Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 73 Giant of Beasts

At this moment, Ming's analysis knew that the giant who was secretly manipulating it was most likely the Giant of Beasts. His true form was an adult man with four curly eyes, named Jike.

As for the delicate information contained in it, this beast giant is Allen's half-brother, Allen's father Grisha Yeager and Dana Ferry, who has royal blood. Born from the marriage of Ci.

Now this beast giant is operating outside the human wall, and its real purpose should be to take away his father's other son, the protagonist of this plane, Alan.

However, these infiltrated giants, including Jike, do not know that the protagonist actually possesses the power of coordinates in the power of the ancestor giant. When he awakens, he can forcibly call on the brainless giants to fight for him!

"It's getting more and more interesting. How can everything progress so fast?"

At this moment, Mingze felt that the characters and stories in this world had completely deviated from the direction of the original plot. From this moment on, it was up to him to dominate and control everything in this world, including the demons behind it, and he had to be completely afraid. To him!

So then, Ming gave an order to the Hive Will aircraft carrier, and immediately dispatched Leviathan Whale, one of the strongest series of the Zerg, and the Hive Lord, etc., so that these big guys could come here to dominate the battlefield and attack tens of thousands of people. The brainless giant devours a large area.

And Ming is preparing to deal specifically with the Giant of Kai and the Giant of Beasts among the nine giants. As for the boy Allen?

Ming naturally wants to find an opportunity to let him come out to fight, so that he can get rapid growth and stimulation, so that he can awaken the power of coordinates in the power of the giant.

And no matter what, this kid is the protagonist of this plane. If we can wait until he gathers a lot of luck before killing him, so as to bless the Insect Tribe, that would be the best thing!

"Huh? Here?"

However, when Ming Ming was thinking about this for a short while, he suddenly felt a dangerous aura approaching him very quickly!

"Sure enough, that guy's shooting ability is very good!"

Ming immediately turned his head to look at this, and saw a five-meter giant from a distance, throwing towards him accurately as if cutting through the sky.

This method of pitching uses the giant as a mass bomb and projects it from the air. The destructive power cannot be underestimated.

And at this moment, only the Beast Giant Zeke can exert the mass bomb to such a terrifying level, because this is his best ability!

But even if the opponent's projection ability is accurate and powerful, and the brainless giant is used as a mass bomb in his hand to attack Ming in the air, it is obviously impossible to attack Ming in the air, unless Ming does not notice the arrival of the mass bomb!

Ming escaped this easily and calmly! What ushered in at this time was just a very domineering wind blade blowing on him.

"No, run!"

However, this mass bomb directly hit the high wall of Shiganshina. When the weak humans faced the mass bomb dropped by the giant, they only felt that they had no resistance. If they were hit, everyone would be hit. Impossible to live!

But the mass bomb went too fast, and humans couldn't make it in time. Ming could actually help them at this time, but why should Ming help him?

This also happened to allow Allen to make a choice, transform into Attack on Titan, and even awaken the giant power of the ancestor, and begin to gather the luck that belongs to the protagonist of his plane!

Sure enough, at the critical moment, in order to protect his friends on the high wall of Shiganshina, and determined not to let the high wall be destroyed again, Allen bit one of his palms without any hesitation.

Suddenly in the raging thunder, the power of the giant residing in Allen's body awakened. At this moment, Allen transformed into a fifteen-meter-tall giant with a long tongue and sharp ears. His hair was disheveled, but his expression was very spiritual. He has extremely strong muscles all over his body and seems to be born to be good at boxing and fighting.

This is the Attack Titan among the nine giant powers. It comes from the titan power of his father Grisha Yeager.

This was during the thirteen years that his father had mastered the power of giants. Knowing that the end was coming, and after the fall of Wall Maria, he went to eat some members of the Reis family and obtained the power controlled by the Reis family. The power of the giant, and decided to pass the power of the giant to Allen. I hope that Allen will not be affected by the thoughts of the first King Les and one day be able to fight for the freedom of mankind. Of course, there must be other things in his physical strength. The power of giants!

However, before Allen can inherit the power of a giant, his father must inject him with a medicine to turn Allen into a brainless giant, and then let Allen eat his father who has the power of a real giant. In fact, he has to eat him. Only the bone marrow fluid in his father's body can fully obtain his father's giant power and become a giant with a brain.

"hold head high!!!"

At this time, Eren, who had transformed into Attack on Titan, stretched out his arms. Facing the Titan thrown at him by an unknown source, he roared and directly used his huge Titan body to resist the Titan that was shot at extremely fast speeds!


A huge collision sounded, really like a bomb. Allen, who had transformed into Attack Titan, was retreating at a distance of one meter per second, and his body began to burn with flames under the powerful impact.

However, at this moment, he became obviously more terrifying. He bared his teeth and his eyes flashed red. He seemed to have lost his original reason and turned dark.

However, after retreating a few meters, Allen forcibly stopped and tore the five-meter giant in his arms into two halves on the spot.

In the end, Allen bought his friends enough time to escape.

"Not enough, not enough at all!"

But Ming, who was in the air, looked at Allen's performance and felt that if he wanted him to awaken the power of coordinates in the power of the ancestor giant, he still needed constant stimulation!

But at this moment, the Giant Beast appeared in the giant battlefield. He was a guy who looked like a gibbon, about seventeen meters tall. At this moment, he did not look at Ming in the sky, but looked at Xi Gan ruthlessly. Attack on Titan on the high wall of Shina.

Because the beast giant Jike, at this moment, he only felt that the giant on the high wall gave him a sufficient reaction, as if there was some kind of involvement between them!

"Tsk! What a rare sight! But at least you are related by blood, and you both even have royal blood!" At this moment, Ming only felt that this guy Jike might have noticed that the giant on the high wall was the one he wanted to catch. Allen.

And along with the beast giant, there is also a female giant with a huge body of thirty meters tall. She does not look very strong, but the huge power in her hands cannot be underestimated!

"Huh? You finally showed up? Dana Fritz!" Ming couldn't help but feel happy at this moment. It turned out to be the giantess who ate Allen's mother. She appeared on the battlefield in such a timely manner.

So as long as Allen still has some human sense now, when he sees the giantess who killed his mother, he will definitely burst into rage and anger, and quickly rush forward to fight with the female giant, and may even awaken in the end. The power of coordinates!

"hold head high!!!"

As expected, Allen, who turned into a giant on the high wall, roared again. The emotion was full of hatred and anger. When he saw the female giant on the battlefield, he recalled that she was the culprit who ate his mother. The culprit!

"Eren, no!" Mikasa naturally saw the giant, but she didn't stop Eren's desperate efforts after all!

"Are you going to abandon me again and fight alone?"

Mikasa's eyes were filled with tears, and she was extremely worried about Eren's safety. So after checking the three-dimensional mobile device on her body, she followed Eren's footsteps and figure, and flew into the battlefield!

ps: Hey, it’s been such an eventful time. Last night, a glass of water poured into my laptop, causing it to break. It will take a few days to repair it. I used my mobile phone to type words today. I’m not used to it at all. I don’t feel anything about the quality...

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