Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 131: Can't get off stage

The students in the experiment came collectively.

Standing in line, carrying school bags, holding bags of learning materials, it's like fleeing.

Okay, this is from Fang Bing's mouth, it has nothing to do with others.

In fact, the overall mental outlook is good, and there is no deep bitterness and enmity as expected, and a few of them have different looks, and even a little eager to try.

For example, Jia Mingming, a second generation ancestor from Harbin.

Given his family's conditions and relationships, in Harbin, entering the Third Middle School and the Normal University High School may be a little strenuous, but other schools are basically fine.

However, this guy froze himself to Shangbei. As long as Harbin has a little famous school, he will be confiscated.

Looking at the banner at the school gate, he was a little bit up, separated from the third and ninth class of high school, touched the end of the twenty-second class of high school, and kicked Chen Peng's ass.

Chen Peng who kicked his spirit was roused, and it was not surprising to look back at him.

"What are you doing?"

Jia Mingming bared his teeth and pointed at the banner, "This makes the school very peeing!"

Chen Peng also took a look and shook his head, "It's okay, pretty good!"

Chen Peng prefers co-schooling. His mother is from the tax bureau. Although he doesn't live in the government compound, he knows everyone in the compound.

Now that they are together, Chen Peng feels that he can eat well, and he feels more comfortable than in the experiment.

He glanced at the banner again and reminded Jia Mingming, "Don't cause trouble, this principal is the secretary's wife."

When Jia Mingming heard this, he was a little bit sceptical. He came from Harbin and didn't catch a cold for that matter within Shangbei.

"It's my dick?"

His mouth was stiff, but his heart converged a lot.

You know, when Li Wancai was in experimental middle school, Jia Mingming did not fail him. Jia Mingming thought that the principal of the second middle school was the same as Li Wancai!

The Diaoerlang looked at the campus of No. 2 Middle School locally, "It's really broken!"

Chen Peng didn't say anything about this. It was indeed much shabby than the experimental middle school, but it was pretty decent.

Afterwards, the two went around behind the sixth grade of high school and winked at a girl.

"Zhou Lei! Zhou Lei?! Come here!"

Jia Mingming's tone was obviously ambiguous.

Zhou Lei looked back at him, first looked at the teacher at the head of the team embarrassedly, and then quietly left the brigade and came to the two of them.

"Brother Xiaoming, what's the matter?"

Jia Mingming squatted there with a smile, "Will you go to the roller skating city at night?"

Zhou Lei smiled apologetically, "No, right? Dad has been watching closely recently."

Jia Mingming, "It's okay, just play for a while."

Zhou Lei said, "It's really not possible. I'll have to cross-examine for a long time after I return."

Jia Mingming, "My dad is really ignorant!"

Zhou Lei smiled lightly, but didn't speak much.

And Jia Mingming just asked, this guy is a flirtatious girl, but he wants to flirt any girl who is a little longer and more flexible. If you don't go, you won't go, and it's not bad for her.

Moreover, as if Jia Mingming's heart was in a mirror, Zhou Lei was holding it, pretending to be serious.

For this, Jia Mingming is not very interested.

If you want to say it's really tempting, Ban Xiaoya, twenty-nine, he's very tempted.

I heard that there are a few girls here in the Second Middle School who are not bad, like Xu Qian... Forget it, Chen Peng, the secretary's daughter, has reminded him several times and can't move.

But there are others!

He had all inquired, Jiang Yao in the third year of high school, Li Lin, and Yang Xiao in the second year of high school, I heard that they were all pretty good.

Although Jia Mingming hasn't seen anyone yet, he is very moved.

As for Zhou Lei, just be happy with a happy mouth, just play around.

And as Jia Mingming expected, although Zhou Lei refused to go out together, but was not in a hurry to return to the team, Jia Mingming and Chen Peng fell to the end of the team, demonstrating their status.

In fact, Jia Mingming didn't know that Zhou Lei refused him and followed them because she was a little bit interested in Chen Peng.

And Chen Peng was really fascinated by Zhou Lei.

The little girl is from an average family, she is still generous, and kind and honest, which makes Chen Peng have a protective desire.

Of course, Jia Mingming's verbosity made Chen Peng very upset, but he didn't say anything, but kept a small account in his heart.


Just as there are small groups in the Second Middle School, Qi Lei also likes to get together in conspicuous positions.

The experimental middle school was also a beating. After a while, the three of them surrounded a circle of people, fell behind the large group, and came to the rostrum.

Jia Mingming also met Jiang Yao, one of the second middle school girls he missed.

I saw Wang Hong, the teaching director of the Experimental Middle School, had already taken the microphone from Jiang Yao.

Jia Mingming and the others looked at Jiang Yao on the stage, their eyes straightened.

"Hey, this girl is pretty good!"

Jiang Yao belongs to the kind of girl who is not so amazing, but is very eye-catching, and is very characteristic and very attractive.

Before, Coco Lee had also studied Jiang Yao’s facial features, small nose, small eyes, small round face, small mouth, none of them were too good, but it’s weird. Is it that good-looking?

Anyway, Jia Mingming has little insight, and has never seen this one.

"Who is this?"

Surrounded by a group of sophomores, they are not very familiar with the second and third year of high school, and they all shook their heads.

Finally, I found a third-year high school student who was familiar with the situation in the second middle school.

Jia Mingming was a little concerned, he didn't change his eyes when staring at Jiang Yao.

Xin said, you have to know and know when you look back.

Here, Wang Hong is assigning classes.

From the third year of high school, which class is on the third floor and which class is on the fourth floor. When a class is clicked, the teacher will take away a class.

Qi Lei and the others are around the playground, watching the excitement.

Of course, in fact, they are not much better than Jia Mingming. Fang Bing, Dong Weicheng, and Tang Yi and Fu Jiang who came over are also looking at girls.

Basically, "The quality is not good!"

Tang Xiaoyi was a little bit sly, "I haven't seen anything beautiful?"

Anyway, the third year of high school looked over, and there was no one in Tang Xiaoyi's eyes.

Of course, it also attracted the contempt of everyone, "You are still a child, why do you care about this?"

Everyone knows that Tang Xiaoyi is not interested in women, he hasn't learned anything yet!

By the time Wang Hong was in the first grade of the second year of high school, everyone was a little serious.

It wasn't because there were pretty girls in the first class, but when Wang Hong directed the first class to the classroom in the main building, it was the team led by the experimental vice-principal Ma, and there were eight people behind him.


Tang Xiaoyi frowned, "Is this group of people missing?"

Qi Lei was also surprised, "How come there are only eight people? Isn't the first class top experimental class? There are so few people?"

However, the well-informed Li Weibing wailed, "I don't know, right? Experiment 1 is not the top class, the experimental top classes are the second and third classes."




Everyone had a forehead number, and only heard Li Weibing say: "The first class is called Qingbei Class."

"What the hell?"

Tang Xiaoyi was not calm, "Qingbei Class?"

Li Weibing, "This class is the top class selected from the top class."

Tang Xiaoyi, "Eight before school?"

Li Weibing, "The first eight may not be able to get in."

He curled his lips and said: "We can't say how they picked it. Anyway, the performance is only one aspect."

"It is said that this class has six classes a day, and the other time is for self-study. However, there is no half-day holiday on weekends, and no monthly leave."

"Moreover, the progress is different from other classes. I heard that the first semester of the second semester of high school has been completed."

"Their head teacher is Principal Ma, and the goal is to go to Tsinghua University and Peking University."



Everyone who listened was grinning, "Is it so wild?"

As soon as Qi Lei heard the name of the Qingbei class, he probably understood what was going on. There were many situations like this in later generations, and there was nothing special.

How about special, is there a class of only eight people? If Qi Lei were to be stuffed in, he would be crazy, and he would die.

Stabbed Xu Xiaoqian next to him, and joked, "Is this class suitable for you!"

The top class in the top class, and it should be the kind of student with strong autonomy. If Xu Xiaoqian doesn't go to this class, then the status of studying God will be challenged!

But she didn't want to, Xu Xiaoqian curled her lips, her big eyes were full of disdain, "What fancy, it's over!"

When everyone heard it, they grinned and gave a thumbs up, "Domineering!"

And Xu Xiaoqian pressed her hand very modestly, "Low-key, low-key! Don't applaud, don't scream!!"

Everyone: "..."

Xu Xiaoqian is also getting more and more dishonest, everyone calls this "Petrochemical".

Well, more and more like Reviver.


There is nothing to see in the second grade, and there are not many good-looking girls.

Occasionally there are one or two amazing, but that's the case.

In general, the experiment failed.

Everyone also paid attention to the specific situation of the second experiment class, after all, they will be neighbors in the future.

It’s just that the results of the investigation were not satisfied, and the boys agreed that, “It’s worse than our class!”

Xu Xiaoqian heard, "Don't say that, after all, it's a top class!"

Zhao Xuetong also agreed, "I think you are just floating, and your grades should not be bad."




Boys look at me, I look at you, Sanbingzi smiled at Xu Xiaoqian, "Xu Qian, you have to think divergently."

Qi Xuefeng also shook his head to Zhao Xuetong, "You don't understand me more and more!"

Xu Xiaoqian and Zhao Xuetong were inexplicable, "Is there something wrong?"

What they are talking about is facts, and you can't be blindly arrogant. The top class is not comparable to the fourteenth class.

Until Qi Lei said, "They are talking about girls' beauty!"

Funny? Who said the results?

Xu Xiaoqian: "..."

Zhao Xuetong: "..."

Really speechless.

Zhao Xuetong has a toothache, "You boys can't think of something else? Three sentences are the same!"

As a result, Fang Bing came up with an incomparable and venomous sentence, "Have fun, you are all covered by Xu Xiaoqian's light."

Zhao Xuetong didn't understand what was going on at first, but when she looked back, hey, this means that if there is no Xu Xiaoqian in our fourteenth class, the girls will not be able to compare to other classes?

As a result, Fang Bing almost didn't let the girl from Class 14 be killed.

Next, Qi Lei organized people to the teacher's office to move back the textbooks for the second year of high school and send them out.

The head teacher and the teachers of each class have an annual meeting, so the students will be fine.

However, unlike in the first year of high school, everyone did not rush to leave. They talked about troubles in the class, and then separated after lunch.

The classes in the experiment were similar to those in No. 2 Middle School. The textbooks were issued and the teachers left, and all the sheep were kept.


Jia Mingming had nothing to do. He wandered from the main building to the west school building to look for Chen Peng. He also brought a boy named Jin Zhe behind him.

Chen Peng called Zhou Lei and several other boys and girls who played well.

"Go, let you get to know some new buddies."

It's the same as the second middle school is his home court.

However, it is indeed like a home court, at least in the second year of high school a bit of fame, Chen Peng knows them all.

First, I went to the commissary and picked up a bag of drinks, then went to Class 17, and called out the finances in the name of water delivery.

"Honesty boy" Finance originally didn't want to come out, Chen Peng, this person, Finance doesn't like it very much.

However, Chen Peng's father is the leader of the tax bureau, and he always brings Chen Peng to his home during the New Year. The two of them are considered to know each other, and they come out because of face.

Chen Peng is naturally even more embarrassed when finances give face.

"Introduce everyone, Finance, my brother, his dad is our mayor of Shangbei."

The finances were a little unhappy, "What do you say about this?"

Saying hello to a group of people, and chatting with Chen Peng a few more words, it is considered to give Chen Peng enough face.

When Jia Mingming and Zhou Lei saw that Chen Peng and the mayor's son were able to speak, they naturally took a look at Chen Penggao.

After a while, Chen Peng said to look for Cheng Lele, Fu Jiang, and Xu Qian to say hello and send warmth.

Finance also happens to send Qi Lei summer homework.

Okay, I haven't finished my fiscal summer homework, so I took Qi Lei's copy.

So, I also accompany Chen Peng.

Then I found Cheng Lele in Class 19 and Fu Jiang in Class 21.

The situation is similar to that of finances. My parents are all colleagues, and I have seen them. I talked about it, and I have to show some face.

Moreover, the two schools have merged. In the future, if you look up and see you lowered your head, it is rarely said that you are not pleasing to your eyes, and you will be dealt with. In most cases, it is still friendly, and Chen Peng can be regarded as a bond.

Although Chen Peng is a bit pretentious, but whether his finances are good, Cheng Lele or Fu Jiang, not only does he not know, but he also has to help Chen Peng to pretend to be mutually beneficial.

That is, Lu Xiaoshuai and Jiang Haiyang didn't look at them, otherwise...otherwise they have to find a seam to get in.

They were swaying about a year ago, thinking they were awesome, opening their mouths and shutting their mouths was the relationship, isn't it just this beating?

Chen Peng is exactly what they were in that year.

As a result, let Qi Leizhi be submissive, and now no one mentions those that are missing.

By the time I arrived at Class 14, it was almost eleven o'clock.

At this moment, Qi Lei was not in the class, and went to the podium to pick up Jiang Yao's class. "Lone Star Tears" in the loud speaker for a while, and "Sad 1999" for a while, that's what Qi Lei did.

When they arrived at the gate of Class Fourteen, they didn't use finance and Fu Jiang to come forward. Chen Peng grabbed the gate of Class Fourteen by himself and took a big step forward.

After confirming Xu Xiaoqian's position, he beckoned over there, "Xu Qian!"

Xu Xiaoqian looked up and saw him, followed by Finance, Fu Jiang, and Cheng Lele, and immediately understood what was going on.

Chanran smiled and greeted as he walked out the door, "Welcome to the second middle school!"

Walking to the door, Chen Peng didn't mean to quit. Xu Xiaoqian had to pretend that he hadn't noticed. Stepping outside the classroom, she smiled and said, "Just say you have to come over, you are waiting!"

These words gave Chen Peng a lot of face, and Jia Mingming and Zhou Lei behind him, as well as the group of experimenters, were all dumbfounded.

Xu Xiaoqian is very white, with agile features and almost no blemishes.

Coupled with short hair, it is stunning and at the same time playful, an indescribable temperament.

Let alone Jia Mingming and the others, Qi Lei didn't hold it back then!

The difference is that Qi Lei looked greedy, and then started.

And Jia Mingming and the others didn't even have the courage to start.

Take Jia Mingming for example, the girl is really good, good enough to explode. However, he dared to talk about Jiang Yao, but he had not yet found the daughter who was worried about the secretary.

And Zhou Lei just sighed, this girl is so temperamental, her aura is really strong, she has no other thoughts, even jealousy can't be mentioned, only envy is left.

Speaking of a little bit of business, with Xu Xiaoqian's family and looks, Zhou Lei didn't even have the thought of comparing.

Zhou Lei also saw Lu Xiaoshuai, Jiang Haiyang and Zhang Xinyu in the class. The previous incident gave her a kind of detached pleasure.

Deliberately glanced at Lu Xiaoshuai provocatively, meaning that you guys are good, but I am not bad!

Lu Xiaoshuai was inexplicably, why is this silly lady staring at me?

Well, Zhou Lei is still Zhou Lei one year ago, but Lu Xiaoshuai is no longer the Lu Xiaoshuai one year ago.

A year ago, he would stare back, and even actively post it. Even if he didn't make friends with Chen Peng, he had to show his relationship with Finance and Xu Qian.

This is what Lu Xiaoshuai called maturity a year ago.

But now, Lu Xiaoshuai can't do it anymore, it's boring.

After spending a year with Qi Lei and the others, Lu Xiaoshuai understood what maturity is, and he was very calm.

At first glance, I knew that these were all people who came to "worship the pier", and if you said it was not good, it was just for flattering.

What am I going to do? are you crazy?

When you get along with Finance and Fu Jiang, you just open your mouth to curse, and you stretch out your hands to dig your crotch. You can only call it fawning.

Lu Xiaoshuai didn't lift his eyelids.

But Zhou Lei and Chen Peng didn't think so. They felt that they were awesome. There were so many people with them on the first day of entering the second middle school, demonstrating their status.

Especially Zhou Lei, she thought that Chen Peng was already a face, but when she met Xu Xiaoqian and Finance, she realized that they were nothing in the experiment. This was Shang Bei's top circle.

Suddenly, Zhou Lei became very talkative and very pleasing, and personally picked two bottles of light for Xu Qian and Cheng Lele from Chen Peng's drink pocket.

Xu Qian was also very generous. After thanking him, she opened it and took a sip.

She is indeed a little thirsty.

On the whole, the atmosphere is fairly harmonious, even if Chen Peng blew and coaxed, he opened his mouth and closed his mouth, "We can be regarded as meeting teachers in the second high school, and we will be able to get together more easily in the future."

Everyone didn't hear it.

Even if Jia Mingming hinted that his dad was doing a lot of business in Harbin from time to time, "Wait for the holiday on November, let my driver take us for a tour, you choose the place, and I will pay for it!"

Everyone pursed their lips and smiled, not taking it seriously.

There is neither impatience nor disgust.

It's not that these people don't hate it, but it's unnecessary.


The turning point came from a refined electric pole that flashed past everyone.

Zhou Lei recognized it at a glance and pointed to Fang Bing, "You are not..."

Fang Bing had just returned from the commissary, but he did not expect to meet Zhou Lei here, his eyes rolled, "You, you!"

Finance is puzzled, "Do you know?"

But Fang Bing winked at Xu Xiaoqian with his back, "What are you asking?"

Randomly explained: "A few days ago, you weren't there. Ercheng and I met once in front of the main building."

Financially looked at Fang Bing meaningfully. To tell the truth, I didn't understand. What winks are you making?

As everyone knows, Fang Bing is in a hurry. He hasn't seen Zhou Lei standing in front of the 14th class, otherwise he would rather jump the window and return to class instead of passing here.

Haven't you seen Xu Xiaoqian here? He is afraid that the black history of the head of the class will be known by the wife of the class.

Don't look at him, he is usually not afraid of big things, and he is arrogant, but there is still a sense of loyalty, and his "loyalty" to the team leader cannot be questioned.

Although Finance and Fu Jiang didn't know what Fang Bing meant, they stopped talking based on the principle of saying less and making mistakes.

However, Zhou Lei found the topic and explained to a few people who did not understand the situation, "I visited the Second High School with Cai Lili and Hou Xiaodong a few days ago. I happened to meet it and I had a few conversations."

Chen Peng understood immediately after hearing that he and Cai Lili were in the same class. He had heard the woman with a long tongue talk about it all morning, and it was today.

Looking at Fang Bing is also very meaningful, and my heart said, this is the one who has hatred with Qi Lei? That would be interesting.


In fact, Chen Peng visited the wharf in a circle, but three people were missing, Qi Lei, Wu Ning, and Tang Yi. These three are also more famous in the second middle school.

It wasn't that he was not deaf during the experiment. On the contrary, the news was still well-informed. Knowing that the three elder brothers were mixed in the second middle school, the reputation was not even worse than that of Finance and Fu Jiang.

Of course, it's just a fur, I don't know how good the three brothers are, let alone Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian.

Anyway, the main reason for pretending not to know was Zhou Lei.

Qi Lei chased after Zhou Lei. After Zhou Lei refused, the two seemed to have trouble with each other. It can be said that everyone knew about it in the experiment.

Even, it was learned from Fang Bing that Qi Lei had found a friend of the ugly girl, and it was widely spread within a few days.

No way, this is the case these days, there is often such a mess of gossip in the school.

And this is pretty good, even rumors such as those who have a big belly and who are PX, even if they come from groundless sources, can still be passed on.

And Qi Lei's rumors are a pleasure to put in the ears of others, but Chen Peng can't ignore it.

Don't forget, he likes Zhou Lei!

Therefore, Chen Peng is so anxious to win contacts, there are reasons for this.

There are also reasons for keeping a distance with Na Ge San.

Anyway, I think a lot.


Next, Fang Bing didn't want to stay too much, and hurriedly entered the class, but the topic was left behind.

When Jia Mingming saw Zhou Lei and Chen Peng's expressions, he knew that they were holding things back!

But, I don’t know yet, so I hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

Chen Peng smiled mysteriously, "Stop asking, we just came, don't cause trouble!"

It's okay if he doesn't say that, Jia Mingming is even more anxious when he hears it, so there are all the people with good looks and fears?

"What the **** is going on? Say!"

Zhou Lei also persuaded at this time, "Oh, don't ask, it's all from the past!"

Jia Ming was happy, "It's passable, it's hard to pass, so let's not have the final say!"

But Fu Jiang, Finance, and Cheng Lele heard it out. Is this something with the head of the team?

Finance and Fu Jiang glanced at each other, and said to their hearts, what's wrong with this? Haven't heard of Qi Lei's feud with the experiment? Do you want to make peace?

Here, Jia Mingming is still constantly pressing questions, but neither Chen Peng nor Zhou Lei wants to talk.

In the end, there was really no way, Zhou Lei suddenly said to Xu Xiaoqian: "Qi Lei is in your class, right? We said behind him that he is not very good."

I saw Xu Xiaoqian smile brightly, and when he was about to reply decently, Cheng Lele came out, "It's okay, let's talk, that guy is very thick-skinned, who hasn't scolded him behind his back!"

"Huh?" Chen Peng was taken aback, "Is the relationship so bad?"

Cheng Lele sneered, "Well, you can tell me first, what's the matter? It's mysterious."

Cheng Lele doesn't want to make peace. When it doesn't matter, he will give you Chen Peng's face, but when it comes to his own person, I'm sorry, Cheng Lele is faster than turning a book.

These people are just like singing double reeds. You and I are here, fools can hear them. They didn't hold their farts. Of course, Cheng Lele had to come out.

"Say! What nasty things did I hear that guy did?"

When Chen Peng heard this, he finally opened his mouth, "Hey! I thought you had something to do with him. It's hard to say if you are all friends, as if we like to pay attention to who."

Looking at Zhou Lei, seeing her head down, she already acquiesced, "That's it. When Qi Lei chased Zhou Lei when he was a beginner, you all came from the first middle school, don't you know?"


Cheng Lele, Finance, and Fu Jiang all stared, and the first reaction was to look at Xu Xiaoqian.

Xu Xiaoqian only frowned slightly, and it was fleeting, and it seemed that there was not much reaction.

Over there, Chen Peng continued to look embarrassed, "This was a bad thing at the time. Zhou Lei originally planned to go to the second high school. After all, she is the junior high school of the second high school."

"But because of this, I didn't dare to stay in the second middle school, so I went to the experiment."

At this time, Zhou Lei interrupted Chen Peng's words, "Oh! Don't you tell me what I'm not allowed to say?"

Quickly said to Xu Xiaoqian and the finances: "Don't take it to your heart, it's all the past."

Compassionately said: "I stayed in the experiment pretty well, and, I heard, Qi Lei is also a friend?"

"That's what the tall guy in your class said just now! Then since you have friends, it means you are all over! So don't mention it, it's not good for anyone."



Finance and Fu Jiang thought that this girl was pretty good, and they couldn't fault her anywhere.

But now, I took a good look at Zhou Lei and re-examined it.

Xin said, girl, don't you mention that the entire experimental middle school knows it? Are you a little hypocritical?

The faces of the two changed immediately.

But Cheng Lele jokingly refused to let the two show it, "Talk about it! It's okay, keep talking!"

Chen Peng was completely relieved when he heard the words, the relationship between Qi Lei and this group of people should really be average, or even bad.

I can only say, how did it get mixed up? Is there anyone who speaks for him?

He chuckled and stopped covering: "Actually, Qi Lei's doing this thing is really not authentic, and he didn't consider Zhou Lei's feelings at all. It's not easy for the little girl to get off the stage."

Zhou Lei answered, "It's all said, it's over. It's not very good now. I heard that the girl he was with is not bad?"

puff! !

Chen Peng smiled, and a man with short hair is a good name?

"But how did I hear that the girl he was dealing with was not so good? It's too long to express!"

Looking at the few people in the second middle school, they were obviously ridiculing: "Is it a good personality? Or is the family rich?"

This is a bit explicit, and Cheng Lele is a little bit unable to hold on, and is about to explode.

But she didn't expect that Xu Xiaoqian nodded heavily, "Hmm!"

Chen Peng raised his eyebrows, "Guessed correctly?"

Xu Xiaoqian twitched her nose, "You guessed it!"

Chen Peng, "Then this person is really superb, what kind of picture? What about money? Or... just that kind of power?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "It's a must, that girl is black and ugly!"

Chen Peng, "Yes, tut..."

Zhou Lei also smiled and interjected, "Maybe people like it!"

Jia Mingming was even more happier, "Hey, how can I stop talking?"

Xu Xiaoqian nodded and smiled brighter, "Yes! But I like it, I don't know what he thinks!"

While speaking, he looked over the crowd and aimed at a figure on the playground.

Chen Peng and Zhou Lei also saw that Xu Xiaoqian's gaze was not on them, and when they followed their gaze, they saw a figure wearing a white shirt and jeans walking towards this side.

Chen Peng narrowed his eyes, which grandson is this? A little handsome.

However, Zhou Lei was a little lost. This was the first time she saw Qi Lei a year later, and she felt completely different from last year, more illusory than the halo Qi Lei in the alley last year.

Chen Peng, "Who is this?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Just the one Qi Lei who found a black and ugly man!"

Chen Peng was startled, and then smiled even more presumptuously, "Tsk, this makes sense, it's suitable for being a little boy!"


In the blink of an eye, Qi Lei had already arrived, yelling to everyone, "What are you doing here? It's time for dinner."

After holding back for a long time, Fu Jiang was finally able to speak, jokingly, without the decent and aura of just now.

Looking at Chen Peng, Qi Lei replied: "Waiting for a meal!"

Qi Lei heard, "Get out! I'm going to be your father soon!"

Finance was leaning forward, looking at Zhou Lei, and talking to Qi Lei, "Wu Xiaojian said that he would have a barbecue at noon? Then who is used to you!?"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes, "The dog is still your dog!"

No more scolding, after taking Xu Xiaoqian's drink, he raised his head and poured it.

Chen Peng: "..."

Zhou Lei: "..."

Jia Mingming: "..."

If you remember correctly, Xu Qian just drank it, you, how dare you drink it! ?

When Qi Lei was full, he had time to look at the somewhat sluggish experimental crowd.

Asked Xiang Finance: "Your friend?"

Finance laughed and introduced, "Chen Peng, Jia Mingming, Zhou Lei."

Qi Lei, Chen Peng, Jia Mingming, and a few others nodded. They said hello, except for Zhou Lei.

Zhou Lei hadn't recovered yet, and was a little bit angry by Qi Lei's neglect, and said with a smile, "Old classmate, why do you pretend not to know you?"

Seeing Qi Lei bared his teeth, "Hiss!"

Handed the water back to Xu Qian, looked directly at Zhou Lei, politely: "Don't we say yes? Never see you again! Can you keep your word?"

Zhou Lei's face flushed immediately, "You!"

But Qi Lei only treated her as air, and didn't say a word.

To Chen Peng and Jia Mingming bared his teeth, "Excuse me, we have to go to eat, we should have done our landlord friendship, but..."

Pointing at Zhou Lei, he said openly: "I had a period of unpleasantness with her, and it was strange to sit with her, so I won't be polite with you!"

After speaking, he roared into the class, "What's the point of watching the bustle? Let's go, work in the shop!"

There was a bang in the fourteenth class, and it exploded right away, with some laughing, some making trouble, and some Sahuan rushing out.

It was not until this time that Chen Peng and the others discovered that they didn't know when Class Fourteen started, and they were basically lying on the windowsill to watch the excitement. They looked ridiculous and full of mockery.

When he ran out of the classroom, even when men and women passed by Qi Lei, they left a sentence more or less:

"Squad leader, it's a waste again!"


"Look at this trouble, I'm going to lose weight at noon."


"The class leader's blindness is finally healed now..."


"Head of the team, you are lucky enough to have an idea! If this is successful in the first confession, it won't be **** for eight lifetimes?"


The thieves who said one by one felt distressed, but they ran to the shop faster than anyone else.

Chen Peng: "..."

Zhou Lei: "..."

Jia Mingming, "..."

Jia Mingming wanted to find a seam to get in, and really didn't want to be ashamed of following Chen Peng and Zhou Lei.

Until everyone was almost Qi Lei looked at Xu Xiaoqian, "Let's go!"

I saw Xu Xiaoqian smile at Chen Peng and the others, especially Zhou Lei, and said calmly, "It's nice to meet you, I have a chance to talk again!"

After finishing speaking, he proactively stretched out his slender palm towards Qi Lei, clasped his ten fingers as he saw Zhou Lei, Chen Peng and others watched him, and swayed away.

In a short while, the few people who were experimenting were left in front of the fourteenth class, and they didn't slow down when they arrived.

What is the situation? Don’t you say it’s a short-haired man? Don’t you say it’s the ugliest in the second middle school?

Damn it, this is what caused the refined electric pole?


Dali's waist has been unable to bear the rainy days recently.

And it's not just the back pain, the two legs of the crutches are sore, numb and painful, and the buttocks are unconscious.

I've been tortured for several days, and I'm really in no shape.

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