Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 80 In my kingdom...

"Huh? Damn it!" The demon phantom was suddenly startled. At this moment, he felt an irresistible threat from the other party. "Is this the will of heaven? How is it possible?"

"It's a pity that you understood it too late!" At this time, Ming had already broken through the phantom claws of the devil with one palm, smashed and crushed them on the spot, and the danger factor in it was even more terrifying, which had already made the demon in the phantom The devil is the most dangerous enemy.

"Fuck you, you're cheating!" The demon in the darkness yelled in fear. This guy was actually recognized by this plane, and his strength was obviously no longer suppressed. How could he be an opponent?

"Hmph...interesting!" Ming was on the way to attack the demon, but he could still hear such interesting words from the demon. It seemed that this demon was a guy with a story.

"The power of the contract!" But just when Ming's attack was about to fall into the darkness, the demon hidden inside launched a desperate counterattack.


Then a huge figure suddenly appeared out of thin air. This was a female giant with a head full of golden hair. There was no trace of clothing covering her body, but layers of dark power spread out throughout her body. It seemed that Can corrode all living things.

"This is the first ancestor giant, Ymir!"

Ming slapped the giantess's chest with a palm, and immediately felt an extremely soft feeling in his hand. However, this was not what Ming paid special attention to, but that there was a powerful dark force on the other side, and he took advantage of this to pass through his hand. spread throughout the body.

"Huh? Who are you? You even know her?"

But at this time, the demon shadow was even more shocked. The guy in front of him actually knew his secret weapon. This was not a cheat! You must know that the ancestor giant Ymir was the person who directly signed the contract, and this happened hundreds of years ago, but the other party actually knew Ymir!

"Oh, that's all after all!" Mingze ignored the other party's question and began to understand that the real strength of this demon was the ancestor giant Ymir. Obviously, Ymir has now been completely controlled by the demon and has become a The strongest container of demonic power.

As for the identity of this demon that has always shocked Ming? Ming Ze just sneered in his heart, who is he? It can be said that all the secrets of this world are transparent in Ming's eyes. Doesn't Ming still know who the giant Ymir is, the ancestor of nature?

What surprised Ming was that after so many years, Ymir's body was still so well-preserved in the shape of a giant.

Originally, according to the original work, Ymir was a person who signed a contract with the devil, and then received the power of the ancestor giant, which is the power of God praised by humans. However, as a human being, after controlling this power, he can only After surviving for thirteen years, after her death, Ymir divided her ancestor's power into the power of the nine giants. That is, after dividing nine parts of bone marrow fluid from her body, Ymir disappeared completely and disappeared. Thinking about today's situation, Ymir's entire body was actually invaded by demons!

"Humph, that's all? My dark power can completely erode your mind, and eventually even your soul can be controlled... No matter how powerful you are, you will still be unable to escape from my control. Tremble, come on. Please beg me, hahaha...!"

Although the demon phantom was shocked, he noticed that some of the power of darkness had completely entered the opponent's body. Even if this power of darkness was not enough to deal with the opponent, there would be no human container like Ymir. ? So for a while, the devil's shadow gained confidence and gradually revealed its true nature as a devil!

"The power of darkness?" Ming really doesn't take it seriously. Maybe it is a certain threat to other life forms, but with the power of the system, any external power or energy that enters his body will be destroyed. It can be swallowed up by the system!

"It doesn't matter if you are a demon or some other trash, as long as I want your life today, you will not survive until tomorrow!" Then Ming did something that dumbfounded the demon Xuying, and even subverted his world view. One scene.

"You, aren't you afraid of death?" At this time, the devil's shadow felt his scalp numb. The other party actually ate its entire container, the ancestor giant, and the endless power of darkness in front of him.

"Burp, the taste is okay, but this container is not fresh enough, and there is no blood that I like!" Ming tore up the ancestor giant in front of him in a few mouthfuls, pretended to burp, and spit out circles from his mouth. The power of darkness.

At this moment, the demon phantom could no longer keep calm. He only felt that the other party was more evil than the demon himself. He actually opened his mouth and swallowed the endless power of darkness. He was not eroded by any darkness, but showed a picture of Not eating well.

So the demon phantom fully realized that he was bankrupt. He couldn't help the other party. Now he could only find a place to hide and not come out. Anyway, their demons have endless lives, so they can slowly wait for this plane to recognize him. , and then just regain your strength and escape from this plane!

"You think you can still run away? There is no place in this world for you to hide!"

When Mingze sees the demon's shadow, he doesn't run away into the endless ocean, but dives inland. Isn't this funny? The inland is his strongest home ground. There are countless terrifying bugs in the inland, and there are even Hive Will aircraft carriers in the void in the inland!

But now Ming didn't want to waste any more time and directly summoned the whale in the ocean.

"Come out and devour that devil completely for me!"

"Boom!" Immediately, the seawater shook violently, and there was a sudden loud noise, and a huge whale of 10,000 meters rushed out. It seemed that this guy had devoured a lot of food on the bottom of the sea, otherwise he would not have grown so big so quickly. huge.

"Hu~~~woo~~~" The whale soaring in the void, at this time, lightly flapped its Kun wings, and produced terrifying dangerous energy, stirring up a powerful air current that swept in all directions. For a time, the sky was dark and the ground was dark, and the wind and clouds were howling. , the demon phantom in front was severely pulled on the spot, and seemed to be unable to move even an inch!

"You... you will regret it. My demon clan is immortal, just wait and see!" At this time, the demon shadow was completely panicked, and the 10,000-meter monster suddenly opened a thousand-meter-large door. The giant mouth, the giant mouth issued a domain devouring, the demon shadow's body unexpectedly left the void, and quickly flew towards the thousand-meter huge giant mouth.

"Hmph! In my king's kingdom, there is no immortal enemy, and there is no food that cannot be eaten!" Ming glanced at the demon's shadow for the last time. At this time, the whale completely swallowed the demon and closed its eyes tightly. Fucked in a huge mouth!

In the end, Ming left and returned to the construction of the Hive Will aircraft carrier. All other creatures in the world no longer exist. Now there are only some resources and a ball of world origin energy left, but Ming does not need to worry about these.

Because in a few months, this world will be completely exhausted, and all resources and energy will be swallowed up by the Hive Mind aircraft carrier and countless insects, and he will travel through the void to the endless and distant interstellar space. middle!

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