Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 85: Am I too greedy?

Maguire's sudden departure made Dong Zhanlin vigilant again.


   First of all, Monsanto was involved in his business plan to let Shangbei Rice go overseas. Everyone is a community of interests, otherwise who would give you such a contribution?


   The detailed steps of the whole plan are actually jointly funded by Desheng and Dong Zhanlin to obtain the unified marketing of Shangbei rice.


   Well, it's a monopoly.


   and then shipped to the processing plant in Monsanto, Southeast Asia, sub-packaged and OEM, and then imported through the route, back to the major domestic supermarkets.


   A high-end rice branded as an international food and agricultural enterprise was born.


   You need to know that in this era, the Chinese people eat this set the most. They are just foreign gadgets. They are good things. Someone pays for how much they sell.


  The annual output of Shangbei rice is 800,000 tons, which seems to be a lot, but in fact it is not much.


   The reason why Dong Zhanlin contacted Yucheng was because on the one hand he wanted to put pressure on Longjiang, on the other hand, he had actually planned another way to make money.


   That is, the nearly one million tons of rice flower fragrant rice from Yucheng is also obtained, and the monk north rice is mixed together and sold in a package.


  How many people in this era have seen Shangbei rice? The rice in Yucheng is good. No one can see it mixed together.


   Moreover, it is also a variety of rice flower fragrance, which is not a fraud.


   Two Megatons together, that's nearly two million tons!


   If it is operated properly, it will generate tens of billions of profits every year. Among them, Dong Zhanlin took 60%, Desheng and Monsanto each took 20%.


   As for why he still takes so much without paying?


  The reason is very simple, because Dong Zhanlin is a Chinese, this is a business in China, and only he can do this.


   But why did Maguire leave without saying goodbye? This made Dong Zhanlin puzzled.


   Although he didn't see any crisis, his habit of acting cautiously for many years made Dong Zhanlin still vigilant.


   After breakfast, Dong Zhanlin called Manager Wen to his room, "Have you contacted Monsanto?"


Seeing him with a nervous look, Manager Wen laughed, "Dong, don’t worry! I called Monsanto just now. Although they don’t know why Maguire and they left without saying goodbye, they let us rest assured. ,everything is normal."


   "Don't worry about this."


   Manager Wen did not relax Dong Zhanlin at all, but frowned and shook his head.


   He can have today only by a truth-he can never be careless.


   Including Monsanto is not foolproof.


   "Can't drag anymore!"


   Dong Zhanlin squinted, "Xu Wenliang must be made to nod today."


  Manager Wen was startled, "Do you want to be so urgent? Being careful is the opposite."


   Dong Zhanlin looked at him, "Xiaowen, let me ask you, can you guarantee that Mengshan will not have any problems?"


   "I heard that they are also in contact with the national seed head office. Compared with a local government, which one do you think is more beneficial to them?"


   "In case they reached any agreement over there, what benefits Monsanto would offer to exchange for the control of Shangbei Rice, then let's not work in vain!"


   Manager Wen was startled, sweat came down, "You mean... it's impossible!?"


   Dong Zhanlin, "Why did Maguire run away?"


   "This..." Manager Wen was lost in thought.


   After a while, "I will call the headquarters now and let them contact the Monsanto headquarters. After all, they have a very close relationship with Desheng, and there won't be any clues."


   Dong Zhanlin, "Good!"


   sent away Manager Wen, Dong Zhanlin felt unsafe. After thinking for a while, sit upright and dial a phone number.


   "Hello? Minister Chen? This is Xiao Dong!"




   "Yes, yes, I have followed your instructions and have stayed in Shangbei for half a month."




   "Don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter, and I will strongly support local construction."




   "But, there is a situation that I want to reflect with you! It's...this Xu Wenliang, Secretary Xu, he looks like..."




   "Okay, then I'll be straightforward. I am willing to help them run the Shangbei rice brand! You know, my company is best at doing this."




   "However, Secretary Xu and a local grain company seem to have an unusual relationship. The children of the two families are friends with each other!"




   "Yes, I don't know if this is the reason. Secretary Xu is a bit reluctant to let me do it. It makes me very difficult."




   "I just said hello to you in advance. It's not that I, Dong Zhanlin, didn't help. It's really... the Shangbei local officials still lacked a little determination and sincerity!"




   "No need, no need! I can still handle this little matter, so I won't bother you to ask."




   Putting down the phone, Dong Zhanlin felt quite relieved.


   Actually, he made this call just to test.


  First, the seed company is a state-owned enterprise after all. There are a lot of worries. If it is not a last resort, it will not cooperate with Monsanto. It is too late to keep them out!


  Second, if the seed company cedes the control of Shangbei Rice to Monsanto, then Deputy Chen will not fail to receive the news, and the words and actions will not be leaked. After all, he found it.


   Third, say hello to Vice-Minister Chen in advance to confirm the relationship between Xu Wenliang and Guojun Qi. If you don't let go, then you can only ask Vice-Minister Chen to come.


   And the call just now gave Dong Zhanlin at least seven points to be sure that Monsanto has not reached an agreement with the seed company at least now.


   Maybe... Maguire’s leaving without saying goodbye was just an accident?


   sat in the room and waited for the news from Manager Wen. Manager Wen did not come back until after ten o'clock.


   "The headquarters has been determined, and Monsanto has absolutely no intention of letting us go!"


   "The reason is that their North American R&D center is seeking a low-interest loan from Desheng. At this moment, we will not be left behind for this benefit."


   At this point, Dong Zhanlin finally breathed a sigh of relief.


   But, pondering for a long time, "Even so, we can't delay it anymore!"


   Manager Wen frowned, you're a bit too steady, right?


   I only heard Dong Zhanlin said: "Throw some oil and water to that Xu Wenliang and Qi Guojun!"


  Wen manager: "……"


   Now there is no such word as "stable as an old dog", otherwise Dong Zhanlin would not be more suitable.


  Manager Wen, "You want to bribe them?"


   Dong Zhanlin glared, "What do you think? Do you dare to bribe this kind of thing? That's death!"


   gritted his teeth, "From my share, take 10%!! Give it to Shang Bei and Qi Guojun!"


   "I don't believe it anymore, maybe a broken secretary!?"


  Wen manager: "……"


   Wen Manager is a little confused... 10%?


   If the rice production capacity of Shangbei and Yucheng is 2 million tons, and the profit of 2 to 3 yuan per catty of rice is calculated, 10% is one billion!


   One billion a year, even if 1% is given to Qi Guojun, it is also one billion.


   And Shangbei’s fiscal revenue is only 100 million a year. What a big deal!


  Mr. Wen grew up abroad and didn't know much about the world of human relationships in China, but now he also understands a truth, what is a society of human relationships?


   This is the society of human relations, and the thing of human connections is really priceless.


   "Let’s go and meet Secretary Xu."


   Dong Zhan and Lin were so arrogant that he walked out of the room with Manager Wen.


   I can’t bear to let the child not lay down the wolf, I dare to give it to you, how can Xu Wenliang refuse?






   Whether Xu Wenliang or Dong Zhanlin, the purpose of coming to Longfengshan is to accompany Maguire and his party to sample biological samples.


   As a result, no one!


   So, everyone lost their goal and can only sit idle in the hotel.


   And Xu Wenliang was a little tired at this time, that little bunny boy had nothing but to do with the cabbage.


   Will you have everything if you show up? where? Why did I not see it?


   He thought that Qi Lei's confident operation would bring him any substantial help.




   With a wry smile, does this kid think that if he takes Maguire away, he has lost his threat? Can we make the decision by ourselves?


   is a bit naive.


   Dong Zhanlin’s marketing strategy was something he didn’t expect, if it wasn’t for Qi Lei...


Do not! Had it not been for his daughter's cleverness and heard the chat between Manager Wen and Maguire, even if Xu Wenliang wanted to break his head, he would have never thought of the idea that he could make a lot of money by shipping Shangbei rice abroad for a package!


   This also made Xu Wenliang understand that Dong Zhanlin, or a speculative businessman like Dong Zhanlin, would not let Shang Bei go.


   Maguire is gone, there must be Donkey Quill!


   Now Shangbei is just a cracked egg, and every green fly wants to bite it.


   Of course, Xu Wenliang has the power to decide whether to cede the interests of Shangbei Rice. But, Xu Wenliang, his little one, can withstand it?


   Now there are two ministers, who knows which two will come after these two are sent away?


   But after another thought, Qi Lei is not to blame, he is a 17-year-old kid who knows a fart! ?




   was sad, but Dong Zhanlin invited him to drink tea in the pine forest of the resort.


   It is a recreation area of ​​the resort. The specially renovated pine forest has no weeds and shrubs except for the towering trees.


   Except for the lawn, the ground is paved with granite, and there are pavilions with coarse ore scattered throughout, for tourists to have picnics and gatherings.


   As soon as I walked into the woods, I could smell the tangy rosin, and the dappled sunlight came in from my head.


   In short, the environment is good.


   Dong Zhanlin chose a quiet pavilion in the innermost place, and put a coffee table and chairs in the hotel.


   When Xu Wenliang arrived at the place, he knew as soon as he looked up, this tea must be good.


   It's a pity, this tea will definitely not taste good.


   There are many people, including Guo Ting, Zheng Ting, Manager Wen, and the people who manage the company.


   Dong Zhanlin changed his previous arrogance, "Come on, Secretary Xu, please sit down!"


   Put Xu Wenliang in the position of host and guest. Guo Ting and Zheng Ting had no objection to this.


The manager of   wen even poured tea for Xu Wenliang himself, "Xu Shuo Ji, taste it! This is authentic Wuyi tea, but you can't buy it in the north."


   Xu Wenliang grinned reluctantly, took a sip, and sure enough, it didn't taste much.


   put down the tea cup and smiled at Dong Zhanlin, meaning, stop talking nonsense, get to the subject, right?


   And Dong Zhanlin did not talk nonsense, and simply handed Xu Wenliang, Guo Ting, and Zheng Ting a document.


   "Three, let's take a look at this first!"


   Xu Wenliang mentioned it, but when he glanced at it, he was stunned.




   And Guo Ting and Zheng Ting looked dumbfounded.


   handed the document back, "Mr. Dong, what does this mean?"


   saw Dong Zhanlin smile, "This is my sincerity!"


   The document is about the grain export procedures of Dong Zhanlin Agricultural Trade Company, as well as the written agreement between him and Desheng and Monsanto regarding the operation of Shangshangbei Rice.

   There is another one, which is the overview of Monsanto's Southeast Asia processing plant.


   is equivalent to saying that Dong Zhanlin has explained his details, how to operate Shangbei Rice!


   "How is it?" Dong Zhanlin smiled, "There should be a measure in the hearts of the three. Isn't I Dong who is sincere enough?"








   The three of them have nothing to say, it is true... the real intention is to the extreme.


Seeing that the three of them were silent, Dong Zhanlin continued: "Dong can still be more sincere. To be honest, let Shangbei rice be shipped back OEM. Manager Wen made an assessment. Maybe the rice in Shangbei can be profitable. Around 4 billion."


   "Of course, we still have plans to operate Yucheng rice. If both places use this channel, the profit should exceed 10 billion that year."




   Xu Wenliang's heart jumped, tens of billions! ?


   Even though he had learned about Dong Zhanlin's operating methods from Qi Lei, he did not expect that he could make tens of billions of profits this time.


   Dong Zhanlin looked at Xu Wenliang and continued: "Secretary Xu, you must be thinking that since there are tens of billions of profits, why should you give me Dong Zhanlin? Can you Shangbei not earn this money on your own?"


   "To tell you the truth, I really can't!"


   "This does not count as Dong Zhanlin's unblocked relationship between the top and bottom, and the international operation of Desheng and Monsanto is indispensable."


   "This is something you Shangbei can't do."


   Xu Wenliang gritted his teeth and nodded. This is the truth, it really can't be done.


   And Dong Zhanlin finally threw the final blockbuster.


   "Secretary Xu, in front of Guo Ting and Zheng Ting, I will tell you the truth! Originally, we planned to use more than a billion yuan in investment in exchange for the control of Shangbei Rice."


   "To be honest, I am already very sincere about this transaction."


   "Secretary Xu asked himself, is this billions of dollars important to Shangbei? You want to reform. Without this money, even if you have Shangbei rice, you can't reform."


   "This is a problem of the limitations of the age, and now domestic things are not selling well, especially rice!"


   Seeing Xu Wenliang not speaking, Dong Zhanlin took a sip of tea, "However, it is obvious that Secretary Xu has other concerns, and he is still unwilling to accept the billions."


   "There is no way, I can only show my sincerity."


   spoke, and stretched out a finger to Xu Wenliang, "I am willing to spend another 10%, 10% of 10 billion miles per year!!"


   "The 10% is handed over to Secretary Xu. Whether you are fully involved in the finances or compensate Shangbei's local grain enterprises, it is up to Secretary Xu to decide. One billion! One billion per year!"


   "Secretary Xu, would you think about it?"


   At this moment, the air in the pavilion is stagnant.


   To be honest, let alone Xu Wenliang's mind is empty, even Guo Ting and Zheng Ting are swallowing.


   One billion! Shang Bei made it! !


   And Xu Wenliang... To be honest, he was shaken.


   One billion!


   This is different from the investment development group. After all, the development group’s money is business, and business must have business rules.


   And this money can go directly to the finances. If you want to build a road, you can build a road, and if you want to build a city, you can build a city.


   Besides, Shangbei still has so many dead factories like pharmaceutical factories that have not been resolved, and so many laid-off workers have no money to settle.


   Take this billion, no! It is one billion per year, and Shang Bei can lie down and talk about taking off.


want? Or not?


   Xu Wenliang's eyes changed and he hesitated.


   Dong Zhanlin looked at him, but he was extremely contented.


   One billion! Not to mention you a small Shangbei, even Harbin can not refuse such a large amount of financial income.


   added with a smile, "Don't forget Secretary Xu, there are local taxes!"


   Xu Wenliang: "……"






   Sometimes people are like this, knowing it is poison, but still can’t escape the fate of drinking poison to quench their thirst.


   Now I know that Shangbei rice is the only business card of Shangbei, but he still hesitated and even moved because of the immediate interests and the uncertainty of the future.


   Situations like Shang Bei, such examples, are too numerous to list in this era, and they are everywhere.


  Some can withstand the temptation and are willing to fight for an unknown future.


   Some people just lie flat, even if later generations look back, they can’t tell whether they lost or earned.


   At the same time, in a secluded place by the reservoir, Lao Qin and Qi Lei were holding a fishing rod and enjoying the rare cleanliness.


   Of course, Qi Lei is heartless, and of course he can enjoy such comfort at any time.


   But Lao Qin...


   Although Maguire had sent away, but Old Qin did not leave, there are still many things to deal with.


   And Qi Leifei pulls him to fish and enjoys it very much.


   "Actually, I don't like fishing." Qi Lei smashed his mouth and put on a small carp weighing more than a pound. "It's all about you, an old man."


  Old Qin: "..."


   Well, he can't fish, and he didn't catch anything all morning.


   But, this thing is addictive!


   Lifted the fishing rod, checked the bait, and threw it back.


   Too lazy to grind up with Qi Lei, sitting upright, "Actually, from the overall point of view, your Uncle Xu should accept Dong Zhanlin's conditions."


   "His analysis is right. Chinese people still have a prejudice against domestic products. Shangbei rice is in the hands of Shangbei people. It takes a long process to gain a reputation."


   "It's better to let Dong Zhanlin operate. Although his method is not very pleasant to say, it is very effective."


   Qi Lei shook his head, "If he wants five or ten years of monopoly power, he will give it to him if he wants to say it to his heart. If he is so sincere to him, it should be given to him."


   "But he will start in twenty years with a single mouth. That's a foolish dream."


   grinned at Old Qin, "You have to believe me, I have no selfish intentions, I have to keep it for my dad."


   "Hmm." Old Qin nodded, he believed in Qi Lei.


   As for Qi Guojun's small business, it may not be enough in the eyes of his son.


   pondered for a moment and said: "Actually, I value the billions he invested in the Development Group more. This money can really do great things if you use it well."


   But Wen Qi Lei said, "You all think so, there is a problem, and you can do things without money."


   Old Qin frowned and shook his head, "That's why you let Xu Wenliang show up there yesterday? The abacus is pretty loud!"


   "Hey!" Qi Lei cheeked and didn't deny it, "Is it impossible for Maguire to use the word "national", otherwise, how bad will the influence be?"


   "Since we have to hide our eyes and ears, why is it not cheap for us to Shangbei? We really need it!"


   Old Qin smiled, and said to his heart, this kid, all his eyes are closed!


   Actually, this is a very simple logic. Genetically modified Monsanto is digging corners. This is a shame and cannot be put on the bright side.


  What kind of research institutes, companies and institutions with the initials of Chinese characters, certainly not.


   Qi Lei thought about this early, so he even found Maguire's next home, and stayed in Shangbei.


   It is actually a gesture to let Xu Wenliang show up.


   "We know... We cooperate with the above work... Then when it decides where to put Maguire, do you think about us Shangbei?"


   In short, Qi Lei played a heart-warming game and left Maguire behind.


   As for how to stay, there are differences.


  Lao Qin means to set up a genetically modified research base alone and settle down in Shangbei? Let Dong Zhanlin invest in investment.


   Ke Qi Lei meant that Shangbei wanted to set up a development group? It just so happened to put Maguire in.


   As for Dong Zhanlin... let him play the egg!


   Okay, in fact, Qi Lei's little abacus is even louder than Old Qin had imagined.


   Anyway, the Shangbei rice brand cannot be given, and it will be genetically modified...


  If Maguire really conquered soybeans, cotton, etc., wouldn't it be the business of the Development Group?


   That's a big deal!


   "Lao Bei..." Qi Lei looked at the green mountains and rivers in the distance, "This is my hometown!"


  Old Qin: "..."


   But seeing Qi Lei turned his head, he grinned, "Lao Bei, do you think I am too greedy?"


   Old Qin: "How greedy the law?"


   Qi Lei, "Thinking about it carefully, I seem to be a little arrogant, I want too many things."


  Old Qin, "For example?"


   "I want to grab the young man's tail and indulge in carnivals."


   "I think the motherland will be healthy and strong."


   "I still want my hometown to get better and better and more beautiful."


   laughed at himself, "I want everything, think about everything, like an explosive household... a turtle!"


   "But I can't control myself." He sighed and stretched, "I really want it!"


   Old Qin glared at him, "But this is so evil! You can have it if you want, where can you make sense?"


   is the same as Qi Lei, looking at the great rivers and mountains, "Boy, do you know? In fact, everyone wants everything. But most people can only ask for it."


   "Like me, fishing is really good, but it's not allowed."


   "Like Xu Wenliang, I want to make Dashangbei rice by myself, but I can't."


   "Like many people, they want youth, travel, peace of mind, homesickness, and beauty..."


   "However, if fate is like this, I have to regret it for life."


   looked at Qi Lei, "So, don't let this luck be disappointed! Do it if you want, there is nothing to entangle."


   After a pause, he suddenly said something irrelevant: "Stone, in fact, we have a way to persuade you and let you go with us."


   Qi Lei: "???"


   Old Qin: "But, I gave up. Because we think that maybe if you stay here, you can do more in the future than with us!"


   Qi Lei, "..."


   Old Qin, "So, don't feel that you are greedy, we are more greedy than you! We hope you want more, and you will get even better in the future!"


   Qi Lei gradually relieved.


   Yes, you can fight if you want, there is nothing to entangle!


   "Okay!" He stood up and walked towards the resort, "Listen to you, I'll go and rescue the old man first, I guess he can't hold it anymore."


   Old Qin shook his head and looked at him, with a helpless expression on his face, and whispered, "Silly boy, the more you ask, the more tired you will get. You will understand later."


   As soon as he turned his head, Qi Lei's rod floated down, and Qin's facial features split immediately, and he hurried up to lift the rod.


   Two minutes later, he... took a long breath, "Isn't this caught by me?"






   After two days of rest, I feel pretty good.


   In fact, just like Cangshan said in the group, the torment of body rest can be tolerated, and the main reason is that the brain can't keep up.


   I will be forty years old right away, coupled with long-term insomnia and anxiety, my mind does not turn as fast as young people. When it comes to writing, the long-term bursts give me almost no time to think and settle.


  After a two-day break, some plots and problems that were originally unintelligible are resolved.




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