Rebirth Interstellar Counterattack

Vol 2 Chapter 61: Start rescue

"The person who handled this video is very clever. I will be lucky enough to see him one day." The soldier looked at the video with glowing eyes.

Although Feng Jiyun guessed that it was Louzixi or Louzi's evil trick, he did not say anything.

Human beings have become accustomed to using the terminal, which has caused many people to not know how to operate this, or they have never thought that this camera can also shoot video in addition to being connected to the outside screen. So except for some people who have studied this aspect specially, others really won't delete the video, and they still cut a part of the middle of a long video.

Louzixi, as a former earthling, must have known this, so deleting the video is as easy as eating and sleeping for Louzixi.


"I'll see it later. Okay, since Luo Yuan and Qiuyan have done these things, they will send some people back to General Mo for disposal. The rest will go with me to rescue Louzixi." Feng Jiyun opened the topic. Said.

"Yes, Principal Feng." As he said, everyone began to act well-trained.

Some people were responsible for bringing Luo Yuan and Qiuyan back, but those videos were taken away as evidence. Others followed Feng Jiyun to rescue Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie.

"Can you connect to General Mo's terminal now?" Because there is only one aircraft, everyone can only get in one car. They can only take the person who escorted Luo Yuan to the warship first, and then the others will look for Louzixi. Fortunately, they went along, otherwise, with Feng Jiyun's impatience, 80% of them would leave Luo Yuan and others to look for Louzixi first.



"Then whoever of you can ask if you can know where Lou Yifei's warship is now."

"Yes! Principal Feng."

Then the soldier connected to Mo Luoxuan's communication, and he told Mo Luoxuan the matter again.

"Yes, General! President Feng, the general will let you pick up the communication." The soldier hurriedly gave the terminal to Feng Jiyun.

"Jiyun, go to a quiet place." Mo Luoxuan glanced at Feng Jiyun's back and found that there were a lot of people, so he said.

"Okay." So Feng Jiyun found a quiet place with basically no people, "Here."

"Well, what do you think of this matter?"

"Lou Yifei is 80% going to send Louzixi to do the experiment." Feng Jiyun sighed.

"Because Louzixi is a single-line spiritual root? What is special about a single-line spiritual root?" Mo Luoxuan rubbed his painful forehead. He hasn't understood the ancestral training to let them protect the single-line spiritual root. I don’t know the purpose of Manjusawa either. But at any rate they know that people with single-line spiritual roots are the key. Once they know the secret of single-line spiritual roots, everything will be solved.

"Do you think there is something to do with people who are solely rooted in spiritual roots? After all, many years ago, Manju Shahua had been searching for the cultivators, and then they died and disappeared, and they were quiet. Now They start to become active, and the first thing they do is to catch people with single-line spiritual roots, so perhaps the cultivators have something to do with single-line spiritual roots."

"Hey, maybe. By the way, how is the boy with Lou Zixi? Was he also arrested together?" Mo Luoxuan asked nervously.


"Then is he injured or anything?"

"That's not true. When Lou Zixie and Lou Zixi were arrested, Lou's people asked them to do whatever they wanted. They weren't well-behaved. So neither of them was injured."

"That's good." Mo Luoxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why do you care about that boy so much?" Feng Jiyun asked suspiciously.

"Perhaps Xiaoxie has been away for too long, I miss him, so I always regard Lou Zixie as him." Mo Luoxuan slumped against the back chair, Feng Jiyun felt for a moment that the battlefield was full of spirits. The general is a bit older, making people look a little bit hearted


"Sorrow and change. But don't say you feel like him. Bai Xuan and I also feel like him."

"It can be said that a person feels like an illusion, so many people think so, does that mean..." Mo Luoxuan said with bright eyes.

"Shhh, don't say anything, there are other people here after all." Feng Jiyun cautiously told Mo Luoxuan not to say the following.

"Well, I will find time to verify it."

"Well, this can be done slowly, now the most important thing is to save those two people back."

"Yes, huh... The last place where the Lou's battleship appeared was 100 light-years away from the planet El, but after that Lou Yifei turned off the positioning system, and there was no news of him." Mo Luoxuan used Point your finger on a place on the map.

"I see, leave the rest to me." Feng Jiyun swept the map and wrote down the location, smiling confidently.

"Good." Others don't know Feng Jiyun's ability, and Mo Luoxuan still knows, so if the rescue of the two is handed over to Feng Jiyun, Mo Luoxuan is still relieved.

Then the two cut off communication.

Knowing where Lou Yifei had been, Feng Jiyun threw Luo Yuan and others onto the warship, and drove the aircraft to the place Mo Luoxuan pointed at the fastest speed.

"I'll go out and take a look first. You stay here." Feng Jiyun said, putting on a combat uniform. The combat uniform is made of a special material. It can withstand radiation and ensure the safety of people, but once there is a place If it is damaged, you must return to a place where there is no radiation within five hours, otherwise it will be easily injured by radiation, and if it is serious, it will die on the spot.

Although the research institute of the military department has been studying the issue of combat uniforms, it wants to delay the time for the combat uniforms to protect the human body after damage, but there has been no progress.

"Principal Feng, let's go..." A very young soldier wanted to stop Feng Jiyun. He felt that it was too dangerous for Feng Jiyun to go out like this, and Feng Jiyun definitely didn't know how to find clues. In his impression, the principal was very impressive. The feeling should be a literati. Anyway, he has nothing to do with a soldier. Even if Feng Jiyun is the principal of the military academy, it can’t change everyone’s belief that Feng Jiyun is a literati.

Before the young soldier had finished speaking, a middle-aged soldier stopped him.

"Don't underestimate President Feng, he was the top three in the school's Warcraft Department. If he gets serious, you are not his opponent." Feng Jiyun's ability should be equal to the four generals after these years. The middle-aged soldier looked up at the man walking forward with his head strutting and confident, like a **** looking at him.

"How is it possible?" The young soldier looked at the person stopping him in shock.

"You'll know if you look down."

Feng Jiyun did not disappoint the middle-aged soldiers. He was skilled in operating machinery and equipment. When warships passed through the universe, this space would definitely get hot. Feng Jiyun used these instruments to calculate and simulate the possible trajectory of warships. Soon he will have a harvest.

"Go to 30 degrees north latitude and 120 degrees east longitude and set off at full speed." Feng Jiyun took off his combat uniform while giving orders to everyone

Everyone hesitated for a moment. They couldn't believe that it took Feng Jiyun ten minutes to figure out the trajectory of a warship, knowing that they usually take an hour. Only a few people who were quite young began to operate the aircraft when Feng Jiyun had just finished speaking.

"What are you going to do? Principal Feng has already assigned a task, and he hasn't rushed to save people." Several people looked at the hesitant people with hatred of iron and steel, not to mention that Feng Jiyun's hand just let them see the way. , It is said that General Mo let Feng Jiyun be their leader, they all must obey Feng Jiyun's words, obedience is a must for soldiers.

"Yes." Several young military talents woke up like a dream. They glanced at Feng Jiyun with a guilty conscience, and then rushed to their positions and drove the aircraft to the position designated by Feng Jiyun.

Feng Jiyun seemed to be unaware that these young soldiers hesitated, and began to order quickly: "90 degrees north latitude, 20 degrees west longitude, go straight, turn right..."

No one dared to hesitate this time.

The aircraft flew in the dark universe at its fastest speed.

Although the warship is fast, it is big, and Lou Yifei does not need to hurry. The speed of the warship is not very fast, which causes it to move faster than a small aircraft, and Feng Jiyun is gone. As a shortcut, I finally saw the eye-catching Loujia warship an hour later.

Feng Jiyun knew that he couldn't forcibly break in, so he could only meet Lou Yifei first, and then think about countermeasures.

So Feng Jiyun deliberately swayed in front of the warship to let the people inside notice him.

"Who are you?" The Lou family soldier asked guardedly.

"We are soldiers of the Mo family. We have important things to ask General Lou this time. I hope you will let them go." Feng Jiyun asked a soldier of the Mo family who could negotiate to answer the words of the Lou family soldier.

"What's the matter? We won't let it go unless you make it clear."

"We are here to ask Lou Zixi for Lou Yifei. We need Louzixi's help now, and there are witnesses who prove that Louzixi is now in Lou Yifei's hands."

"Our general is busy, there is no time to see guests, and this Louzixi is not in the general's hands, you have found the wrong person." After that, the Lou family soldier wanted to hang up the communication.

It’s a pity that Feng Jiyun doesn’t plan to let him pass this simple way. "Don’t worry, we have evidence. If you don’t let General Lou see us to prove that he is not the one who arrested Louzixi, we will give him the default. Louzixi is here, and when the time comes, other people will be attracted. Does General Lou blame you or me?" The soldier who spoke before said threateningly.

The soldier in the Lou’s family was terrified. He immediately connected to the communication of General Lou’s captain’s room and told the story again. After Lou Yifei's curse, he called Lou Yifei out, and the soldier was relieved. He breathed, touched the cold sweat on his forehead, at least he said and did everything he should have said and done, and what happened in the future can't be blamed on him for the time being.

□The author's gossip:

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