Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 94 One Hundred Years Later (The World of Quiba Begins)

The preparation and firing of the super laser cannon by the Hive Will ship is completed in an instant, and this is currently the most lethal biological ship power of the Hades, which is the power of the Hive Will ship!

I saw that when an energy beam that could distort or even break through the void page was launched from the thousands of miles of huge Hive Will aircraft, this speed seemed to ignore space and time, even faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. The speed of spread is much faster.

But at this time, the gigantic void beast that was originally in the explosion suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of the Hive Will ship, as if it had the magical ability to flash and move. It was not afraid of any destruction, and actively received the Hive Will. The aircraft's super laser cannon was bombarded, and at the same time, it was not afraid of the super-speeding Hive Will aircraft, and directly collided with the Hive Will aircraft.


Then a super huge mushroom cloud appeared, and for a moment the galaxy was extremely brilliant, and the light and fire were extremely bright and dazzling.

But at this time, the destruction caused by the collision between the two immediately affected the galaxy that was 100,000 miles wide. Although for the 50,000 light-year Soul River System, this range was like a small wave in the sea. But in this silent explosion scene, it was like two planets colliding together, which was very shocking and terrifying.

At this time, Wanli's huge void creatures and Wanli's huge Hive Will ships were trapped in a raging fire of special energy. At the same time, the void creatures and Hive Will ships were still undergoing serial explosions. , producing a large amount of void garbage and launching it out to a wider galaxy at an extremely fast speed.

Then, as the 100,000-square-meter void became more and more chaotic, a void storm with destruction and strangulation suddenly appeared. Even the next moment, a circle appeared in the center of this chaos and storm at a speed visible to the naked eye. Terrible black hole.

When this black hole appeared, its black hole size expanded at an extremely fast speed, but the inside of the black hole seemed to be still, like a silent abyss.

However, the Hades on the Hive Will ship were not aware of the void storm and the chaotic void force field at all, let alone the black hole that terrified countless interstellar and cosmic creatures.

Because at this time, although the thousands of miles of huge Hive Will ship was protected by the Zerg psychic shield, after a terrible collision with an equally huge creature, the psychic shield had long since shattered and disappeared like fragile glass, or even The body of the will ship and the countless insect lives inside it were destroyed at this moment. They were already in an extremely bad state, and were even continuing to deteriorate and be destroyed.

But I don’t know when it started. When the black hole expanded to a certain extent, it produced an extremely terrifying and terrifying devouring force, whether it was a chaotic force field, a terrifying void storm, or even an unknown life or death. The behemoths of the void and the constantly exploding Hive Will ships are all being quickly swallowed by the black hole.

Moreover, this devouring power is very terrifying, and its devouring range has been as wide as hundreds of thousands of miles around the galaxy. All floating objects and creatures within this range have been dragged and devoured by the black hole.

Just like this, I don’t know how long it took. When the galaxy returned to calm, the void creatures that suddenly appeared and the Hive Will ship carrying the Hades disappeared without a trace. It seemed that everything here had never been there before. happened before.

But many years later, in a wonderful node world, the Hades reappeared.

"A hundred years, you have been here for a hundred years, and now you have finally found a new space environment?"

Looking at the haggard Ming, he suddenly became excited at this moment. In fact, he was just teaching some bugs to grow a new kind of fruit food, but suddenly Ming discovered a different space environment from his through the vision of a bug. .

You must know that a hundred years ago, when the wreckage of the Hive Will ship appeared, it was already in a semi-dead state, and less than one-third of the huge Wanli ship base remained, and most of the Hive Will network system, They are all in a paralyzed state of stagnation and inoperability. For example, the super laser energy cannon can no longer be fired.

There are also more than 8 billion bugs of the original Hades. After the collision between the galaxy and the void creatures, they were destroyed like never before. In particular, some ordinary bugs were completely wiped out, and even some with high levels and strong strength were completely destroyed. Most of the bugs were also destroyed. In short, there are only more than 800 million bugs left in the Underworld.

And just for this number of bugs, in the one hundred years since they came here, the number of bugs has only been gradually decreasing, but they have not dared to increase at all, because the Hades have never been able to get out of this small space, and they will always be there when walking. back to the start.

So decades later, when the Hades had almost used up the food and resources in this small space, the Hades still had not found a way out, and the Hive Will ship was still waiting for repairs.

Therefore, it was impossible to bombard the void and leave here. Ming only decided that before finding a way out, he had to ensure that the insects of the Insects survived. He taught the Insects to cultivate a large amount of wasteland and then use some food seeds to plant it. This was considered reluctant. Made it through the decades.

But in these years, Ming has never given up leaving here. He even does not believe that this world only has this small space now, so he has never given up looking for an exit, or finding a broader space environment.

So, Ming left the place and quickly came to a place that was connected to the external space environment. He noticed that the space here seemed to have a smooth passage, but there was no such fluctuation here before.

But Ming didn’t think too much about it. Anyway, there is now a passage leading to other places, which means that the Ming Zerg can leave this small space and go to wider places, where there may be rich food and Abundant resources, so that his Hades can begin to grow continuously, and his Hive Will ships can also be repaired quickly!

"The Evil Kal Dragon, Behemoth's Insect, Dark Hidden King, and Pterodactyl Insect, come quickly with your subordinates!"

So Ming arranged for some stronger insect creatures to enter the opposite space environment with him, because at this moment, he could pass through the passage here and see a blue sea outside. The sea was turbulent, but Ming felt the majestic breath of life, and of course the terrifying breath of danger.

"As you command!"

Soon, the insect creatures that received the spiritual connection from the Lord of the Insects began to quickly gather the troops of the Insects.

"The purpose of this time is to follow me into an unknown environmental space and quickly occupy a fertile land as a new foundation!" Soon, more than 100 million insects gathered behind Ming, densely packed.

Among them, there are more than 50 million Behemoth insects with the spiritual power of the Zerg. They are able to ignore 50% of the enemy's defense. There are more than 50 million insects with the ability of stealth and assassination, and the remaining There are less than 100,000 bug creatures, including Tyranids and Pteranodon bugs.

"Don't worry, Lord. In order for our subordinates to eat delicious food and for the resurrection of the Insects, we will definitely occupy all the fertile lands!" Tyran tyrant Carl Dragon of Evil held a golden war hammer in his hand and hammered fiercely. Hitting their armor-like body means that they are fearless on the road ahead.

"Very good, follow me in!" At this moment, Ke Ming led more than 100 million insect creatures into the suddenly appeared passage!

ps: I was poisoned by gas today and had a severe headache. I will continue to update today! By the way, I predict this world and write about Kui Ba. I only use the background and the author writes all the stories. I can’t guarantee whether it’s good or not, but I think it’s quite interesting.

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