among the woods.

In a wide lawn, dozens of argali are bowing their heads and eating delicious wild grass.

However, it is somewhat strange that such a large number of argali only occupies half of the lawn, and another area seems to be divided by some creatures.

The shape of the other party is similar to that of an argali, only the head horns are different, but its pair of head horns are curved upwards.

In this way, the identity of this creature is self-evident, it is the ibex.

There are only about two opponents, but they can occupy most of the lawn.

This is because there are many ordinary creatures on the argali side, and the alienated creatures are only three, and their strength is evenly matched with the two ibex.

Because of this, the group of argali is like a mass of sand, and they do not have four classes like the ibex.

There are only a few small leaders who manage the members of their respective groups, and there is no leader who can unite the power of the ethnic group.

Therefore, even though the number of argalis is much larger than that of ibex, they are still unable to drive each other away, but instead occupy half of the lawn.

When the two sheep were secretly fighting for the lawn, they did not know that in the woods beside them, three pairs of wolf eyes were watching their movements indifferently.

After finishing the argali in front of him, the three wolves Su Ming first buried their body well according to the old plan, and then followed the trajectory of the other party's approach and the direction of the smell, and successfully found the habitat of the argali.

What the three wolves did not expect was that the guy who had survived in the habitat of the ibex actually came to this area and competed with the argali for the territory after failing to compete with the red deer.

This surprised them a bit.

In the lawn, there are about eighteen argali, which is not as many as the previous ibex group. Each argali leader leads a total of five argali.

Coupled with the ibex that had escaped earlier, the number of sheep here happened to be twenty, although not too many, but enough for the wolves to hunt for a while.

The three wolves repeatedly confirmed the movement of the sheep, and remembered the range of their most frequent activities in their minds.

Afterwards, Su Ming led his two younger brothers and younger sisters to quietly walk in the direction they came from, not disturbing the sheep in the lawn.

The purpose of their trip is to confirm a new hunting location, not to return to the wolf den to hunt prey.

At present, the food reserves of the wolves are quite sufficient, which can ensure that they do not conduct any hunting operations for a month.

Su Ming and other wolves found a new hunting location in advance, just in case, ready to hunt at any time.

All the way back, the three wolves first dug up the argali's body.

Without the need for the other two wolves to take action, Su Ming used the ability of [Battle Marks], and successfully dug out the buried pit in a few clicks.

He jumped into it, quickly picked up the prey, and walked towards the wolf's den with the team.


In the quiet woods, the mother wolf and the leaves are lurking in the bushes with the cubs.

In front of them, two plump snow rabbits were nibbling on the grass.

This is the first real hunt led by the wolf mother to the cubs, and the target is the snow rabbit in front of her.

However, the active characters of the little wolves made the mother wolf and the leaves a headache.

Not every little guy has the good patience of Su Ming's three wolves, and can carefully observe the actions of the prey and seize the opportunity to hunt it down.

From time to time, the wolf mother and the others need to press the unbearable little wolf, let it maintain patience, and cooperate with their companions to attack.

These days, the wolf mother and the leaves have taught the cubs the skills of hunting and how to cooperate with their companions.

Now, it's time for actual combat training to show the training results of the little wolves.

In this hunt, the wolf mother and the leaves will not shoot, and the five little wolves need to cooperate to capture these two snow rabbits that are slightly smaller than themselves.

Seeing that the little guys calmed down and took a swooping posture, the wolf mother nodded in relief.

The teachings of this period were not in vain, and they all remembered the hunting skills taught by the wolf mother and the two wolves.

Seeing this, the wolf mother no longer intervenes in the hunting belonging to the cubs, but allows them to act on their own.

The opponents this time are just two ordinary snow rabbits, and they won't cause much damage to the little ones.

At this very moment, the five little wolves sprinted out in tacit understanding and swooped towards the snow rabbit in front of them.

Don't look at them laughing and playing on weekdays, they don't seem to have much lethality. However, once they enter the state of predation, they show a degree of ferocity that is not inferior to other members of the wolf pack.

The five little wolves were separated, and the two larger little gray wolves took the initiative to confront the snow rabbit on the right.

In front, the faster wolf jumped up suddenly and pressed down on Xuetu, while the wolf coming from behind also bit Xuetu's hind legs with fangs, making it unable to move.

According to the teachings of the two female wolves, the little wolf that was on her body began to look for the position of the snow rabbit's neck, ready to kill the prey, instead of consuming the physical strength of her and her companions all the time.

It searched for quite a while, and finally found the throat that it was looking for in the pile of white hairs.

Immediately, the little wolf no longer hesitated, and quickly bit the Xuetu's throat, and blood spurted out on its face, which seemed to stimulate the animal nature in its heart, and the little wolf began to frantically bite the Xuetu's throat, The connection between the head and the body was completely bitten off.

Behind him, the companion who was still holding down Snow Rabbit who was struggling before he died, also after smelling the blood joined the biting queue.

The same is true for the three little wolves on the other side. Due to their larger numbers, they also completed the hunt faster than the other group of wolves.

[First release on this site, fastest update]

The two groups of little wolves surrounded Xue Rabbit's body, tearing apart each other's body constantly, devouring its flesh and blood. The wolf's cruel side was undoubtedly revealed.

The wolf mother and the leaves got up and stood in the distance, looking at this scene with satisfaction.

Although there was a slight error in this hunt, it was considered a complete success. The little wolves had already learned the survival and hunting skills, and officially reached the standard for hunting.

Their eyes are very different from before, especially in the depths of their pupils, where they reveal the ferocity of predators from time to time.

The wolf mother was thinking in her mind that maybe next time, she could let them follow the third-eldest hunting team and go out of the territory for real hunting.


Suddenly, there was a sound from the rear, and the wolf mother and the leaves quickly guarded the little wolves and became vigilant.

The five little guys who were eating also stopped and looked forward, imitating the posture of the wolf mother and the leaves.

"Tread, step, step."

What the wolf mother and the others didn't expect was that the figure of Su Ming's three wolves walked out in front.

The leader, Su Ming, was holding an argali that had been dead for a long time, while Su Hui and Su Yi, who followed closely behind, were each holding the white grass flower that the wolf father demanded.

The wolf mother and the leaves were a little confused. Why did Su Ming and the three wolves return so quickly? It's not even the sunset time.

Chapter 92: The Habitat of Argonauts

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