Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 64 Forcibly Killing the Dragon

"What? You ugly thing, are you really shameless? You actually killed him in front of us?"

At this time, a five-clawed golden dragon flying in the void saw that the white tiger they were with was killed instantly. However, it was obvious that this monster was insidious and deceitful, and murderous intent began to arise in his heart.

"Hmph, you seem to be very good at it, too? Do you have the guts to take a blow from me?" Ming looked at this with cold eyes. It would be their turn sooner or later, and none of them would live, so naturally they wouldn't speak politely.

What makes Ming feel regretful now is that after the laser energy cannon of the Hive Mind aircraft carrier was mixed with some of the world's origin power, its power was so powerful that it even destroyed the stupid tiger's body. How to extract the genes?

"Well, after all, he is trash, and you are even more trash."

Then Ming looked at some advanced creatures in front of him and sighed lightly.

But it seems that the next attack really cannot easily mobilize the power of the world's origin. Otherwise, if you want to extract the genes of these advanced creatures today, you will be completely screwed up by yourself.

So next, Ming only gave orders to the Hive Mind aircraft carrier to no longer mobilize any power from the origin of the world from the new energy gathering, but to quickly absorb the power of all things in this world.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the huge will aircraft carrier thousands of miles away, and countless biological tentacles descended from it again. Countless biological tentacles were also inserted into the ground to accelerate the absorption of nutrients from all things in this world. Perhaps not long after, everything will face all things. exhausted.

And several high-level extraordinary creatures were naturally roared with anger by Ming's words, and they were furious in the void. Their terror seemed to be able to break the void at any time. Even the golden dragon mobilized its thousand-meter body to fight with Ming, but was stopped by Jiu. Tai Tianhu stopped him.

"Perhaps we have a better way to coexist in this world. Of course, this is only temporary, because when we recover to the strength of Shattering the Void, we will leave this low plane. Everything here is still your whole We won’t take anything away from the Zerg.”

The nine-tailed sky fox stepped on the void. After the nine tails were stretched out, it was very sacred and beautiful. She looked at her Zeng Jin partner like this at this moment and said lightly.

In fact, she understood that the power of the Zerg controlled by Ming was very powerful and reached an unimaginable level. Moreover, she had witnessed with her own eyes a part of the ground that was thousands of miles away from the sealed world. She had also witnessed the withering of that sealed world, and even There is also the rapid rise of the Netherworld Zerg from beginning to end.

And this nine-tailed sky fox seems to have a high say in this group of advanced creatures with the color of mythical beasts. At this moment, the meaning of the nine-tailed sky fox can become the common meaning of other advanced creatures, and it will just wait. If Ming said that they could coexist, then they would not easily become enemies with each other, nor would they interfere with Ming's development. Even if Ming continued to absorb all the power of this world until it was exhausted, he would not care about anything about them.

"To live together? Shatter the void? Not take anything away?"

But this feels ridiculous. Who wants to live together? Who is going to cooperate? What he has to do now is to take down these high-level and extraordinary flesh and blood bodies and become part of his Insect Clan.

"Yes, I can absolutely guarantee that to you."

At this moment, the nine-tailed sky fox felt that with Ming's current tone, everything seemed to be going to a bad development, but she still hoped that Ming could think about it carefully.

"I'm sorry, my former friend. We bugs are all single-minded and can't do those complicated things. We are never afraid of battles and destruction. What's more, my entire bug race is also about to break through the void. Who cares about this broken side? The world?"

Ming said seriously, and looked at the group of monsters below them. Those were just some unworthy little monsters. Now the only extraordinary ones were the nine-tailed sky fox, the five-clawed golden dragon, the divine fire phoenix, and the Kunpeng who couldn't be stewed in a pot. , and the turtle carrying the big pot, to put it simply and easily, he is just a five-shot laser energy cannon, why should he coexist with them?

But at this moment, when they heard Ming's rejection, these advanced creatures immediately showed a state of going berserk if they disagreed. A terrifying coercion rose into the sky, and it seemed that at this moment, half of the sky was pressing down on Ming.

Naturally, Ming will not be at a disadvantage. His spiritual skill - Haki Release, is blessed by the spirit of the entire Zerg race. Dare you compete with him in terms of coercion? It's simply an ignorant search for frustration.

So Ming immediately unleashed his spiritual skill - Domineering Crush, completely crushing the pressure of these advanced creatures with a wave of pressure that was visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, the nine-tailed sky fox still did not want to collide with Ming easily. She added: "Then how do you want to get along? We can do whatever we can. After all, you helped me and others!"

"Oh?" Ming felt at this moment that the nine-tailed fox would not be completely killed by him, so he thought for a while and said: "As long as you submit to me and submit a certain amount of flesh and blood to my Zerg every day, maybe One day this king will give you freedom, how about it?"

"Hmph, looking for death!"

But when Ming finished speaking, the golden dragon swung its huge body of a thousand meters and directly grabbed Ming with one claw. Wherever he passed, the void trembled and twisted, and at the same time, he was accompanied by a terrifying evil wind that struck first.

"This is so. Does this count as rejecting my invitation?"

Ming looked ruthless at this moment, so he would kill the dragon by force. No matter how powerful your five-clawed golden dragon was, he still had the magical power to move wind and rain, and he would defeat all laws with one force without fear.

At this moment, Ming fully mobilized the power of the Titan insect body, the power of the cell armor, and the spiritual skills - the link mobilized part of the spiritual power of the entire Ming insect tribe, and then fully displayed another spiritual skill - Domineering Crush, directly weakening the five Almost 10% of the strength of Claw Golden Dragon.


So after Ming immediately mobilized part of the spiritual power of the entire Ming Zerg clan, his spiritual power had reached an unimaginable level. With the tenfold blessing of the Titan insect body, he soon released the strongest domineering crushing power in history. pressure.

At this time, an invisible force seemed to have swept over the entire world in the blink of an eye. For a while, it was as silent as a dead universe. I only felt that at this moment, all time and space fell into absolute stillness, and He Ming is the real master of this world.

At the same time, the Thousand Meter Golden Dragon, who was on the way to attack at this moment, felt that his offensive and his own strength were declining sharply. This feeling made him feel extremely frightened. He was completely unaware of what kind of spiritual power this was? Or some kind of spiritual power.

However, one of his claws is like a sharp arrow that was launched. In this case, it cannot be forcibly recovered and launched again.


So soon, the giant claws of the thousand-meter golden dragon collided with Ming's giant fist, and the two immediately erupted into a terrifying wave of destruction, sweeping out in circles in all directions.

At this time, if anyone is directly in the residual power generated by the two, they will definitely be cut off by Lazy Yao, and they will be seriously injured even if they don't die.

"hold head high!!"

Immediately after the thousand-meter golden dragon screamed, he felt as if his claws were smashed by the opponent's punch and the sacred bones inside were shattered. Now he was about to lose all consciousness, as if his entire claws were about to disappear.

What even puzzled him was that the black substance on the opponent's fist actually absorbed 30% of the attack power in his claws and turned it into his own use. At this moment, the opponent was completely prepared to encounter a monster that would become stronger. , showing the power that is difficult to kill, is really abnormal.

"Hmph! Any resistance now is useless. With this attack, I will take away one of your claws first!"

Ming Ze snorted coldly. In fact, he was shocked by the power of this golden dragon's claw. He didn't expect that after being crushed and weakened by his own domineering force, and then having 30% of the attack power absorbed by his own cell armor, There is such terrifying strength, and now his giant fist is numb.

However, after his cell armor was upgraded, it not only sucked away 30% of the opponent's attack power, but also forcibly assimilated the cells, completely eroding the opponent's claws and even the entire body.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

So at the next moment, the thousand-meter golden dragon broke out in cold sweat, its soul was numb, and the black substance on the opponent's giant fist quickly eroded into the giant claws.

ps: We are about to enter a new world. Book friends, do you think you should go to a few planes first, such as some good dimensional planes, or go directly to the interstellar?

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