Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 25: Qi Lei's wonderful ancient prose learning method

  Chapter 116 Qi Lei’s Wonderful Ancient Chinese Learning Method

  This set of notes and textbooks comes from Harbin No. 3 Middle School.

   Qi Lei was very excited when he took it over. This is the legendary "Martial Arts Cheats" from Harbin No. 3 Middle School!

  It is said that after the college entrance examination of Harbin No.3 Middle School every year, there are senior middle school students selling old books at the entrance of the school. They are all class notes and old textbooks for the third year of high school.

  Moreover, every time it was sold out.

  Selling old books by those senior high school students is basically enough for college tuition.

   was regarded as a legend for a while.

  This also shows how strong the Harbin Third Middle School is and how valuable the products are.

  Such a "precious" martial arts cheats, Qi Lei still likes it very much, and he opened it up and looked through it rather solemnly.


  嚓! Why should I open this shit! ?

  I finally know where the precious is.

  Can these martial arts cheats of the predecessors allow you to learn knowledge and not to say much, but they can make you feel inferior, but it is true.

After reading   , Qi Lei found out, what is his hard work? Compared with the students in the third middle school, he is still herding sheep.

  Just look at the textbooks and notes to know how far apart you are from others.

   is densely packed. Almost all the blank spaces in the textbook are notes. One problem is not only one solution idea, three types are few, and some even four or five types.

  It is said that geniuses tend to work harder than ordinary people, Qi Lei can be seen.

   crying and crying: "Xu Xiaoqian! Did you deliberately?"

  This note made Qi Lei very frustrated, and he saw the gap at a glance.

  In this regard, Xu Qian's eyes narrowed into a crescent, and the corners of her mouth were exaggerated, "Reassure! You can catch up with the genius, but the gap between the genius and you is insurmountable!"

   Qi Lei, "."

What does    mean? Didn’t you understand it?

  Yang Xiao in the front row obviously heard the conversation between the two, carrying half a bag of shrimp sticks, and half a stick hanging from the corner of her mouth...

   Turned her head like a ghost, looked at Xu Xiaoqian blankly, shook her head for a long time, "It's not saved! Girl, you're not saved!"

  When Lei Qi heard, Yang Xiao knew?

   "What do you mean? Explain."

  But it was Xu Xiaoqian who took a picture of Yang Xiao and grabbed the shrimp sticks, "Not many mouths!"

After   , he gave Yang Xiao a ferocious look, twisted out the prawns and ate it, not forgetting to feed Qi Lei.

   "Damn!" Yang Xiao yelled, got up and left, "I'm looking for Lao Liu to change seats, I can't stay!"

  After eating at noon, Qi Lei, Xu Qian, Yang Xiao, Wu Ning, and Cheng Lele, all holding this Chinese textbook, went into the small wood next to Class 14.

  At this time, autumn is high and fresh, and the stone table in the small forest is the best place to recite the text.

  Along with the falling poplar leaves, sitting on thick fallen leaves or stone benches is also the best scenery in Autumn No. 2 Middle School.

  It’s just that the text is a bit annoying.

  "Chibi Fu"!

  Reciting the full text is crazy.

  Furthermore, Lao Liu Yi changed the loose policy of the past and attached great importance to this classical Chinese essay.

  For the scumbags of Class 14, it is simply torture, even Xu Xiaoqian is a little struggling.

  I used to memorize it very well last night, but I forgot half of it when I got up early.

  However, the first class in the afternoon was Chinese. Old Liu would never let them go, so he had to continue to struggle.

  In fact, it is no longer possible to stay in the classroom of Class 14, and a few people chose to go to the grove to cleanse.

  Why don’t you think about it, most of the people in the class don’t go home at noon. After eating, they sit there, all carrying Chibi Fu.

   Non-ethical guys like Fang Bing and Dong Weicheng, can’t wait to pull their necks and shout. It seems that if you don't read it out loud enough, it won't work.

  The low-frequency hum of the classroom, coupled with the desperate roar, frowned upon anyone going in.

  Plus, Dong Weicheng squats from time to time.

  嚓! ! Superb!


  The environment in the small forest is good, which is a good place to recite the text. However, no matter how good the place is, it can't offset the torture of classical Chinese.

   Cheng Lele has almost given up, throwing the textbook down, "This is such a bad thing, it is both awkward and difficult, and it is not memorized!"

  Wu Xiaojian comforted, "Almost all right, Lao Liu really took the test one by one?"

  Anyway, Wu Ning is almost enough. That's what ancient Chinese is about. It's a bit more complicated, and it's probably easy to memorize it. However, a single word is not bad, that is, the strength is alive.

  All of you sitting here, although you know that this text is very important, Lao Liu is dead, and it may not work for a word.

  But, except for Xu Xiaoqian, everyone and Wu Ning have similar ideas.

  It’s just that, no one thought that Qi Lei was the fastest and most accurate.

  He is even more relaxed than Xu Xiaoqian's memorial.

  Seeing that he closed the book in a finished posture, everyone collectively despised it.

  Xu Xiaoqian cursed, "I wish you will forget it soon!"

   Qi Lei, "Hey."

   Annoyed you!

  At this time, Qi Lei was too busy to finish work and ran away, closing the textbook and staying with them here.

  As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Li Wenwen, Cai Wei, and Cao Xiaoxi. Several people also entered the grove with textbooks in between.

  Qilei beckoned there naturally, and when a few people saw them, they came over naturally.

  I haven’t seen it for a few days, Viagra is still the same, with a shaggy beard, and has gone farther and farther on the sloppy road.

   and the naive sister is the other extreme, very delicate, more brilliant.

  Coco Lee: "What are you doing?"

   Qi Lei, "Recite the text. How about you?"

   Viagra: "Remember words."


  Qilei answered and stopped talking.

  Li Wenwen and they also shut up, each found a root of the tree, and either sat on the fallen leaves or leaned against the tree and started working hard.

  After another ten minutes, Yang Xiao also collapsed, and threw the language document, "I gave up! What a shit!"

  She started memorizing it last night and felt that it was almost done, but at the last look, either this sentence was wrong or that sentence was wrong. A little better than "almost" is limited.

   Over there, Xu Xiaoqian rubbed her eyebrows with a headache. The reason why Lao Liu took it seriously was because this text was really important.

  Whether it is the monthly exam, the final exam, or the college entrance examination in the future, there is a great possibility of questioning.

  Moreover, there are too many places to ask questions.

  Just pick out a sentence, from noun interpretation to ancient Chinese translation, to grammatical sentence patterns, cloze, etc., a lot of questions can be asked.


  Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao are actually almost the same, they always miss some small details, and can't do it exactly.

  Finally depressed and paralyzed, and looked at Qi Lei faintly, "Say! How did you do it!?"

  Over there, Coco Lee heard them talking and walked over to take a look, "Haha." She chuckled, "It's almost done, I haven't figured it out yet!"

  Senior year review, I will definitely pick up this ancient essay again.

   Li Han memorized it, but if she still asked the question from Chibi, she was not sure not to lose points.

  Cai Wei also leaned over, he was studying well, he was a little sullen, and said something to provoke hatred.

   "This is okay, "Song of Everlasting Regret" is a beast!"

  Qilei glanced at him, "Chang Hen Ge is the best to memorize? There are too many famous sayings in it."

  The most difficult thing to memorize in high-level Chinese is "Chibi Fu", "Chu Shi Biao", "Preface to the Pavilion of the Teng King", or "Xiaoyao You", the answer in everyone's mind is actually different.

  Of course, there are still people who think "The Road to Shu is Difficult" and "Speaking of the Teacher" are more difficult to do. However, "Song of Everlasting Regret" is not good enough, it is a weaker grade.

   But there is one thing that is unified, that is-it is not easy, including "Eternal Regret."

  Xu Xiaoqian doesn't care about the dispute between Qi Lei and Viagra, it's all for the future.

   still looked at Qi Lei with a grievance, "Say! Are there any tricks!?"

   "The trick." Qi Lei pondered for a while, and it really did.

  Language recognized classical Chinese is difficult to do, in fact, the reason lies in the current generation's insufficient comprehension and reading ability of classical Chinese. Even if the teacher said sentence by sentence and explained word by word, it is still a mess for many people to memorize it by rote.

  The fundamental problem is still not understanding the basics of ancient Chinese and the use of grammar. Coupled with rare characters, there is also a minimalist style of writing for saving paper.

  Learning English with many people means the same thing.

  And once you really understand ancient Chinese, these are not difficult.

  But, how do you explain these words to her?

   thought for a long time, "Actually, you only need to memorize the meaning in the text, and even understand the whole text, it is not difficult."

   "Cut" Cheng Lele curled his lips, "You are a typical standing and talking without backache. The vernacular explanation of this **** is longer than the classical Chinese!"

   "Moreover, more mouth-watering!"

   Indeed, the full text is translated in the textbook, based on the only principle-rigorous!

   Therefore, the translation of vernacular Chinese is stinky, long, not smooth, and not even aesthetic at all.

  How to recite? It's better to recite the original text.

  "Well this"

  Qi Lei opened the textbook, "Or, I will explain it to you? Be sure to say it again, you will remember almost."

  Everyone pricked their ears when they heard it. Even Coco Li, Cai Wei and Cao Xiaoxi temporarily put down their English and listened to how he "blow!"

   "Ahem." Qi Lei gave a light cough, "Listen!"

  "On July 16, Renxu year, Su Zizhan and a few friends rowed a boat on the river for waves"

   "The wind was not strong that day, and the waves were not rushing. Su Zizhan brought up a cup and recited a small composition about the moon in a shameless manner."

  "After a while, several people were drunk, and white mist appeared on the river. The scenery is beautiful and it feels more exquisite."

  噗! ! !

  Everyone is spraying.

  You translate this, can Su Dongpo agree? If you let Lao Liu hear it, you must be stripped of your skin!

  But, after careful consideration, the first paragraph seems to be really just that.

  Qilei grinned, just as a joke, "Well, do you think, the first paragraph of the overview is just such a thing."

   became interested, and said a few more words, "Actually, memorizing ancient prose is the same as writing ancient prose."

  "As long as you understand the meaning, it's vernacular if it's a bit verbose, and it's classical Chinese if it's simple. But the outline is the same."

  "You only need to jump out the outline in four words and four words, and it will be ancient prose."

  Everyone raised their eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

   Qi Lei, "For example, eat after school at noon, the same every day."

  "Translated into ancient Chinese, it means eating during class breaks, just like every day."

   "Reading after dinner, it's the same every day."

   "Reading with a full stomach, day after day is useless, as soon as I take the exam, I will be the last one, and I will return the same."

   "If you don't learn well, you will end up in the exam."

   "Is that something?"




   Everyone, look at me, I look at you, "Hey, is it that simple?"

  Li Wenwen rolled her eyes and shook her English book smoothly, "According to you, English is too difficult to learn, and my old lady will have a headache when she sees it."

   "Isn't it, English is very difficult, my mother abandoned school?"

   "It's not like ancient Chinese?"

  Qilei, "Barbarian language is obscure, and I am bored to see it."

  Coco Lee: "."

  Finally, sister-in-law gave a thumbs up, "You cow! Are you alright?"

   Viagra has a toothache, so why can’t I be so uncomfortable with Qi Lei’s humorous appearance?

   speechlessly teased, "Then tell me, how did you live so badly and shamelessly. What do you say when you become an ancient Chinese!~?"

  Qilei opened his mouth and came: "You only need to accumulate three thousand hairs and twist the orchid. If you believe it, March will be perfect!"

   means that the gap between you and the woman is only three thousand long hair and one orchid finger. Believe me, you can be like a dime in three months.

I bother! Viagra almost didn't throw up.


  The funny guy laughed.

  And Qi Lei glanced at Viagra, and said, “Small, but also talk back?

  Decided to tease him again, "Viagra, do you want to teach you a way to memorize ancient texts quickly, but not forgetting to death, but also particularly easy and fun?"

  After seeing Viagra, he knew that this kid was not in good intentions.

  But, I can’t resist curiosity!

"What do you think?"

  Qi Lei glanced at everyone mysteriously, "This...I will teach you alone, no one else can tell."

  Speaking, he pulled Caiwei aside and muttered for a long time.

  Everyone couldn't hear what they were saying, they were itching, and they all listened with their ears upright.

  Unfortunately, I didn’t listen to anything.

   knows that Viagra finally exploded, and he jumped up and said, "Lei Qi! You real grandson!!!"

   Turn around and leave, not staying in the grove.

  When Qi Lei came back, everyone couldn't help but asked, "What the **** did you say to Viagra?"

   Qi Lei, "Don't ask, it's no good!"

  But, the more you don’t talk about this, the more curious you will be. Finally, Qi Lei can't help it.

   "I will let him try to memorize any combination of poems and ancient essays, and he will definitely not forget it!"

   "Then, I gave him a few more examples, and he ran away!"

   was talking, and vomited in the direction of Viagra's escape, "You said this person. He has such a big temper and a small mind!"

   Everyone, look at me, I look at you, any combination?

   Is there anything special?

   Seems nothing special, right?

  In this regard, Viagra does not think so.

  What Qi Lei said is right, fast! ! efficient! ! Once unforgettable! !

  One way is to really do it! !

  In addition, after listening to Qi Lei’s examples, Viagra really remembered.

  Furthermore, the memory is too strong, even if you want to forget it!

  Brother Chuan is about to cry.

for example:

  Have friends come from afar, whip dozens, and drive away the other courtyard?

  If a friend comes from afar, he must first suffer from his mind, his muscles and bones, and his body hungry?

  A friend came from afar, and he died before he was a teacher?

  Some friends come from afar, even if they are far away, they will be killed! !

  What’s the next sentence of "Some friends come from afar"?

  This grandson Qi Lei, is it really bad!

   Viagra's mind is a bit messy, so I need to slow down.

  However, I didn’t expect that Cai Wei was even more speechless.

   hasn't come over yet, the afternoon is the Chinese simulation volume. Moreover, it is so hard to die, and the focus is on ancient Chinese poetry.

  Fill in the blanks, "Sit up in shock while dying"

  The next sentence is

  Viagra didn’t even think about it, so he filled in: "Swing up to ninety thousand miles!"

  I found out that I was wrong after filling it in. It was almost crazy, and it was Lei Qi that killed it!

  Hurry up and change it.

  When I arrived at the composition, Viagra was so awkward that I decided to show off the ancient essay.

  Even though he didn’t believe in Qi Lei’s four-character set, he was still very honest in his heart.

  Composition title: "On the relationship between natural environment and humans"

  This is a product after the flood in 1998. In this year's composition, almost all teachers put Bao on the topic of flood fighting.

  And Viagra’s composition title is "All Things"!

  "The heavens and the earth are all in order, and people walk on top of them, and the spirit of all things is also. However, how can one take all things presumptuously, and dare not forget that they are nurtured by all things"

  The ancient prose that he couldn't control originally made him have enough words to hand it in.

  Li Yanhong, the head teacher, was shocked.

  Classical Chinese?


  Take a closer look. Although the writing is general, it doesn’t digress and is basically complete.

  That happy in my heart, if you dare to do this during the college entrance examination, as long as the full text is fluent and the subject matter is novel, this is a high-scoring composition.

   is just as courageous as you, and it's worth a high score!

  Without a word, I took out Viagra’s composition as a model essay and told the whole class.

  Cao Xiaoxi, in the same class, looked suspiciously at Viagra slanting backwards, and forced her in a low voice, "Are you learning now?"

  Viagra is kind of embarrassed, "What are you talking about? I'm so talented, okay?"

  Viagra is still very proud, Xin said, Qi Lei did something right after all.

  As a result, I haven’t been happy for a while. After finishing the composition, Li Yanhong flipped through the papers in front of her, and it exploded.

   "Cai, Wei!! You stand up for me!!!"

  Viagra just finished happy, still didn't understand what was going on, stood up with an innocent look.

   Seeing the head teacher rushed in front of him, he threw the paper onto Viagra's face.

   "You explain to me!!!"

  "What does it mean that a girl in the Yang family has grown into a young girl, and she is so powerful that she can be proud of the world!?"



"Ha ha ha ha!"

  The whole class was taken aback first, and then they all sprayed, "How is this connected together?"

  But, Li Yanhong hasn’t finished her scolding yet, “You tell me again, the last sentence of ‘the mirror decal is yellow’, how come it’s ‘a man is a self-improvement’!?”




  Men should be self-improvement, yellow decals on the mirror?

  Hahahahahaha! ! !

  Laughter louder than before, as expected.

   Cai Wei’s old face turned into a pig liver color, and he wanted to find a place to sew in and cursed in his heart, "Lei Qi, your uncle!"

  Cao Xiaoxi smiled and couldn't stand up.

  Men should be self-improvement and face the mirror

   couldn't bear to look straight, she finally knew what Qi Lei and Cai Wei were talking about.

  Men should be self-improvement, with yellow decals on the mirror.


  I am anxious to laugh Viagra, laugh at me, right? Then don't think about it.

   screamed, "There's more!"

   "Sitting up in shock while dying, no one knows that it's lychee!"




  Li Yanhong's head hurts a little, you are so talented!

  You are less and less like a good person!



  (End of this chapter)

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