Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 130: Start of school

People need goals, otherwise most of them will become stupid in ease.

For a student, it is difficult for a student to set his own goals if his mind is not yet mature. So there is the current situation.

Class 14 has reached the third place in the school year, which is the limit.

The first two are top-notch classes, and the fourteenth class wants to surpass it, which is basically equivalent to idiotic dreams.

The talent lies there. The animals in Class 14 have never dreamed of lying in the top class.

Therefore, for them in the second year of high school, it is already very good for them to maintain their current results. However, it is precisely to maintain that is the most difficult.

It's all right now, dare to challenge the experiment? Must get them!

In fact, the experimenter is not convinced. Why is your class fourteen so special?

Even if you don't work hard for it, you are bound to fight for the first place, at least psychologically uncomfortable.

In short, class 14 has become famous again before school starts.

In this regard, Qi Lei doesn't matter, he belongs to the age of seventeen and a forty-year-old mind.

Although he was assimilated by a bunch of idiots around him, Qi Lei knew exactly what to do when. Without the encouragement of his mother-in-law, he can set his position right.

But Fang Bing and Lu Xiaoshuai are different, they kind of enjoy this kind of "famous".

Taking pride in this, quite aloof.

School starts on the 24th, and is still out on business on the 23rd.

However, the preparation of the classroom was completed long ago, and the tolerance for the day before the beginning of school was to set up a table.

The rostrum of No. 2 Middle School is open-air and has to be re-arranged for every large-scale event.

If it's just a meeting, it's okay to say, move a few tables, spread tablecloths, and plug in big speakers. It can be done on the same day in half an hour.

However, if you drive for several days in a row like a sports meeting, you need to use pine poles to make the frame and then cover it with rain cloth.

School starts tomorrow, and there will be a school opening ceremony and social donation ceremony.

After all, Uncle Geng, and Sanshi Company, etc., have donated a lot of money, so let people show their faces.

At that time, Shangbei TV Station will come to video.

Originally set up a few tables, a big open air would do. However, there will be a military training camp opening ceremony for the first year of high school later, and there will be a review ceremony one week later, so it is a bit more cumbersome and you must prepare in advance.

After busying for a whole day, until the sunset, Qi Lei and the animals from Class 14 sat neatly in a row in front of the rostrum, looking at the campus dyed in gold, the distance was still green in the halo. Little woods.

Lu Xiaoshuai said suddenly, "Tomorrow the little woods will be gone, right?"

Everyone was silent for a while, and it was indeed gone.

A few days ago, someone had come to survey and map, it was over the West Campus.

It seems that the area of ​​the original site of the West Campus is not enough, and the small forest is also included in the area of ​​the new building.

"Oh!" I didn't know who it was, and he sighed, showing a little sadness.

"It's so fast!" Fang Bing sighed, "I feel like I haven't done anything this year, so I will do the questions and exams."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Fang Bing said: "When I first came, I even said that I was a girl in the second middle school, but it turned out to be a sophomore in high school!"

Fang Bing definitely came with the mentality of being mixed for three years, but now, although he is still third from the bottom...No, Wang Dong has left and went to the special class, and now he is second from the bottom.

However, I feel my mentality has changed.

Fang Bing’s current grades are at least okay with one or two colleges. "A few days ago, I had finished bragging with my mother."

Everyone looked at him, "What did you blow?"

Fang Bing, "Ben Yiben hard! My old lady was stunned for a long time and said that she had never thought about it."

"Tsk tsk."

Everyone smashed their mouths. Unexpectedly, Sanbingzi was so motivated?

Lu Xiaoshuai, "Hey, you are so inspirational, why am I not used to it?"

Dong Weicheng also joked, "It's not normal, I think it's made up!"

However, Qi Lei frowned, and suddenly said, "Just say that if you cheat out a few hundred more living expenses, it will be over!"

Sanbingzi did not hesitate, "Five hundred!"


Everyone waved their hands and asked the team leader to solve the case. They said that this guy is not so sensible!

Over there, Qi Xuefeng said, "I will try it later!"

Everyone immediately despised him again.

Lu Xiaoshuai pretended to be old-fashioned, "How easy is it for your parents to plant that little land and make money? What do you learn from Sanbingzi?"

He said that Qi Xuefeng was anxious, and his face was a little bit awkward, "I'll just talk about it, can you control it?"

Lu Xiaoshuai also knew that he was owed, "Well, it's okay, can you count me as farting?"

"Go! The work of the commissary!"

Everyone heard, this is for a treat!

It is rare that Lu Xiaoshuai was generous once and jumped off the rostrum, rushing to the canteen.

Only when it was time to pay, Lu Xiaoshuai patted Qi Lei on the shoulder, "Brother, it's up to you!"

Qi Lei: "..."

Day you!

But Lu Xiaoshuai is quite reasonable. With you here, how can I spend money?

Winning the unanimous agreement of everyone, even Qi Xuefeng, who had turned his face with Lu Xiaoshuai, agreed, "Lu Ge is domineering! I will invite you tomorrow, you have to come, the head of the team!"

Everyone knows that Qi Lei is rich, and he is not polite with Qi Lei.

In the setting sun, the young and smiling faces, witnessing the growth, also left marks in the lush years.

It is a trace of wanton flying.



School officially started on the 24th.

The Second Middle School has been completely renewed. A banner is held at the school gate to warmly celebrate the joint school of the Experimental Middle School and Shangbei Second Middle School. The experimental teachers and students are welcome to enter the Second Middle School campus.

Um! ! Very heartbroken.

The playground was cleaned up during the summer vacation, and the grass was all pulled up. Although it is still in the state of a foot of gray on a sunny day and a foot of mud on a rainy day, at least it looks quite regular.

In front of the main building, a row of old willow trees on the corridor has also been carefully trimmed. It's just a little bald, not as good as before.

The blackboard newspaper draws the distribution map of each school year and each class, as well as the lyrics of the school song and the school motto of the second middle school.

Everything is harmonious and overflowing, with a strong sense of the times and campus atmosphere.

That's... the song on the radio is a little bit unpretentious.

As soon as the high school freshmen entered the school, they almost didn't drive a somersault, and they all looked at the loudspeakers on the top of the main building.

"Forward, forward, the responsibility of soldiers is heavy! Women's grievances are deep..."

This...what is this?

As everyone knows, the person who sang on the podium has already received it. He wanted to play "Tears under the Bar", but he didn't find it.

On the other side of the main building, the old crane is going crazy.

He rushed to the third year of high school and pulled Jiang Yao out, "Go, change that product for me! What a shit!?"

Jiang Yao is also speechless, my desk hasn't been cleaned yet!

But there was no way, so I trot downstairs, attracting the juniors and sisters of high school one after another, "Senior sister is so beautiful!"

But Jiang Yao didn't want to enjoy the eye-catching ceremony and rushed to the podium, "Lei Reviver!! You are dying!"

However, Qi Lei happily said, "If you don't come, there will be even more outrageous things!"

As he said, he ran, "Did the old crane let you come? I told you to stare at it for a while, you don't want to do it, right? Bye!"

An angry Jiang Yao stomped her feet. Just now Qi Lei did ask her to stare at her for a while and play the background music, but Jiang Yao didn't do it.

Well now, this guy just ran away.

After Qi Lei left, the broadcast style finally returned to normal, and the school song "Chasing Dreams and Hearts" was played.

When Qi Lei got off the rostrum, he didn't return to Class 14, and went straight to the first year of high school.

Yan Ling moved to the experimental campus in her second year, but after Yan Ling left, Da Ling came in again.

Sigu spent more than 10,000 yuan in borrowing fees to transfer Da Ling from Qingcheng back to Shangbei, saying it was the quality of teaching in Xiangzhong No. 2 Middle School.

In fact, Qi Lei knew very well that he asked Qi Lei to help her take care of the baby.

Da Ling was in the 16th class of high school. When Qi Lei passed by, the situation was similar to his first year in high school. The whole class was in a mess, and the tables, chairs and benches had not yet entered the classroom.

Many students just stand and chat in the class, and are not in a hurry to move desks and chairs.

Only Da Ling sat alone, with a complete set of tables and chairs.

Qi Lei took a look at the door of her class, which attracted the whole class's attention.

Of course, those who were in the second middle school in junior high school knew Qi Lei, and those with a familiar face greeted Qi Lei, "Brother Lei!"

Qi Lei smiled, gave Da Ling a look, and let her come out.

Da Ling ran out in three jumps, "Brother!"

Qi Lei said: "It's very fast. Did you move the tables and chairs back?"

Da Ling, "I didn't move, either, the boys in my class helped me."

Well, Qi Lei said heartily, sure enough!

Standing at the door of the class and waiting for a while, I saw a few boys back with chairs and single desks.

Qi Lei waved to one of them, "Come here."

The boy hurriedly put down the table and chair and ran over, "Brother Lei, why are you here?"

The boy's name is Ma Liang, who came out of the second middle school. I used to play pretty well in the third grade, the kind that everyone knows.

Qi Lei looked at Da Ling, "He moved the tables and chairs for you, right?"

Da Ling stared, "Yeah! Brother, how do you know?"

Qi Lei looked faceless, and when he saw the goods were going to Class 16, he knew that it was him and others couldn't do it.

When Ma Liang heard that Da Ling called Qi Lei his brother, he was also shocked, "Are you acquainted?"

Qi Lei laughed and scolded, "This is so special my sister, you be honest!"

Ma Liang patted his forehead, "Understood!"

In fact, Ma Liang does not necessarily have any bad thoughts. However, in Qi Lei's eyes, anyone who misses my sister is not a good person.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case?

This is the purpose of coming to Class 16.


In the morning, it is divided into shifts, from the back office table and chairs, sitting in rows, these little things that old people talk about.

In the afternoon, there is the opening ceremony and the general cleaning.

I didn't rush to find Jiang Yao when I came out of high school. Anyway, there was no class in the morning of the third year, so I went back to class 14.


The class has been deserted a lot, and nearly twenty people have left!

The bitter and bitter Wang Dong is gone, Wu Ning is gone, and Yang Xiao is also gone.

Honestly, the child's finances also went to the science class. Cheng Lele saw that Wu Ning went to the science class, so she also went to the science class.

Many people were sitting on the podium and bragging, today they are not in the same class.

Lao Liu hasn't come to, plus the fact that Class 14 doesn't move, let alone move tables and chairs, everyone is bored, either standing at the door or lying on the windowsill watching the excitement.

The class next door has been changed to the second class, and it is the second class of the experimental middle school.

But so far no one has even watched the excitement.

"Hey!" Fang Bing was a little bored, "Where are the experimenters? It seems that I haven't seen any of them?"

Lu Xiaoshuai said: "Wait! Listen to their classmates over there, they must first gather at the experimental campus, and then bring them here as a whole."

Fang Bing heard it, "Tsk tsk, it's not small!"

As he was talking, there was some commotion at the school gate.

The whole school of the experimental middle school is lined up in a neat line, here it is!



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