Rebirth Interstellar Counterattack

Vol 2 Chapter 70: Get dizzy and give it to me

In the distant universe, there was a black warship parked there, and the people on the passing spaceship knew at a glance that it was a private warship, because the ship's body was engraved with Lou's family crest.

Curiously, everyone leaned into the window of the spacecraft and looked out the rare scene in a thousand years, very excited. The speed of warships is much faster than that of spaceships, so every time the two ships meet, as ordinary people, they can only vaguely see the domineering appearance of warships, and they can't see the appearance of warships so clearly.

There was intense discussion on the spacecraft, but everyone did not know that there was a low pressure on the warship, and the source of this low pressure was the owner of the warship-Lou Yifei.

"You mean you saw Louzixi and Louzixie?" Lou Yifei said with a gloomy expression on the face of the middle-aged soldier who frequently wiped his forehead with cold sweat on the opposite side of the video communication.

"Yes, yes. He, they just passed by the hall of the warship." Although the screen is separated, the middle-aged soldier can still feel the cold air pressure of Lou Yifei, and his legs are now trembling, if not for him. After being drilled by Lou Yifei several times, he is now peeing his pants in fright. The middle-aged soldier was the leader of Lou Yifei's mission to rescue students in the past. After the rescue, he also followed the warship that rescued the students. When they arrived on the planet Graner, they went back to each house to find their own officers. As a result, he didn't expect that in the lobby he actually saw people who shouldn't be here-Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie. The middle-aged soldier stared at Lou Zixi with a ghostly expression for ten minutes before confirming that they were the living Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie.

"What are they going to do in your lobby?"

"They talked to a young girl and left after speaking for a while."

"Do you know where they went?"

"No, I don't know."

"I don't know?" Lou Yifei stared at the middle-aged soldier for a while before taking his gaze back. Although Lou Yifei only watched for two or three minutes, the middle-aged soldier felt as long as it had been two or three days. Now the legs are soft and almost kneel down.

"Here, there are many people here, so I, I didn't send anyone to follow, so I don't know where they went."

"Heh, what a brave little guy." Lou Yifei laughed, and all the soldiers were taken aback. "You don't need to pay attention to Louzixi's affairs anymore. I'll talk about his affairs later." With that, Lou. Yifei hung up the communication.

Later, Lou Yifei moved his gaze to Chen Boyu and asked, "Are you sure that there are no traces of those two people on Feng Jiyun's aircraft?"

"Yes, General." Chen Boyu said without hesitation.

"En. Chen Boyu, turn on the monitoring."

"Yes!" Although he didn't understand what Lou Yifei wanted to do, Chen Boyu instantly turned on the monitor according to Lou Yifei's order.

"Adjusted to the time period when I asked you to chase Feng Jiyun."

"Yes!" Chen Boyu did as he said.

With the adjustment of the monitoring time, the picture above slowly turned into the place where Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie changed their appearances and followed other soldiers who were preparing to board Chen Boyu's aircraft to find Feng Jiyun.

"Stop!" Lou Yifei pointed at two very ordinary people with bare eyes and said, "Call these two people over."

"Yes!" A soldier left to find the two men.

Knowing that Lou Yifei was in a bad mood today, everyone quickly completed Lou Yifei's task, fearing that being caught by Lou Yifei would be a punishment. So, soon, the soldiers came with two people who looked exactly like the ones on the screen.

"Do you know these two people?" Lou Yifei asked, pointing at the two people on the screen.

"...I know, I don't know." The two soldiers who were called over looked at each other for a while before uttering a contradictory remark. They were afraid that Lou Yifei would not understand. One of them explained, "General, these two Although people look the same as us, they are not us."

"Oh? Why do you see it?" Lou Yifei asked without expression.

"..." The soldier didn't know if he was thinking about how to organize the language to make things clear, or he was frightened by Lou Yifei, thinking about what Lou Yifei meant, anyway, the soldier tilted his head and thought for a while before answering. "The clothes on their bodies are obviously different from ours. The two men are wearing military uniforms from the warhead, and we are wearing military uniforms from the logistics department. And we have no authority to go to this place at all."

It is impossible for a warship to have only soldiers to fight, and it is also indispensable for soldiers to do logistics. The soldiers in the logistics department are responsible for the food, property, room arrangement, sanitation, etc. of the soldiers. Although they do not need to go to the battlefield to fight, they are still extremely important to a unit. Because it is logistics, the military department does not have high requirements for logistics, which sometimes leads to some people who come in with innocent purposes. This leads to restrictions on the range of operations of military personnel in the logistics department inside the warship, such as these military powerhouses. They are not allowed to enter. Of course, the generals will also find some trusted people in the logistics department to do the logistics of these places.

The reason why Louzixi found these two people was also because of their logistical status. The logistics could not enter the captain’s room and the area where the aircraft was placed, but Louzixi was already in this area. In this way, Louzixi. Zixi didn't have to worry about meeting them posing as people on the road, and other soldiers would feel familiar when they saw their faces, but because they were not common, they couldn't figure out where they encountered them, reducing the possibility of exposure.

"En, yes. You can go now." After the two soldiers finished speaking, Lou Yifei let them leave.

The two of them were at a loss, and they really didn't understand what Lou Yifei was doing when he called them over. However, if the general said so, they had to leave, "Yes, general."

In fact, Lou Yifei called the two men over for a simple reason. It was nothing more than to know whether the two people on the screen were Lou Zixi, Lou Zixie, or his soldiers.

Knowing that these two people are Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie, it will be much more convenient. Lou Yifei asked Chen Boyu to monitor the period of time several times, and finally discovered how Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie are. Fleeing the warship.

In order to confirm whether their guess was correct, Lou Yifei also specifically counted the number of people Chen Boyu took to chase Feng Jiyun and the number of people who returned. It really was two people short.

"General, I'm sorry, I was negligent." Chen Boyu knelt down on one knee and said reproachfully.

"Get up, you don't blame you for this, nor did I expect these things." Lou Yifei raised his hand carelessly and asked Chen Boyu to get up.

, I don’t know what Lou Yifei thought of, he suddenly curled up his lips and sighed, "Heh, it’s really a little fox with teeth and claws.


"Then, General, what are you going to do with Lou Zixi?"

"Well, of course I caught him back again." The plundering in Lou Yifei's eyes flashed past, but Lou Yifei, who was thinking about how to catch Lou Zixi back, didn't notice at all, as for the others. People, they all lower their heads and dare not look at this cloudy

The look of the uncertain general's eyes. "Chen Boyu, connect to Li Jiacheng's terminal."

"Yes!" Chen Boyu pressed a few buttons on the warship's communications, and then began to sound "beep beep...". However, he was hung up again soon.

"Keep fighting! Fight until he picks up." Lou Yifei didn't seem to be surprised by this result, his gaze did not change at all. "Yes!"

Chen Boyu made several communications with perseverance, but they were all hung up. It was not until the sixth time that Li Jiacheng was annoyed, and he finally connected to the communication.

"General Lou, what can I do with you?" Li Jiacheng said impatiently, his tone not facing the general's respect at all.

"Li Jiacheng, long time no see."

"General Lou, we only met a few hours ago

"Ah, I have indeed seen it. Just remember it. I just want to tell you about it."

"General Lou, I don't want to tell you about it." Li Jiacheng is not stupid. Lou Yifei routinely used him. It must be for Louzixi. Li Jiacheng doesn't want to talk about Louzixi with Lou Yifei. Li Jiacheng decided to immediately hang up the communication. Unfortunately, Lou Yifei had known this reaction for a long time, and Lou Yifei didn't want him to hang up the communication.

"Even if I will tell your parents, don't you plan to talk to me about it?" Lou Yifei said slowly.

"Lou Yifei, what do you mean?" Li Jiacheng was not calm when he mentioned his own parents. He questioned Lou Yifei, his palms were already sweating coldly because of tension.

"It means literally."

"...I think you can't be so kind to tell me about my parents after I talked about it with you." Li Jiacheng was silent for a long time, and only the heavy breathing of Li Jiacheng could be heard in the communication. After a long time, he said with difficulty.

Lou Yifei is not a good person. Lou Yifei cannot simply tell Li Jiacheng the truth he has been looking for. Lou Yifei must have a purpose, and Lou Yifei’s purpose is definitely something that Li Jiacheng does not want to promise, otherwise Lou Yifei would not use this thing as a bargain.

"Hehe, you still know me. You are right. You only need to promise me one thing and I will tell you the truth."

"You...speak, I, listen." Lou Yifei's laughter echoed in Li Jiacheng's ears, like a demon calling.

"This matter is very simple for you, as long as you faint Louzixi and give it to me. Once Louzixi is in my hands, I will tell you the truth about the death of your parents."

"Can you make me think about it?"


After Lou Yifei finished saying "Yi", there was a busy tone on the communication that the other party hung up the phone. Lou Yifei inadvertently asked Chen Boyu to hang up the communication.

"General, will he agree?"

"Yes." Lou Yifei said confidently. No one knew better than him that Li Jiacheng wanted to know the truth of his parents' death. Sure enough, after half an hour, the communication equipment on the warship began to prompt.

"Lou Yifei, I promise you."

"A wise choice." Lou Yifei snapped his fingers and said.

"Is there a time limit?"

"Not yet. But don't move him during this period of time. He has just escaped here and he is more alert. After a while, you are mentally prepared, and it is not too late to do it again."

"Okay, I remember."

"Well, happy cooperation, my dear...nephew."

□The author's gossip:

Hahaha, Li Jiacheng's life experience is about to appear! !

Seeking collection, seeking recommendation, (


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