Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 101: The confidence to leave after lifting your ass

The second middle school is forbearing, saving, and waiting for the moment of outbreak.

The students really didn't help much, they just watched.

However, students are not without weapons. The result is that they give the most powerful head-on attack to the wrongdoers.

No one can say now, how much energy has been accumulated in this session of the college entrance examination, middle school entrance examination, and the second middle school, and how many people will be shocked.

But at the same time that the Second Middle School was high-spirited and went all out to meet the high school and college entrance examinations, quiet changes were taking place outside the school.

The first is at the cadre level in Shangbei.

Zhang Nan's dismissal brought a subtle change to the people in the compound.

The secretary’s lover has something wrong, does it imply something faintly?

Moreover, recently, there is a kind of emotion spreading on Shangbei officials: Secretary Xu is too strong!

It has been almost a month since he went on a business trip to Henan. He said he was going to learn advanced concepts from other places, and he came back to bring everyone to do big things.

However, before leaving, no one had discussed with anyone, and he acted arbitrarily.

You know, many people are more conservative or even rigid. They don't have a cold on reforms, development groups, and new ideas.

It's fine now. People don't discuss with you, so they are in charge.

Everyone began to have opinions on Xu Wenliang.

Coupled with the question of Zhang Nan, the local public opinion in Shangbei has already begun to tilt.

What was even more unexpected was that on June 26, Hu Zhengxun, who had just left, killed a carbine.

This time, he didn't come for Zhang Nan's problem.

This time, he received a new report, the object is-Xu Wenliang.

When Hu Zhengxun saw Zhang Nan again, he felt quite mixed. He didn't know if the couple in distress really had a problem, or if they were targeted.

However, in just one month, there were accidents one after another. If there was no thrust behind him, Hu Zhengxun would not believe it.


Sitting at Zhang Nan's house, Hu Zhengxun sighed, "Principal Zhang, at this point, I think you should have something to say?"

Last time Zhang Nan had an accident, Hu Zhengxun knew that this woman knew something, and she was not so stupid that she couldn't even do the bills.

However, she just didn't speak.

Your husband has a problem again this time, don't you still speak?

It's just that Hu Zhengxun didn't expect that he was really sincere, but Zhang Nan was more relaxed than last time.

Zhang Nan seems very satisfied with his arrival?

Last time, there was some perfunctory, superficial smile, but this time it was a little sincere.

"Chief Hu, I have nothing to say."

Hu Zhengxun: "..."

To be honest, no matter whether there is a problem with the two people, Hu Zhengxun is emotional, and he is too uncooperative with his work.


He took a few deep breaths, calmed his emotions, and then asked the recorder to close the notebook.

"Comrade Zhang Nan, you should know the seriousness of this problem."

The materials for reporting Xu Wenliang are very mixed and numerous. What colludes with businessmen, acts arbitrarily, uses one's position to give the green light to the lover's work, and so on.

From a professional point of view, Hu Zhengxun, some of the issues mentioned in the report materials are indeed easy to make mistakes, but some are pieced together, and it can even be said to be nonsense.

However, no matter how much it is pieced together, it is also a report, and he has to investigate it.

Moreover, if he can't find out the problem, it is not important anymore.

The lover was filed because of economic problems, and Shangbei's officialdom and public opinion had a lot of dissatisfaction with Xu Wenliang, which was obviously deliberate.

Under such circumstances, unless Hu Zhengxun can clarify and solve all of Xu Wenliang's problems, most of the above will follow the general trend and transfer Xu Wenliang away, or even more severe punishment.

But when the problem came, Hu Zhengxun wanted to find out and let the clear ones clear.

But how do you find out?

Zhang Nan didn't cooperate. Xu Wenliang was on a business trip. According to the regulations, he only verified and collected evidence and had no right to make Xu Wenliang come back immediately. It was tantamount to his work with a blind eye.

Moreover, most of the reported issues are ambiguous and dispensable.

For example, acting arbitrarily and acting alone.

Have it? There may or may not be.

Perhaps Xu Wenliang’s starting point was not, but Shang Bei’s public opinion said yes, how can this be judged?

For another example, give the green light to Zhang Nan's work.

Ordinarily, Zhang Nan returned to Shangbei from the leadership position of Harbin No. 3 Middle School, and he was condescending.

However, she has indeed become the principal of the Second Middle School, and it is hard to say that there is no reason for Xu Wenliang.

Another example is colluding with local businessmen and squeezing out foreign companies.

It's about Shangbei rice.

There may not be a deal here, but is it clear?

The materials clearly pointed out that the two children are in a relationship.

Then you say, how is this matter qualitative?

So, sometimes, there is no need for major mistakes, let alone any substantive charges.

"Tell me a little bit of my personal opinion!" Hu Zhengxun began to speak more earnestly again. "This is someone who is creating momentum and wants to invite Secretary Xu out of Shang Bei."

"Even if it is clear in the end and you are innocent, most of the above will consider the local situation in Shangbei and make adjustments. After all, it is difficult for such a controversial leader to carry out his work."

"Comrade Zhang Nan, I personally sympathize with you very much, and I don't want to let people with ulterior motives succeed!"

"So, I beg you to cooperate with our work. Is it okay?"

Build momentum?

Hu Zhengxun didn't expect that Zhang Nan still didn't mean to cooperate, but he said something that offends him and makes him very unhappy.

"Chief Hu, it's not time yet."

Hu Zhengxun was anxious, really anxious.

What's so special? Isn't the time yet? This is ignorance of praise.

Angrily want to go.

He doesn't care anymore, how to check how to check.

Are you husband and wife acting as monsters? Okay, let me cooperate with you, okay?

This time Zhang Nan had offended Hu Zhengxun to death, and encountered such a self-righteous investigator for the first time.

Zhang Nan stopped him at this moment, "Is Chief Hu going to officially start the verification work?"

Hu Zhengxun was stuck, why? Want to speak? It's late, I'm angry!

But he didn't want to. Seeing him silent, Zhang Nan smiled slightly, "Give Chief Hu a suggestion, don't disturb Qi Guojun! Old Xu and Qi Guojun did not have any shameful transactions, and Qi Guojun has never been fond of old Xu."

Hu Zhengxun is a little confused, what's the situation? Are you directing me to work?

Okay! It works! It's a long experience. If you don't cooperate, you can still direct my work?

You can! You couple are really good!

With a flick of his arm, he really left this time, and I didn't even bother to say hard words.

Zhang Nan looked at his back and said heartily, kindly reminding you, why didn't you listen?

Looking at the back of Hu Zhengxun through the window, he was lost in thought.

Logically speaking, it's okay, the time has come.

At this point, everything that should have jumped out, including who is going to use her to deal with Xu Wenliang, is already basically clear, it is the speculator Dong Zhanlin.

Hu Zhengxun inadvertently revealed the four words "collusion with businessmen", Zhang Nan immediately targeted Dong Zhanlin, and only he could list such charges.

And Xu Wenliang has been in politics for so many years, and counting down, he has offended such an energetic figure.

In fact, from the very beginning, Zhang Nan knew very well that the whole thing was not aimed at himself.

It’s just a small principal in a small place, so what is needed is to publish the newspaper, go to the portal website, and come down to the joint investigation team?

There must be some other power behind to achieve other goals.

Now that everything is clear, we can start to fight back.

But, it doesn't work!

I entered the examination room today in the third year of junior high school, and it was a successful delivery.

But in the third year of high school, there is still one last week.

At this time... Li Wancai is the principal, and no one knows, if there is any external stimulus, they will make any radical moves.

Therefore, Zhang Nan has to wait for the last week.


On the other hand, Hu Zhengxun doesn't care, he can investigate whatever he needs to investigate, and visit whatever he needs to visit.

First, he settled in the Shangbei Discipline Inspection Commission, and the director of the Shangbei Discipline Inspection Commission Liu Changshan received Hu Zhengxun.

Yes, this time is different from going to No. 2 Middle School for investigation. Going to No. 2 Middle School does not have to say hello to the North Commission for Discipline Inspection.

But the top investigator is not good. Need local cooperation from Shangbei.

Hu Zhengxun also didn't talk nonsense with Liu Changshan, "Trouble you, Comrade Changshan, and help me arrange to see Mayor Cai Zhenglin and Qi Guojun from the Lotus Non-staple Food Processing Factory."

Seeing Cai Zhenglin, I wanted to get some comments from the mayor of his hand.

Seeing Qi Guojun was to verify whether Xu Wenliang played a role in Qi Guojun's contracting of the Shangbei Non-staple Food Factory. What role did Qi Guojun play when Xu Wenliang rejected foreign merchants?

You Zhang Nan won't let me check? I want to check.

Not only did I check it, I went straight to see it, and I was positive.


Then Hu Zhengxun almost died of anger.

We first had to see Cai Zhenglin, but the day after he arrived in Shangbei, Cai Zhenglin went to the countryside.

I arrived yesterday and asked Liu Changshan to meet with you yesterday. Why did you go straight to the countryside? What's wrong with deliberately hiding?

So what do you mean? Do you have an opinion on the top leader, or no opinion? You mean it!

Wonderful flowers, all special ones are weird flowers! Shang Bei has one end and one end, they are all weird!

If you can't see Cai Zhenglin, then go to see Guojun Qi.

Then, this is not a matter of anger.

Hu Zhengxun was originally looking for an appointment with Qi Guojun, and Liu Changshan's location was the Shangbei Discipline Inspection Commission's office.

As a result, he replied, "No time, I want to come to the factory! Either you formally file the case, bring the documents and make an appointment, then I will definitely cooperate."

This is Qi Guojun's reply.

Hu Zhengxun: "..."

You are quite knowledgeable, it seems that you have not less contact with officials, and the discipline inspection procedures are well known!

"Good good..."

Hu Zhengxun said, "I have seen a lot of bullshit, but I have never seen such a bullshit. I saw the face, do you still have such confidence?

Therefore, Hu Zhengxun took the people and went directly to see Guojun Qi.

The location is the Lotus Group. The former Shangbei Plastic Factory is located in the office building of the Lotus Group.

In the end, I saw people. It was not Qi Guojun alone, but two businessmen named Wu Lianshan and Tang Chenggang.

Hu Zhengxun met with the three older brothers.

This made Hu Zhengxun even more angry, barely managed his emotions, and shook hands with the three of them.

Afterwards, Qi Guojun solemnly said: "We came from the province, and want to talk to you alone."

Hu Zhengxun is about to drive people out. He decides who he wants to see and who he doesn't see.

However, he saw Qi Guojun sitting on the sofa, "These are my two partners. If there is any collusion, it is also the three of us colluding with Secretary Xu. So, you will save trouble!"

Hu Zhengxun: "..."

Well, it makes sense, so considerate!

Hu Zhengxun is not entangled anymore, nor can he entangled.

Ask the colleague to start recording, and he will ask questions to verify the situation.

The question is probably whether Xu Wenliang's contractor of Shangbei Non-staple Food Factory nodded his head personally, and what kind of preferential policies Xu Wenliang received in the subsequent operations.

Including the contracting of Shangbei Pharmaceutical Factory, what policies the city has given, and what green lights have been given.

Are you three bullies? Okay, let's check it together.

In this regard, the Qi Guojun and the three are extremely cooperative, what can they say.

Hu Zhengxun asked for a long time, not to say what the content was, but at least the three of them could tell in their tone and demeanor, it seemed that they didn't take it seriously!

Finally, Hu Zhengxun asked a question that made the three brothers emotionally fluctuating.

"Your son Qi Lei and Xu Wenliang's daughter Xu Qian are said to have a romantic relationship?"

Guojun Qi stagnated, his voice suddenly became cold, and he narrowed his eyes to look at Hu Zhengxun, "The two children are only seventeen, and I think they are only good classmates with each other."

Hu Zhengxun: "..."

Well, he admits that the wording is a bit wrong.

Nodded, "This is not important! From your point of view, do you think the relationship between the two children will affect the relationship between you and Xu Wenliang?"

Qi Guojun, "Yes, it's human nature!"

Hu Zhengxun, "Do you think this relationship will affect your business and Xu Wenliang's decision-making work?"

This sentence is the most critical question.

However, as soon as these words came out, Qi Guojun's emotions became even more wrong, and there was some joking in his expression, "Chief Hu, what are you going to say?"

Hu Zhengxun did not detour, "Someone reported that there is a conflict of interest in the relationship between your two families."

Qi Guojun, "There is no interest entanglement."

Hu Zhengxun, "Are you sure? This sentence is responsible."

Qi Guojun, "OK."

Hu Zhengxun frowned, out of instinct, "Isn't it possible? You are a businessman, and you are a local businessman in Shangbei. You can get in touch with the top leader. Every businessman will cherish this opportunity?"

It's almost impossible to say, don't you seize such a good opportunity to indulge in leadership?

"Heh." Qi Guojun smiled and stood up on his knees.

Hu Zhengxun who got it was a bit stunned, what is he going to do?

However, he heard that King Qi had said to Wu Lianshan and Tang Chenggang, "You can talk to him, I am stupid."

After finishing speaking, without saying hello to Hu Zhengxun, he turned around and left without any emotion.

Hu Zhengxun stared at Qi Guojun out of the office, "This...this..."

After this for a long time, "What kind of attitude is this!?"

See you for the first time!

But it was Wu Lianshan and Tang Chenggang who laughed wildly, "Comrade Hu, don't mind, Lao Qi is just this temperament, he is honest, and he can't be wronged."

Hu Zhengxun pointed at the door, "What is his attitude? It's not good for him, you know?"

Tang Chenggang said: "If the benefits are not good, Lao Qi really doesn't care. It's just..."

He stretched his neck and looked at Hu Zhengxun with a smile, "Comrade Hu, what did you mean by that earlier, did you mean that we were fond of the Secretary?"

Hu Zhengxun frowned, "Don't misinterpret what I mean, I'm asking if there is such a possibility!"

Tang Chenggang: "Oh!"

Tang Chenggang bared his teeth, his eyes fluttered a little, as if he was thinking about something.

Finally, I looked at each other with Wu Lianshan, "It should be the Dong Zhanlin who can say this some time ago, right?"

Wu Lianshan, "It should be Mr. Dong, otherwise Shangbei would never be able to say this."

Tang Chenggang, "Just die?"

Wu Lianshan smiled, "When old Qi is bullied."

Tang Chenggang said, "This hatred is forged!"

Hu Zhengxun: "..."

Do you think we are the air?

He patted the table, "Two! Please pay attention, this is the situation that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is verifying. The problem is very serious, please correct your attitude!"

At this moment, Tang Cheng just stopped talking to Wu Lianshan and grinned, "Comrade Hu, don't mind! We did not resist the investigation, nor did we mean to be disrespectful to you."

"It's just..." Tang Chenggang had a toothache.

"Forget it, I won't go around with you anymore, let alone embarrass you, just speak straight!"

Hu Zhengxun furrowed his brows tightly, "Say what?"

Tang Chenggang, "My father retired from the commander of the Southern Military Region."

Hu Zhengxun: "!!!"

Tang Chenggang continued: "Lao Qi's father is Qi Haiting. Your superior Secretary Meng also has a good relationship with Qi Lao. He just visited his father's house after the new year."

Hu Zhengxun: "..."

Okay, Qi Haiting, just say the name without mentioning the position.


When Tang Chenggang raised his hand, he did not let Hu Zhengxun continue. "Comrade Hu, don't get me wrong. I mention these older generations, and I'm not trying to push you up. Otherwise, I will call Secretary Meng now. There will be no problems. solved."

"I mean two things."

"First, the person who made the report obviously doesn't understand the situation." Secretary Xu and we, one is a serious businessman, and the other is a leader who wants to do something real for Shang Bei. That's it."

"Let's not use the word fawning. UU reading is a little arrogant. If the reporter understands more in detail, the position should be reversed to be more credible."

"Secondly, if you still feel that we have a relationship that is not obvious, you can go back and verify the situation, and see if we come out of a family like ours, will we lose the face of my father for a little business!"

what is this? This is emboldened!

The father stayed with this righteousness.

Why did Guojun Qi dare to lift his **** and leave? Because the match is the same, I am not afraid of you to check it, so I didn't take you Hu Zhengxun seriously.

Hu Zhengxun was shocked, the outside was Jiao and the inside was tender.

Wonderful flower, is Quante a fantastic flower!


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