
Station Master Ning actually doesn't want to be used as a coolie. He is fighting with several female writers. Today, he has made an appointment to go boating and talk about literature and life.

How stylish? How atmospheric?

As a result, Qi Lei was forced to fly on the loess road.

"Boss Qi!" Station Master Ning was yin and yang strange, "This kind of thing, how can a literati like me should worry about it?"

"Tacky! Just find someone to do it?"

Qi Lei didn't bother to talk to him, "If you are a competitor who has lost all the pants and pants, don't you just be innocent?"

Station Master Ning: "..."

"There are not enough pants left..." This has become one of the hottest internet buzzwords this year.

Ning station is very helpless.

But Qi Lei said again: "What are you refusing to show your face?"

Station Master Ning, but I don’t want to show my face!

On the other side, Chen Mukun is still bragging with Wei Guangming.

Wei Guangming showed his wide network of contacts through the familiarity with Chen Mukun.

On the other hand, Chen Mukun used Wei Guangming's mouth to show his superiority to his former teachers and future investment targets.

And Zhang Nan...a bit sad.

She could understand a cunning businessman like Wei Guangming, but she couldn't accept that her former student became what she is now.

From Chen Mukun's getting out of the car, Zhang Nan knew from his first glance that she was wrong.

A child who used to be very honest and quiet is not what he used to be. He will not donate to the Second Middle School.

In fact, Zhang Nan's judgment was also verified next.

When taking Chen Mukun to visit the campus of No. 2 Middle School, he didn't mention funding matters, but kept talking to Wei Guangming irresponsibly.

"The domestic exam-oriented education is still too rigid. I think the future of education has to be the intervention of capital."

"Take the route of commercial operation to achieve output and profitability, rather than relying on state funding to maintain vitality."

"Only commercial operation will allow education to form an industrial scale, so that it will gain momentum and rise on its own because of the profit-seeking nature of capital."

"Otherwise, the teacher is holding dead wages and iron rice bowls, who is still teaching students seriously? Look at the current school, which is not lifeless?"

A mouthful of capital, business, and profit-seeking.

In this regard, Zhang Nan just smiled, not refuting it.

Because it doesn't make sense.

Zhang Nan never does meaningless sex, and he won't be blushing like boys and girls fighting for a point of view.

She can also make sense, but only to people who can hear it.

As for Chen Mukun, it doesn't make sense to say anything to him now.

However, Wei Guangming didn't think so. Out of the principle of mutual commerce, he nodded and said yes.

"President Chen still has a vision, and the current education is really hard to say!"

"But..." The conversation turned, "The support should be supported!"

A big mouth grinned, "No, I just promised to donate 500,000 yuan to the Second Middle School, which is considered a modest effort."

When Chen Mukun heard this, he immediately frowned. Did Wei Guangming donate money?

This information is not what he wants to hear.

Wei Guangming has already donated money, so he, Zhang Nan's student, should he donate?

Chen Mukun had a taste of being accidentally set up by Wei Guangming.

Of course, Wei Guangming was also showing his generosity, and he didn't realize that Chen Mukun would not donate money.

Judging from the information he received from all aspects, Zhang Nan's student came to Shangbei on purpose. There are various signs that Chen Mukun wants to donate money.

He is now expressing a kind of closeness, consciously or unconsciously.

It's a pity that the flattering hit the horse's feet.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Mukun has only two choices:

First, pretend not to hear, this is the stress response of ordinary people.

Secondly, he was framed here, there was no way, letting a little blood out and donating one hundred and eighty thousand dollars was really not a big problem for him.

This is the stress response of Chen Mukun, a face-saving "successful person".

However, Chen Mukun is not only a good face, he is also a little distorted, a little...

A bit perverted!

When Wei Guangming said that he was going to donate 500,000 yuan, his first reaction was not embarrassment. The first reaction was that he could not be allowed to donate.

Yes, I don't donate, no one can donate!

At this time, after a short daze, he smiled and said, "President Wei is really sincere! He has worked hard for the cause of education, and his spirit is commendable!"

Wei Guangming laughed loudly, but said in his heart, I don't have a special shop or canteen business, I am so energetic!

But after hearing that Chen Mukun's conversation turned, "But..."

Look at Zhang Nan with a smile, "Teacher Zhang, you know me and speak straightforwardly. If there is any offense, don't care too much."

After finishing speaking, he said to Wei Guangming: "Can donating a little money solve the problem of exam-oriented education? I don't think it is useful! President Wei's money is not used locally."

Wei Guangming was stunned by this, what do you mean? Don't you plan to donate money too?

But Chen Mukun continued: "To be honest, I originally planned to donate some to support teachers and education."

"But, after thinking and thinking, this is not helping education, this is harming people!"

"Knowing that exam-oriented education is full of ills, we have to encourage our arrogance. We are all sinners!"

Comrade Chen Gun has completely become a **** stick, and he can't listen to his words anymore.

"So, Teacher Zhang, I'm really sorry, I can't donate this money."

"I hope to use my money in intentional places, such as your education institution in Shangbei. I think that is the way out and the future!"

"So, just now, I have decided to put out a million of funds to do something for education. They are now in very difficult conditions and urgently need to improve the teaching environment."

"I think that is the real investment education!"

Speaking of this, Chen Mukun looked at Wei Guangming, "How about Wei Guangming? Are you interested in joining me in education? The principal of Yucai has a good relationship with me, and I should be very willing to join their financing project."

A confident smile, "Trust me, the rate of return is so high that you can't imagine it!"

Wei Guangming: "..."

Damn it! Wei Guangming almost burst into foul language.

To tell the truth, Wei Guangming couldn't do this, it was a long experience.

Looking at Chen Mukun and then at Zhang Nan, he was speechless.

What is this called? This is called a pure white-eyed wolf!

However, due to the businessman's instinct and smoothness, Wei Guangming didn't make a statement.

He just smiled awkwardly and said to go back and talk more, of course, he didn't say not to donate money.

Really have to talk carefully, if you don't vote, let's talk about it.

Wei Guangming is a profiteer, but because of this, he is not stupid.

For such a shareholder, no matter how profitable the transaction is, he still has to weigh it.

However, Zhang Nan didn't react too much, still keeping the surface calm.

It's just a pity in my heart that finally brought a Wei Guangming, but now it looks like it's going to be ruined.

He smiled and said to Wei Guangming: "It doesn't matter, President Wei should not have any psychological burden. Maybe Mu Kun is right."

These words made Wei Guangming feel a little confused and a little embarrassed.

At this moment, outside the iron fence of No. 2 Middle School, a row of convoys drove up, raising clouds of dust.

At this time, the gate of No. 2 Middle School was not closed, and the convoy drove directly into the No. 2 Middle School’s campus and stopped in front of the main building. Several people who were visiting the school drew their eyes.

Zhang Nan frowned, this pomp is really not small.

Two Crowns, one Red Flag, one Jetta, and one bus.

At this time, a very energetic guy got out of the first car, straightened his waist, and looked at the whole picture of the second middle school.

Seen from afar, some seem familiar.

Zhang Nan had to let President Dong go over and take a look, don't come down and check again.

Well, for such a big show, most of them are inspected.

However, President Dong rushed past, only to see him say a few words to the young man, then turned around and returned, and he still trot all the way.

"Xiao Zhang, hurry up, hurry up! I said I knew you. I'll take someone to visit No. 2 Middle School. Maybe...maybe..."

Old Dong looked horrified, "Maybe he wants to donate some money!?"


Now Zhang Nan was not calm, and said sorry to Wei Guangming and Chen Mukun, and hurried to the main building as well.

But Chen Mukun frowned and followed Wei Guangming subconsciously.

As a result, after walking only a few steps, Wei Guangming stopped abruptly and slowed down.

Oh shit! unlucky! See "acquaintances".

I saw Qi Guodong, the owner of Sanshi Company, and Zhou Tao from the marketing department, all came.

And the old man who robbed his general agent and opened the shop next to him was among them.

This is so special! Wei Guangming has the urge to run when he wants to turn around.

However, Chen Mukun is here, and Wang Xingye is also staring. It's really hard to run.

Can only bite the bullet and go over, and deliberately hide behind Chen Mukun, for fear that people will notice.


It was not Qi Guodong, nor Old Man Nan, nor Uncle Geng who led the team, but the stationmaster Ning, who is the least experienced in the Three Stones family.

As for why he?

The reason is also simple. When Zhang Nan came in front of everyone, she didn't know anyone else, only the stationmaster Ning.

"Author Chen? Why are you?" Zhang Nan immediately greeted him enthusiastically, and took the initiative to shake his hand.

Isn't this the person who ate with Qi Lei yesterday?

The stationmaster Ning had to pick it up with both hands, and he had to bend over, and said to his heart, I said I won't come! Is this the boss' mother-in-law so easy to deal with?

The attitude is more respectful than Zhang Nan, even bending over, "Principal Zhang, meet again!"

While speaking, he shook hands with the old principal Dong who was beside Zhang Nan, "Chen Qianning...Hello, hello, hello!"

Zhang Nan looked at his weird behavior with a look of confusion, then looked at so many cars and so many people, "Author Chen, this is..."

Station Master Ning immediately said: "That's the case. Yesterday, it was not with Qi Lei and Qianqian. Let's have dinner together, and we also ran into Principal Zhang."

"It just happened to hear Qi Lei say that the Second Middle School has encountered difficulties."

"It just so happens that we have an education funding project here."

"It just happens that everyone has time today, so just come and have a look."

In the clouds and mists Zhang Nan listened to, how could there be so much? Doesn't it sound real at all?

"Isn't Writer Chen an online writer? How come there are such connections?"

"Oh, oh!" the stationmaster hurriedly said again, "formally introduce myself to President Zhang, I am the CEO of Rongshuxia Literature Network."

Zhang Nan: "..."

After thinking for a while, "I know, you have a novel, so many students are fascinated by it!"

"Uh!" Station Master Ning embarrassed, "It's not important, it's not important!"

Over there, Chen Mukun's eyes didn't come out, what's the matter? How come here under the banyan tree! ?

Webmaster Ning hasn’t finished the introduction yet, pointing to Qi Guodong, “This is the CEO of Three Stone Network Technology Co., Ltd.”

Zhang Nan: "..."

Chen Mukun: "..."

Wei Guangming: "..."

Refer to Zhou Tao again, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com "Director of Marketing Department of Three Stones Company."

Zhang Nan: "..."

Then there is Lao Nan, "Academician Nan Guanghong of the Three-Stone System R&D Center."

Uncle Geng, "Longjiang General Agent of Imagine Computer, World and Consulting, Geng Changhai."

Wei Guangming: "..." (It was originally mine!)

There were also a dozen people who got on and off the bus, "These are the Internet cafe owners of Sanshi Company, and they are all caring people."

Zhang Nan was a little confused, such a big show, because of Qi Lei's gossip at the dinner table?

How come I don't believe it so much!


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