Lou's family guardian formation is difficult for cultivators, but to Louzixi, it is like a fake. Louzixi came to the steps in front of Lou's gate without triggering any alarm.

In order to exercise the will and body of the cultivator, there are a thousand steps on the steps, and an array is set on it, so that each cultivator cannot fly with a sword, and can only climb the thousand steps like an ordinary person.

A cultivator who was responsible for guarding the gate was guarding the steps. When he saw Louzixi and Mo Zixie, the gatekeeper was shocked and immediately stopped the two of them, "Who are you?"

Generally speaking, with the exception of those who were punished to guard the gate for doing something wrong, most gatekeepers are not high-ranking in the family and are also commonly known as ‘outer disciples’. Louzixi was one of the best geniuses back then. He was naturally an inner disciple. Outer disciples and inner disciples rarely met. Therefore, the gatekeeper only knew that there was Louzixi, but he didn’t know Louzixi’s. face. In addition, Mo Zixie's face was very glaring in their eyes, and naturally they thought that these two people were not good people.

"We are here to find the head of Lou." Lou Zixi said neither humble nor arrogant. The head of Lou is also the father of Lou Zixi and the head of the Lou family. There are not only children with the Lou surname but also disciples with foreign surnames in the Lou family. Some of them passed the assessment when the family recruited disciples.

"Do you have a greeting card?" the gatekeeper asked impatiently. Lou Zixi's father is also one of the strongest among the cultivators, and there is an endless stream of people who come to him every day, and the gatekeeper is already annoying enough to deal with them every day.

"Uh, no." To be honest, Lou Zixi really forgot about paying respects. Louzixi was a genius in his previous life. He was respectfully invited in wherever he went. Even if he needed to pay respects, there would be people. Help him get ready, and go back to his own home, Lou Zixi really doesn't remember to make a courtesy post.

"Then please go back, our head is also very busy, not everyone can see." A trace of contempt flashed in the gatekeeper's eyes. Originally, he saw Lou Zixi's face a bit familiar, thinking it was a disciple of a family of cultivation, guarding the gate. People don't want to offend people, so they talk to them. Knowing that they hadn't paid any respects, and the gatekeeper couldn't feel the aura of these two people, he thought they were ordinary people, so naturally they didn't pay attention to them.

Among cultivators, people with low levels cannot see the level of people with high levels. Of course, it is another matter for people with high levels to be willing to show you. Therefore, the gatekeeper can't feel what Louzixi is. Reiki.

Lou Zixi was taken aback, a little embarrassed, he was now stopped outside even when he returned home.

"I have something very important to tell the boss, please tell me." Seeing that the gatekeeper still wanted to stop them, Lou Zixi released his Yuan Yingqi cultivation base to frighten the gatekeeper, "I said. The matter is very important. If I fail to report back to the head in time because of your obstruction, will you be fully responsible for what happens then?"

There is no need for Louzixi to say the next thing, the gatekeeper felt the cultivation base of Louzixi Yuanyingqi, and he was immediately stunned. If it hadn’t been for Louzixi to withdraw his pressure quickly, the gatekeeper would have knelt on the ground. . "You, wait a minute, and I will inform you immediately."

The gatekeeper didn't even dare to look at Louzixi anymore. He went up the stairs and reported to him. I don’t know if he was frightened by Louzixi, or he didn’t pay attention to his feet. The gatekeeper was walking up the steps. I don’t know how many times I fell, Lou Zixi feels pain when I look at it

Before the gatekeeper staggered to reach the Lingxu Pavilion where the head was headed, he was reprimanded by the head, "What are you running frizzily?

"Head, someone is looking for you outside." With the gatekeeper's qualifications, it is impossible to see the head, so he stood there and said.

"Who?" The headmaster's ethereal voice rang in the gatekeeper's ears. The strange thing is that only the gatekeeper can hear this sound, but other people can't hear it. This is the magic of sound transmission.

"I don't know." At this time, the gatekeeper realized that he had forgotten to ask who that person was. A drop of cold sweat slipped from the gatekeeper's forehead without needing to watch. The gatekeeper immediately felt the displeasure of the leader, "but , He passed through the formation, and he seemed to be young, but he already had the Nascent Soul cultivation base, and he claimed to have something important to say to the head. "Because of nervousness, the gatekeeper was a little incoherent.

"Oh? He is not the Lou family, can he pass through the formation safely?"


"Then lead the way." As soon as the voice fell, the gatekeeper saw an extra pair of feet in front of him.

The head was originally just curious about how the opponent passed through the formation safely, but the moment he saw Louzixi, the head had forgotten everything and just stared at Louzixi in a daze.

Probably because it felt too quiet, the gatekeeper secretly raised his head and glanced up, and suddenly saw a scene that he would never forget, and their indifferent master cried. Although the gatekeeper only saw the wetness in the corner of the head's eyes, he was shocked enough.

"Zixi, you are back." There are no gorgeous words to express miss, and no crying and hugging, but through these words, Lou Zixi can feel his father's miss for him.

"Well, I'm back."

The head is still the same as before. Although he cares about Louzixi, he can't express it. Along the way, the head seems to have a lot to say, but in the end he didn't say it.

Lou Zixi didn't care either. After reaching the Lingxu Pavilion of the head, Lou Zixi set up an enchantment around him, and then slowly told the head of something.

It was also at this time that Lou Zixi realized that he couldn't tell anything except for himself.

"My child, you have worked so hard all these years." The head sighed with emotion. "You have a good rest during this period. As for what you said, it's still early. We can take a long-term view."

"Father." Lou Zixi frowned. Obviously, the headmaster still didn't believe him. Suddenly, someone who looked exactly like his son ran over and said that he had traveled from the future. If you say that a cultivator will be hunted down in the future, if Lou Zixi himself, he would not believe it, "Father, I only know that this is a bit weird, but I hope my father can keep it in his heart." Early, there was still a long time before things happened, enough for his father to believe him and make arrangements.

Seeing that the headmaster was still a little skeptical, Lou Zixi said something that only their father and son knew, and Lou Zixi also showed the headmaster the future military uniforms and terminals. This made the head believe a little bit in his heart.

When this matter was resolved, Lou Zixi was also relieved. The next day, the head of them announced their story to the public. However, the head of the head did not tell the story of Louzixi crossing into the future and back from the future. According to the public, Louzixi was seriously injured and missing four years ago. , Was later rescued by Mo Zixie by Lou Zixi, and only recovered in four years.

The reason why the facts were not announced is because of Louzixi. Although Louzixi crosses into the future because of the sacrifice of the original owner,

Yes, one, other people don’t know that Louzixi was sacrificed. They might think that Louzixi will take away another person’s house. Cultivators are the most taboo to take away the house. If it doesn’t work well, Louzixi will He was caught and burned to death by his tribe; second, the method of sacrifice was actually forbidden. Although it was not harmful, it did not have a good reputation for Louzixi.

After knowing that Louzixi was back, the Yalan Xuan where Louzixi lived was almost trampled by the cultivators who heard the sound. In the end, Louzixi was unable to, and could only declare that his injury was not healed, and he needed to rest for the time being. Will not see guests. This made Louzixi breathe a sigh of relief

When Louzixi was ‘closing the door to thank guests’, in fact, there was already no one in the Yalan Xuan. Someone ‘needing a quiet retreat’ was playing with his relatives and partners.

In Mo Zixie’s time, things on earth had long been forgotten by people. There was only a simple book left in the earth’s civilization, which was far from the real earth. Lou Zixi took advantage of this opportunity to take Mo Zixie strolls around the scenery that will not be available in the future.

The two of them are like ordinary people. They traveled to many famous places by plane, high-speed rail, and car of this era, and they had many romantic memories.

The two of them walked all the way and unknowingly came to City A, where they had just passed through.

When the two saw this, they planned to take the opportunity to visit the old man who was kind to them.

At that time, the fact that the two of them suddenly fell was also circulated for a while in City A. Louzixi asked a little bit and knew where they fell. The place where they fell was an apartment building. In the apartment building, the people living in it are not ordinary people. After some renovations, this place has vaguely become a wealthy area. It's just that some people who live here didn't just come to the house, but moved here just to get close to the apartment.

Knowing this location, it will be easier to find it with the old man's reputation.

When Louzixi went, there was a circle of people in front of the old man's apartment. There was noisy noise inside the door. No need for others to say, Louzixi knew that he was here at an untimely time.

Louzixi's footsteps stopped for a while, and finally stayed. The neighbors in the neighborhood, you said and I said, unknowingly, helped Louzixi popularize science.

The old man was born in a military family. His father and grandfather were both figures in the military department. The old man was also well-known in the military area since he was a child. Later, he was also among the best after he went to the military academy. It's not comparable, but Tianjiu Wizard, when the old man was in his forties, his leg was injured. Although he can't see it when he walks, he can't go to the battlefield anymore.

Although it was a pity, the old man stood up again soon. The old man has been injured, and he understands the feelings of soldiers who have been forced to retire because of their injuries. Subsequently, he established a bodyguard company.

□The author's gossip:

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