Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 160: War Book

It's too late, your sister-in-law is asleep and can't bear to wake her up, so there is no proofreading yet.

I know someone is waiting, so let's post it first.

I didn't have the energy to proofread the manuscript. I wrote too much today. When I revised the manuscript, my mind was already awkward and my fingers were not at my disposal.

So there should be a lot of typos. Just look at it, knowing the general meaning, and she will get up tomorrow morning to change it.

Good night.


Jin Yongmin's counterattack came suddenly, but it was also expected.

As Qi Lei said, see who can't hold back first.

Three Stone Company holds the traffic killer of the navigation network, but it has been slow to move. In fact, everyone with a sense of sight knows it well...

What are you waiting for? What is waiting is the next wave of offensive by the three companies.

In this regard, Jin Yongmin, Jiang Mingsheng and Harold are also aware of this.

And the GP League has already thought out a countermeasure...

Isn't the navigation network claimed to be absolutely fair and just? Isn't it the one that does not engage in queuing bidding?

Once the navigation network starts to promote their own games, they can attack the public opinion against the behavior of the navigation network to eat their words and get fat.


Three Stone Company has never given them this opportunity, and the navigation network has been enduring...

Jin Yongmin, who is tolerant, feels uncomfortable with constipation every day! !

In the end, Jin Yongmin finally lost his breath. Seeing that the network data of "Legend" is getting better every day, even breaking 10, Jin Yongmin knows that if it is delayed, even if the shot may be of little use...


GP League, the ultimate move against the launch of "Legend" has finally come.

In fact, Jin Yongmin's attack began on the 15th, but... it didn't start from mainland China.

Rather, it originated in South Korea.

January 15, 2000, which was the day before.

Actoz suddenly released an announcement on the official website of Hanbok for the two games it operates-"Red Moon" and "Legend".

This update is to add a full 100M game patch.

Don't underestimate this 100M, in this era, there are very few such big patches.

It is aimed at a major technical loophole in the two games.

This makes Hanbok players quite inexplicable? Loopholes? What loophole?

Haven't waited for everyone to read and understand the specific patch instructions.

Actoz also published an apology simultaneously on its company website and the official websites of the two games.

There is no concealment in the article that due to technical negligence, the two games have major security risks in the login port, which may cause illegal players to exploit loopholes, modify the game mechanism, and cause damage to the game balance.

To put it bluntly, it will give the "plug-in" a chance to take advantage of it. Although there are no loopholes, there are opportunities for plug-ins.

Anyway, Actoz deeply regrets this and apologizes to all "Red Moon" and "Legend" players, and provides welfare compensation in the game.

At the end of the apology statement, Actoz pointed out that this update is only for Hanbok, Japanese, Taiwanese, and "Red Moon" servers in mainland China.

Does not include the mainland version of "Legend"! !

And this apology statement is worthy of fun.


At the beginning, Tang Yi approached Jin Yongmin with the cracked client and threatened that a technician from Three Stone Company had cracked the encryption program.

Tang Yi's statement can only be a way of getting rid of responsibility in the law, and really fooling Jin Yongmin is basically a foolish dream.

Well, Actoz and Kim Yongmin are not clubs either...

After going back, just think about it a little bit, and you will understand that this is impossible! !

There are several encryption algorithms commonly used in the world, not to mention that a hacker who is a genius can crack it, let alone a "programmer's dog".

Even if it can be cracked, a huge amount of computing power and time is required. It's not that a few people can do it with a few laptops in a hotel.

So it is easy to overturn Tang Yi's lie, the only possibility is that Actoz's client itself has loopholes that they haven't discovered. Give Three Stone Company a chance.

So Jin Yongmin returned to South Korea. The first thing he did was to conduct a self-check on the legendary client data, and he found the loophole hidden in the lander as he wished! !

At that time, Jin Yongmin was really scared into a cold sweat! !

Because I am afraid!

Once this loophole can't be found and it is spread out, then the legendary game is basically abandoned!

What's more frightening is that "Legend" and "Red Moon" are actually under the same structure, with a different skin!

The lander design of "Red Moon" is the same as the legend! ! This loophole also exists!

This is an abolition of the rhythm of the two games.

Fortunately, although loopholes are very harmful, it does not require too cumbersome engineering to make up for loopholes.

Actoz quickly fixed this vulnerability...

It’s just that Jin Yongmin has been dragging the game and has not officially updated the game patch...

It’s time to wait for it to come out, even with a statement of apology for the player, which naturally has a deep meaning.

On the face of it, Actoz is a humiliation, publicizing his own problems, which may cause loss of reputation.

But in fact, for Actoz, there are few negative effects.

Economically, this loophole has not been exploited and there is no loss.

In terms of reputation, it also depends on how you operate.

Just like now, because of Actoz's self-reflection and in-game compensation, it has bought a wave of people's hearts.

Players of Hanbok, Japanese and Taiwanese have praised Actoz’s statement, believing that this is the responsible attitude of the game company and deserves praise.

Moreover, the loopholes did not cause any impact on the players, and they can still be compensated, so why not do it?

However, having said that, the Korean and Japanese servers did not cause any impact, and that is another matter in the mainland.

The last sentence of the statement is not something Korean and Japanese players care about...

It has a different meaning for mainland players! !

The statement was issued on the 15th. On the morning of the 16th, Sohu, Tom and other websites that have advertising cooperation with Actoz received the GP alliance's promotional manuscripts.

The content is in response to Actoz’s statement on its official website of Hanbok! !

As soon as he got the statement, Qi Lei got first-hand news through internal channels.



A group of people sat in a group in the conference room of Sanshi Company, discussing countermeasures.

Originally, Wu Lianshan didn't want to come, he was angry! The special 8 million cost you so much. Wu Lianshan feels distressed, really distressed! !

Don't look at Tang Chenggang waved his hand and invested 20 million yuan to buy a lesson. It's one thing to say this, but it's another thing to see it with his own eyes.

Therefore, Wu Lianshan wanted to be alone. Do whatever you like to toss it!

Anyway, the money is spent, it makes no difference whether I look at it or not...

Okay, Dad Wu is a little bit out of love.

However, Qi Lei didn't let him go, Wu Lianshan didn't want to go, Qi Lei came over and called him...

"Let's go, Dad Wu, the meeting is going, let's make people shame!"

Wu Lianshan wanted to shoot him to death! It's so shameless, can you be a little sad? At least like me?

What's the matter of cheerfulness?

In the end, Wu Lianshan reluctantly participated in Qi Lei's meeting and took a seat in a corner without any sense of existence.

After the meeting started, Ding Lei couldn't wait to speak, "Actoz's trick is quite insidious..."

"As soon as they issued this statement, the entire network knew that "Legend" had loopholes, and Actoz's update patch did not include the mainland."

"Isn't this tantamount to telling players that Sanshi ran a problematic game?"

Wang Zhendong sneered, "Not only to tell the players that there is a problem with the game, but also to tell the plug-in producers where they can break the legend!!"

Tang Haichao is not as nervous as the first two because of his work experience in an overseas consulting company. Several people, although Tang Haichao is not the most sophisticated, but the ability of crisis public relations is definitely the strongest.

At this moment, he smiled and said, "In fact, you don't need to worry too much..."

"Lao Zhang leaked the news to us and bought us precious time."

"Currently, the two main publicity channels of Sohu and Tom have not officially released news."

"We can preemptively issue a statement, the loopholes were first discovered by us, and have they been patched up?"

This is the fastest and most effective way. Can minimize the loss. loss is impossible.

The battle of public opinion on the Internet is not a face-to-face quarrel. The side that wins the fight can be thoroughly transparent, and the defeat is borne by the fight.

When a war breaks out here, the dog bites the dog's mouth and no one can get it right.

Because even if the coverage rate is high, it is impossible for everyone to read the arguments on both sides, and it is even more impossible for everyone to make rational judgments.

There are always some people whose brain circuits are strange or partial. Even conspiracy theories.

Anyway, as long as something goes wrong, no one will be better off.

Can only strive for the understanding of the majority.

Regarding Tang Haichao's suggestion, everyone nodded. Tang Haichao's move was really good.

Looking at Qi Lei, Xiao Ma was a little anxious when he lowered his head and thought, "Stone, are you saying something?"

"Huh?" Qi Lei came back to his senses, "what's the matter?"

Everyone stagnated, "Did you listen to what Old Tang said?"

Qi Lei, "Oh...Listen."

Brother Xiao Ma, "then hurry up? Draft a statement now!!"

But Qi Lei didn't move...

It’s not that Tang Haichao’s methods are bad, but...

Too passive, a little bit tricky.

And... Qi Lei always feels...

Suddenly he said, "Jin Yongmin's ultimate move will not be just a little bit."

You think, the vulnerability was first discovered by Three Stones. Jin Yongmin knew about this. Wouldn't he think that Three Stones would inevitably apply this patch?

Since Three Stones can apply this patch, the explanation is over. Even if it has an impact, it is extremely limited.

Wouldn't Jin Yongmin think of it?

So Qi Lei judged that he must have other tricks.

I discussed my thoughts with everyone, and everyone recognized Qi Lei's judgment. The Korean boy, it shouldn't be over yet!


Tang Haichao still insisted on his ideas.

"It really has nothing to do with whether he has an afterthought!"

"Their statement is too tricky, you have to take it."

"If you don't accept the move, the consequences will be more serious, and more people will think you really have a problem!"

"It is very likely to face a situation where word-of-mouth collapse."

"So you have to pick it up!"

Hearing this, Qi Lei did not compete head-on with Tang Haichao, but suddenly looked at Wu Lianshan, "Dad Wu, what do you think?"

"Me?" Wu Lianshan didn't expect Qi Lei would suddenly ask him...

I wanted to say, I don't think much, I don't care about your business. Eight million spent...what am I going to do? Can't control it.

But, after all, Qi Lei, like his own son, knew him too well. He had this question, indicating that he didn't want to follow Tang Haichao's ideas.

In a bad tone, "What did you think, hurry up, don't bend it!"

"Hehe..." Qi Lei smiled, "What I think is... Brother Tang has a bad idea!"


Wu Lianshan is not doing well, Tang Haichao is angry first, who is the boy running on?

But Qi Lei gave him a sorry look.

"It's my own person, so I won't go around." To Tang Haichao, "Your trick is feasible, but it's not suitable for my current situation."

Tang Haichao didn't understand, "Then what trick is suitable?"

But Qi Lei didn't answer, smiled, and gave Wu Lianshan a raised eyebrow, which made Wu Lianshan inexplicably strange. Are you provoking me? I always think this kid is weird.

Then Qi Lei suddenly asked Tang Yi, "What do you think?"

"Me?" If you don't ask Tang Yi about this, you will pretend to be dumb. But since you asked him, the lunatic Tang has to tell the truth.

I didn't even think about it, and said, "No, cool!"

Tang Haichao understood, "What's upset?"

Tang Yi, "That's it, you punched me? How about I play a friendly match with him?"

"What's so rotten about? Is it suffocating with a pad of cannon?"

Little Ma was speechless, "How can it be so easy to say? It's not always cool."

Tang Xiaoyi glared, "Why not!? See what other tricks he can play, and then it's over if he gets over it?"




Everyone is even more speechless, you are a child's character, how about it! !

Unexpectedly, Qi Lei barked his teeth and said something that everyone didn't expect, "Actually, I think the same as a lunatic..."

Tang Haichao became anxious as soon as he heard it, "Stone! Don't be too self-willed at this time! I understand the public psychology, and dragging is definitely not a good thing!!"

Netizens are blind, no matter what era, even Tang Haichao’s seamlessly linked public relations strategy, dare not say to bring everyone back!

Besides, you have to wait?

If you respond late, someone will always find various reasons to attack you.

"Stone, really!! Listen to me!! Draft a statement now!"

However, Qi Lei responded with a smile, "Brother Tang, listen to me this time. We are young and the way we deal with problems may be different from yours."

Tang Haichao stagnated: "..."

This is strange!

Tang Haichao is only twenty-four years old, and he is actually no different from Qi Lei. How do you feel that what you said is not appropriate for me?


Wu Lianshan also looked strange: "..."

It's also full of question marks! !

What are you doing when you talk to Tang Haichao and look at me?

How does it feel like you told me?



When everyone dispersed and the five little ones were alone, Qi Lei called Tang Haichao, who had just been rejected by him.

Tang Haichao was somewhat emotional at this time.

Everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, otherwise who cares about your mess?

As a result, what are you playing with kids here? Still upset? Can Tang Haichao have no emotions?

"Brother Tang..." Qi Lei still smiled, "Don't go to your heart, I am not aimed at you, let alone willful."

Tang Haichao frowned, "Then what do you mean?"

"Yeah..." But Wu Ning also interrupted, "What are you going to do? How do I feel that you are not competing with Brother Tang, but like competing with my dad?"

Just now Qi Lei had been paying attention to Wu Lianshan, and Wu Lianshan was called by Qi Lei for the meeting.

"It's okay." Qi Lei grinned, "I just want to... let Dad Wu say a few words for us."

Everyone was taken aback, you look at me, I look at you. Qi asked: "What are you talking about?"

"What?" Qi Lei smiled bitterly, "Say don't worry about selling our website!"

Although those fathers didn't say it directly, their performance was so obvious. If Qi Lei still couldn't tell, then Bai and Zhang Nan had been mixed up for so long.

to be honest.

Although Dad Tang doesn't know the Internet, he knows how to do business, but he knows how to do business very well.

Balance of income and expenditure, what is a healthy business. Father Tang knows better than anyone else.

In his view, the current internal structure of Sanshi Company is extremely deformed, with unbalanced revenue and expenditure, and even more unhealthy.

This is very dangerous.

And Dad Tang attributed this to the fact that young people are so lofty and arrogant, and want to get in when they encounter good things.

From his point of view, the legend has almost no possibility of turning over, and it is bound to be unable to survive the situation of the three siege. As long as the half year is free, you can't handle it! !

Just a profit point managed by an Internet cafe, but also for system development and two websites that burn money, how do you carry it? Where does the money come from?

Therefore, it is an inevitable result that a strong man can hold his arm. He was just helping Qi Lei decide which wrist to break.

So what to break? Lao Tang himself changed his career because of the lack of technology in the plastic factory, so he has an obsession with technology.

Moreover, no matter what company it is, technical reserves are the most important asset. How can it be sold as soon as it is sold?

Qi Lei said to sell technology, he disagrees with a hundred people.

What about the system research and development center?

You can't move, don't watch that stuff burn money.

But from Tang Chenggang's point of view, in addition to Internet cafe management, the most useful is the R&D center!

Take the lead by a national-level team and academicians of the Academy of Engineering, key projects supported by the province and the city, and various preferential policies! This is the greatest value of Three Stones.

So only those two websites are left to choose one of two.

In fact, you don’t need to choose. If you are a normal person, you have to choose and sell it under the banyan tree.

This website burns a lot of money, and there is no prospect of profitability yet.

From the perspective of a person of this era, would you tell me about charges for online articles? Speaking of cultivating paid reading?

Are you kidding me?

Traditional writers are starving to death, let alone you are online?

From Tang Chenggang's point of view, this is the case.

And not only Tang Chenggang, Ding Lei, Wang Zhendong, Xiao Ma, including Uncle Geng, have said to Qi Lei more than once in private that your stall is too big now, if you turn into a banyan tree.

This is the limitation of the times. No one can see the inevitable connection between Rongshuxia and the development direction of Sanshi Company. Nor can it see its future value.

Besides, is a father?

Do you let a dad who is very successful in business, and leave it alone when you see the shortcomings of a seventeen-year-old child in business?

Only Reviver.

He knows the value of the banyan tree, and also knows the meaning of keeping it.

I also know that even without his help, the spring of paid reading is coming soon! !

But what's the use? No one believes it.

This is the "abnormal operation" of Qi Lei.

As I said before, the predicament that rebirths must face will inevitably lead to the intervention of adults!

Only these little kids around Qi Lei believed in him unconditionally!

But this belief is useless to adults.


Qi Lei was an explanation to Tang Haichao, and he was also assigning tasks to his friends.

"Not only will we win this time!!"

"And the ones who must win are unreasonable! The ones who win make our parents fail to understand."

Tang Haichao stared at Qi Lei in a daze, wanted to laugh, but didn't know whether to laugh or not, because Qi Lei's expression was serious, and a bit silly seriously...

In the end, I still couldn't hold back, "What is this picture?"

Qi Lei, "Brother Tang...If we win often, we win by a narrow margin."

"My fathers would only think that this kid is okay, he won my seven-point truth!"

"But I want to win beautifully, so that they won't understand."

"The dads will reflect on it, am I unable to keep up with the rhythm? Is it because I really don't understand something about the Internet, so don't mix it up."

Tang Haichao: "..."

Qi Lei, "Only in this way can we stop!"

"It can be completely eliminated. Just check it, take a look, and take care of the parental habits when there is nothing wrong."

Tang Haichao is a bit speechless...

But it's not at all blame Qi Lei Dangdang for not showing him mercy.

Think about it, too, vomit, "You said you didn't ask for it yourself? How good is it to keep hiding? It's boring to ask for it."

All right....

That's not what Tang Haichao said at the beginning! !

When Qi Lei said he was going to tell his parents, Tang Haichao also complained! "What can't my parents say? I take off my pants and fart, so I'm superfluous."

A few kids rolled their eyes, too lazy to be serious with Tang Haichao.

But it doesn’t mean that it’s not called Zhener. It just passed. Tang Yi suddenly said, "Eh? Brother Tang...When you graduated from college at fifteen, did your mother wash your pants?"


Tang Haichao didn't suffocate to death!


Hahaha! ! Tang Xiaoyi laughed, it seemed to be a wash.

Wu Ning is not as nasty as Tang Yi,

Still thinking about Qi Lei’s words, Wu Xiaojian now fully understands, "So you have to convince my dad...first? Let him convince Dad Tang and the other dads!?"

Qi Lei, "Yes!! But..."

He curled his lips, "But this process may be a little ruined....Your dad should be very painful!"

Ordinarily, Wu Xiaojian should feel sorry for Laozi for three seconds.

But he didn't think about it, this guy nodded vigorously, "Okay, okay! I just want to see my dad fight with some other dads!"





You are cheap enough!

But with contempt and contempt, why does Tang Xiaoyi feel a little eager to try?

Rubbing his hands, staring at Qi Lei, "Just tell me what to do!!"

He also wants to see his father pinch Dad Wu...

I saw Qi Lei's yin smile, "The firepower is on! This time we have to make them incomprehensible from beginning to end!"

Not only must the three GP companies fail to understand, but the fathers must also fail to understand!

Otherwise, the Three Views will not be completely destroyed.



Sohu and Tom, as well as several other traffic websites where Actoz advertises, officially published related articles on the afternoon of the 16th.

While reprinting Actoz’s apology statement, there were also writers who analyzed it.

The general direction is that there are loopholes in the legend of Three Stones, and...because Actoz and Three Stones signed almost a buyout contract.

Therefore, Actoz is not responsible for the patch update of Legend of the Mainland.

At the same time, the official website of "King of Kings" and "UO" also reprinted related articles simultaneously.

And with a text, this is the attitude of the GP League to play games!

At this point, almost overnight, the whole network knew the attitude of Actoz and even the GP League to play games.

And in disguise, it is also clear that there are fatal problems in the operation of Three Stones, the game! !

Everyone is waiting for Three Stone's response, and some players who are looking forward to the legend are in even more complicated mood.

No one wants to play a problem game, and hope that Three Stones will stand up immediately, even if it shows an attitude, it will immediately organize technicians to fix the loopholes.

However, Three Stones Company is like dumb! ! Nothing happened! !

This makes players who want to enter the pit legend more worried, what is going on?

On the Internet, through the deliberate guidance of the GP Alliance, some public opinions have begun to quietly change to the irresponsible direction of Three Stones! !

Yes...this is an attack point that is easy to exploit.

Compared with Actoz's calm face and sincere apology.

Three Stones knows that there are major loopholes in the game, but at the same time it is forced to operate the game. Isn't this a pitfall for players?

number 17!

The support rate of "Legend", which has continued to rise for half a month, showed a downward trend for the first time.

From 10.7% on the 16th, it fell to 10.2%...

And with the continued silence of Three Stones, this trend has become more and more obvious.

On the 18th, 9.8%...

It has fallen back below 10%, and voices condemning Three Stones on the Internet have gradually appeared.

In this situation....

GP really can't understand, and those dads can't understand either.

The three GP companies are curious, but have no bottom. So what are the three stone companies waiting for?

If you change them, how can you wait until now? What navigation network, under the banyan tree, including NetEase and Sina, should be shot! !

Still bear it! ? No matter how much you bear it, you can't bear it! !

Besides, if you can't make a move on the navigation network, my prepared manuscripts are useless.

A few fathers are anxious! ! Anxious Tang Chenggang called Wu Lianshan eighty times a day, "What are those little **** doing?"

Wu Bianshan, "I don't know, it is said that their methods of handling problems are different from ours."

Tang Chenggang: "..."


On the 19th, Three Stone Company still seemed to have died, one, move, no, move! !

GP can't hold his breath again...

Jiang Mingsheng encouraged Jin Yongmin, "President Jin! Go ahead! Leave them alone! Let's do it in one go! Don't worry about that much! They won't be able to move until they want to move!"

"Well..." Jin Yongmin sighed, "Then it won't wait!"

But I said in my heart, those few kid cubs who claim to be agitating, are they holding back the tortoise?

What are you waiting for! ?

As a result, another news from South Korea was reprinted by TOM and Sohu. This is also another round of offensive for GP and the strongest one! !

That was an interview with Kim Yongmin, the head of Actoz, by a Korean game magazine.

In the interview, Jin Yongmin accidentally mentioned information about Legend's operations in China.

When the reporter asked whether the legend would be welcomed in China.

In Jin Yongmin’s original words, “I don’t see Legend’s future in China. It’s not that our game is not good enough. It’s that after signing the contract, we found out that none of the operators who acted for Legend loves games. heart of."

"As far as I know, not only does this company have no experience in game operation and production, but they actually only spent more than a month with a group of temporarily recruited programmers to complete the legendary revision."

"Add a lot of elements that they think will be popular."

"Of course, I don't mean they don't have this ability, maybe they do..."

"But what makes Actoz unacceptable is that after the revision, they are eager to go online without any testing."

"I think this is the biggest irresponsibility to the players, and it is also a blasphemy against the legendary game!"

Once the interview was issued, the whole network was in an uproar!

More than a month of revision....

Anxious to operate to make money...

And the production company Actoz is not optimistic...

This key information has undoubtedly pushed players who originally complained about Three Stones into a more radical mood...

On the 19th, the support rate of Legend plummeted by 2%! That dropped to 8.2%.

This value is already lower than the original level of 8.4% of Sanshi Company.

And this is just the beginning, on the 20th...

After a day of fermentation, if there is a hot search ranking in this era, then the topic of Three Stones and legends will inevitably rush to the hot search list.

According to Sohu's poll, the legendary support fell to 5.4%! !

If this trend continues, it will immediately fall below the 5% mark.

Seeing this data, the three GP alliances finally took a sigh of relief, "It's steady! It's hard to stand up again for Sanshi!!"

Jiang Mingsheng said excitedly, "At this moment he is coming out to fight back, as long as he comes out, no matter what reason he has. Let's attack the smuggling behavior of the navigation network, then we can't turn it over!"

In the Three Stone Company, Wang Zhendong and Tang Haichao were like bereaved concubines...

Ding Lei was so tired that he didn't want to blame Qi Lei anymore, rubbing his eyebrows, "Mr. Qi...this is the result you have to wait for."

"It's what you say doesn't work anymore!!!"

Yes, even if Three Stone Company came out to explain, it could not save the decline. No one will believe you anymore...

Wang Zhendong chuckled, and the smile was very bitter, "Twenty million smashed out... just get this!?"

Xiao Ma said, "The stone, the thing you prepared in the past two days is probably useless."


Qi Lei still has a calm face over there...

Suddenly he said, "What tricks do you think Jin Yongmin can play?"



Any tricks? Is it necessary?

It is almost foreseeable that tomorrow’s survey data will inevitably be less than 5%. Do you still need tricks?

Xiao Ma looked at Qi Lei weakly, "It's really gone, don't have to wait...enough!!"

But seeing Qi Lei smiled easily...

"That's good! They are gone, so we can make a move." After speaking, he raised his **** and said, "I'll go to the airport to pick up people."


Everyone is speechless...

Wu Lianshan, who had been sitting in the corner, watched Qi Lei and the others leave. Also a little speechless, pick up people?

Is it still useful? This is the so-called difference between these little brats?



It's not so much to pick up people as it is to pick up a promotional video.

The "Legend" promotional film, which cost a huge amount of 8 million yuan, is finally released.

And it was sent back from New Zealand by a special person...For this reason, Qi Lei also spent an extra $20,000 in "express" fees.

No way, Legend is a game of magic elements. Promos must use special effects lenses, and domestic special effects...there is just a pile of **** right now.

You can only find a foreign special effects company to do it. And in a hurry, I had to send someone over there.

Fortunately, the advantages of the reborn are here again.

It is easy to find a cheap and affordable special effects company-Weta Digital.

For a small company located in New Zealand, at this point in time, apart from one of the three founders' special effects for a movie, they did not have any other business.

Not much reputation.

Although the promo is five minutes long, there are not many special effects that need to be done. It can be done in just one week.

The initial quotation was only 600,000 US dollars, but it was equivalent to nearly 5 million RMB. Although Qi Lei was a bit painful, he had no choice...

However, in the process of communicating with Weta...

Their boss found that some elements in the promotional film were worth learning, and provided a lot of inspiration for the special effects production of the movie he directed.

After seeking the consent of Qi Lei, he decided to use these ideas in the film, for which he was willing to discount the production cost...

Down to 200,000 US dollars.

Didn't break Qi Lei Le! Saved more than three million!

It's the same as picking up a leak.

Of course I accepted it with pleasure, and did not forget to give the boss of the special effects company some advice: "I have seen the original movie you directed. The wizard is too weak! The best thing is to fight the sword, which is a shame for the wizard. !"

The bearded white man across from MSN read Qi Lei's message thoughtfully...

Finally: " are right!"


Comrade Peter Jackson...

Decided to add some real magic attacks to the wizard Gandalf in his new film "The Lord of the Rings".

The white-robed wizard who is riding a white horse and wielding a knight's more!

Qi Lei is pretty beautiful!

That is to say, the current Weta Digital is still unknown, and there is no masterpiece. Compared to the younger brothers of the famous special effects companies in Hollywood, they are not.

But soon!

Just wait until next year...

"Lord of the Rings" will be released next year! !

Weta will be able to board the ranks of the world's top special effects production companies in an instant.

At that time, it will not be something that can be done with $200,000. Adding a zero is not necessarily enough.

As for Gandalf whose skill tree was changed by his little butterfly fan, is there any original taste...

It's my shit?


At the airport, I received a promotional film delivered by a New Zealander...

Back at the company, everyone was waiting for him. Wu Lianshan is also there.

Okay, one failure is one failure, but everyone is curious...

You spend 8 million...

Well-known domestic directors and actors who spent 4 million invitations...

More than 2 million went to Wuxi Three Kingdoms Film and Television City...

It was sent to New Zealand for a later promotional film...

What is it like! !

When Qi Lei got out of the car, Tang Haichao went up to grab the master tape!

"Bring it to me!" Then he rushed upstairs and put it in the large conference room.


Wu Lianshan, Qi Guodong, Zhou Tao, and Xiao Ma, etc., all gathered around to watch...

Let's see where these eight million are spent.


Then there was no more.

After the five-minute promotional video was broadcast, the large conference room was quiet for three minutes!

No comments, no one speaks!

Wu Lianshan's eyes rounded, his mind a little stunned.

Tang Xiaoyi, Wu Xiaojian, Xu Xiaoqian and Xiaoer, although Qi Lei described the effects of the promo, they would not be able to be mentally prepared...

Tang Xiaoyi even had a little blood on his head, his head buzzing!

Tang Haichao slowed down, ran to the projector a few steps, and played it again...

Finished the second time....

Play it again...

Then double it again! !

Played it seven or eight times! !

Finally, Wu Lianshan's cell phone rang and ran outside the conference room to answer the call...

It was Tang Chenggang who came here, "What is it!? I saw it a little bit cruel!?"

Wu Lianshan shook his head and said perfunctorily, "It's's hard to say... By the way, they got back their promotional video."

Tang Chenggang was taken aback for a moment, "Take it back? What did it look like?"

As a result, Wu Lianshan jumped out for no reason, "It's really useful!!"

With a long sigh: "There is a reason to be expensive..."


Tang Chenggang is confused, what are you talking about, what's the point?

Just about to ask a question, but on the phone, Qi Lei faintly said a generous word in the conference room.

"Total attack, you can start!"

Wu Lianshan, "Let's not talk about it, it's okay here."


Tang Chenggang felt itchy in his heart!

He wants to exchange Wu Lianshan back, what's the matter?

I don't understand what they are doing!



January 21. That’s the second day when Three Stones Company got back the promotional video

Beijing International Trade....

Jin Yongmin looked at’s polls, and the legend’s approval rate has dropped to a pitiful 3.4%.

Then, just click on a related post.

The highest voice from netizens is to call on Actoz to take back the legendary agency power from Three Stones.

It's almost the point where all players petition! !

"Three Stone Company is over..."

Jiang Mingsheng couldn't help smiling, looking at Jin Yongmin and Harold. "We should have a drink..."

"This kind of almost one-sided situation, even if they come forward to deal with it now, it will not have any effect at all."

Harold and Jin Yongmin laughed, with a sense of accomplishment on their faces: "East Street 17... is vulnerable!"


At the same time, Shang Bei....

Xu Wenliang actually stares at the news on the Internet every day.

To be honest, before this, although there were two computers at home. But as a somewhat old-school official, he rarely touched him.

However, since I knew that my daughter and that **** started a company.

Xu Wenliang almost went home and sat in front of the computer. He was either paying attention to the legend or all kinds of evils.

What news about the joining of Internet cafes...

What news about the system development...

He even went to squat under the banyan tree.

I just want to find out what the girl's company does and what it can do to help.

Of course, no matter how much Xu Wenliang cares, he only cares secretly at home.

Unlike those fathers, they can't hold their breath at all! !

It is said that Yang Mingjun has grown up in the Lotus Group every day! When it's okay, I will join Tang Chenggang and Qi Guojun to figure out how to intervene in those small ones.

Xu Wenliang despises this very much, a little poor man has the taste of naughty gold.

What can I say?

If people make the company so big, you should feel inferior! !

But today...

Xu Wenliang finally couldn't do it anymore. It's all 3%? It's gone! !

Just say hello to Cai Zhenglin, there is something private to do today.

Then he rode his bicycle and went to the Lotus Group in the cold wind.

Sure enough, Yang Mingjun is also there! ! The three of them were frowning around the computer.

Seeing Xu Wenliang coming, he didn't say too much that Qi Guojun poured a cup of tea and ignored him.

Xu Wenliang leaned forward and took a look. It was a post scolding Sanshi Company.

Netizens say everything!

What "If Three Stone Company has some conscience, return the agency right to Actoz."


"A good game, I was expecting it, but it turned out so many bad things."


"It doesn't work if you refuse to accept it. The Chinese people's inferiority is so unsaved!! Just thinking about making money and seeing how people make games?"


What's unpleasant.

Tang Chenggang frowned, wishing to stop cursing...

However, there is no way!

Xu Wenliang, who originally despised these three people, was really pitiful and could only persuade them, "Isn't that good? It would be nice to let them suffer a little setback..."

The three said nothing.

That's how it is said, but watching their children make people scold like this on the Internet, can they feel better in their hearts?

Quite contradictory anyway.

Yang Mingjun even said, "The age is still young. If you respond early, you won't be unable to clean up."

Qi Guojun was immortal, looking at Tang Chenggang, "Old Tang, you can't help you now?"

Tang Chenggang shook his head dumbly, "No move."

"Now I can't move the Heavenly King! It's completely collapsed!"

Slap your forehead! "Blame me!! This should be handled earlier, and it won't be to this point."

The four dads were speechless at the moment, who would say no?


On the other side, Three Stone Company...

Tang Haichao's eyes were fierce and hostile, "This time it's really gone...their only means is that when there is probably only one navigation network left, they will talk about the navigation network!!"

Wang Zhendong was silly, "Unfortunately he didn't have this chance..."

Everyone looked at Qi Lei, and they didn't understand all Qi Lei's plans until they saw the promo video yesterday! !

"Stone, open it up!"

I saw Qi Lei nodded, "Then... let's get started!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone picked up the phone!

Brother Xiao Ma, "Zhidong, pop up the window!"

Ding Lei, "Half-screen ads on the homepage, throw it out for me!"

Wang Zhendong, "The Technical Department is moving me!"

Tang Haichao...

Chen Fangzhou...

Wu Lianshan was also moving, and silently took out his cell phone and dialed Tang Chenggang.

"Old Tang...look online."

The four dads here are startled! Are you finally going to fight back?

Does the Jedi fight back?

Putting down the phone, Tang Cheng was just about to open the navigation network to see what's going on.

If Three Stone Company fights back, the navigation network should be the first to move.

The result hasn't waited for him to open the navigation network.

A window suddenly popped up in the lower right corner of the monitor.

That's Penguin's pop-up reminder to all online users!

In a small window, there are a few words that people can't ignore! !


[Declare war, this! ! It is the confidence of China's game operation! 】

The three dads looked at the pop-up window and were stunned for a long time...

Declare, declare war?

GP is to secretly mobilize Internet public opinion by side-by-side, and you... have you declared war?

Too ostentatious, right?

That's right! ! Just swagger! ! It's fierce! It's so presumptuous! !

If you don't slander, the five little ones don't do it!

This is their way, the way that belongs to this young man!

They just want to use the most rude! The most impulsive gesture-face slap! !

Declare war! !

Three Stone's response is not an explanation! Don't say anything! Not even a crisis public relations!

It's a war book! !

Tang Chenggang stared round his eyes, moved the mouse tremblingly, and clicked on the pop-up window.


at the same time., Netease, Sohu, Tom, and the newly established all publish the same content as the Penguin pop-up in the most eye-catching position of the website, and they are half-screen ads!

And used mail to send mass mail to every mailbox user!

Declare war!

Chinaren community, Maopu community, Tianya community, Penguin community, and Rongshuxia send messages to registered users!

And put the top link in the community.

Declare war!

Legend official website....

Three Stone Company's official website....

Navigation network...

Platform 17 East Street....

Three Stone Internet Cafe Management System.

Simultaneously push——

[Declare war! ! This is the confidence of Chinese game operations! 】

At this moment, as long as your computer is on, as long as you open a popular website, a common mailbox, and an instant messaging software at any time!

This sentence is what catches your eyes! !

Three Stone's counterattack is coming!

It just doesn't start from the navigation network.

Ding Lei, Wang Zhendong, Xiao Ma, Lei Fudie, Tang Haichao, Chen Fangzhou!

It was originally half of the Internet, and it mobilized all their available contacts. Synchronize the whole network!

These days, the anger of netizens has indeed brought countless infamy to Three Stones.


Those unsightly remarks that elevate individual incidents to industries, Internet companies, and Chinese!

It also angered all Internet practitioners!

Everyone knows who caused this public opinion attack and who is giving the Chinese Internet people a poop! !

Therefore, when Ding Lei and the others asked to come, there was hardly any hindrance. Don't even need money! free! !

In the words of Sohu Manager Zhang, "Get me to death!"

At this moment...

Jin Yongmin, Jiang Mingsheng, and Harold looked at the eye-catching words on the web page to declare war...

Jin Yongmin was dumbfounded on the spot! !

Declare war...Declare war...

He suddenly realized! It seems that their opponent is not a three-stone, but a No. 17 East Street! !

It's... it's the Internet companies all over China?

Can't it? How did they unite?

"This..." Jiang Mingsheng's face was pale, "What kind of plane!? When did they connect so many websites in series!?"

Jin Yongmin shook his head, "It's broken! I can't target the navigation network." It's almost a whole network operation. What's the use of the navigation network?

"No!! I can't continue to make a fuss!"

No matter what he does, he can't offend all Chinese Internet companies all over the place, right?

But Harold is much calmer than the two. Origin is also an established manufacturer. What big scene hasn't been seen?

In Europe and those British guys rob the market, it is not unheard of that something worse than this has happened.

"Be calm, what can we do even if we don't do anything? I don't believe he can turn the 3% down!"

While speaking, he took the mouse from Jin Yongmin's hand and moved to the word declaring war!

Click again and again! !

Immediately... the page jumps.

A jaw-dropping "War Book" appeared in front of the three of them...


All players, and: South Korea Actoz Co., Ltd., Baodao Leijue Interactive Entertainment Co., Ltd., and Origin Game Studio in the United States.

Recently, some foreign-funded enterprises in the same industry deliberately incited Internet sentiment, made false statements, slandered Three Stones Company, and tried to adversely affect the game adaptation and operation of Three Stones Company.

In order to achieve the purpose of seizing the market and malicious competition.

It has even developed to the point where it slanders the Chinese game industry and criticizes Chinese game practitioners.

Our company didn't want to pay attention to it, let alone....

Just as the old saying goes: The gentleman is magnanimous, the villain is always sorrowful, what is your own?

However, repeated patience did not return a kind response.

The repeated damages have also made those players who look forward to "Legend" and expect Sanshi to hand in perfect answers deeply.

Another example is the old saying: How can we repay virtue when repaying grievances by virtue? Repay your grievances with virtue! What is human speech in ‘Zaofanshi’?

Since you can't live in peace! So....

bring it on! !

The right and wrong, the merits and demerits, are all judged by the world.

What is the state of mules and horses, it is not open to the public and cannot be broken!

Have a good time fighting? Younger grandchildren don’t go with them!

[Entrance to the battlefield]




The three of Jin Yongmin were dumbfounded on the spot...

They both looked at Jiang Mingsheng, okay, both of them don’t understand Chinese, waiting for Jiang Mingsheng to translate!

As a result, Jiang Mingsheng was at a loss after reading it.

"This.... The donkey lips written here are not right!"

"From time to time, there are two ancient prose popping out, I don't know what to say."

Did Jiang Mingsheng really understand it? It doesn't feel like a good thing, but shouldn't you think about it? You can see it all over the network, and you usually pay attention to the wording. Three Stones should be a gentleman.

Jin Yongmin was anxious, "Does that probably mean you don't understand? Are you not Chinese?"


Well, probably Jiang Mingsheng still understands the meaning, and briefly talked to Jin Yongmin and Harold.

Two people did not drop their jaws! !

So direct?

What a special call? ?

Besides, are you funny? The entrance to the battlefield?

Also bring a click entrance!

Jin Yongmin couldn't laugh or cry after he recovered. Okay, let's see how you fight.

Feel free.. Found the secondary page, it is very simple, the legendary background image, in the middle is a video playback window.

Below the video, there is a comment page where players can leave comments.

At this point, the video is loading...

Internet speed is slow these years, and video loading is slower. It will not be broadcast at this time.

The comments have become lively.

"Loading, I don't know what Sanshi is doing."


"Anxious, he's anxious."


"If the video of Mr. Three Stones kneeling down and apologizing, I believe it has been vilified."


"Three stones, three stones, get some breath! Bring out something real, otherwise it won't be convincing."


"I finished watching the video... I'm going to your uncle!!"


"Upstairs crazy? What video? Talk about it!?"


"The 27Ks internet speed says it will take a while."


"I've finished watching too... I'll watch it again."


"I would like to translate those three ancient prose, I am not a master of elementary school culture."


"What are you doing? (What are you?), what is the word of a person? (What do you say to the pig), the youngest grandchildren don’t want to follow (the grandson dare not follow!


"Niu B Niu B, Niu B upstairs, Three-stone Niu B, hard?"

"I puff!!" Jiang Mingsheng spewed out old blood after eating.

So why three stones really dare to explode?


Jin Yongmin couldn't understand, he just scanned it, but in a while, there were thousands of comments.

It shows how powerful this wave of propaganda really is! ! Whole network action! ! The real whole network action! !

Finally.... The video has been added and it starts to play!

The three of Jin Yongmin gathered together and concentrated! !

The first page is a scolding post, it is a war book, then this video should be a statement, explanation or something?

This is what the three of you want to see! Is it good to fight back against Three Stone's video?

As a result... I got it wrong again, it was not a video statement at all, an explanation.

It's a promotional video.

Ok... it's fresh too.

This year, there are only trailers for movies and TV shows, and this is the first game to be used as a promotional film.

And... it seems pretty ordinary?

It's nothing brilliant.

The video, cut into the perspective from an eagle, accompanied by a sound of eagles and billowing clouds...

From the perspective of an eagle, the high-altitude panorama of an ancient city is cut into the picture...

The eagle swooped down, and the view of the city became clearer, with crowds and wide horse trails.

As the eagle flew into the city, the camera swooped get a full view of the city before it fell on the steep corner of the pavilion...

At this time, the angle of view finally left the eagle and flew into an academy full of red flowers, only to hear a group of white-robed Confucian scholars, under the leadership of the young master, holding scrolls and chanting.


Jin Yongmin is even more puzzled whether this has anything to do with the legend?

Jin Yongmin still knows his company's game. To put it bluntly, the legend is a game with confrontation and pk as its main selling point!

The point is the refreshment of pk! Your promo film is so peaceful and totally inconsistent with the game.

"What a mess!!"


Jiang Mingsheng and the thousands of netizens who are watching the video don't think so! !

When the perspective turned to the academy, almost everyone and Jiang Mingsheng were stuck! !


In the academy, the master who holds Zheng Chanting is...Liang Chaowei?

No one thought that Three Stones would invite such a big-name celebrity to appear in the promotional film! ! This is a bloodbath!

All right....

For the celebrity, Qi Lei has indeed laid down some capital, but that is.....It’s really expensive! !

Take Liang Chaowei as an example. At this time, he is properly super first-line, popular actor, and the pay is ridiculously high! In 1999, he ranked 6th in the remuneration list of the mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong!

To make a movie, you actually have to pay 4 million Hong Kong dollars! ! This promotional video, which only took one day to shoot, was actually quoted at 700,000 yuan! !

Lei Qi was distressed, tears filled his eyes, and he agreed without a knock, and added 100,000 to take a group of endorsement photos!


At this time, the video is still playing, the angle of view has left Liang Chaowei, and he still flies from the book window like an eagle to the hospital next to the academy.

I saw an old man dressed as a Taoist priest and his wife were piercing the pulse for consultation...

Jiang Mingsheng took a look...Wuma. (This...sorry to say expensive...50,000!)

Turn the angle of view again...

Across the long street, enter a blacksmith shop...

All kinds of swords are hanging in the hall, Chen Xiaochun (400,000) is naked, bald, and tattooed! Fierce and restrained, he is hammering iron.

The promo film until this time is a scene of a quiet and peaceful ancient town. For Jin Yongmin who knows the legendary content, it is simply confused and incomprehensible...

Even the majority of netizens are in a daze. Is this a game trailer?

Suddenly change in silence!

The blacksmith who was hammering the sword stopped... staring at the sword in his hand...

And the angle of view also focuses on the sword! I saw... the long knife felt slightly beating on the iron felt... more and more intense! !

Finally, the big city is shaking! Pedestrians on the street started to run, noisy! ! The chaos gradually started.

The angle of view is suddenly raised! Frozen on the face of the blacksmith...

The blacksmith has moved his eyes away from the long knife, sternly looking in the direction of the city gate, in his eyes... gradually murderous!

The angle of view outside the painting is also suddenly accelerated...

After crossing the long street, returning to the medical hall, after giving the Taoist a brief dignified close-up of the city gate.

Continue to accelerate inverted flight! Back to the academy...

The master in the white robe stood proudly, looking towards the city gate as the red flowers fell in the courtyard...

murderous look! ! (A movie king murderous worth 800,000!)

Then, the angle of view continues to fly backwards, faster and faster! Back in the sky, the people in the city have begun to commotion in the picture.


The angle of view returned to the eagle, suddenly spread its wings, and flew outside the city.

Across the Long Street, can see soldiers running, and the city gate is rumblingly closed...


Fly over the majestic tower, and finally show everything outside the city in the video! !

In front of the computer, all the netizens had already had their appetites. When they saw the scene outside the city, they couldn't help but take a cold breath! !

That is....

An overwhelming, staggered enemy formation! !

Against the backdrop of the yellow sand and the raging waves of the clouds, it came in mighty.


I can't see it from afar, I can't see the banner, I can't see the armor! !

It feels weird...

I can't say why, it's strange anyway! Depressed!

Just when everyone was puzzled, and just when the eagle was still carrying the camera, flying towards the siege army!

Everyone held their breath, their eyes widened, and they were about to see the details of the enemy formation...

Sudden! I saw a white light spot coming from the rolling yellow sand! ....

It's getting bigger and bigger in the eagle's perspective.


Everyone still doesn't know what's going on!

bump! !

There was a sore muffled sound, and it hit the angle of view!

Until the last moment, netizens finally saw clearly...

That is.... Is that a cone of ice?

And until this point, a long shot that lasted for more than a minute came to an end here from the beginning! !

I saw an eagle that was frozen like an ice sculpture, suddenly falling onto the three characters on the city gate! With a slap, it fell into a piece of ice...

The three big characters in the city are finally revealed-Shabak!

"Oh fuck!!"

Many people exclaimed, because they did not expect that the eagle, like the protagonist, would just hang up! ?

Isn't this too sudden?

And what's the matter with that ice cone?

Isn't this a costume drama?

Fengshen Bang?

The contrast is too big, I didn't expect it at all!

However, the greater contrast is yet to come! !

As the eagle fell, the soldiers at the head of the city finally sounded the horn.

After the screen turns, switch back to the forge! !

The blacksmith, played by Chen Xiaochun, once again guided the camera with his gaze, looking at the corner, a set of dusty armor and a rusty long knife.


Inside the medical hall, the old Taoist priest didn't say a word, but with one move, a weapon was still in his hand!

When I look at the camera again, there are already only the old Taoist priests who are looking forward! !


In the academy, the master in the white robe, suddenly...the magical light in his **** hands suddenly lit up! The mangrove tree in the courtyard flew a long branch and turned it into a staff?

What's even more outrageous is that with a wave of the Master's staff, the magic power emerged, and it has disappeared!



It's a reversal again! !

It was totally unexpected that ironsmiths, Taoist priests, and masters would have such handsome transformations! !

Netizens are getting excited! The contrast between the front and the back is too great, and the surprises are endless.

And this is just the beginning! !

The bigger surprise is yet to come!

The white-robed mage appeared again at the head of the city, and the warriors and Taoist priests had already come to the city one step ahead of him.

The three stood side by side, looking down at the city.

From the perspective of the three of them, the siege army outside the city finally revealed its true face! ! Let the netizens exclaim again!

Wow! !

Because, after seeing it clearly, I know, where is the army?

It's all kinds of monsters! There is a mountain-like master Zuma, and there are also weird polyhorn insects...

Densely dense, boundless!

Let's put it this way, this year, there has never been such a big scene in national movies.

Compared with the movie and TV on the theme of immortals, um...the most outstanding are the Fengshen Bang and the New White Lady Legend! !

The authors of those fantasy and fantasy themes that have exploded imagination in later generations are still teenagers!

The Matrix and Independence Day are already the ceilings of the big scenes in Hollywood movies. The first day of "Lord of the Rings", which allowed the world to see how shocking the real monsters are.

Not to mention the Chinese, the whole world has never seen such a shocking scene!

You can think of this as the Eastern Magic version of Modo's attack on Minas Tirith.

It really shocked many people's jaws!

(Well, if it weren't for this idea, Peter Jackson wouldn't need less dollars. This shot alone would cost 100,000 yuan!)

The promotional video continues....

At this moment, the Taoist priest frowned, obviously not having any confidence in the coming war...

But the warrior and the mage looked at each other, smiled coldly, and the fighting spirit was overwhelming...

Suddenly, Brother Xiaochun raised the sword and gestured, following his movements.

Hundreds of fighters jumped up from the city and stood directly on the high city! !

The scene is a spectacular one!

The white-robed mage reached into his arms, a teleporting scroll flew out, and a teleportation gate formed behind him...

Nearly a hundred scholars in the academy, also holding a staff at this time, flashed instantly.

The team grew stronger in the blink of an eye, fighting side by side, and the atmosphere of facing the powerful enemy was also enhanced to the extreme!


The picture was silent. All background music stopped suddenly!

There was only one footsteps in the city that resounded through the eardrums.

The camera keeps up, from the footsteps to the imposing leg armor of the lower body, to the armor of the upper body, and finally the face close-up...

The netizen in front of the computer saw the face clearly and couldn't help yelling:

"Damn! Huazai..." (This is the most expensive, 1 million people are willing to take endorsement photos, because Xiao Ma found a relationship with the richest man in Hong Kong, and also gave Qi Lei a 200,000 red envelope to wish the game a big purchase , Too shameful.)

Wearing a battle armor, Hua Zi climbed to the top of the city and stood before the tactics of war.

With a sudden wave of a long knife...

Speaking of the whole film, the only line...


Just as the voice said, the soldiers had jumped out of the city and rushed to the monster army!

The mage followed, drifting down!

The old Taoist priest did not go down to the city, but he pinched the seal of the talisman with his hand and made the first move!

As the spell was read, the talisman rose up, countless skeleton soldiers crawled out of the big city, and a fire-like sacred beast descended from the sky, killing the enemy!

(This lens is reduced by another 100,000...)


The savage collision of the soldiers, the half-moon scimitar!

The mage highlighted the magic shield, waved his staff, ice roar, **** thunder.

All kinds of skills are dazzling! ! (100,000!)

The netizens who watched it were really enjoyable!

Some people also find...

From the moment the war started, the background music changed...

It has become a very exciting song, even more exciting than the **** battle scene! !

What song is it? Haven't heard of it?

Sun Nan sang it?

"On this turbulent battlefield."

"Storm Boy is here..."

"Overcoming the roar of fire..."

"Noisy the whole world."

"The era of the signal warrior is coming."

"The blood goes against the current..."

It's like singing in a song...

This is so special! !

It's so enjoyable! Some people can no longer extricate themselves, now they decide to play this legend. See if there is such a fun performance in the promo!

Attentively, I can't bear to blink my eyes, keep watching!


He's so **** up! !

The promo came to an end when the fierce battle was in full swing! !

At the end of the film, the soldiers roar in blood, and the mage is like a **** to release the thunder in the combined screen freeze frame! (100,000)

A few dazzling characters are particularly dazzling on the screen,

[We are waiting for you in "Legend"! 】

"I'm going to your uncle!!"

"Out of Chapter Dog!!"

"Stop playing!"


"Just stop here! Spend a share of money and you win!"

It's so hateful...

However, Qi Lei couldn't help it.

8 million, what else do you want to see? I can only get here...

Can't afford to take pictures.


But let’s talk about trouble and trouble,

The netizens who watched the promo were all unconscious and could no longer restrain their excitement.

Isn't this too top-notch?

It's hard to control the urge to continue this rush of blood in the game.

"Oh fuck! What did I look at? Isn't it a special animal?"


"Awesome!! Movies are not as exciting as this!"


"It turns out that the pinnacle of Chinese movies is in a game promotional film..."


"It doesn't matter, the special promotional video is so awkward, I have to play with it."


"I can't help it, I have to play! Do you see the end of the film? Lao Mouzi shot it! The special effects are Peter Jackson, starring Liang Chaowei, Yi Mian, Xiaochun and Wu Ma, this big production, I don't believe what Actoz said So unbearable."


"Don't say anything about Actoz, are there any good guys in the stick? Friendly reminder: Three Stone's declaration of war is not over yet! Brother watched the promo in advance, and then happily flipped to the back. Haha, there are surprises."

Even more than ten minutes have passed since the time to load the video, and the comments have passed 5000! You can't even look at it densely.

Jin Yongmin, Jiang Mingsheng and Harold Khan all came down.

I really didn't expect the road of Three Stones Company to be so wild! ?

Actually came up with such a promotional video! !

The fathers who were far away in Shangbei also watched the promo film in shock.....

Tang Chenggang suddenly looked up, looked at Qi Guojun, then Xu Wenliang, and finally Yang Mingjun.

Speaking arduously, "It's true....There is a reason why it is expensive."

Xu Wenliang is calmer, and the promotional video is really shocking! But... he cares more about practical things.

Asked anxiously, "With this promotional video, can the situation be reversed?"

Tang Chenggang was perplexed, "I don't know....Who knows everything on the Internet?"

But.... Looking at the refresh, there are hundreds of comments that jump up...

Tang Chenggang said with a guilty conscience, "It should be... a bit useful, right?"

In such a while, there are almost 10,000 comments!

However, just when Tang Chenggang flipped down the comments aimlessly, looking at these completely different styles of painting, he slowly smiled.

Qi Guojun's eyes were sharp, and at a glance, someone said that the declaration of war by the Three Stones Company was not over yet, and there was a surprise when he turned to the bottom.


Tang Chenggang obediently obeyed the command and pulled it to the bottom of the page.

Immediately, eyelids twitched! !

The four dads were stunned. Because....

There is also a [Entrance to the Battlefield] at the bottom! !

"Why do you have any more?"

Tang Chenggang was startled, and click into it!

The next page jumped out immediately!

That is a completely different page like a promotional video.

The upper part is a paragraph of text, and the lower part is still the comment area.

【Reward Order】

Since the day of the operation of the legend, the supervision and support of the majority of netizens and players are welcome.

Three Stone Company issued a reward order...

Players, every time they find a BUG in the game, they can report it through the in-game GM, and the reward is RMB 1,000.

The plug-in operation team successfully produces a plug-in that disrupts the balance of the game, such as variable speed, prop modification, and attribute modification plug-ins.

Reward RMB: 100,000 yuan, jobs with an annual salary of more than 100,000 yuan.


The four dads are going crazy! !

This is how confident you are in Three Stone's technology? Dare to say such things?

These days they have learned about it. How can online games not have plug-ins? That thing is rampant! !

However, this is not over yet! !

and also....

[Entrance to the battlefield]

Tang Chenggang won't be able to! !

The tune has changed, "These little rascals, it's endless!?"

The other three dads were almost gaffes, they won't... completely won't.

Wave after wave, you don't even know what these little boys are going to do!

Tang Chenggang clicked in tremblingly! !




Four people, as expected, petrochemical on the spot.

The page is still the comment below the text above.

[Online game plug-in complaint rankings]

Just list four games:

"Legend", "Red Moon", "King of Kings", "UO"

[Online game, vulnerability report ranking]!

Still four:

"Legend", "Red Moon", "King of Kings", "UO"

[Online game stuttering, delayed complaint rankings]! ! ! !

There are still four! ! !





The four daddies can't make other This is going to die to the end!

Didn't you say that my game has loopholes? Didn’t you say that what I rushed out of a month’s work was sloppy?

Then see whose game is more reliable! safer!

Who has the most complaints!

This is to leave nothing behind, you die and you die! !

Although the actual number of complaints on the page is "0"

But this is attitude! !

Three Stone's attitude! It is also the attitude of those children! Rather Stick to your guns! !

As soon as the game is launched, the decision will be made immediately!

Just ah!

It's so fresh....

The four dads don't understand...

I really don't understand, I haven't seen anyone doing business like this.

Xu Wenliang wiped a cold sweat, and said to her heart that my daughter and that little bunny had learned something?

Asked Tang Chenggang, "This time...can it come back?"

Tang Chenggang: "....."

I don't know, I really don't know.



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