Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 92 Heart of the Zerg

"What is the power of thousands of years of faith?" Ming listened to the roar of the combined stone giant and didn't quite understand what it meant. However, at this time, Ming noticed that several weak points began to appear on the combined stone giant. It seemed that the other party could not resist him. Infinite artillery fire attack of the Insects.

You must know that the artillery fire of hundreds of millions of insects, if bombarded collectively, is already like a huge explosive reactor. Although it is far less than a nuclear reactor of such a huge scope, the energy generated by the explosion is enough to destroy a 10,000-meter-large fighting spirit at this moment. body.

"Hmph, although you have a powerful body, your movements are too slow. For my infinite insects, you are their best target. By the way, you can still shoot accurately. You have withstood all the attacks. Attack damage!" Ming said coldly, "Let's see what else you can do this time!"

"Dark erosion!" Immediately afterwards, Ming immediately flew ten thousand meters into the sky, directly raising the Demon Bone Sword in his hand. A large amount of blood in his body was transported into the Demon Bone Sword, and the terrifying power of darkness was suddenly released from the sword.

This time Ming did not use any dark sword marks. Instead, after the Demonic Bone Sword in his hand released a large amount of dark power, he controlled this power with the sword in his hand, and saw this dark power moving toward Wan. The huge fighting spirit body eroded away.

Soon, taking advantage of the constant bombardment of countless artillery fire, the power of darkness swept over the body of the war soul, eroding independently through the weak points on the soul body, hoping to devour and destroy it from the inside.

Regarding Ming's dark power, the combined stone giant did not take any measures to expel it. Instead, it hammered away at Ming's position with another battle soul hammer, but Ming still escaped quickly.

At the same time, when the hammer of the war spirit hit the ground this time, the huge damage caused could no longer threaten the insects on the ground, because almost all of them crawled onto the whales, and the whales were swimming in the void. It is completely outside the enemy's attack range.

"All this is useless, you Stone Soul clan are too weak!" When Ming came to another place in the void, he saw that the enemy's fighting spirit body was getting weaker and weaker. At this moment, the so-called defense was also weak. It's just a ridiculous restraint, and he, the Insect Clan, will eventually defeat all of this.

The combined stone giant did not roar anymore, and seemed to fall into complete stillness for a while, allowing countless artillery attacks. Of course, even if it was no longer silent, it would be difficult to explode in silence. The power of the bugs' artillery fire was huge, and it was completely Stopped the progress of the combined stone giant.

"I can already feel that you are getting weaker and weaker, so be it! As long as you tell me how the power of your fighting souls is established and formed, I will kill all your other enemies, such as the Titans. All the minions, as well as the Queen of Interstellar Blades, who is of the same clan as me!" Holding the Demon Bone Sword in Ming's hand, like an undefeated peerless demon, he looked down at the combined giant below and said everything calmly.

Ming felt that the power of the fighting spirit of the Stone Soul clan was very special. It seemed that it would be difficult to extract it using genetic methods. It was obviously closely related to the energy ball above the opponent's head, so this was beyond the scope of biological genes. The Zerg clan was There is no way to extract genes, so we can only control this power and apply it to the entire Insect family.

"The heart of the stone soul is the most important treasure of heaven and earth. It can gather the faith of all things and condense the soul of all things!" Soon, countless cracks appeared in the 10,000-meter soul body of the combined stone giant. It seemed that it would be completely broken and disappear between heaven and earth in the next moment. , but at this moment, the two kings Kyle and Kaidi, who seemed to have been thinking for a long time, answered Ming's question at this moment.

"I see, but it will be called the Heart of the Zerg from now on!" When Ming suddenly realized it, he attributed the heavy treasure on the enemy's head to the Zerg. However, Ming has always been a trustworthy person. Even if the other party does not remind him, Ming will. Said: "I will help you do what you can't do. Your death and dedication are all worth it at this moment, because all life outside the Insect Tribe will be my enemy, or Surrender or accept the death I give you!"

"The end of our Stone Soul clan is not accidental, but inevitable. Although you are the one who ended us, we hate the culprit who started it all even more. I hope you can kill all the Burning Legion in the universe!" This moment is huge! The body of the fighting spirit suddenly shattered and disappeared completely. The six-kilometer-long giant stone giant was completely trapped in the bombardment of countless insects!

So in just the blink of an eye, the combined giant was bombarded into hundreds of millions of fast-sized stones, splashing across the vast land.

"Stop!" Immediately after Ming asked hundreds of millions of insects to stop attacking, he looked down and said, "Any last words?"

The King of Kyle and the King of Kaidi have been resurrected again, but none of their armies have been resurrected. They have all turned into stones of different sizes, and they have truly become ordinary stones!

"When the warhammer and the giant shield are intertwined, you will covet that wonderful call of power. You will see the coordinates of a source of power in the distant universe. The Queen of Blades from thousands of years ago has already arrived!" At this time, the King of Kyle was the size of his own body, but he was no longer interested in fighting, and his resurrected body had become increasingly unstable, and could turn into a pile of rocks at any time.

"Humph, we fought unyieldingly, but we failed. These two weapons just lost their direction and were left in our hands." The King of Kaidi wanted to fight again, but his soul body had dissipated. And if he wanted to be completely resurrected, it would probably take thousands of years of cultivation, but he knew that the enemy in front of him was greedy, and they would take away the Stone Soul Heart, and they would never be able to resurrect from their slumber.

"I will go, but you can sleep forever!" Ming said calmly, and suddenly raised the Demon Bone Sword in his hand, emitting monstrous dark power, and slashed into the void, creating a huge The Mark of Darkness slashed towards the bodies of the two kings.

The two kings Kyle and Kaidi did not make any resistance and accepted their inevitable death calmly. So under the erosion of the power of darkness, they scattered into countless fast-sized stones and piled them up like two hills, but they He is completely dead now and will never be resurrected again!

Ming Ze flew down, holding the golden war hammer and the silver shield together in his hands. Sure enough, a wonderful call of power appeared in his mind, like the resurrection of all things, the origin of life, and a picture appeared in his mind. The azimuth coordinates seem to guide all life to enter.

But Ming was very calm, and instead threw the giant shield and war hammer to the evil Carl Dragon, "If these two weapons suit you well, they are yours!"

"Yes, I like this warhammer very much, and I will allocate the giant shield to suitable subordinates!" Evil Carl Dragon bowed to Ming.

"It's up to you!" Ming has already remembered the power of making a mark. It doesn't matter whether these two things are in his hands or not, but Ming values ​​​​the heart of the stone soul. But when Ming holds it in his hand, it is already the heart of the Zerg. Heart.

"From now on, all the people of the Zerg tribe must devoutly believe in this king, and I will bless you with the body of a fighting spirit!" I saw Ming suddenly swallow the heart of the Zerg tribe, which was the size of a small bowl, because of this treasure of heaven and earth. , can gather the power of faith of all things and gather the souls of all things, but Mingming wants all this to belong to his Insect Tribe.

"The Lord is supreme... The Lord is supreme..." The will of the Zerg tribe exploded instantly. From this moment on, there was a steady stream of power of faith, which was absorbed and stored in the heart of the Zerg tribe within the body.

ps: A new week has begun. Thank you to all my book friends. I hope you will continue to be happy in the new week!

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