Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 36: What about Internet cafes? (1)

  Chapter 127 Where is the good Internet cafe? (1)

  20,000 characters, I owed three leaders [Prince's Clothes], [Slippers], and [Ghosts] before, and I paid it off all at once today.

  Don’t praise me, thank the lord for his generosity.


  In fact, Tang Yi and Wu Ning also know that this is not a small number.

  But, sometimes, it’s the same thing. Young and frivolous are not just talking about it, you can do everything.

  Furthermore, the smaller the number, the more excited it is. The Northeast dialect calls this "Sai Lian".

  Furthermore, these two will not be ordinary people in the future, even if they are not led by Qi Lei, they will be bold masters.

  The thief they think is simple now. I had such a big toy when I was sixteen or seventeen. Who has this ability?

  Awesome? But Shang Bei couldn't find the second group!

  At that time, their small base will no longer be the school's canteen, nor a billiard room or game hall that they think has a strong relationship with the boss, but their own Internet cafe, too domineering!

  As for Zhao Wei

  First of all, Zhao Wei knows a little about computers, his sister knows computers better, and has opened a computer room at home, so naturally he has no fear of this industry. .

  Secondly, he knew that even if he didn't make a lot of money, he couldn't lose money.

   Then do it! I even feel that this is much better than selling socks between him and Zhou Tao.

  Qilei is also speechless, and after thinking about it, he said to his heart, why don’t you play with them?

It's really just a play. According to the size of a reborn person, coupled with the thinking of an adult, if you really want to enter an industry, there must be a way to use 200,000 to do 400,000, or even greater things, just go. The scale is a little more troublesome.

   However, Qi Lei has no such thoughts, and the days are actually pretty good now.

  As he thought, every day he opened his eyes and thought about two things: What to eat? What to learn?

  It’s so simple that it makes people addicted.

  It’s good to get a small Internet cafe with hundreds of thousands of machines and 20 machines.

  To put it plainly, it is really a big toy for Tang Yi and Wu Ning.


   "Okay, let's start a chant!"

  He made this decision, Tang Yi and Wu Ning immediately clenched their fists and shouted, "Yes!!!"

   but didn't want to, Yang Xiao and Xu Xiaoqian, who had been in a daze over there, looked at each other.

   "Can you count me too!?" Yang Xiao almost jumped up, "Count me?"

   Qi Lei was startled, "You too?"

  Yang Xiao stared, "What's wrong? What a cool thing, do you want to abandon my old lady?"

  Qi Lei is a bit embarrassed. Let's play. It's okay for everyone to play together. He doesn't care.

   However, this involves money after all, so we have to be careful.

  But Yang Xiao didn't know if it was stunned, but he still saw Qi Lei's thoughts.

   "Cut~~!" He said, "My old lady still takes advantage of you? I'm a shareholder! Don't you lack money? I have money!"

   Qi Lei, "."

  Xin said, do you have money? how much money you have?

  Yang Xiao, "You are forty-six thousand and six, right? I also make forty-six! Is it all right?"

When everyone heard this, not only Qi Lei, but Xu Xiaoqian and Cheng Lele were shocked, "Where did you come from forty thousand six?"

   saw Yang Xiao smile with a guilty conscience, "Hey, good exam, my mother gave me the money to change the piano. Now it seems that changing to a fart piano? Internet cafes are much more fun than piano!"




  Everyone was speechless.

  According to Yang Xiao herself, her parents were the first batch of Russian fathers. At the beginning, everything was dumped. Later, they specialized in fur business.

  Now, the factories and trade shops are on Maozi's side, so they are not at home all year round.

  Plus, Yang Xiao's usual clothes are not cheap, and everyone can know that her family conditions should be good.

  But, for a piano, forty to fifty thousand? Dad Tang can't do this, you are so embarrassed!

   "Ah!" Tang Yi was a little bit savory, "It's okay to see my dad, educate him, and let Old Tang know how other parents do it!"

  Yang Xiao didn’t bother to pay attention to him, "A word, will you take me to play?"

  Speaking of which, there is nothing left to say.

Qi Lei originally had a playful attitude, and Xu Xiaoqian also said: "Although I don't have that much money, it's only a few thousand yuan, but also take me one? I can contribute, just a small amount. Is the stock okay?"

  Xu Xiaoqian looked hopeful, not too exciting.

  At this point, Qi Lei has only promised.

   also looked at Cheng Lele, "Do you want to join in too?"

   is all blended in, so it’s not appropriate to leave it alone.

  As a result, Cheng Lele was stunned for a moment, and shook his head quickly, "I'll let it go!"

  Cheng Lele has a bit of pocket money, and also saved some small money such as New Year's money, not as much as Xu Xiaoqian.

  It’s okay to take it out and be crazy, but Cheng Lele is afraid, but she has saved up the small vault for many years, if she loses it all, there will be no place to cry.

  Although Cheng Lele thinks their idea is so cool and cool, but he still doesn’t rest assured, after all, the eldest Zhao Wei is only 20 years old, can he really open an Internet cafe?

   "You are brave, you can do it! I won't get mixed up, right?"

Cheng Lele never thought that in this closed computer room, she would miss the greatest wealth in her life.

  Qilei also did not expect that his less caring path to wealth would be opened in advance because of the same decision made by several playmates.

  Even more unexpectedly, the hundreds of thousands that were not easy to explain will become more and more difficult to explain. In the end, it became the situation he most wanted to see, almost scaring his parents into a mental disorder.

  The other people couldn't think of it. They just wanted an Internet cafe, but in the end, the Internet cafe opened, but it was not the same as they thought.

  And all of this, because of the whim of six teenagers, they want this big toy.

  Everyone was a little excited about this. Thinking back to the summer vacation, they set up a sock stand and got out of hand. This is back to the winter vacation, but the starting point is higher.

  Internet cafe! Tang Xiaoyi is already looking forward to a bright future. He doesn't pay for the Internet, and he drinks casually. It's cool!

  As for Qi Lei, Tang Yi and Wu Ning are not as promising as Tang Yi and Wu Ning.

  Now that you have decided to open an Internet cafe, move on. Qi Lei never lacks the ability to act.

  The first thing, of course, is to find Zhao Na!

  Whether it is computer or computer room experience in Internet cafes, Zhao Na is the best consultant.

   swept around, and said to Zhao Wei: "Where is your sister?"

  Well, Zhao Wei takes the money when he enters the house, and then you open an Internet cafe with just one word. Qi Lei only remembered now, why didn't he see Zhao Na?

  The National University of Technology holiday is a few days earlier than the second middle school. Zhao Na should also return to Shangbei, and she should be at home at this point.

   When Zhao Wei heard this, his expression was distorted, "Go to your third uncle's house!"

   Qi Lei: "."

   Knowing why Zhao Wei was distorted, this sister-in-law is a bit psychologically imbalanced.

  With a speechless smile, a comforting sentence came out for a long time, "Is it so smooth?"

  Don’t get me wrong, it’s not to see the parents.

   Friends from this age, they don’t go to the other party’s house to play, how can they lie so idle like the younger generations of later generations? That's going to work.

  In this era, at least in Shangbei, there is no such thing as a bride price. There are bridesmaids in the countryside, but they don't need much, and they all belong to the young couple.

  There are not many considerations about the right to the right, especially the old revolution like the Qi family, the most annoying is the right to the right.

  Of course, there are also people who pay attention to the right family, such as Li Hanhan before, who wanted to find a family with similar conditions to marry.

  While eliminating these ideas, most men and women in northern families are actually very simple and still maintain the customs of the 1980s.

  Yes, in the Northeast of the 1990s, the twilight gas is now in all aspects, except for the economic depression, even dating is very "nostalgic", and it stays accurately in the rustic style of the 1980s.

  If you count, the love styles in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00s can be roughly divided into:

  70 years of pure revolutionary friendship.

  80 years of simplicity.

  90 years, implicit.

  2000, market economy.

  In the 1970s, Qi Lei’s parents’ generation of love was outrageous, and through the introduction of an introducer, I felt that they could be everywhere. Then, to watch the movie, you have to go home one side of the road and the other side of the road when you go home together.

  Even if the relationship is made public, it still maintains a pure revolutionary friendship. At the step of making trouble in the bridal chamber, he shyly replied to the kind of leaning together.

  In the 1980s, society was somewhat open, and young people became bolder and began to fall in love freely. The standard of being a friend is so simple that it is fascinating, and it only depends on character and diligence.

   is no longer a feeling of shame, but the most effective and quickest way to bring the relationship closer is to run to the other party’s house when nothing is wrong.

  Men go to women’s homes, see life in their eyes, do whatever they see. The woman goes to the man's house, washes clothes and wipes the floor, and within three months, the wedding date can be set.

  In the 1990s, the mind was more open, Hong Kong films and Taiwan films invaded, young people began to admire fierce and regretless love, the kind of bad boys were especially popular, and the boys with the elegant atmosphere of the books also had unique charm.

  To tell the truth, love in this era is just right, everyone has their own charm, and it is not difficult to find the opposite **** attracted by it.

  In the 21st century, well, it has become more and more like a transaction under a market economy.

  House and car tickets, these things that originally accounted for a small proportion of emotional considerations, have completely occupied the marriage and love market, and everything can be quantified and traded.

  The people of later generations no longer catch the cold and vigorous love, and no longer empathize with Cage and Ryan's death embrace in "City of Angels", feeling that it is too fake. On the contrary, it is plain, fresh and flowing like a chrysanthemum, which can hit people's hearts directly.

   To put it bluntly, the lack of life’s firewood, rice, oil and salt, whether it is plain or warm, is fake.

  It’s just that the enthusiasm is too far away and plain, which is the unattainable beauty that the young people of future generations are looking forward to.

  Like the 90s, plain can be seen everywhere, so people will look forward to the vigorous and vigorous that is not far away.

  In the Northeast in the 1990s, economic stagnation caused people's perceptions to stagnate. Although "the subtlety of the 90s" is also mainstream, the "plainness of the 80s" is still everywhere.

  For example, Qi Guodong and Zhao Na.

  Thinking of this, Qi Lei couldn't help but smile, and vomit in his heart. This is the life of the third uncle. After all, he will not be able to escape the trick of his girlfriend's voluntary labor at home!

  This is the case in the previous life, and it is the same in this life.

  In his previous life, Qi Guodong’s wife did just that.

   Three brothers are also influential people in Shangbei, and there are too many young girls in line.

  The reason why I picked a wife who is not the most outstanding and has an average family is precisely because the girl will curve to save the country, and when she was just friends with the third brother, she ran to Grandpa Qi Lei’s house every day.

  Wash clothes, cook, clean up the house, and coax the old man and the old lady.

  Qi Guodong's whole person is floating, and if you ask her to buy a box of Jiqing cigarettes for three yuan, you will definitely get back 13 yuan for Asima, and there is no better vision than her.

  Who can stand this? Most people can't hold it.

  So, after only a few visits, the two established a relationship. Engaged in three months, the old man made the decision personally.

  This shows how important it is to go home.

  Of course, being diligent and insightful doesn't mean that people are good. It only means that boy and girl friends of this age are like this.

It is also the wife of Qi Guodong’s previous life, and the third aunt of Qi Lei’s previous life. He has been married for a few years. Seeing that the father is really not working hard, he refuses to find someone if he wants to transfer a job. Qi Guodong does not speak to the old man for her. Faint, there was a chance to go to the south, so he left her husband and four-year-old daughter and left without looking back.

  In fact, this is also the reason why Qi Lei learned that Zhao Na and Sanshu’s friend, he strongly supported.

  The third aunt of later generations, Qi Lei looked down on her.

  As for the relative abducted by your old Qi family, Zhao Wei actually has a knot in his heart.

  In the eyes of Zhao Wei, what the third brother is not the third brother, it is really not worthy of his sister.

  His sister is a college student, or a college student at a prestigious university, with a promising future.

  As a result, a "street liar" was abducted, and he went to work for his house. Zhao Wei felt so distressed.

  Well, this doesn't make sense to Qi Lei, Qi Lei is his boss.

   "I left in the morning, this meeting should be back soon, right? Or, can you call and ask?"

  Zhao Wei's mouth is wrong. It hasn't arrived at noon now, so why come back so soon?

  In fact, it was hinting that Qi Lei would help call his sister back.

  In this regard, Qi Lei has no opinion. Just like Zhao Na's character, she likes her father 100%, so she doesn't need to be so diligent.

   immediately called the third uncle, asking him and sister Na to come back quickly.

  Qi Guodong and Zhao Na thought something was wrong, they went into the yard before half an hour.

  A glance, they are all there, "What's wrong?"

  Qilei is straightforward, "Sister Na, we want to open an Internet cafe, you can give us an idea."

  Zhao Na: "."

  It doesn't sound like the real thing, but it just happens to be real.

  Qilei and they are rich, Zhao Na knows this, and Qi Guodong knows it too.

  In the words of Qi Guodong, my nephew is not an ordinary person.

   Regarding the decision to open an Internet cafe, Zhao Na thought for a while, "You can open it!"

  She knows that this is better than Zhao Wei selling socks in Harbin.

  Qi Guodong also said: "You have to be serious, I will find someone for you, the license is simple."

  Opening a formal Internet cafe, Zhao Na also thought about it.

  For this, whether she is good or not, Qi Guodong, they all deliberately went to understand how to deal with the procedures and which department to find works.

   However, Zhao Na later considered that she had not graduated, and her concept was still a bit conservative. After all, she felt that the job in the Qi Guodong Hardware Store was a serious company. If he opened an Internet cafe now, Qi Guodong would have to resign and stare at it, which is a pity.

   Originally planned, after she graduated, if she couldn't find a good job, she would consider this aspect again.

  At the moment, Zhao Na talked about her experience summed up with Qi Lei in detail.

   finally concluded: "My suggestion is not to use the best machine. Computer products are updated too fast now, maybe one year is out of date and not enough, it's about the same."

  "Mid-priced, mid-range configuration, even if it’s a replacement, it’s not distressing. Used machines are sold second-hand, and the prices are the most reasonable."

  "Then, the machine can be brand-free. I will get you the most reasonable configuration. Go to Nantong Street, the provincial city, to buy accessories, and come back to save (cuan) the machine by yourself. This will save you a fortune."

  "And" pondered for a while, "It's best to determine the price of the computer first. If you don't have enough money, first determine the most important thing. How many machines are there."

  "Then press the number of machines and the remaining money, find a store and buy tables and chairs."

   "I guess, save some flowers, can install 20 good machines."

  Zhao Na’s suggestion is pertinent and reasonable.

  Even if the money from Yang Xiao and Xu Xiaoqian is added, it is just over 200,000 yuan, which is still tight.

  Now, give Qi Lei a list of configurations.

  Everyone was even more excited when they saw it. Originally, I only thought about more than a dozen units. Now I can add to 20 units. The scale is not small.

   "That's OK." Qi Lei nodded. It is convenient to have professionals. "Then two days later, Sister Na will come with us? It depends on you in this regard."

  But he didn’t want to. Tang Yi heard it and became anxious, “Then don’t spend two days! It’s almost the New Year, what are you still dragging? Let’s leave tomorrow?”

  Wu Ning heard it, and replied again and again, "Yeah, hold on tight!"

  This is the case for children. This is like doing it to their hearts, itchy, they don't want to wait for a day.

  Tang Yi even said: "Let Sanshu drive Old Tang's car, let's all go!"

   Yes, Qi Guodong has been arranged.

  So, the next day, Qi Guodong really opened the plastic factory's private business.

   Pulled up the three brothers, Zhao Na's sister and brother, as well as Yang Xiao and Xu Xiaoqian, and rushed to Harbin.

   Cheng Lele didn’t go, and she didn’t participate, so why did she go?

  As a result, no one expected that he came back after touching his nose.

  This is how things are. In 1998 and 1999, there was only one place in Harbin to sell electronic products such as computers-Nantong Street, which is the predecessor of the future ship electronics world.

  Furthermore, after all, computers are still relatively avant-garde consumer electronics in this era, and there are actually not many shops operating computer businesses in Nantong Street.

  The rise of the personal computer business started with Internet cafes, and then the people regarded the computer as an ordinary “household appliance”.

  So, at this point in time, there are very few computer businesses, and there are only a few in Harbin. Agents of several brands, as well as accessory vendors, are all in this street.

  Even, the entire Longjiang Province is not as sensitive and open as the southern cities, and the grasp of business opportunities is even slower. There are very few computer businesses in the province.

  However, there are few distributors, but the concept of Internet cafes is quietly emerging. Therefore, these earliest computer distributors are the ones who really stand on the vent and lie down to make money.

  99, around 2000, it was also the golden age when they dominated the computer terminal market. Computers were selling crazy, and there was no worries about sales.

  Everyone set off early in the morning and headed directly to Nantong Street when they arrived in Harbin.

   And Zhao Na means that if you don’t buy branded machines, such as IBM and Lenovo, the configuration is not necessarily high, and it is too expensive. Do not buy the assembly machine of the merchant, because it is expensive, and it is easy to be tricky.

  It’s not as good as buying spare parts for cpu, main board, power supply, floppy drive, etc. You need more at one time, and you may also have a discount. Anyway, she was installing and debugging when I went back, so I don't have to worry about them.

  But, Zhao Na is still naive.

  In Nantong Street, maybe half a year ago, or one or two years later, there are more people doing computers. This kind of thinking is okay. But now, if you buy a cpu separately, they will sell it to you, but it is very expensive, too expensive.

  But if you buy a full set of cpu or master version, they won’t sell you at all.

  When you hear that you only need 20 or 30 sets, it's even more useless.

  You can use the machine, either the brand machine or the Zhanji assembled by them. Moreover, the quantity is too small, and only the retail price can be used.

  Want to be cheaper? Zhao Nalie’s configuration sheet was fully installed with 8,200 units, which was two thousand more expensive than Zhao Na’s previous budget of 6,000.

  Zhao Na thinks very well, but the reality is very skinny.

  She thinks that it can save a fortune by using parts and components, plus the large quantity required, and a discount, so the price of more than 6,000 is definitely no problem.

  However, I did not expect that 20 or so units are not considered large quantities at all, and the parts are not sold to you.

  Even if they buy the same configuration, the price of their assembling machine is ridiculously high. The 8200 is fully equipped, which is nearly 2,000 thousand yuan.

  Slap Zhao Na angrily and leave. If you don’t sell, others won’t sell it?

  But, how did she know that when she went out of the first store, the phone number went out. There are a dozen computer dealers in one street. It’s not easy to collude, so they won’t sell it to you.

  Selling is okay. The built-up machine starts at 8200, and you have to give as much as you want, and you won’t be able to lose one point.

  Do you think that this business is a bit out of nowhere?

  Haha, no way, from 1999 to 2000, computer dealers in Harbin were just as pissed. If you don’t buy it, it’s better if someone buys it. Moreover, it may be higher than your price, which is not bad for your business.

  Because in the past two years, or even the next two to three years, computers will not worry about selling.

  At this time, Internet cafes are beginning to rise. Rows of Internet cafes are listed, and they are taking the lead.

  As the only distribution center for spare parts and branded machines in Harbin, it is not that they beg others to buy, but the owners of various Internet cafes beg them and give them quickly.

  Not to mention a small customer with 20 machines, and only the spare parts are deducted and searched, that is, the kind of big Internet cafes with hundreds or hundreds of machines, and they have to obediently follow their rules.

  The only difference is that the attitude can be slightly better.

  However, their assembly machine has been profitable, and in addition to the difference in the price of the spare parts, it has to be added.

  Don’t say black is not black. In the 1980s and 1990s, this kind of distortion of the relationship between supply and demand was not only in the computer industry, but cases abound.

  The color TV refrigerators and imported cars in the early 1990s, and then a little further, even the purchase of bicycles and motorcycles must be bought and sold.

  Some not only give as much as you want, but you also have to increase the price!

  Like a foolish certain Tian in later generations, dare to play hunger marketing in the Chinese market and dare to sell at a higher price. I am really used to it. The reason is not without the problems left over from history.

  China is developing too fast, and it is not surprising that many anti-market behaviors have appeared. And the main consumer groups in certain fields have come from that era. They have been used to this kind of thing since they were young, but they didn't take it seriously.

  To make Qi Lei angry, it was Qi Guodong and Zhao Na who asked in front at first, but they were silent behind a group of children. Later, he personally went to battle, but it still didn't work.

  All of them look like their ancestors, and I don’t know what the last name is because they have some resources in their hands.

   But there is no way, now they are the uncle, you have no tricks at all.

  But, it was originally a big toy, a pastime for the little friends, he can’t talk about his neck, I’ll get some more money to make the scale bigger? Have sufficient funds?

  In other words, for twenty computers, a trip to a large southern city?

  It's not worth it!

  Finally, I spent a full hour in the largest computer shop.

  "Uncle, you think it’s not easy for us to come from Shangbei, just give me a discount?

  "You are too expensive. One Zhanji adds one thousand assembly fees? How about 500?"

   "To tell you the truth, we are all young people starting a business, it is not easy, not much money, help?"

  The boss is a fat man in his forties, named Wei Guangming. It can be said that he doesn’t make money, and he doesn’t leave Germany because Qi Lei is a student.

   "Little boy, the market is like this, which store is not like this?"

  "I’m pretty affordable. I changed my home. If I save the machine, I will exchange two old memory for you. Isn’t you the one who suffers?"

  "Furthermore, you said that you are going to come to Taiwan for twenty, and you only take the spare parts. I am a business and not a shantang!"

  Qilei was not happy, but he had to laugh with him, "Boss, don't you make money with spare parts too!"

   "Haha." Wei Guangming was happy, and squinted at Qi Lei, "My boy. Uncle advises you, don't look at people **** and scratch your eyes. Business is not that easy to do."

   Qi Lei: "."

  The face was pulled down at once, and the words were no longer unpleasant.

  While Wei Guangming hasn’t run out yet, looking at Qi Lei and a kid, the two adults behind are not very old, so they don’t take it seriously:

   "Child, I didn’t say you guys, what do you open an internet cafe if you don’t have money? There is no one with eight hundred and eight hundred thousand dollars. What are you going to do for fun? You want to make money and want to be crazy, right? Is this money you should make?"

   glanced at Qi Guodong and Zhao Na, "Is this your parents?"

"I persuade you, leave the money to marry a wife! As long as you have 20 or 30 units, I can only give you a retail sale. As for your configuration, it is not 8200. Let's add another thousand! 9200, less Not a single point."

  Qilei looked at him and suddenly became happy, "Boss, if the business fails, say, why bother to run against people? We have no grudges again!"

  Wei Guangming raised his eyeballs and said, "Fuck! Boy, why don't you understand? I'm good to talk about it. You have a little bit of trouble with me. If you don't go a little bit cruel, you won't go!"

   "I don't have any eyesight to see? You can't see it if you don't want to do your business? Go and go!!"

  The words become more unpleasant as they catch up, and the temper is getting stronger and stronger.

   Happily, "Why don't you go to another house and ask? Don't worry, there are less than 9,200, and there will be more than 20 units? I will give you! It's not a big money, I can afford it."

  It's been an hour since Wei Guangming noticed it. Holding two hundred thousand yuan, it felt incredible. He sees a lot of mountain cannons from the country, so he opens an egg cafe? How big is your head?

  Too lazy to waste that spit star, "Just 9200, ask, go, hurry!"

   And this time, even Xu Xiaoqian couldn’t stand it anymore, she came in and pulled Qi Lei up to leave, "Let’s stop doing it, can’t you? Don’t be angry!"

  Xu Xiaoqian feels distressed, and I have never seen Qi Lei sigh so low.

Qi Lei froze and was pulled out. Tang Yi and Wu Ning stopped screaming, comforting Qi Lei, "Stone, let's quit."

  Both of them blame themselves, are they in their heads? Think of it as a special one!

  Zhao Wei clenched his fist, if it wasn't for Zhao Na to pull him, Zhao Wei had a small temper, he would have exploded long ago, and he would have dared to smash the shop on the spot.

  Even Qi Guodong has been mad, what do you want to be angry with the third brother?

  Three brothers haven't lost this face in many years, so he looked around for the phone booth to make a call. In Harbin, the third brother is also well-connected.

   "MLGB!" Qi Guodong really exploded, "Stone, you calm down, my uncle arranges for him! I see how awesome it is?"

Although Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao didn't expect such a scene, they didn't say a word, they were really bullying.

  Xu Qian held Qi Lei's hand without letting go, and kept quietly comforting.

   "There are too many such people, it's not worth it!"

  Qilei’s hands were shaking, Xu Qian couldn't even imagine how angry he was.

  However, what everyone did not expect was that when Zhao Weiyue was eager to try and Qi Guodong was about to move, Qi Lei suddenly said, "Okay, come back!"

  "." Qi Guodong frowned, but Qi Lei did not expect Qi Lei to persuade him.

   He only heard Qi Lei said: "Violence can't solve the problem, nor can it make him remember the pain."

   Qi Guodong, "What? Forget it?"

   "Forget it?" Qi Lei was happy, and glanced up at the store that was kicked out, "Guangming Computer Store."

  At this time, Qi Lei was really angry, not the fat man in the shop, but himself.

  He will not be annoyed by a strange fat man. This kind of dog sees people's low power and is everywhere, and it is not worth angering this kind of person.

  But, because there are everywhere, regardless of the past or the future, he will meet the second fat man, the third fat man, and even countless **** who are higher than the fat man, with high status, and even more inferior.

  So, Qi Lei’s ease and non-urgency is still right?

  Wei Guangming woke up with a run on Qi Lei!

  In the final analysis, it's because you are not strong enough, that makes everyone and him fall into an awkward situation. If you go in with one million eight hundred thousand, do you think he will be like this?

  To tell the truth, this feeling is not good, and this feeling is the cruel reality.

  So, whether it’s for pleasure or reality, this aspect can’t be lost for nothing, you have to make up for it.

  As for how to find supplements? Of course it is not violence.

  Looking at the storefront, Qi Lei stood for a full five minutes, and Wei Guangming in the noisy store, as well as the clerk, thought this group of people really wanted to do something!

  Behind the glass door, he met Qi Lei's gaze playfully.

  Finally, Qi Lei moved and looked at Tang Yi, Wu Ning, and Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao, “In a moment, you take the train back to Shangbei, we won’t leave!”

   "Huh!?" Tang Yi quit, "Just let Xu Qian and Xiaoer go back? Let's follow you!"

   Qi Lei, "The house is thrown away?" Someone has to burn in the house, besides.

  "This time may not be short this time, you two will go back to make up the lesson, and I won’t be able to help here."



  The two brothers were speechless, and finally had to agree sadly.

  Unexpectedly, Yang Xiao and Xu Qian would not leave.

  Yang Xiao, "My home is in Harbin, why should I go back?"

  Xu Qian, "I live with Yang Xiao and live in her house!"

  She was worried about Qi Lei, she didn't know what he was going to do.

   Qi Lei can't twist the two of them, so he can only do so.

   "Go, go to the house that Zhao Wei rented first." Zhao Wei rented a house in Harbin, but he hasn't retired, so he can settle down.

  Everyone got in the car and left, first sent Tang Yi and Wu Ning to the train station, and then went straight to Zhao Wei's rental house.

  On the Xuanhua Street, an old building of more than eight years, with two bedrooms, on the 6th floor.

  A group of people entered the house. At this moment, Qi Guodong did not speak, waiting for Qi Lei to give orders.

  Well, the third brother still doesn't know what Qi Lei is going to do.

  At this time, Qi Lei's eyes were a bit cold, and he didn't want to ask.

  As for what is Qi Lei doing?

  I don’t open Internet cafes anymore!

  200,000 Internet cafes are too few, right? Well, I will use 200,000 yuan to help others open Internet cafes.

  After seeing Qi Lei enter the house, he first spoke to Zhao Na, "Sister, can your LAN management software be more refined?"

  Qilei is talking about Zhao Na’s "Internet cafe management system".

  In fact, it is called a non-Internet bar management system, which can only control the computer on and off in the local area network, as well as calculate the length of time and cost settlement.

   is the most basic small program, and it is a thousand miles away from the Internet cafe management system of later generations!

  Zhao Na doesn’t know why he wants to ask this, so she can only follow his words, “Look at what function you want, I can do some, and some can’t, but I can help you find classmates.”

   There are a lot of "sweepers" at Harbin Institute of Technology. The real computer expert Zhao Na is not enough, but someone can do it.

  Qilei thought for a while, "It is better to have different pricing methods, such as membership price settlement."

  "We must also take into account the sales of goods, such as beverages, instant noodles, etc., which can be directly deducted from the member's pre-deposit."

  “There are, like website management, news push, unified download management of games, video resources, one-click access, etc.”

  Qilei talked to Zhao Na about the functions he could see in Internet cafes in the future.

  Finally, Zhao Na’s reply was, “Some are very simple, and some are no longer just a software problem, and need a dedicated server to support. I can’t do it, but I may help you ask classmates, it’s not difficult.”

  In the computer science department of the University of Technology, software can only be regarded as a hobby, and what they learn is hardware and server setup.

  Qilei heard, "Don’t ask, I’ll give you money! As long as you can make it, including the related server installation plan. I’ll pay 20,000 yuan, is it enough?"

  Zhao Na laughed as soon as she heard it, "Why does it use so much?" He pondered for a moment, "If you find three or four people, one person will cost 1,000 yuan."

   Qi Lei, "I'll give two thousand! Just one request, completed a year ago."

  Zhao Na frowned, "Can you tell me what the **** is going to do?"

  Wen Qi Lei gritted his teeth and said: "I want that fat man to repent of his intestines! Let's not open the Internet cafe, let's let all the Internet cafes come to us."

  After finishing speaking, in the eyes of everyone's stunned eyes, Qi Lei picked up the landline of the rental house and dialed out. It was a Harbin number.

  After a few busy sounds. A woman's voice came on the other end of the phone, "Hey, who?"

   Qi Lei, "Sister Li, I’m Qi Lei, do you remember me?"

   Li Chunyan, who was on the opposite side, was surprised for a while, and smiled, "Remember. That little news genius! Why did you think of calling me? Is there any news thinking about sister?"

  Qi Lei, "There is no news, but there is something I want Sister Li to help."

  Li Chunyan, "What's the matter? Don't tell me, I forgot, I still owe you a favor!"

  Qi Lei, "I want to ask, how do you charge for the pre-broadcast advertisement of Longjiang Yehang, as well as the mid-stage advertisement?"

  Li Chunyan is even more confused this time, "What are you asking about?"

   Qi Lei, "I want to advertise."

  Li Chunyan, "Who? Is there a business at home?"

   "Sure it!"

  "Then it depends on how many days you want to broadcast, and how long it lasts. Generally, the pre-broadcasting is cheaper, and the middle stage is more expensive."

  "Fifteen days or so, only fifteen seconds of text ads." After thinking about it, gritted his teeth, "Mid-segment ads."

   "Oh." Li Chunyan responded, "That's more than 600,000 yuan!"

   Qi Lei: "."

   "What about before the broadcast?" After thinking about it, "Seven days are fine."

  Li Chunyan shook her head on the phone, "Why is there not much money?"


   "More than 200,000 yuan."

   Qi Lei's face turned green, "Can you get a discount?"

   Opposite Li Chunyan frowned, did not say that she could or could not. There is indeed flexibility in this, but who will score. Asked: "Who is in your family?"

   thought that if it was Qi Lei’s parents’ own business, then she would have room to float down, and it could be cheap, and it would be Qi Lei’s favor.

  If it's other relatives and friends who can't hit eight poles, then forget it, it's not necessary.

  But not wanting, Qi Lei jumped out, "Myself."


  Li Chunyan almost didn't choke to death, "You yourself? What are you kidding me?"

   Qi Lei, "Really, it's me."

The other side was silent for a long Finally, “I’m not in Longjiang Yehang anymore, I have been transferred to the news network. However, the editor-in-chief of Yehang will give some face. If he comes forward, the advertising operation will The side will give a reserve price, which should be between 150,000 and 180,000."

  Qi Lei heard, "Then I will find you tomorrow afternoon, or the day after tomorrow, thank you sister!"

  Li Chunyan: "."

  She didn't want to understand until she hung up the phone, which advertisement did Qi Lei play?

  Well, everyone in the house is also confused at this time.

150000? Advertise?

   "Stone." Zhao Wei's tone changed, "What are you going to do?"

  Wen Qi Lei said, "I'll talk about it later."

  After finishing speaking, he picked up the phone again and dialed a pager, which was Coco Lee's.



  20,000 words can’t be posted at one time, I’m a bit speechless

   is cut into two chapters.

  (End of this chapter)

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