In the afternoon, outside the territory, in the forest.

The three wolves Su Ming were walking among the dense woods, looking for traces of other creatures, as well as signs of alienated plants.

Su Ming himself is enough, but if the other two wolves want to evolve, they have to acquire some alienated plants.

Little sister Su Yi also needs two wind speed grass and one shadow grass.

Younger brother Su Hui needs a Polygonum vulgaris.

These three types of plants are not very easy to find. They are all alienated plants in the rare category, especially Polygonum vulgaris and Shadowgrass, which are even more difficult.

Speaking of which, Su Ming knew that there was a place where there might be signs of these rare plants.

The habitat of ibex, where there is a special lawn where various alienated plants can grow in the central area.

The day before, there was interference from the leader of the ibex, but Su Ming didn't see it clearly, but he also saw the traces of the wind speed grass and the moon night grass through a gap.

According to this inference, it is very likely that rare plants such as Polygonum vulgaris and Shadowgrass grow in the central area.

However, it is difficult for Su Ming and other wolves to take it now. There are many factors involved.

One is that the alienated plants in the center of the lawn are still in the growth stage and not fully mature.

The second is that the ibex group has more than a dozen creatures with alienation ability. It will take a lot of work to win that area, and maybe some members will be injured. It is better to wait until the eldest and second brothers are cured. It will be easier for the wolf to take this area again.

The third is that this lawn has been used by Su Ming as a hunting site for a short period of time. If you rashly attack the ibexes, it is likely to keep them away from this habitat, so you need to find a new one. hunting location.

Therefore, Su Ming believes that the attack on the ibex group and the search for the central alienated plant can be delayed for a few days.

When the eldest brother and the second brother join the hunting team, and when Su Ming and the others have almost hunted the ibex, they will attack together and take them down.


After searching for two full hours, the three wolves did not gain anything in terms of alienated plants, but there was some progress in finding creatures.

They came to the location where they had captured the Alpine Snow Chicken in the morning, and Su Ming Yilang shot and killed all the three nearby snow chickens in a row.

Afterwards, the three wolves quickly removed the body of the snow chicken, which was considered to be the meal in the afternoon.

Under the leadership of Su Ming, the quality of life of Su Hui and Su Yi is gradually improving, from barely eating enough during the injury period to at least three meals a day after recovery.

Their lives were quite happy, which made the two wolves admire Su Ming's ability even more in their hearts.

Su Ming and the others almost went around the area, and they encountered quite a few creatures during the period, but maybe it was bad luck. The creatures they encountered were either birds of prey, or small creatures like snow rabbits.

Either it's not worth their shot, or they can fly and they can't hit at all.

In the end, the three wolves came to the ibex habitat.

On the one hand, I want to see how the alienated plants are growing, and on the other hand, I want to see if I can detect the information about the leader of the ibex.

The three wolves tried their best to lighten their steps, and slowly approached the woods next to the habitat.

The scene here has not changed much from the previous scene when they left. The sheep still occupy the place, bowing their heads and eating the wild grass.

However, if you take a closer look, you will find that the sheep, which were originally unsuspecting, have also become vigilant.

The ibex on the periphery will look up from time to time and look around, the sheep leader in the central area, and a few elite sheep will check the number of their own groups at intervals to make sure they are not lost.

The reason for all this should be related to the three wolves that Su Ming hunted quietly yesterday and their two companions.

Of course, this level of vigilance was not enough to detect Su Ming's actions, and the wolves didn't come today to hunt ibex.

They, quietly lurking inside the bushes, observed the scene in the habitat.

With his good vision, Su Ming soon noticed that the few Moonlight grasses in the center circle seemed to have completed their development.

At this moment, the leader of the ibex in the center also noticed the maturity of the plant.

The three elite ibexes around looked at this scene with admiration, but due to the strength of the other side, they did not dare to cross the border without authorization and came to the center circle.

This ibex leader can be considered a bit of a brain. It is very generous and took out three moon night grasses, and threw them to its own group companions. Incidentally, he attracted these three similar species next to himself.

Sure enough, Sanyang glanced at the leader very gratefully, and then started to eat happily, and his goodwill towards the leader increased a lot.

Su Ming looked at this scene with some distress. It would be great if these grasses were eaten by the three of them or their wolves.

Unfortunately, now is not the time. Fortunately, it will take some time for other alienated plants to mature, enough to wait until Su Ming and their attack.

Su Ming raised his front feet and walked slowly, preparing to find an opportunity to find out the information about the leader of the ibex.

But halfway through the action, he heard the sound of a large number of creatures moving from the northwest.

The situation is not right!

Su Ming made a decisive stabilized his figure, continued to hide in the bushes, and ordered Su Hui and Su Yi behind him not to act rashly.

The two wolves nodded, and according to Big Brother Bai's instructions, they stayed behind each other obediently.

It didn't take long for the sheep to discover something was wrong.

The first to discover was the leader of the ibex, who stopped the movements in his hands, raised his head, and looked into the forest in the northwest region.

The three elite ibex behind him also hurriedly followed the leader's movements, looking directly at the forest in the northwest.

A few goats in the front row took the lead, and the remaining members of the flock each understood that something was wrong, raised their heads and looked into the distance.

Under the gaze of nearly thirty ibex, this mysterious creature finally walked out of the forest, revealing their true colors.

Tall body, tan hair, complex and huge head horns.

The identity of the other party is self-evident, it is the red deer.

However, unlike the red deer that Su Ming and the other wolves encountered before, most of this group of red deer were composed of young and middle-aged people, and all of them were much taller than before.

Especially the leader-level red deer at the front, its body length reached more than two meters, and the shoulder height was about one meter three.

The other party also has a rather striking head horn, which is very huge, with eight forks, emitting a fiery red streamer, and it seems that the hot flame can be seen from the inside of the horn.

Behind the leader, followed by several sturdy red deer whose size was no less than his.

They walked around each other, as if following and guarding.

After this, there are ordinary green red deer, which form a circle, guarding the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled at the center.

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