Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 98: motivation

The grade four of the second middle school can already be described as being independent, and the average score is a full 40 points higher than that of the experimental middle school.

What is the concept of 40 points? That's the difference between one book and two books, and it's the distance between one book and heavy books.

It can be said that the teachers in the third year of high school, including the main leaders of the school, did not realize until this time what Zhang Nan had done for the second high school in the year he took office.

Zhang Nan forcefully rejected the crowds and implemented the three-high policy of high welfare, high competition, and high concentration. It is finally time to produce results.

It's really not easy to tell the truth.

President Dong, who hung up, understood a little bit why Zhang Nan didn't release the results of the fourth model.

Don't look at the old man who doesn't have as many intestines as Zhang Nan, but he can still tell a rough idea about this.

No matter how good the results are, it is just a mock test. It can explain some problems, but it is far from the final word.

However, what if the college entrance examination results are forty points ahead of the experimental middle school? That would be wonderful.

Old Dong Xin said, "Xiao Zhang is still considerate! Don't you just wait a month? Then wait!"

Old Dong was even a little naive, looking forward to the scene where the college entrance examination was finalized a month later, and the scene of a strong face slap.

Well, no matter how old you are, and no matter what age, is it cool to slap your face?

But here comes the problem. In such a big school, the students are ignorant and the teachers are not monolithic.

In fact, the faculty of the Second Middle School is severely fragmented.

The third and third grades of high school, plus one high school at most, are Zhang Nan's key care. The teacher selects carefully, and the bonus is even softer.

These people, of course, are in harmony with Zhang Nan.

On the other hand, in other school years, only a small number of diligent teachers can make grades and get high bonuses.

There is another part, similar to Chen Li, who is not strong in sense of responsibility. Being a teacher is just trying to be relaxed, but also good at making money, but not focusing on teaching.

Moreover, because Zhang Nanqing retired Liu Yanbo's group of people, everyone did not dare to reach out to the students, and their income was not as good as when Zhang Nan did not come. Naturally, this group of people had opinions on Zhang Nan.

Then will they cooperate with the school to conceal the grades of the fourth model?

It was only a matter of time before the investigation team knew the inside story.

Moreover, the more serious problem is that if the investigation team is just doing things to the wrong people, it really feels that there is a problem in the second middle school, and it is to solve the problem and verify the problem, then it is better to say. Penalty if there is a problem, leave if there is no problem.

However, if it really has ulterior motives as analyzed by Qi Lei and Cai Wei, will these people watch Zhang Nan's Jedi comeback?

This is something that President Dong could not expect.

In fact, on the second day after the investigation team entered the school, that is, the day after the four-mode results came out, the investigation team already knew the situation.

Among them, Liang Cheng was particularly shocked and fell into a long-term astonishment.

Looking at Hu Guowei incredulously, "How could it improve so much at once? Didn't it mean that the three-mode performance was poor?"

Hu Guowei said: "It is said that their third model used the title of Harbin No. 3 Middle School."

Liang Cheng secretly cried out, "It's not good, it's bad!"

Looking at Hu Guowei, "Are you sure, is Zhang Nan deliberately concealing the results of the fourth model?"

Hu Guowei smiled, "A teacher responded to me, saying that it was President Dong's meaning."

"But, I know Mr. Dong better. He belongs to the kind of people who go straight and doesn't have any intentions."

"If it is from him, then it is certain that Zhang Nan must be making an idea behind it."

"Zhang Nan..." Liang Cheng muttered to himself, "She still has such thoughts?"

Although Hu Guowei is older than Liang Cheng, he must be respectful at this time.

"Chapter Liang, what do you do now? It's really as she wanted? When the college entrance examination results come out, then we will be passive."

Liang Chengheng glanced at him, "What are you anxious for!? She wants to wait until the college entrance examination results in a month? How can it be so easy?"

Isn't Zhang Nan's hole card the result? As soon as the college entrance examination results came out, she would be a bit too narrow to make her a prince, thinking that no one could touch her anymore?

Indeed, after waiting for the college entrance examination results, Zhang Nan can indeed stabilize the situation.

When the time comes, let's talk about high-pressure and strict management, and it will be pale in front of the results.

However, since you know that you are waiting for the college entrance examination results, why not let you wait until the college entrance examination is finished?

Thinking of this, Liang Cheng already had a plan.

Let Hu Guowei and other members of the investigation team continue to collect materials in the school, while he calmed down and thought about the next question.

Wanting to crack Zhang Nan's strategy is actually very simple. Within a month, the investigation will be qualitative, Zhang Nan will be completely isolated from the Second Middle School, and it will be enough to change to a principal.

At that time, no matter how good the grades of the second middle school are, it has nothing to do with Zhang Nan.

Moreover, the newly appointed principal must support the expansion of the experimental middle school and the merger of the second middle school and the experimental middle school.

However, if you want to finish the investigation as quickly as possible and take down Zhang Nan, there are two main aspects:

On the one hand, it is his side.

Very simple, now he can write a report.

Of course, if the improper teaching of the second middle school is implemented, the materials of the third year are still needed. This is the most intuitive and most beneficial.

On the other hand, it is Hu Zhengxun's side.

To find a way to let Hu Zhengxun end the investigation as soon as possible.



As the team leader, Hu Zhengxun is mainly in charge of economic investigation work. He actually doesn't care much about how Liang Cheng is tossing about it.

After all, education and discipline inspection are two systems. Because of the nature of his work, Hu Zhengxun even deliberately has less contact with them.

In two days, he also had a general understanding of the accounts of Shangbei No. 2 Middle School.

In fact, the finances of the Second Middle School are not complicated, nothing more than income and expenditure.

The source of income of Shangbei No. 2 Middle School is very clear.

One is the financial appropriation;

The second is bargaining, borrowing, and accommodation fees for boarding students;

The rest are outsourced canteens and canteens.

In terms of expenditure, the miscellaneous school building maintenance and the purchase of teaching aids are nothing special. There are bonuses for faculty and staff, as well as some special expenses.

To be honest, it’s easy to check the accounts if there is no problem, but it’s easier if there is a problem.

Just like the accounts of No. 2 Middle School, you can say that it is okay, but if you really want to find out the problem, it’s not without it.

The most prominent, there are two points:

First, the issue of bonuses.

Hu Zhengxun found that Shangbei No. 2 Middle School's bonus payment was extremely uneven.

Some teachers only have a bonus of dozens of yuan a month. And some have one or two thousand yuan, which is several times the basic salary.

If you go deeper, Hu Zhengxun believes that there will definitely be problems in it.

Are bonuses distributed truthfully, and there is no suspicion of fraudulent accounts?

Hu Zhengxun felt that there must be! He sees many such things.

The second is Zhang Nan's own travel expenses.

In the past two months, Zhang Nan's travel expenses reimbursement has shown a surge, spending thousands of yuan.

Hu Zhengxun knew only by looking at the accounts that there was a problem.

If you want to investigate carefully, these two points are enough to give the problem qualitative.

However, Hu Zhengxun was not in a hurry to grasp the problem, he couldn't escape, he could move whenever he wanted to.

The reason why he couldn't hold it was actually because the first meeting with Zhang Nan gave him a deep impression.

Zhang Nan said before leaving, "The organization will not make fun of the candidates' prospects."

Psychologically speaking, these words made Hu Zhengxun a little jealous, and also made him have to re-examine the investigation work from an overall perspective.

Is it appropriate to come down at this time?

Will the work of the investigation team affect the candidates?

Was this report accidental or was it mixed with other intriguing reasons?

Of course, whether it is accidental or with ulterior motives, Hu Zhengxun can withstand the test in principle.

Check whatever you want, just follow the procedure.

However, the biggest effect of Zhang Nan's words is to remind Hu Zhengxun that it cannot be used as an ordinary investigation to collect evidence.

This is a school, and it is a school immediately facing the college entrance examination, which is different from his previous working environment.

There is no need to say whether the work is to be done or what the responsibilities are.

However, how to do work, how to do it beautifully, is learned.

Don't come, the second middle school's problems have been cleared up and the work has been completed, but it is really embarrassing because of the college entrance examination problem. It is not a problem of complaining, but a problem of his personal ability.

This will affect the future.

Therefore, Hu Zhengxun at this time is no longer as careless as before, and even wary of Liang Cheng.

Yes, he suddenly gave birth to a guess:

Perhaps Liang Cheng came down not only because of the "student burden reduction" problem, but from the perspective of Liang Cheng's positive performance, there may be other purposes.

Well, that is, Qi Lei is not there, let alone the meeting between the mother-in-law and Hu Zhengxun, otherwise, the mother-in-law must be given a knee.

It's just a fluttering sentence, is it so powerful? Hu Zhengxun is in a mess?

Moreover, has already begun to doubt Liang Cheng?

You know, in fact, even if Qi Lei has analyzed the situation, there is still a doubt that can't be solved.

That is: Looking at the few people who can be connected now-Hu Guowei, Li Wancai, Hu Zhengxun, Liang Cheng.

Hu Guowei reported it because of Cheng Jianguo's directorship, and Li Wancai was his brother-in-law.

Li Wancai went to attack Zhang Nan in order to annex the Second Middle School.

Hu Zhengxun is responsible for doing things impartially.

What about Liang Cheng! ?

Liang Cheng jumped up and down like this, more active than Hu Guowei, just because a student reduced the burden?

Is it the responsibility? It seems not!

He is conducting a questionnaire to induce class 14, and he is going to the third year of high school to get first-hand evidence. Is it really for the sake of the students?

This is Liang Cheng's motive, it is a mystery! !

Moreover, Qi Lei also thought of an even more abnormal detail.

That is, the report of the Provincial News on Shangbei No. 2 Middle School was actually reprinted by the portal...

This most overlooked issue is also the most confusing On the surface, it may just be a normal news event. But is it really that simple?

It's just a small middle school in a county town. These years, there are more schools under high pressure and strict control. Why do you hold onto the second middle school?

Qi Lei faintly felt that there must be an invisible force pushing behind this.

Moreover, the power of this force is not small, and the picture is very large.



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It's so much written until seven o'clock in the morning.

The story is in my head, but I just can’t write it out. I am tortured by insomnia and rash. What is the picture of being alive?

In the morning this chapter will be less, and the afternoon chapter may be late.


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