coming, bug, bug!"

However, just when their ideas were so naive, something happened deep in the mine!

It was a group of terrifying and bloodthirsty bugs that kept appearing in the deep mines and began to capture all food and resources directly from inside the mines.

ps: Happy Christmas Eve, book friends! Be safe and happy! I went out to play today. If I don’t go out to play, I really won’t have any friends. Sorry, I’ll make up for it tomorrow!

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