Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 88 Need a magic weapon

"Who are you?"

Ming, who broke through many obstacles, arrived directly above the main hall of the Stone Soul Clan, but at this moment he was blocked by the King of Kyle.

I saw the King of Kyle's huge body of 100 meters, and suddenly a huge fighting soul rose into the sky, like the body of a demon god. The appearance of lifting the sky from the ground was enough to show that his combat power was extremely huge!

"Stop talking nonsense, I am here to devour you!" Mingze said without any nonsense, and immediately launched his strongest combat power, ten times the power of the Titan insect body, armed with cell armor all over his body, and even used the huge power of the Zerg spirit. , using the spiritual skill - releasing the domineering force to crush.

Under the release of Ming's domineering force, no matter what kind of creature it is, as long as it is not as strong as Ming's spirit, it will be suppressed by his spirit. Under this suppression, their combat effectiveness will be forcibly reduced as the ultimate goal. As for how much it can be suppressed To continue fighting, it depends on how tenacious the opponent's spirit and will is!

As a result, an invisible spiritual power turned into a substantial wave form, sweeping over the entire kingdom fortress on the spot. It was mainly concentrated on the King of Kyle and the King of Kaidi, because they were the most threatening. Yes, as for the entire kingdom fortress below, although it was formed by countless combinations of stone warriors, these weak warriors were completely unworthy of being his opponent.

"Hmph, you are indeed very arrogant, but you do have the capital to be arrogant!" The King of Kyle is extremely majestic and domineering. Even if he is crushed by Ming's spirit, it will be affected to a certain extent, causing his own combat power to drop by about 20%. , but he holds the Holy Light War Hammer in his hand, burning the body of a fighting soul like a demon god. It seems that even if he loses 20% of his combat power, he, the King of Kyle, is still a terrifying existence. After all, he is the strongest among the Stone Soul Clan. king.

"You guys know each other!" In response to the words of the King of Kyle, Ming suddenly gave them a chance to survive. After all, the path taken by the Insects is tolerance. As long as the Stone Soul clan surrenders to the Insects and is used by the Insects, then All death and destruction can be judged and punished by him again!

"I'll give you a chance to submit to my king. If you obey, you will prosper; if you go against it, you will perish!"

"How presumptuous! You, an ugly and disgusting thing like a bug, dare to make us two kings surrender to you?" King Kaidi's temper exploded, and he stood up in fear on the spot, and the giant shield in his hand made a hunting sound. , the silver divine light streamed forward, shooting straight into the sky, and immediately a body of a fighting spirit standing upright formed behind him. Like the fighting spirit of the King of Kyle, they were both like the body of a demon god.

"Oh, I am a peerless and independent insect. As for you who dare to say that I am disgusting and ugly, I will treat you as if you refuse to surrender. I will kill you completely today and completely devour all the people of your kingdom!" Ming Ao looked at me! The void seemed extremely majestic at this moment, "You and others are so ignorant of praise. It can be seen that I represent the destruction of the universe and will be the boss who dominates many civilizations in the universe. I am the 8 billion Zerg army of the Underworld Zerg today. If they are forced to Come trampled on, wait until you can get fleas!"

"Insects, you are indeed of the insect family, but you are far worse than the Queen of Blades a thousand years ago. Even if she came here, she would not dare to speak so wildly!" The King of Kaidi roared angrily again at this moment: "If this planet was still in its heyday, if the Burning Legion of the Titans had not come to order this world, if the extremely powerful Queen of Blades had not come to devour and destroy this place, your arrival would have been completely ruined here, here. It will become the terrible tomb of your Hades!"

"Queen of Blades? Burning Legion?" I suddenly heard the words of the king of the Stone Soul Clan, and even learned about what happened to this planet. No wonder this planet is so barren and broken, if it weren't for the power that the Insect Tribe is interested in here. , he Zerg tribe will definitely ignore everything on this planet immediately!

"Familiar, really too familiar. You have successfully brought back the distant memories in my mind. The powers you mentioned are indeed very powerful, but your understanding of them is not as good as mine, just as you don't understand them. The power and destruction this king brings!”

At this moment, Ming took action directly, because the Stone Soul Clan completely rejected the only opportunity he gave him, and even completely angered him. They dared to use the minions of the Titan God Clan and the Star Blade Queen's tribe to criticize his infinite potential of the Ming Zerg Clan. .

Do these ignorant guys really understand the Insect Clan? Can it be said that the Hades were under the leadership of his Immortal Pluto for only a few years? Or decades? Now that it has developed to the point where it can easily destroy planets one after another, should this be the fallen Stone Soul clan, who is qualified to criticize?

"You've come just in time, my great King of Kaidi will kill you with my own hands!" Kaidi, a giant stone giant of 100 meters, is covered in silver armor, holding a giant shield in one hand and a huge fist in the other, attacking. The coming Ming was blocked and bombarded away.

The King of Kaidi's body is extremely huge, and the silver fighting spirit behind him that stands up to 500 meters tall. The movements of both of them are extremely slow, but every move of the fighting spirit seems to be pulling terrifying power. In short, that This kind of incomparable power made Ming dare not have any contempt.


Soon, when the shield in the hand of the huge King Kyle leaned forward, the silver war spirit behind him also had a huge soul shield in his huge hand. He took the lead in blocking the shield for Kyle, directly blocking the underworld. bombarded by giant fists.

For a moment, the 100,000 kilograms of force erupted from Ming's giant fist was all blocked by King of Kyle's fighting spirit shield. However, the opponent's fighting spirit was not invincible. It could only resist Ming's punch attack. After that, it obviously became a lot darker because of it.


But the King of Kyle, followed by a shocking roar, seemed to dare not perform such a feat, so the substantial shield in his hand once again burst out with an even more dazzling silver holy light. Under this silver holy light , the body of King Kyle's silver fighting spirit suddenly became extremely dazzling, and there was even a feeling that this five-hundred-meter huge fighting spirit was about to materialize, as if it could really break through some stubbornness and shackles, and become a real person. The body of the demon god.

At the same time, the King of Kyle attacked with his other hand, and the one that attacked first was the huge fighting spirit fist.

"Boom!" When Ming hit the giant shield with one punch, he immediately raised another fist and exploded, hitting the opponent's fighting soul fist.

But this time, Ming was not able to shock or resist the opponent's already prepared fighting spirit fist, and was immediately blasted tens of thousands of meters away by the opponent's punch.

Ming was tens of thousands of meters away and forcibly stabilized his body. He gritted his teeth. The power of the opponent's fighting spirit was indeed extremely powerful, as if he had real divine power. One blow hit the opponent's fighting spirit shield, otherwise how could the fighting spirit fist behind him be able to knock him away tens of thousands of meters.

"Damn, I must evolve, at least have a powerful weapon!" At this moment, Ming only felt that if he wanted to personally deal with these two kings, he must evolve immediately, and he would need a magic weapon. At that time, he would cooperate with him With a huge power of close to one hundred thousand, everything in this world will be destroyed by him.

ps: Ah, it’s really exciting. It’s over. What should I do if it’s released at the end of this month? The editor will definitely be completely disappointed with me! ! ! ! Wow wow wow... And I have failed again in the past two months, so I am so frustrated! ! ! Moreover, I have become so desperate that there are readers who have the heart to scold me and simply don’t consider my feelings! ! It’s so sad that I don’t have any fans or readers to help me get justice! !

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