Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 52 Kill them all (third update, Merry Christmas)

Dozens of immortals from the Tianmen Sect are all masters at the peak of Nascent Soul.

They all suddenly burst out with soaring blood energy, and dozens of palms with terrifying power directly grabbed the leader of the Sky Sword Sect with their bare hands.

No trace was left where the claws passed.

But the surrounding void trembled and twisted at this moment.

"Humph, just in time!"

Wang Ming naturally reacted very quickly. Hearing just a cold snort from him, his whole aura became extremely sharp.

When he waved his hand in the void, there was a sudden change in the main peak, and a red light shot into the sky, piercing the clouds thousands of miles above.

This is a powerful sword energy, this is the Heavenly Sword controlled by Wang Ming, and it is the most precious treasure of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

It is said that those who possess this sword can easily cut through mountains and rivers and cut off the brilliance of the sun and moon when used to its full potential.

And all this happened very quickly. After the shock, a long red sword shot rapidly from the main peak.


The palms of dozens of immortals fought against this red heavenly sword.

At this time, a large amount of red sword energy spurted out from the tip of the sword, like countless weapons, and stabbed directly at the dozen immortals.

The pressure on them gradually increased, and they felt that they were not facing the power of a heavenly sword, but the power of countless divine weapons, such as axes, broadswords, hammers, clubs, and all kinds of weapons.

"Hahaha~~~~~ You old fools really overestimate your capabilities...!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen old immortals in the Tianjian Sect all laughed at this moment, and some even laughed outright.

"Can you and others be able to compete with the power of the faction leader's sword?"

When the old immortals of the Tianmen Sect saw the old immortals of the other party, they were trying their best to laugh at them. Suddenly, they had no place to hide their faces, and they were so angry that they gritted their teeth. They could hardly hold back the blood in their mouths, which they spat out on the spot.

But at this moment, they were more horrified. They didn't expect that in just a few years, this boy Wang Ming would become more powerful and display the power of the Heavenly Sword to such an extent.

As far as they knew, none of the past leaders of the Heavenly Sword Sect had used the Heavenly Sword Sect's sect-suppressing treasure to such power.

"Hmph, today the leader of this faction is just going to give you some memory. Get out of here now!"

Then Wang Ming snorted coldly and saw him holding the Heavenly Sword horizontally in the void. At this time, the power of the Heavenly Sword became more and more terrifying. Countless sword energy turned into countless weapons, just like the sharp blade of a divine weapon turned into substance. Attack them with thousands of attacks and ten thousand attacks.


Someone among them was suddenly injured, and he screamed. An arm was cut off by a terrifying sword energy.


The rest of the people were unable to resist the increasingly powerful power of the Heavenly Sword, and were injured by the sword energy emitted by the Heavenly Sword. The sword energy even invaded their bodies and raged violently in their bodies. They could not suppress it. , blood spurted out from his mouth and nose on the spot.

Then they were swept hundreds of meters away by the power of the Heavenly Sword, and finally managed to stabilize their bodies, stopping awkwardly in the void, swaying.

"Hmph! Go back and take care of yourself, and don't come out to embarrass yourself again." Wang Mingze took back the Heavenly Sword and said coldly, then turned around and returned to his main peak!

"What are you looking at? Why don't you get out? Why don't you go back and make arrangements for your funeral?"

"That's right, it's embarrassing. Why don't you find a place to hide it? Tomorrow it will be big news for you old people!"

"Hahaha...that's right!"

At this time, the immortals of the Tianjian Sect will of course want to ridicule them severely. Who are the immortals? This mockery made me feel so comfortable for some reason.

"Huh! You won't be proud for long!"

There was an old man in the Tianmen Sect who dropped these words and turned around and left here first, and from now on, he would indeed have no face to show up again.

As for the other old immortals, although they were ashamed and angry, what could they do? Now that things are like this, I can only go back to seclusion and wait for death.

But on the way back, an old man sighed.

"Oh, it seems that we are really getting old and bad, and our time is probably running out!"

"Yes, and Wang Ming, that kid I haven't seen for a few years, is so powerful that none of us, dozens of us, can defeat him with just one move."

"Humph, you can't say that. After all, we still took two of his moves!"

"Huh? Who?"

However, at this moment, a humanoid monster suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their way, as if this thing was originally here and they had never noticed it.

However, when I first saw this thing, I thought it was some kind of monster, but after careful inspection, I found that there was no monster at all.

Is it a monster? But there are so many monsters these days, that’s something they should care about forever. Isn’t that ridiculous?

"Hmph~ Looking for death!"

So You Lao Immortal, regardless of the injuries on his body, directly grabbed Ming with a palm. The power of this palm was not small. If faced with an ordinary golden elixir, there would be no chance of escaping from his palm.

But his friends didn't realize how powerful the other party was, and besides, they were unwilling to do so today.

Even with anger in his heart, if this thing in front of him meets them here, or if the other party intends to come to fishermen and others, it can only be said that the other party has been unlucky for eight lifetimes. As the saying goes, a skinny camel is better than a horse. Big, now they are only slightly injured, what does it matter?

"court death??"

Ming stood still and didn't quite understand why the immortal cultivators here were so self-righteous, especially because they didn't know their own abilities. After all, they were all a bunch of old people. Don't they have any knowledge? Aren't you terrible? Do you really look weak?

As he faced the palm that was so close at hand, Ming released a powerful spiritual attack, which was emitted as a wave of energy visible to the naked eye, directly overpowering this group of immortals.


At the same time, Ming punched the old immortal in front of him on the chest, piercing his body on the spot, and he fell down in front of everyone.

The other old immortals, who had been crushed by Ming's mental attack, felt a little breathless on the spot.

For this reason, they were extremely frightened. It turned out that this was an extremely terrifying existence!

This powerful spiritual power actually made them unable to help but surrender. Even their own combat effectiveness was continuously declining under this terrible spiritual attack.


This is a word that comes up repeatedly in their hearts. It can be said that they have never experienced such a terrifying thing!

And Ming didn't give them any chance to resist or any extra time. He wasn't worried that he wouldn't be able to kill them, or that they would run away, but he was worried that someone would notice him.

Because he has his purpose, but these people must die without anyone seeing it!

In the end, Ming's method of killing them was very simple. He punched them to the flesh, rough and violent, and they were all killed by him with one punch.

So that these old immortals don't understand what all this is for at the moment of death?

Is this a brutal murderer?

After their death, Ming did not eat their blood and flesh, but stayed away from this place without anyone noticing.

Except for a dozen pierced corpses lying here, it seemed that nothing had happened, because there were no traces of battle here.

ps: Merry Christmas, book lovers!

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