Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 135: Confusing time and space trajectory

This is terrifying!

Mother-in-law peeping at the screen?

Otherwise, how is this tone?

"Aunt Zhang?"

All right! It really is Zhang Nan. It's just that it's not a glimpse of the screen, but an upright "observation."

Time went back half an hour ago.

It is rare for the mother and daughter to go home so early, and Xu Wenliang has gone to the countryside. There are only two of them at home. Zhang Nan just made a little bit of noodles, and they didn’t even have the dinner table. They hugged them in Xu Qian’s room. Wan sat on the bed while eating noodles and chatting.

This is also Zhang Nan's brilliance. In Xu Xiaoqian's life, she not only plays the role of a mother, but also an enemy, a girlfriend, and a partner.

Even when Xu Xiaoqian is occasionally self-willed or inappropriate, she is not blindly preaching and opposing, but appropriate indulgence.

Just like now, my daughter is playing a rogue and doesn't want to go out. The average parent may have cursed, "What is it like to eat in bed?" and other preaching, has been lined up.

However, Zhang Nan just frowned and looked at Xu Xiaoqian for a while, then the style of painting changed, "I'm used to you once!"

Then he brought the noodles into the room and indulged with Xu Xiaoqian.

It not only satisfied the daughter's willfulness, but also explained it in the subtext, only this time.

And even if Xu Xiaoqian is witty, how can he beat the old fox's little tricks?

Not only satisfies the little gratification of being spoiled by my mother, but also opens my heart invisibly.

She also relaxed about some of the topics that were usually more vigilant, so that she and Qi Lei, as well as the group of people, also had no reservations.

Originally, Zhang Nan was the only parent who knew their little secrets.

Moreover, Zhang Nan's performance after knowing it made Xu Xiaoqian proud.

There is no random intervention, and they are even encouraged to make their own decisions and try them on their own.

If they change to another parent, not to mention their desire to control as a parent, the millions of assets will be enough for them to feel relieved and dictate.

This made Xu Xiaoqian a face in front of Qi Lei and her friends.

Therefore, to open the future group, Xu Xiaoqian did not carry Zhang Nan at all.

When looking through the chat records during the day, Xu Xiaoqian even showed off with Zhang Nan, "Look at it, your girl is surrounded by great people, and there is something serious about it!"

Zhang Nan is a bit speechless, but in this group, they are all her gold masters!

Before these people came to donate money, she took the opportunity to learn the little secrets of these monsters.

To be honest, Zhang Nan was only briefly astonished, without too many other emotions, and even a little proud.

It's normal for my own girl, and the **** kid who is trying to please.

However, the mood is suddenly different now.

These grateful donors and girls chatted and laughed in a group, opening their mouths and shutting up is to dominate an industry and lead a technology.

There are some topics that she can't understand at all as a teacher.

This made Zhang Nan suddenly realize that she taught her daughters and Qi Lei every day, what kind of pattern, what kind of thinking, and as a result, the pattern of these children is already so big, even more visionary than her own.

Really sigh, even a little bit disappointed.

Of course, we still have to talk about skipping classes.

"what's up?"

With noodles hanging on the corner of Xu Xiaoqian's mouth, she is also speechless, Zhang Jian, ah, Zhang Jian, what are you talking about! ?

I could only smile and try to get confused, "No! I didn't miss a few lessons!"

Why is Zhang Nan so unbelievable?

Staring at Xu Xiaoqian and looking at the screen again, when Qi Lei typed "Aunt Zhang", he just sneered, "He reacted very quickly!"

"But!" The conversation turned around, staring at Xu Xiaoqian, "It is absolutely impossible to skip class, you must explain clearly today!"

And Qi Lei across the computer screen, when he saw the word Aunt Zhang type out, he didn't respond for a long time, and he knew immediately, Xu Xiaoqian, dangerous!

What's this! ? Save the field!

Eyeballs rolled, "Aunt Zhang, what is your OICQ number? I'll pull you into the group!"

It was purely to reduce the intensity of firepower on Xu Xiaoqian's side.

And Zhang Nan was really attracted by this sentence and pulled me into the group? What group am I in?

She gave Xu Xiaoqian a fierce look, and then struck out a sentence, "No, you can't participate as a teacher in your business affairs."

The implication is that I came in a bit out of place and not suitable.

However, Qi Lei just waited for his mother-in-law to reply, not afraid that you would refuse, but afraid that you would not say anything.

Reading what Zhang Nan said, he hurriedly typed, "Aunt Zhang, this is not a business group! This is the future group, to put it bluntly, it is the brains of a few of us."

"Led by Lao Nan and Uncle Geng, everyone in the group gives us ideas and controls the direction!"

As soon as this statement came out...

Old Nan, "???"

Uncle Geng, "???"

Brother Xiao Ma, "???"

Zhang Jian, "..."

Station Master Ning, "..."

Zhou Tao, "..."

Those who ask the question mark are a little confused. When have I been so noble?

And the ellipsis...

This Qi Lei did everything to please the old mother-in-law.

Is this also utterable? We all work for you. Who controls whose direction?

However, the boss has already said that, as a qualified employee, an excellent employee, holding the stinky feet is a necessary skill.

Immediately, Zhang Jian, Station Master Ning, and Zhou Tao started.

Zhou Tao, "Hello, Principal Zhang! Shitou is right. Look at Uncle Geng, Shitou has only talked about friendship and never talked about business."

Zhang Jian, "Hello, Principal Zhang! Shitou is right. Look at Mr. Nan, the boss of the support is like the grandson of the support, never discussing business."

Station Master Ning, "Hello, Principal Zhang! Shitou is right. Look at Mr. Ma, the boss is like a grandson, and he never talks about business."

Uncle Geng, "..."

Old Nan, "..."

Brother Xiao Ma, "???"

A bunch of people are holding stinky feet and gagging, and no one can keep it away!

Finally, Zhang Nan “reluctantly” registered an OICQ account and joined the future group.

Well, the pattern of the mother-in-law went up again, and it was not so uncomfortable.

It's just that Zhang Nan didn't realize it until he left Xu Xiaoqian's room. Didn't he say that he was skipping class? Why did you forget it?

Turning back to Xu Xiaoqian's room, watching the girl chatting with Qi Lei, "You are still great, the old fox just smirked!"

Zhang Nan almost ran away, holding back for a long time, but in the end he didn't say anything, and just coldly reminded Xu Xiaoqian, "Don't skip class!"


It was a matter of time for Zhang Nan to enter the group. This was in Qi Lei's plan, so there was no reluctance.

It would be a pity not to use the wisdom of the old mother-in-law.

I didn't pull her into the group during the showdown with Zhang Nan before. In fact, it was another level of consideration, that is... my mother Guo Lihua.

In the past year, Guo Lihua has basically no sense of existence, and has even become a bit decoupled from Qi Lei's life.

There are two reasons for being proactive:

One is that my father Qi Guojun was too busy, and Qi Lei was very competitive when he went to high school. Guo Lihua's main energy was to stare at Qi Guojun.

The second reason is that Guo Lihua is also seeking progress.

In the previous life, in the process of the corporatization of the grain depot, Guo Lihua competed for the deputy general manager of Shangbei Branch and lost to his neighbor Yang Daqiang.

To put it bluntly, Qi Lei was in a vocational high school in his previous life, and there is basically no future. Guo Lihua has been the director of the administrative office for more than ten years, and suddenly wants to go further.

In this life, even though his son has gained strength and her husband has started a business, it stands to reason that Guo Lihua should not have the desire to compete.

However, she has no desires, it is an ordinary woman, just Guo Lihua's quick temper and energetic character, coupled with the sudden layoff of the head of the family, makes her more willing to concentrate on her career.

In addition, Guo Lihua was a man who refused to admit defeat and was full of fighting spirit.

Therefore, in Qi Lei's life, Guo Lihua is more enthusiastic about the restructuring of the grain depot than in the previous life.

Moreover, Yang Daqiang was not a threat to her, unlike her previous life.

Yes, the trajectory of time and space in this life is not just Qi Lei's enthusiasm. The rumored relationship between Qi Guojun's entrepreneurship and secretary Xu Wenliang makes Guo Lihua very confident.

Even if Yang Daqiang used some methods to clear up some relationships, in the past six months, he has been promoted from the general inspector of the laboratory to the position of the section chief, which is inevitable for the deputy general manager.

However, Guo Lihua has nothing to do with it, and it is inevitable.

During this period of time, Guo Lihua focused all his energy on the grain depot, and took care of Qi Guojun after work. There was no time to talk to Qi Lei at all.

To put it awkwardly, she hasn't called Qi Lei for more than half a month. Qi Lei's grades and living conditions were all learned from Cui Yumin.

Cui Yumin knows that she is high-spirited, and she always advises her, "Don't worry about your children! Those children can be taken care of by Qi Lei, don't worry, you can rest assured!"

As a result, Qi Lei and Guo Lihua, the mother and son, have not communicated well for a long time.

However, the problem came, Guo Lihua couldn't take care of Qi Lei, but Qi Lei had to consider the feelings of her mother.

Still the same sentence, just the character of the mother, if she knows that Qi Lei has done so many things behind her back, she can beat Qi Lei.

Qi Lei could imagine what the rhetoric was when playing.

"Am I your mother? Am I your mother!? Dare to hide it from me!? Dare to hide it from me!?"

However, if you let your mother know that Qi Lei did these things, your mother didn't know, but the mother-in-law knew, then it was not beating Qi Lei, Guo Lihua would have to smoke her own big ears.

One is self-blame, the other is jealousy, and the third is loss.

So what Qi Lei thought was: This group of moms will definitely know in the future, because he has to bring in Dad, Dad Tang, and Dad Wu.

When my mother knows, she can take her mother-in-law in again, so she can feel better.

However, if it happens by chance, there is no other way. You can only think of a relatively gentle way to make your mother feel better when the truth is revealed.

The news of Park Zhenghao was half a month later, at that time, Qi Lei and the others had officially started classes.

The reply to Zhang Jian was: "I contacted the senior executives at the company. They do have the willingness to expand into the Chinese market. However, as I said before, only the game agency is authorized. The server architecture solution is the company's core technology and cannot be authorized. "

In this regard, Zhang Jian is secretly amused, and the server plan that Lao Tzu has made will throw you off eight streets.

Quietly, "Well, let me talk to the boss."

But when he heard that Park Zhenghao smiled, "This is not in a hurry. The main thing is, how do you plan to talk about this agency?"

Zhang Jian frowned, "You can talk as you want? You can talk to Korea or you can come to China to talk."

"Either fax an offer, or talk frankly and frankly after meeting."

Park Zhenghao heard, "Oh, well, you can talk to your boss first and see how to talk."

After finishing speaking, Park Zhenghao didn't talk about the old days. He hung up the phone, and Zhang Jian was a little inexplicable.

In the evening, Qi Lei went to self-study at night, and when he opened the group at the Sanshi Internet Cafe, Zhang Jiancai briefly described the conversation with Park Zhenghao.

The final conclusion is, "I didn't understand the meaning of their company a bit. Since there is an intention, why should we ask us how to talk?"

Regarding this, whether Brother Xiao Ma or Tao Zhou, including the stationmaster Ning, several people who can speak for themselves in business didn't understand.

Brother Xiao Ma guessed, "Is it because the other side is asking for a high-priced agency fee, waiting for us to quote first?"

In fact, Qi Lei didn't know much about business routines. He rushed over this way. He was indeed quite wise, but he still used the advantages of the rebirth. He basically had no experience in this kind of business game where rebirth would not have much effect.

It just faintly felt that something was wrong, but it wasn't the key.

And today, Uncle Geng is not there yet, there is a meal.

Can only say: "Don't worry, wait a few days, and discuss with Uncle Geng first."

Brother Xiao Ma, "Yes, right! Uncle Geng is the best at this matter. I happen to be negotiating a contract with the server leasing party, and I have to ask Uncle Geng too!"

Normally, this thing just passed, and everything will be discussed after listening to Uncle Geng's opinion.

But Qi Lei didn't expect that he ignored someone, and his mother-in-law was still in the group!

Zhang Nan suddenly said, "@小健健, obediently, your classmate should want a rebate."




This is not a question of intelligence, but a question of experience.

Zhang Nan himself is in that position and next to Xu Wenliang. What hasn't he seen before?

Qi Lei sighed sincerely, "Gao! A word to wake up the dreamer!"

Wu Xiaojian, Tang Xiaoyi and Yang Xiao sitting beside them.

Wu Ning: "High! The principal is the principal!"

Tang Yi, "High! Really high!"

Yang Xiao, "Gao! Aunt Zhang is Aunt Zhang!"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Mom is domineering!"

Zhang Nan was a little speechless. Since joining the group, these children have become more and more diligent in flattering.

In fact, during this period of time, although Zhang Nan joined the group, he was not familiar with a few other people, and did not want to put pressure on Qi Lei and the others, so he basically did not talk in the group, just as a spectator.

Had Lao Geng not been here today, she wouldn't have said this.

However, since you have spoken, let's just say it to the end!

"Let's test Park Zhenghao's intentions first! If he wants a rebate, and after agreeing to give him a rebate, he is still vague, that means there are other problems."

Qi Lei: "???"

Brother Xiao Ma, "???"

Xiao Jianjian, "I'll call him now!"

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and Zhang Jian couldn't wait.

Ordinarily, Park Zhenghao shouldn't be such a chicken thief, right? Such a good classmate in university, now such a cheap one? Just let him ask, thinking about rebates?

Well, Xiao Jianjian is still simple.

After the phone call, Park Zhenghao didn't expect Zhang Jian to call so late. He was a little unpleasant, "Old classmate, there is still something to do at this late? What can I say tomorrow?"

Zhang Jian didn't speak, and he pondered for a long while.

According to his character, he asked directly, do you want a kickback?

However, after all matters are important, Zhang Jian still has to exercise restraint.

Calm down, "That's it. I just communicated with our boss. The boss meant that if you do such a big favor, I don't know how to thank you."

"Let me ask, do you have any difficulties on your side? Our company is willing to help solve it. Please do not let you help in vain!"

As soon as he said this, there was a long silence on the other end of the phone, and then there was a totally different attitude from Park Zhenghao to the previous one.

"Are you polite? Too polite! I am embarrassed to make it. But thank you boss for me, rest assured, I will do my best to help."

In a word, it is equivalent to verifying Zhang Nan's judgment that Park Zhenghao is indeed asking for a rebate.

After saying a few more words, Zhang Jian hung up the phone, and whether to give the rebate or not, how to give it specifically is not what he can think of clearly.

Putting down the phone, Zhang Jian typed a little heavy, "Zhang Xiao is right, he is asking for a rebate!"

Qi Lei, "..."

Little Ma, "..."

Brother Xiao Ma is very active at this time, and the process of Qi Lei's growth is also the process of his growth! Not to mention Zhang Nan, he is also confused!

Brother Xiao Ma, "That's easy. Give him a small amount of money."

The rebate is a shame, and it's a bit over-the-line, but it's normal in this day and age.

Qi Lei thought so too, "Let him make a price, it's all easy to talk about."

Qi Lei also breathed a sigh of relief. The personal rebate was the smallest price. There were hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands to kill him.

But he didn't want to, Zhang Nan spoke again at this time, "Except for the rebate, he didn't say anything else?"

Zhang Jian stagnated, "No!"

Zhang Nan, "I didn't say specifically whether to let you go to South Korea to talk, or how to talk? Didn't reveal a little bit of intention there?"

Zhang Jian, "No, just said a few words that are useless and hung up. If it's a specific thing, talk slowly."

Zhang Nan, "Then it's not just a question of rebates."

The following words are from Qi Lei, "You have to be prepared, there may be competitors."

When Qi Lei Jing Zhangnan reminded him, he was a little awake and hurriedly said: "You mean, they are a little too in a hurry?"

Zhang Nan: "I don't know commercial negotiation skills. You have to ask Uncle Geng about this."

"However, if they just want to hold you, they will not just ask for an intention and let you wait for half a month. It should give you the intention first, and then let you wait for half a month."

"Let you wait for half a month, the most likely is this half a month, or before you, someone has already given them the temptation to enter the domestic market."

At this moment, Uncle Geng, who returned from the dinner, suddenly said, "What rebate is for him? This is more complicated. Just send the letter of intent to cooperate with the Korean company!"

"I guess it's not a competitor. You hit someone's gun this time!"

Qi Lei, "..."

Competitor? Not one yet?

Qi Lei was lost in thought. Who is UU reading No, Shanda hasn't come to the surface of the earth yet, and even Wemade hasn't come out yet. Who is the competitor?

However, Qi Lei ignored a detail. This time and space had already deviated from the original time and space, and it was Qi Lei himself that caused all this.

Do you remember the thing that May Qi Lei did?

My rabbit's series of measures to deal with the crisis have led to the frustrated European capital, not like a previous life, a brainstorming flow into the United States.

A considerable part of the investment capital has also been attracted by the Internet policy issued by our rabbit and transferred to the country!

This has also resulted in that quite a few Internet companies in this space-time have been favored by capital in advance, and they have exerted their efforts ahead of time!

Qi Lei is not the only company that is interested in making games. It is with big money in his hands and casts a net in the game industry, and it is not just a grand game for future generations!



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