Rebirth Interstellar Counterattack

Vol 2 Chapter 118: Go into the cave again

"Principal, what should I do now?" A teacher checked the pictures taken from the battlefield with the wars over the years. When he saw a slip of the side ‘the situation did not match’, he said to Feng Jiyun with some worry. The people here are all geniuses of this year. If something happens, not to mention that the credibility of the Alliance No. 1 Military Academy is threatened, just say that those parents will not let the Alliance No. 1 Military Academy pass. What's even more troublesome is that there are still a few generals' sons in it. When something happens, the Alliance's First Military Academy will not be swarmed?

"Probably the simulation simulator has malfunctioned. It seems that there are no other creatures besides the students, so it is safe for the time being. Let’s do this first, it’s going to be hard for you during this period of time. You have to keep an eye on the situation of the students. Once the danger inside exceeds their tolerance, the simulation simulator will be forcibly closed."

After the simulation simulator is turned on, it will not be turned off unless the team inside has a winner. Of course, just like the computers in the earth period, the simulation simulator also has a power button. As long as the power is turned off, the simulation simulator will automatically stop, and the students will force the return, but this method will be more or less correct. The students on the battlefield and the simulation simulator cause injuries.

"However, if it is forcibly closed, the students inside may be injured."

"I know, but in terms of life, injury is considered good. Of course, don't have to be a last resort, don't force it to close. They are students of the Alliance First Military Academy, don't underestimate them." Feng Jiyun said as he said. Putting his gaze on Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie, he said meaningfully.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, this matter had reached the ears of several generals and the chief and deputy directors of the administrative department, and Feng Jiyun was forced to attend the meeting.

"Feng Jiyun, what's the matter with you this year? It has only been a few months, and something happened to the Alliance First Military Academy?" Vister hit the table severely with his finger, and the whole space was full of his angry voice.

"You want to know the reason, I can tell you." Feng Jiyun said slowly, "Didn't you find out that everything that happened in school was related to Manzhushahua and the practitioners of the year?"

"What do you want to say? Is this our retribution?"



"Enough!" Gong Shaoming patted the table, "Wester, Feng Jiyun, as the principal of the Alliance First Military Academy, he least wants these things to happen to the school! And Feng Jiyun, the things that should have happened before have happened. Now, we can’t change history, so don’t say this again!"

"I know." Both Wester and Feng Jiyun responded. As for the real thoughts in their hearts, no one else knew them except themselves.

"Well, let's start talking about this simulation simulator. First of all, I want to ask, how can the remaining battlefield data from the Battle of Modal Planet be picked up by the simulation simulator?" Gong Shaoming looked at Feng Jiyun. , Did not notice that when Gong Shaoming looked at Feng Jiyun, a trace of complexity flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"I just have a guess about this. The simulation simulator has the function of manually recording the battlefield, but it also has the function of automatically searching and recording the battlefield. If it hadn’t happened this time, I wouldn’t remember the simulation simulator. There is also this function. It will analyze which places have wars based on the data of each planet or even each place. Once it finds that it meets the conditions

Planet, it will automatically enter the planet’s data. After so many years, all the planets that have experienced the war between the alliance and the cultivator have not changed at all, and it is normal that the simulation simulator will collect the data of these planets. It seems that we were lucky before, and the planets we wanted to hide have never appeared in actual combat every year. "

"Is there any way to remove the automatic search function? Also, is there a way to delete the data on those planets?

NS? "

"I will find a way to solve these problems."

"Let's not talk about this now, let's first discuss how to solve the matter that so many students know about the planet Modal!" Gong Shaoming frowned, and this matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

"How do you want to solve it? Are you all killed?" Feng Jiyun said sarcastically.

"Jiyun, am I such a cruel person in your heart?" Gong Shaoming said helplessly.

"Isn't it? Back then, who designed to kill the beast that has been with me for a long time for something that hasn't happened yet?"

"..." Gong Shaoming opened his mouth, with nothing to say, that was a gulf that could never be crossed between the two. "Can you stop mentioning this matter? Let's talk about business first."

"Okay, then tell me what you plan to do with my students!"

"I will claim to the public that this incident was caused by an error in the simulation simulator. What do you think?" Gong Shaoming reluctantly compromised. Now that Feng Jiyun is making such a fuss, everyone else has agreed to Gong Shaoming.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, most people fell asleep in the cave on the simulated battlefield, and only the night watchman was still guarding it. Except for the slight breathing of the sleeping people and the yawn of the night watchman, there was no other sound in the whole cave.

When everyone was relaxed, Lou Zixi secretly took out a few talismans from the space, and quickly injected aura into the talisman. In the blink of an eye, there were two Louzixi and two Louzixie in the cave, but in the eyes of outsiders, there was only one Louzixi and one Louzixie in the cave.

The talisman Lou Zixi took out had two invisibility charms and two avatars. Lou Zixi took the fastest time to create another ‘Lou Zixi’ and concealed himself.

Lou Zixi did this because he wanted to explore the cave again with Lou Zixie. He wanted to know where the road in the cave ended up.

There are various signs that the cultivator has been here, will there be clues to the cultivator?

With this glimmer of hope, Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie stepped into the cave.

Compared to the slow progress when I came with other people in the afternoon, now only Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie seem to be much faster.

The two of them covered the entire cave with their divine consciousness, observing which path was the correct one, and when they found it, Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie began to teleport.

Along the way, Louzixi will also observe the situation of the cave, but the cave is still the same as the one seen in the afternoon, with thick soil

"We're almost there." Lou Zixi swallowed nervously. Through the divine sense, Louzixi had already seen that at the end of the road was a door full of dust.


The two teleported again and saw the gate.

Lou Zixi swept the door lightly with aura, and the dust fell one after another, and the door returned to its original appearance.

The gate is very exquisite, with cumbersome and delicate patterns outlined on it, exuding an ancient atmosphere.

Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie looked at each other, each of them, poured aura into the palms of their hands, and slowly opened the beautiful door. As the door opened, the old door made a creaking sound.

Against this sound, the scene behind the door looked even more gloomy.

Compared with the dust accumulated in the cave and the dust on the door, the exquisite hall behind the door looks very clean, and the crystals on both sides can clearly reflect the two figures. Even the red blood on the floor of the hall is fresh as if it has just flowed out

However, it is strange that the blood on the ground was so much that the entire hall was dyed red, but no corpse was seen. Some are just red and white objects in the blood.

Louzixi touched it lightly and found that the red and white objects were soft and still had a hint of temperature. These red and white objects are all minced meat!

"The people who died here were torn apart alive." Lou Zixi said in shock.

"It's cruel."

The two swallowed, swallowing a trace of nausea in their hearts.

"Why the roads and gates outside are dust and dirt, but there is none here." The scenes they saw seemed to have just happened, but the piles of dirt on the roads outside showed that the people inside None of them just died.

"I don't know. Maybe the answer is inside." Lou Zixie pointed to a crystal passage at the end of the hall.

"Let's go then." All the corpses here were broken into pieces, and they couldn't recognize who it was. Lou Zixi couldn't guess the truth at all. They could only go inside.

Louzixi swept away with aura, clearing a walkable path.

The two looked at each other and walked inside hand in hand.

The crystal channel, just like the name, the entire channel is made of crystal, you can see yourself up, down, left, and right.

The crystal passage is very long. The entire passage only has the footsteps of Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie and the echo of the footsteps. Together with the strange scene outside, it looks gloomy and empty.

The two of them didn't know how long they had been walking, the front did not become dark for a long time, and finally there was light.

The sudden light made the two of them close their eyes with some discomfort.

However, after the two opened their eyes, they were shocked again.

What they saw was exactly the same as the blood-stained hall they had seen before.

However, the difference is that it is very lively here, so lively that they all thought the scene they just saw was just an illusion.

Here, Lou Zixi saw his father and the man who was also known as a genius in the earth time.

It turns out that in the depths of the cave, there have been cultivators.

The corner of Lou Zixi's eyes was moist watching some familiar and some strangers, living happily in front of him. Lou Zixi wanted to touch them, but his hands passed through them, and they couldn't touch them either. Louzixi, I can't even see it. This is not a building

The reason why Zixi used the invisibility talisman was that those people really couldn't touch Louzixi and Lou Zixie.

Lou Zixie and Lou Zixi can only watch them quietly, can't touch them, can't follow them out of the cave, nor can they go to other places, they can only stay in the hall, watching their faces happy Gradually, his smile disappeared, became worried, and began to quarrel. Lou Zixi knew that something had happened.

□The author's gossip:

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