Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 52: Let me be a ghost for the dead?

"Rebirth is like flowing years (

Imaginary internal struggle.

As the director of the sales department, Wang Chen's **** decides his head. Of course, he is the one who supports "trade and industrial technology".

However, it is not his level that can oppose Nan Lao, who has the title of an academician of the National Academy of Engineering.

That is the above matter, should be respected or respected.

It's just that Wang Chen can't figure it out, what are you doing all the time? Insult yourself?

If the agreement of Sanshi Company is completed, Imagine will enter the million-level sales volume one year ahead of schedule. This undoubtedly represents the victory of trade, industry and technology, and it is a heavy blow by the headquarter's senior officials to reduce the voice of technology veterans.

What do you think you are here to participate in?

Even Wang Chen had to speculate in the most vicious way, believing that Nan Lao wanted to stir up this 100,000-unit big order.

At this time, showing Lao Nan the configuration sheet was just a cutscene, and in the end, he still didn't dare to let this old man call the shots.

However, Wang Chen didn't expect that Elder Nan took the configuration sheet and read it carefully.

This old man participated in the research and development of the Imagine Microcomputer series (early personal PCs, also called microcomputers). The software and hardware take all, and the level is not comparable to that of the wild road masters.

After taking out the pen, write and draw on the preparation sheet.

Finally raised his head, "Xiao Wang, I'll give you a bidding plan, it should be inseparable!"

Wang Chen: "..."

Wang Chen couldn't understand even more. Is this old man preparing to punch himself? This alone makes you even more passive!

However, Lao Nan really did his best.

Then I had a collective discussion with several other technicians and came up with a preliminary bidding plan.

When Wang Chen saw it, he was even more confused. This old man...he is really committing suicide!

This plan is invincible.

At this time, Old Nan said, "If you think it's okay, I will accompany you to the Three Stone Company tomorrow to get in touch. There is no need to wait for a bidding meeting. It is meaningless."

This is extremely domineering.

Although Wang Chen agreed with it in his heart, once this plan came out, there really were no opponents.

However, Nan Lao's behavior was still too abnormal, making him really unable to understand.

Of course Wang Chen didn't understand Nan Lao's thoughts.

It can be said that even if there is no order from the Three Stones Company, the time Nan Lao is thinking about has already entered a countdown.

The decision-makers are determined to follow the route of trade, industry and technology, greet foreign markets, and are unwilling to take risks.

The strategy of developing domestic software and domestic systems, and then moving from software to hardware, to build the cornerstone of imaginative technology, which Nan Lao pursues, is too risky for the decision-making level, and it is completely unnecessary.

After all, the computer industry is still a market dominated by Western high-tech companies, especially the United States.

Although the "Star Wars" plan during the Cold War consumed a lot of U.S. national power, it also saved considerable energy for the high-tech industry.

After the disintegration of Mao Xiong, these military-industrial technologies began to transfer to civilian use. The dividends alone made the decision-makers daunted. How can they dare to spend this injustice to contend with the U.S. company?

Not only does it not contend, the decision-makers even want to try their best to move closer to American technology and deliberately greet Western technological hegemony.

Under such a general environment, of course, we must try our best to suppress the technical school, and there is no place for Nan Lao to stand.

And the emergence of Three Stones Company did not accelerate the defeat of the technical school as Wang Chen believed, on the contrary, it gave Nan Lao a glimmer of hope.

To be precise, it was an emerging industry that gave Nan Lao hope.

The Internet cafe market is booming. An Internet cafe management company in a remote province has an order volume of 100,000 units a year.

What is this concept?

What does it illustrate?

It shows that the first step in the development of domestic personal computers is not the purchasing power of the family, but the Internet cafe!

This is a market structure that is different from that of home computers. In addition, Sanshi has been keen to integrate the Internet cafe market at the beginning of the rise of Internet cafes. This has created the Internet cafe industry from the very beginning to develop in the form of a management company. .

So Nan Lao gave birth to some ideas, one that convinced the imaginative decision-makers to leave a little room for the technical group.


Early the next morning, the Imagination team led by Wang Chen and Nan Guanghong came to Sanshi Company.

Although the senses given to them by Three Stone Company are not very good, it is a small company that runs a facade house on the street. Although the company personnel hanging on the wall are quite bluffing, they are still not worth mentioning when compared with the imagination of billions in annual revenue.

But who is holding such a large order in his hands?

As soon as he walked in, Wang Chen took the initiative to report to his house, causing the agents sitting there to cry out.

Imagine the headquarters is personally ended? What kind of plane?

Some agents reacted immediately and were already calling their respective manufacturers and domestic general agents to plan countermeasures.

However, this is not important anymore, imagine this time, it is bound to win!

Ten minutes later, the second floor of Three Stone Company.

Qi Guodong, the boss, took Zhou Tao, Qi Lei, and the old man represented by the owner to sit down with the Imagine team.

A negotiation began, a negotiation of extraordinary significance.

Even if he had already been seated, Qi Lei would never have imagined what this negotiation would mean to him and to Three Stones.

At this time, Wang Chen didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the subject of Qi Guodong, the young boss, "Boss Qi, we came with sincerity, please take a look at this first!"

Qi Guodong's palms are sweating. After all, he is already in the industry and has done his homework with some domestic manufacturers and agents.

I took the imaginary quotation and took a look at it, okay, it's even more imaginary.


Handed the quotation to the younger Qi Lei.

When Qi Lei saw it, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

Several models, taking the main model as an example, the total price of a single unit: 4980 yuan.

This price...a bit too mysterious, even Qi Lei couldn't believe it.

Passed the quotation back to Wang Chen, "Can you explain it? Where did this price come from?"

You know, Imagine is an assembling factory. To put it bluntly, it is a bigger second-tier dealer. Its price can't violate market pricing, right? It's impossible to sell at a loss, right?

It can't be this price!

Wang Chen took it and laughed secretly. A small company is indeed a small company. He has never seen anything in the world. It would be a waste of time for the headquarters to let him come.

Therefore, Wang Chen didn't plan to waste time anymore, he could get the three stones in one step.

Put the quotation aside, "The question of the preparation price can be said later, I also want to remind everyone that our preparation model is not a spare parts machine."

"Oh?" Qi Lei can't manage that much anymore. Sanshu can no longer handle this matter, so he has to go to battle himself, "how to tell?"

Wang Chen: "Our quotation means not only low prices, but also brand guarantees for imagination."

"This configuration is a customized model specially created for your company by Imagine, and is exclusively for the special plane."

"Concentrated production, strict quality control. Like other Imagine computers, enjoy the brand guarantee and three-year warranty!"

"Each machine will be professionally debugged in the first-class factory of Imagine. If there is any quality problem, it will be refunded, replaced or compensated!"




This is a bit.... It's unreasonable! How does this make other agents fight?

After Wang Chen said, the atmosphere was stagnant for a while, but Qi Lei suddenly gave a bitter smile, "Your company has made the tendering session useless."

As soon as this statement came out, it was tantamount to giving Imagine a reply.

Indeed, for a quotation of less than 5,000 yuan, any agent must be out.

Although it is a bit non-compliant, this is the case at the beginning of the year, and few domestic business practices are compliant.

With a long sigh, "I can tell you now, how did your quotation come from?"

Wang Chen smiled, but looked at the old man beside him, "Lao Nan, it's better for you to come!"

This is the plan of Nan Lao, and naturally has the most say.

"Old Nan?" Qi Lei was surprised secretly.

As soon as these people entered the door, he saw that the old man was a little familiar. He must have seen him somewhere in later generations, but he didn't remember it for a moment.

Then when Wang Chen called Lao Nan, Qi Lei said in his heart, isn't this... the old Nan?

Just thinking about it, Nan Guanghong spoke.

In fact, Lao Nan was also curious about Qi Lei. The nominal boss just started to say a few words before, and then this younger one has been talking. Who is he?

However, it saves trouble. Elder Nan looked at Qi Lei directly, "The configuration sheet you sent earlier has very low requirements on the capacity of the hard disk, but very high requirements on the network card. The model of the processor."

"Plus, I looked at your server purchase list, and some servers have an astonishing demand for hard drives."

"So I judge that the server architecture you use should be a new architecture that is different from the traditional server architecture. Is it multi-server parallel connection?"

"!!!" Everyone at Sanshi Company was surprised.

You should know that Three Stones has not disclosed the server architecture to any agents and manufacturers.

Even the hard disk demand on the quotation is a cover.

Originally, hard disks were not needed, but for the sake of insurance, cheap hard disks were added, just for fear that others would see the clues.

This is the core technology of Sanshi Company.

Does this old man know everything with just a quotation?

Not easy!

Seeing everyone's expressions, Old Nan smiled indifferently, "Don't be nervous, as early as a few years ago, someone from the National Institute of Computer Science proposed this kind of parallel server idea, which is intended to be used in supercomputer setup."

"It's just that there has been no inspiration, and it's just an idea. It's not perfect now. I didn't expect it to be applied to the establishment of Internet cafes."


This time even Zhao Na was curious, and interjected: "Excuse me, you always..."

Old Nan, "My name is Nan Guanghong, and I still have a little research in the computer field."

Zhao Na: "..."

In this age, others may not know Nan Guanghong, but this is what Zhao Na learned, can you not know?

Immediately stood up respectfully, "You are Lao Nan, you have been looking up for a long time!"

Old Nan smiled, stopped talking gossip, and pointed to the quotation, "Now that you know your server architecture, it is not difficult to develop a more cost-effective and more economical terminal configuration plan."

"Actually, your idea of ​​weakening the purchase of hard disks is right, but the parallel server architecture, the terminal can save more than hard disks, power supplies, cpu, etc. can be adjusted accordingly. On the basis of not affecting performance, a part of the cost can be reduced. ."

"That's how this quotation came from."

After all, Lao Nan is not a businessman, he is a technologist, he has a clear explanation, and he has no hidden personalities.

This made Wang Chen a little bit unhappy. Negotiations should be done with a little skill. You can't show it all at once and leave no room for it.

However, this plan was made by Lao Nan, and if Lao Nan were not there, they would not be able to come up with such an advantageous bidding plan.

Besides, there is no need to play any tricks, it's up to him.

However, what Wang Chen didn't expect was that Nan Lao's plan was not false, and it was not wrong to help Trade Industry Technology win for a while, but he hadn't finished his words yet!

"How is it? I don't think you can refuse this plan."

In response, Qi Lei nodded, "Imagine is worthy of imagination, super strength!"

But he didn't want to, Nan Lao smiled, "Don't rush to praise, we have a request."

Wang Chen, "!!!"

Qi Lei, "!!!"

Wang Chen was a little surprised, what requirements? I haven't told him about this in advance!

Qi Lei frowned, "What's the requirement?"

And Lao Nan finally found out, "My requirements are actually very simple. The terminals of your Sanshi Internet cafes must first be adapted to the hardware drivers and software applications developed by Imagine. Including in the near future, Imagine your own domestic operations. The system should also give priority to installation."

"Can you meet our condition?



This is the ultimate goal of Nan Lao.

Internet cafe! The Internet cafe industry will occupy the domestic consumer market ahead of home computers.

This is a market stratification that does not seem to be different, but is very different.

To put it simply, domestically produced software and operating systems are difficult to be accepted by Imagine's management, mainly because of the high risks and the lack of soil for development.

The risk comes from the market.

The initial application of a new system and new program will definitely face the test of the market, and all kinds of loopholes and defects are inevitable. It is also improved through market feedback, which is the only way for the software industry.

In this regard, because foreign software companies headed by Microsoft started earlier than China, the scale of the personal computer market is also larger than that in China, and they have seized the initial tolerance period of the market.

The first one is also the easiest to be accepted. Take Microsoft's Windows 98 as an example, the problem of blue screen of death has always existed. Even the richest man at the moment, Gates, has a blue screen of death during a presentation at a press conference.

If you change to another manufacturer, you can try it? It's dead in one fell swoop.

However, other people’s market recognition has gone up, and there is basically no impact. Users should use it or use it.

But what about the domestic one? No one will pay for your mistakes.

Because the market has been occupied by foreigners, naturally there is no soil for domestic software to survive.

Users will vote with their feet. Which mature software from a well-known company or a software that has just come out and is full of vulnerabilities?

The result is of course no suspense.

This is also where the management's biggest concern lies. They dare not take this risk, and the income is very low.

However, Internet cafe users are different! This market is concentrated, not loose household users.

A company can purchase one hundred thousand units a year. In other words, one company can control 100,000 installed software.

How big is the underlying base?

For Imagine, if there are contractual constraints, there is no problem of risk or the risk is very small.

Imaginative technology can also use the Internet cafe platform to get a relatively large base of market feedback.

If Three Stones agrees to install Imagine software, then Imagine can skip the original user accumulation and reach a certain level of installed capacity in one go. It is of great significance to software update iteration and data accumulation.

This time, I gave up the annual holiday and came to Longjiang all the way. It was the result of Nan Lao's own invitation.

And the purpose is to come to a cut first and then play.

As long as Three Stone Company nods, he can return to the headquarters with the contract. I have found a breakthrough. Can you still keep me from doing it?

At this time, Old Nan's eyes were shining, and he bet the treasure on Three Stone Company.

The focus of attention is exactly the one mentioned by Aunt Qi Lei at the family symposium-mastering a large number of terminal devices and doing a lot of things.

What Nan Guanghong has to do is to use these terminals to develop imaginative software technology.

This may be his last chance to stand up, or in other words, the last attempt he is trying to make.

Looking at Nan Guanghong's eyes, Qi Lei seemed to understand something.

To be honest, Nan Guanghong has a good idea. It uses Sanshi to break the game and promote imaginative technology research and development, thereby driving the domestic software market to climb upward.

As a rebirth, Qi Lei combined with some information from later generations, and even felt a little rush of blood.

As long as he nods, the possibility of change is the fate of the domestically produced system and the general trend of domestically produced software.

But the problem is that Nan Guanghong is a bit naive. Even if he has ten thousand reasons, Sanshi Company is not a shantang, let alone an experimental field that you imagined.

Sacrifice my three-stone user experience to achieve your imagination? What are you thinking about?

If you can't make it right, Three Stone Company will have to let you guys die. Who do I call to make sense?

Feelings return to feelings, whether it is a sense of mission or a country in the world, Qi Lei is not without it.

But why should I live and die? Is it a fancy to be alive?


At this moment, Qi Lei's mind suddenly came out of what the fourth aunt said on New Year's Eve.

"Opportunity.... the outlet..."

Chance? tuyere! ?

It's worth the risk.

It's just, sir! Your wind is a bit fierce, right? It's simply a tornado vent!

Can I take it from a small company with a bigger fart?

Qi Lei was a little stunned, he didn't expect the first tuyere to come from this way. Easy to die in heaven!

Moreover, having said that, even if I am willing to make a domestic production, walk back to the Palace of the Kings for the sake of feelings and Nan Guanghong!

Then why should I stand for the name of your imagination and be a substitute for death?



Monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass!

Ask for a reward in multiples of 15 yuan, ask for a monthly pass...

There is one more chapter after ten o'clock in the evening!

I want to explode! I want.... I want to live (sell cute face)

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