Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 78 Deprived of Luck

The two terrifying forces were destroyed in the confrontation, just like the quantum energy backfired on the bodies of the giants Ming and Allen. Both of their extremely powerful bodies were destroyed and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye at this moment.

However, the giants Ming and Allen did not immediately release their strength and separate. Only half of their bodies were destroyed from top to bottom. After they disappeared, they each flew hundreds of meters away. Looking at each other from a distance.

At the same time, as they released their strength, their other strength subsided and continued to return to their respective bodies!

But at this time, Giant Allen appeared extremely tired, panting and breathing, as if his physical strength had reached an unprecedented limit.

At this moment, even though Allen's heart was well protected, the golden thunder was still raging all the time, but after all, the giant Allen only had half of his body left. Now as he is approaching his limit, his entire body The shape is like a candle in the wind, which may fall into the smoke of the war at any time.

Because even if Allen has the body of a giant and even awakens the power of the ancestor giant, to a certain extent, Allen has the power of a demon. Of course, humans in this world regard this power as a god. the power of!

But you must know that even if it is the power of God, it is not Allen's own after all. How can an ordinary flesh and blood body control it? If he forcibly uses this power beyond his control, it will be done at the cost of burning his life, so Allen's life will probably come to an end now.

Looking back at Ming at this moment, it is obvious that he is an existence that is unimaginably powerful. You must know that Ming possesses extremely powerful cell armor and is already rapidly repairing Ming's injured and missing body parts.

However, the repair was quite slow at first. Since the will of the plane had not been defeated, the ability of the Cell Armor was greatly suppressed, and this plane did not recognize it!

But soon, Ming directly summoned the Zerg healing bugs. This series of healing bugs are combined with the genes of the Phoenix, and the bugs produced are called slugs. They can continue to divide themselves during repair, directly becoming Part of the body.

Therefore, on the basis of dual healing and division filling, Ming's repair speed is very fast, directly achieving the rapid repair and growth of the originally missing body parts at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This process only took about ten minutes, and half of Ming's body that was destroyed and disappeared was completely repaired.

When his body was completely repaired, Ming's combat power was surging.

As for physical strength?

Ming himself didn't even know where his own limit was, let alone a battle with a mere Allen giant, how could he push him to the limit? On the contrary, if it were not for the suppression of the will of the plane, what powerful enemy could not be defeated by him with one punch?

"You have been defeated, and it is time to leave, but you will witness all the achievements of this king!"

As Ming strides towards the giant Eren, he is really going to eat Eren's body at this moment, not to inherit the power of the giant in his body, but to forcibly take away the power of destiny from him .

"hold head high!"

The giant Allen, who had reached his limit, saw his opponent appear in front of him intact. At this moment, Allen roared unyieldingly at Ming. He did not lower his head because of his failure. He was like a king. This kind of posture has always been on his body, and it was displayed vividly by him at this moment.

But now Giant Allen is no longer able to fight, and his body is repairing extremely slowly. Even if more than ten minutes have passed, his injuries have become more serious.

Regarding the roar of Giant Allen, Ming did not choose to be angry. He just stretched out a giant hand at will and broke the entire neck of Giant Allen. The other hand gently pushed forward and pushed Giant Allen's neck away. The lower body was pushed to the ground full of blood.

The next moment, Ming turned around proudly, took a few steps, dug out Allen's body from the newly unscrewed neck, and brought Allen's body to the huge body of the Leviathan whale.

At this time, one of Ming's fingers rubbed into Allen's heart and took out Allen's heart completely. In Ming's view, Allen's giant power is very special. The so-called giant power should be lodged in Allen's heart, so the heart will be sent back to the Hive Mind aircraft carrier.

As for Allen's body, Ming Nai devoured it on the spot and forcibly took away the power of destiny from Allen's body.

Soon, Ming felt that the power of luck of the protagonist of this plane was gathering in his body. The plane's suppression of his will was constantly disappearing, and his strength was skyrocketing crazily.

"It's been a long time coming?" The next moment, Ming felt a little ridiculous. How long had he been in this world? long time? How many days? He actually began to be intoxicated with his own power, and even became somewhat unable to extricate himself from it.

"No, maybe I've become stronger again!" When Ming's own power was restored, Ming only felt that the world was completely under his control. All the so-called resisters were at his mercy at this moment. It seems that they are just humble and unworthy ants.


So Ming connected to the insect spirit of the entire Ming Zerg tribe and directly launched a powerful spiritual technique - Domineering Crush!

At this time, an invisible spiritual force swept through every corner of the world on the spot. At the same time, except for the Zerg life, all other life, including countless giants, humans, etc., fell into absolute stillness. , even all the pain, joys and sorrows are silent at this moment.

Then countless bugs scattered around the world took advantage of this situation to swarm up and attack these beings that had no escape or resistance. In a short period of time, countless lives were reduced to food and resources for the Hades. , all were brought back to the nest of the Hades.

In fact, Ming did this just to make it all end quickly. His strength has been completely restored, so all the resistance in this world is not necessary. It is better to give them pain directly, accept the most peaceful death directly, and Just be reduced to the food and resources of his Insect Tribe unconsciously. This is the best way to end all life in this world.

"Start devouring!"

Then Ming ordered the Leviathan whale under him to start cleaning the big battlefield in front of him, because this battlefield had completely turned into a slaughterhouse. Of course, this was all due to the awakening of Pigfoot Allen, who summoned hundreds of thousands of people. Giants, these giants were all killed by pterodactyl worms, Leviathan snakes, and thunder beasts. As a result, the bodies of giants piled up in mountains, and the ground flowed into rivers of blood.

Therefore, Ming thought that he should take advantage of this moment to let the Levitan whale perform a devouring action to see if he could achieve huge growth!

After receiving the master's order, the Leviathan whale opened its huge mouth several hundred meters in the void on the spot. An extremely powerful devouring force came out of its pitch-black mouth, and soon swept across the land with a radius of several kilometers. place. In an instant, countless blood and giant corpses were seen, turning into waterfalls of flesh and blood, flying extremely fast into the huge mouth of the endless abyss.

Then, as the endless blood and meat within a radius of several kilometers were absorbed and devoured by the Leviathan whale, its originally gigantic body of a thousand meters grew in size at a speed visible to the naked eye, until finally the entire body of the Leviathan whale About doubled in size.

ps: There is another chapter today, which is the last chapter of this plane. The first stop of the lost star is to go to the unknown ball of the star!

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