Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 124: Quante is a routine

Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian left tremblingly.

It's terrible, the adult world is terrible!

Obviously, this is Zhang Nan who wants to use the topic again to make the second middle school oppose the experiment, and then start the competition.

Just like before, let the fourteenth class oppose the other classes in the first year of high school.

This is all the leadership's skill to control people, it's very dirty!

It's just that Qi Lei is a little curious, the mother-in-law is not afraid of playing collapse?

First, put the old Dong into it.

Old Dong all agreed. You can't come here. How can old Dong have a face?

Second, the experimental middle school is completely enmity. If it doesn't, it will cause trouble.

Anyway, Qi Lei feels that this time the risk is quite high and it is not appropriate.

Besides, Old Liu Ke was guilty, and Qi Lei still didn't want to see it.

I don't know what the mother-in-law thinks.

However, as soon as he and Xu Xiaoqian left, Old Dong put down the tea cup with a bitter expression.

"Xiao Zhang, old man, I don't want to be wise in this life, but can Wang Xingye subdue the old fritters in the experimental middle school?"

But Zhang Nan smiled, "If such a good opportunity can't be used, then he is not Wang Xingye."

To make the wind and water of a town-level middle school rise, you are a fuel-efficient lamp for Wang Xingye?

"Look at it, you can't make it right, now Lao Ma and Wang Hong are on the same mind with him!"

Old Dong: "..."

"Oh...!" I sighed leisurely, "How can I teach such a ghostly student?"

In fact, Wang Xingye is already doing it.

On the way back to the Experimental Middle School, Wang Xingye and Lao Ma rode to catch up with Wang Hong.

Both Wang Hong and Lao Ma’s expressions were not very good. During the period, Lao Ma really couldn’t help it. "If you don’t say anything, don’t give it. Now Dong has agreed, and it’s passed out. How can we follow Someone confessed?"

Wang Hong was also angrily, "This Zhang Nan, relied on being the secretary's lover, is too unsympathetic, right? That means he didn't treat us as his own!"

Glancing at Wang Xingye, President Wang and Zhang Nan have been walking very close recently, and she only dared to complain a little bit, but didn't dare to say too deeply.

Lao Ma actually has the same mind.

Before Wang Xingye took office, he started to join the school. During this period of time, although work has started in the experimental middle school, all the busy schedules have been co-schooling.

Strictly speaking, Wang Xingye is not a member of the experimental middle school.

Regarding this, Wang Xingye's heart was like a mirror, but he pretended not to know.

The two were complaining about it, and he followed suit, and he added extra fuel and jealousy.

"You two, can you see it? Zhang Nan said it was pretty good on the surface. A bowl of water is flat. But I think she is still facing the second middle school."

The two of them were startled. They didn't expect Wang Xingye to say such things, "Principal Wang..."

I saw Wang Xingye's face grimace, "Anyway, look at it, it's hard to live after joining the school!"

This time the two nodded together, "Oh! I was confused at the time!" Lao Ma sighed, "I should have killed myself and disagree with the joint school: It's too late to regret it now. The Board of Education's documents have come down these days. ."

Wang Hong was also dissatisfied, "Who makes someone the secretary's lover!"

However, Wang Xingye said, "Actually, it doesn't matter what it doesn't matter! Zhang Nan was Secretary Xu's lover long ago. Then when Li Wancai was killed, she was taken down differently?"

"After all, we haven't taken the exam this year!"

The two of them listened to it and thought about it carefully. This is indeed the truth. The root of everything is actually the college entrance examination results.

It is precisely because the college entrance examination results of the second middle school are so outstanding that there is a joint school and the situation where today is not hard to speak.

Wang Xingye curled his lips, "Look at how rude Zhang Nan said just now? Do you want a place if you can't get your grades?"

"This is just looking for a fight! But people dare to say that it is hard-spirited! Why? Students and teachers are fighting!"

The two still nodded again and again, that's the reason.

Old Ma sighed, "But now it's too late to say anything!"

"It's not too late!" Wang Xingye said suddenly, and then stopped the car.

Lao Ma and Wang Hong stopped after listening.

Looking at Wang Xingye suspiciously, "President Wang meant... can the Board of Education change his mind?"

Wang Xingye said: "It's impossible to change his mind, so where can I put Director Cheng's face?"


As soon as the conversation changed, "Who said that if the school is closed, it can't be separated?"

"Huh!?" The two were agitated, as if grasping the straw.

"Principal Wang! Quickly talk about it, how do you separate?"

Wang Xingye simply parked his car on the side of the road and joined Lao Ma and Wang Hongwei.

A sincere expression on his face: "To tell the truth, I am a newcomer. I really didn't have any hope for the experimental middle school. The gap is too big, and I don't even have the desire to catch up."

The Lao Ma and Wang Hong who were talking about bowed their heads together. This was not good, but it was a fact.

Wang Xingye continued: "I originally planned to join the school. Let Zhang Nan be a deputy for a few years. When she leaves, I can take over the class as a matter of course. Do you think this is the truth?"

The two of them still only nodded their heads. These words came home, they were heart-wrenching words.

Wang Xingye, "However, I have stayed in the experimental middle school for such a long time. It is not authentic to say that I have no feelings. Plus..."

"She also deceived people too much, she really wanted to swallow our experimental middle school in one bite!"

"So, we can't just wait and die!"

Wang Hong was already agitated, "President Wang, just say, okay? No, I will be punished, and I will organize the teacher to respond to the problem in the province!"

When Wang Xingye heard this, he said, "Don't don't don't, it won't work."

Lao Ma also said: "What does Principal Wang mean? I regret it now. It's best to separate immediately, otherwise we won't have any students in this year of high school."

When Wang Xingye heard this, he waved his hand, "If you divide, you can't divide it right away!"

The two were puzzled, "Why?"

Wang Xingye, "Now it's divided, don't you just wait to be beaten by the second middle school?"

"People now have funds, fame, students, and experience. How can we compare?"

"You said, right?"

The two are lingering again, the reality is so cruel.

And when Wang Xingye looked at the expressions of the two, he knew it was in their hearts, "So, let's go like this, let's take a few steps."

Two of them, "Which steps?"

Wang Xingye, "The first step, I will take the lead and go to Zhang Nanzheng. The joint school is fine, but the teachers and classes are still separate."

"In this way, are we just an experimental high school that has moved to a school site? Then Gou Jian can still be brave enough, so can we!"

Old Ma, "Then what?"

Wang Xingye, "Then? Then borrow the chicken from No. 2 Middle School and lay our eggs!"

Two people: "???"

Wang Xingye's posture of hating iron but not steel, "don't you understand?"

"The teaching experience of their teachers can't be learned? The welfare of their teachers should also be given to us? How can they improve their grades, how can we improve?"

"We can't learn the essence on the experiment side, but this time it is Commander Zhang Nan, right under the nose. If we can't learn it yet, it's because we have a problem!"

"Furthermore, our experiment is a little better than the second middle school, and it's not as good as them?"

"To put it bluntly, it is to use the money from the second middle school, the experience of the second middle school, and the second middle school model to strengthen our momentum."

The two people's eyes lit up, it seems that this is the truth!

And Wang Xingye hasn't finished saying, "As long as we can beat the second middle school next year in the college entrance examination next year, we will have confidence when we speak! At that time, if you don't want to divide, I will go to Director Cheng and find the province."

"Not in school, we are also a first-class middle school!"

"Yes!" Lao Ma wailed, "Just do it! I still don't believe it, because our student can't pass the second high school exam?"

Wang Hong was also beaten up, "The Royal School, I listen to you, maybe there is still a chance!"

Wang Xingye nodded, "Yes, don't wilt like eggplant, we still have a chance!"


The conversation changed again, "However, the teachers have to do a good job! They have to be nervous, for the sake of the survival of the experimental middle school, this year, I have to work hard!"

Wang Hong, "We'll have a meeting when we go back. We must mobilize everyone."

Wang Hong stared, too, and couldn't get out of the fire that had been holding his stomach in Zhang Nan, "Principal Wang, you can take us to do it! This year, who is left behind is the responsibility of Wang Hong!"

Wang Xingye, "Okay, everyone work hard together!"

Back at the experimental middle school, Wang Hong really organized all teachers in the school. They must be on duty tomorrow and the holiday is over.

Meeting to mobilize, preparing for the New Year period, home visits, and formulating student improvement plans.

Let's do whatever comes to the second middle school.

Do you want a bonus? The second middle school sent me several thousand in a month. You still don’t move me?

Unfortunately, Wang Hong didn't know. As soon as Wang Xingye returned to the office, he raised his legs and called Zhang Nan.

"Principal Zhang, it's done!"


"Don't worry, we haven't done this before in Heshantun No. 1 Middle School. We are familiar with it."


Putting down the phone, Wang Xingye is still proud, alas, the struggle experience is still not rich enough! How can the honest people like Lao Ma and Wang Hong become lame when they flicker?

Looking back on it carefully, it is indeed a bit too easy. Wang Hong didn't say anything about his rectum. Doesn't even Lao Ma have any opinions?

Haha, time and fate!

After leaving the office, I am going to see Wang Hong to discuss future work issues.

As everyone knows, Lao Ma is also on the phone.

"Xiao Zhang, is Wang Xingye reliable? He just became a **** stick to encourage Wang Hong branch school."


"Yeah, I don't think it's a big deal, so I'll take care of it."


"That's OK, I don't care, let him toss it!"

Putting down the phone, Lao Ma also walked out of the office with his hands behind his back, still humming a little song!

It is true that Lao Ma is also resistant to the matter of the joint school, but Lao Ma has a principle, whether it is a joint school or a branch school, no matter how the teachers and principals make noise or noisy, we must always remember that we are teachers. , Is for teaching and educating people!

The main premise and starting point is to allow students to benefit, whether it is the second middle school or the experiment, it can really change their destiny.

For this goal, Lao Ma can do anything.

Even if he doesn't want to join the school, it's just a personal emotional consideration.

And he knows that the students can benefit from the joint school.

This alone is enough!

Therefore, this time he is on Zhang Nan's side.

When I came to Wang Hong's office, I saw Wang Xingye was there, and Ma Xin said that the two of them were very concerned! ?

He leaned forward immediately, "What are you studying?"

When Wang Xingye saw that the old horse was coming so soon, he said to his heart, you are as interested as Wang Hong!

He smiled and said, "No, let's study and study together with Director Wang, how to carry out the next step."

Lao Ma, "Okay! Great! The experimental middle school was never so united when Li Wancai was here, let's be together!"

Wang Hong is so My heart is full of strength. Our school leaders are all so enthusiastic. If you look back at the Second Middle School, the old crane is a mascot, and she retired immediately. Old Dong even offended her today. NS.

Zhang Nan is now a lonely family member, can't do her anymore?

I couldn't hold back, "Just rush to this strength, next year we will definitely be able to overtake the second middle school, and the branch school will succeed!"

Lao Ma and Wang Xingye nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, with the good words of Director Wang!"

It's just that the old Ma mentally said, "Silly Wang Hong! Silly Wang Xingye! Still next year? In a year's time, if Zhang Nan can't make the experiment teacher complete the psychological transformation, she will not be Zhang Nan.

And Wang Xingye also sighed: "Silly Wang Hong! Stupid old horse! It's already been pinched by Zhang Nan!"



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