Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 12: The final result of the building bombing

  Chapter 103 The Final Results of the Building Burst Year

  Li Wenwen is worried that Qi Lei will be scolded to death, but the scolding is light!

  Perhaps Zhang Nan has all his thoughts on choking him to death.

  Let you create opportunities for yourself, how did you create for me?

  The four at this time.

Do not! It's five people!

  Like the male protagonist in "Shawshank Redemption", locked in the warden’s office, playing their Mozart.

  The difference is that Andy Dufrey's freedom and hope are restrained and reserved, which makes people distressed.

  And Lei Qi Lei’s sixteen-year-old Mozart is like a tens of thousands of horses galloping and a huge wave hitting the air. The crazy roar is not curbed, but full of excitement.

  Andy locked the door is the cruel real world, locked the cage of freedom.

  And Qi Lei locks all the troubles, the shackles of sixteen years old.

  Run forward, keep running! With the pride of innocence! !

  As for the mother-in-law and the teachers at the door, will she blow her lungs like a warden?

who cares?

  Master’s youth is so arrogant! !

  Which is not arrogant about everyone’s youth?

All right

   Zhang Nan was out of breath, and no one knew.

   Now sitting there facelessly, looking at the tea cup in front of him, it has been a long time that he can’t calm down.

  She will not be hysterical like the warden, smashing the door and breaking the lock. But the surging in my heart may not be lost to the warden.

  Because, in Shawshank, no one understands Andy's romance.

   But in Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, everyone can be as crazy as Qi Lei.

  Zhang Nan got up and came to the window.

  Slowly push open the wooden window

   Then, louder roars poured into the eardrums in the broadcast, but.

  That is not the strongest voice on campus.

  I saw the playground under the night, among the bright lights in front of the main building, and on the corridors between the willow trees, densely crowded students stood there, like burning flames.

  What do they look up to, what they are attached to.

  The biggest sounds on campus are these flames, running in the tune, and even singing along without the tune:

   "Run forward!! Faced with cold eyes and ridicule."

   "Keep on running!! With the pride of my heart!!"

  At this moment, it is not just the four of Qi Lei who bombed the building, but the students from the Second High School!

  Zhang Nan smiled, wondering whether it was an angry sneer or some other emotion.

   suddenly turned around and walked to the style room.

at the same time.

  The head teachers of 17 classes in the third year of high school almost unanimously pushed open the windows, letting the shouts from the depths of the soul flow into the classroom, into the ears of every student, and then detonated the depression of every student.


  The emotion in the lyrics is the best motivation.

  Compared with the countdown in the corner of the blackboard, students can feel more empathetic.

  The song continues.

  "The fascinating and splendid future is always calling to me"

   "Even if you only have pain as your company, you must go forward courageously"

   "I want to sail on the bluest sea there,"

   "Never mind if I can return it."

   "Depressed after failure."

   "That's the performance of a coward!"

  "As long as there is a breath, please clenched your fists!"

   "Before dawn!"

   "We have to be brave!"

  "Waiting for the sunrise to be the most dazzling, eye-catching, instant, instant!"

  "Toward, forward, and run!!!" This was sung by Coco Lee.

   Clenched his fists, bowed into a shrimp, and screamed with all his strength.

  The original lonely eyes gradually became firm.

   "Facing cold eyes and ridicule!"

   "With the pride of a child!"

  Thinking of what I said to Qi Lei, I gritted my teeth. If I retreat, he will despise me, right?

  "Continue, continue, run!!!" This is the sing of all the students in the third year.

   "Facing cold eyes and ridicule!"

   "With the pride of a child!"

  This is the third year of high school!

   is not a purgatory, let alone a ghost alive.

   Just like the meaning in the song: those pains are just fuzhe! 279 days of tempering is also the darkness before dawn.

   is a preparation order for the general attack!

  Go ahead


  "For the good in my heart"

   "Don't compromise until you get old!"

  Someone was intoxicated, closed their eyes, raised their heads, and hummed.

  Recover your innocent heart.

  At this moment, Shangbei No.2 Middle School was roaring and singing. The doorman had forgotten to press the class bell.

  At this moment, Shangbei No. 2 Middle School also remembered a name-Qi Lei for the first time.

  At this moment, Wu Xiaojian and Tang Xiaoyi had a thought in their hearts:

  This is called building bombing!

  And Viagra is immersive and has the greatest impact.

  At this time, he opened his mouth wide, looking at his crazy brother three, and Yang Xiao, his eyes were extremely complicated, and he also had a thought:

  MB. It’s called youth!

  Am I a veteran cadre?

  Am I?

  I am.

  Te Mo Sanguan collapsed again.

  When the last note fell, the broadcast fell silent, and all the students in the second middle school were still immersed in it, unable to extricate themselves.

   Suddenly heard a hysterical roar from the loudspeaker: "Damn it!"

   "I don't want to be a veteran cadre either! Ah ah ah!!!"




  Finance: Huh? Does it sound like my brother?

  Ordinary student: Huh? Does it sound like Caiwei?

  Grade Three and Eight: Huh? Does it sound like Viagra?

  Only afterwards, the whole campus boiled with this nonsensical curse.

  This unknown song, like the Venus before dawn, illuminates the way forward!


  Class 14, Li Wenwen, Cao Xiaoxi, Yu Yangyang, and Guan Xiaobei, unconsciously began to rush to the fourth floor of the main building!

  Li Wenwen and the others are excited, and they want to tell Qi Lei that the old lady is full of blood and resurrected! I want to work hard!

  The old lady is full of vitality again, full of energy!

  And class 14

  Well, class 14 has no idea.

  What's the special way to run forward and keep running. Does it have anything to do with Lao Tzu?

  There are only two reasons for their excitement:

  First, the song is pretty good!

  Secondly, my classmates sang it!

  That’s enough, what else are motivated and not motivated

  Does not deny that some people are spewing blood for it, and their intentions are extraordinary.

  But you also have to allow unscrupulous youth to be unscrupulous, right?

  Then I just didn’t understand, what do you say?

  At the same time, the music teachers were still smashing the door, and Teacher Ma was so crazy that he messed up his hair.

  Although in the music, apart from the singing of the four people, it is not difficult to recognize the superb performance skills, which is fully qualified for the work of chorus yin accompaniment.

  And the facts have proved that if you give them another chance, the ending may be completely different.

  However, he could not tolerate such a provocation, let alone the fact that he lost the authority of his teacher.

   slapped the door of the style room frantically, "Open the door for me! Open the door for me!"

  It wasn't until Zhang Nan appeared at the entrance of the style and sports room that Teacher Ma restrained, but the tyranny in his eyes was even more obvious.

   glared bitterly at the locked door, dreaming of the scene where the **** students were scolded by the principal and punished by the school.

  It’s so fun!

  And Zhang Nan is still calm, making people invisible to reality.

   Lined up the crowd, knocked on the door with a twisted finger, without a trace of emotion or anger on his face.

  "Open the door. I am Zhang Nan." A short sentence, full of aura.

In   , Qi Lei was panting, and the other three were not much better.

  For them, this is definitely the most hearty performance of their lives.

  When Zhang Nan’s voice sounded, the four little friends who had let themselves go were pulled back to reality.

  Qilei turned off the microphone and looked at the three with a wry smile, "It's cool, but the consequences are here."

   Regarding this, Yang Xiao, Wu Ning and Tang Yi all showed disdain.

   "What can you do? Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water!"

  It's worth it anyway!

   is Viagra screaming, this chicken blood has not returned yet!

  "What are you afraid of!? I opened the door! I opened the horn! See me if you have something to do!"

All right! Viagra is a bit on the top, how big is it?

  Moreover, not only was Viagra excited and not afraid, but he really rushed to the door and opened the door lock.

   With a creak, the door that isolates reality and indulgence opened.

   glared, just about to growl: (I will carry it if I have something!)

  See the result:

  Five or six music teachers look bad.

  Old Dong'er's eyes were round, and he was furious.

  The director of the teaching department was extremely cold and murderous.

  Principal Zhang stood with his back, unpredictable.

  At the entrance of the stairs not far away, the fourteenth class crowd, as well as the worried little eyes of Li Cowen and the others, looked over, giving Viagra a sense of shame of being watched.

  The picture is stagnant, there is no sound, the crotch of Viagra is tight, and the chrysanthemum is numb.

  嚓! Regret it!

  Xin said, it seems good to be an old cadre, right? At least be cautious, and will never face this kind of murderous air.


   "What's the principal of the school!? He still has a face!?" Zhang Nan hadn't moved, and Teacher Ma had already begun to run wild.

   glared, "You are so brave, wait for punishment! I have never seen a student like you, do you still have a teacher in your eyes!? Is there discipline!?"

  The roar resounded through the fourth floor, and the spray of Viagra wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

  Even the director of the teaching department is a posture of hating iron but not steel, "I'll just say what's going on, who broadcasted the broadcast for them? Turns out it's your kid!"

   "Cai Wei, Cai Wei, you can be considered a sensible child, how come you have the last year left, but you are getting more and more unspeakable!!"

   Viagra was scolded and couldn't answer a word.

  What a special one! They forced me, okay?

   took a sneak peek at Zhang Nan, and the old cadres' thinking began to occupy the high ground.

   Viagra said in his heart, you can scold if you want. The decision is actually in Zhang Nan's hands.

  Well, Viagra’s analysis is very well done, and it’s okay for others to scold it. In the end, Zhang Nan has to make a final decision.

  It depends on how angry Aunt Zhang is.

  But saw Zhang Nan stepping in calmly, isolating all the teachers.

   attracted a lot of teachers and friends in the distance to mention their hearts and souls, and they did not dare to breathe.

Cai Wei is even more nervous.

   lowered his head, "Principal, we were wrong."

  It's okay, Viagra didn't back down. At least he admits the mistake first, rather than excuses, and clarifies the relationship.

  Zhang Nan only replied, "Opening the school broadcast privately, there is indeed a mistake, I will talk about it later."

   After finishing speaking, he went straight to the broadcasting room inside. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Qi Lei's broken hair tying and sweating profusely.

  The other three are not much better, flushing and sweating.

  That is the result of full devotion, and it is also a hearty gift.

  Zhang Nan looked in his eyes, a little shocked.

  Shocked briefly, and finally looked straight at Qi Lei, "Do you know the consequences?"

  Lei Qi: "I know..."

  Zhang Nan: "The consequence is that you are reimbursed for one evening of self-study."

   Qi Lei: "Wrong, admit punishment."

  Zhang Nan does not answer.

   suddenly asked: "You wrote the song?"

   "Hmm, I figured it out during the summer vacation."

  At this time, Qi Lei can only admit it.

"What is your name?"


   "Hmm." Zhang Nan nodded, savoring the name.

   suddenly crossed Qi Lei. He passed the other three people, took Mike Feng in his hand, and turned on the switch.


   Tried the sound, and then took a deep breath.

"Hello everyone"

   "I am Zhang Nan."

  President Zhang’s voice suddenly sounded, making the jubilant students stagnated, and looked at the broadcasting room with some worry.

   To tell the truth, it feels like being relentlessly pulled back to reality.

  After all, many people have guessed that the big evening is still between classes, how many students order songs for classmates, or is such a presumptuous rock and roll?

  The guilt is not small, the few people in the broadcast room are going to be unlucky.

  You know, Principal Zhang has come forward, but I don’t know how miserable those guys are.

  The fourteenth class at the entrance of the stairs on the fourth floor, as well as Li Wenwen, also held their breath, waiting for Zhang Nan's final trial.

  Cao Xiaoxi held her small hands together, "Is there anything wrong with the stone, right?"

  Li Wenwen glared at her, but didn't say much, "It must be all right!"


  Zhang Nan let out a suffocating breath.

  The final judgment will then be announced.

   "The name of the song just now is "Chasing Dreams and Hearts"."

  "Qilei from Class 14 of High School, and his classmates."

"starting today."

   "It will be the school song of No. 2 Middle School."

  "!!!" Qi Lei suddenly raised his head, his pupils shrank suddenly!

  Looking at Zhang Nan's back in horror, cursing WTF in his heart! ?

  This is fine too! ?

   At the entrance of the stairs, on the playground, in the classroom, all the students in the second middle school have their mouths open.

   "Why don't you like it!?"

  Zhang Nan's insightful questions hit people's hearts and instantly detonated everyone's emotions.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

  There is joy everywhere.

  The principal is awesome!

  The second middle school is awesome!

  The school song is awesome! !

  Anyway, there are all kinds of shouts, and the effect is no less than Qi Lei’s exhausted song Chasing Dreams.

   Wait for everyone to calm down.

  Zhang Nan's voice echoed in the broadcast in a timely manner.

   "I hope that our teachers and classmates can maintain a pure heart just like the song sings."

   "Run forward and keep running!"

   "Facing with cold eyes and ridicule, with pure pride!"

   "Uncompromising until old!"

   "Be a young man chasing the wind. Go forward!"

  The thief summed up is in place!

  Sentimental thieves are natural!

  Emotional mobilization is even more impeccable!

  Moreover, there is something more to come. If the mother-in-law doesn’t use this song to squeeze out all of her surplus value, then she is not Zhang Nan.

  As soon as he finished speaking the sensational words, Zhang Nan was covering the microphone, turning around and asking Xiang Yang Xiao and Qi Lei, "Is there any alternative. Is there a bit more aggressive rock?"

  The four of them looked at each other and grabbed the electric piano one after another, "How excited are you?"

  Zhang Nan smiled, as if he was saying, you know, how exciting it must be!

   "The next fifteen minutes, this belongs to you."

   "Make the whole school restless!"


   Qi Lei is admired

  Five-body shooting!

  This old lady, always surprises you and finds you not to be north.

  I can only say that the wisdom of mother-in-law is simply pervasive!

At this moment, Zhang Nan had already arrived at the entrance of the style and sports room, and asked Mrs. Yang to tell the guard, Father Liu, "The bell is back for fifteen minutes from the and I walked by the stairs. He had a sudden stop and looked at them. The dumbfounded group of fourteen.

   smiled suddenly, but it was an amiable smile: "How about it. I'm the principal, am I still qualified?"

  Everyone shook their minds and returned to their souls instantly.


  Too qualified! !

   At this moment, there was a bang in the big horn.


  German chariot, go!

With a cry, the school exploded again! Tang Xiaoyi got his wish.

  And the second middle school students, while caring, remembering.

  This is definitely the coolest self-study night in their school days, and at the same time the most refreshing memory.


  The guy who was doing things in the broadcasting room was originally called Qi Lei! !



  (End of this chapter)

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