Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 167: Dissatisfied!

Latest URL: As I said before, the record of the peak player online was created on the day when "UO" was launched in North America in 1998, and it has not been shaken for nearly two years.

Although many players and online game practitioners know very well, with the popularity of the Internet and the development of online games, this record will be broken sooner or later.

However, in their imagination, the record breaking should be in North America, Europe, and possibly Japan and South Korea, where the Internet is relatively developed.

However, no one ever thought that it would be in China, a poor country where the Internet penetration rate is less than 3%.

What's more unexpected is that it will be such a posture, with a posture that makes all foreign manufacturers daunting, and make the predecessors go away.

Doesn't make sense at all!

Yes, even though we have already chanted the slogans of "building a well-off society in an all-round way" and "striving hard for China's prosperity and strength", China's future to become a big and powerful country has some signs.

However, in the West, even in the eyes of our East Asian neighbors, there are still prejudices.

The image of poverty and backwardness, and even ignorance, is still deeply ingrained.

For things like the Internet, which is fashionable and full of technology, at least in the eyes of ordinary foreigners, China should not have the Internet.


As of February 6th, eight o'clock in the evening of New Year's Day.

The number of online "Legend" finally reached its peak, with 264 sets of servers, the whole line was popular, and it was almost full.

Tang Haichao, Xiao Ma, and others who came from Guangdong, Magic Capital, and Beijing rushed to Sanshi Company and saw such data with their own eyes. They were all stupid.

"Oh damn!" Tang Haichao sighed with only these two words left, and his eyes changed when he looked at Qi Lei.

How did this grandson do it! ? Hasn't the public opinion collapsed?

In fact, the fathers next to him don't even want to ask this question. What is going on? Why... the more you curse, the more you curse, and the more you curse, the more people you have?

This is completely illogical.

Well, it really means that the development of the discipline has not yet reached that point, and the logic in it has not even formed a discipline in this era.

In Qi Lei's own words, don't underestimate the application of journalism, this stuff is more than just writing a manuscript.

To put it an exaggeration, this is an integrated application of the known social sciences of mankind. It is a comprehensive choice for politics, culture, history, psychology, philosophy, and sociology.

To put it in detail, compared with Western theories guided by public opinion, China’s news discourse power is actually limited, so I won’t say what it is.

There are various factors of culture and political system.


The West advocates the so-called free culture, and respects self-expression and individual thinking.

Therefore, if a news event causes a sensation in the West, then the vast majority of people will be willing to express their personal wishes and express individualized opinions.

In other words, just looking at news reviews and public reactions can really reflect the views of all classes on a matter.

But when I arrived in China, this popular opinion in the West was a bit unacceptable, at least not so accurate.

First, there are cultural differences.

The Chinese people of this age are humble and reserved, and our culture advocates the Eastern philosophy of saying nothing, believing, and listening.

In addition, the Internet has just begun to spread, and only a relatively young and open population has access to the Internet. This part of the population does not represent the general perception of society.

And the results of this are good and bad.

The bad thing is that the well-known culture and a small number of people represent China.

Such remarks such as "Japanese elementary school students", "Japanese toilet water can be drunk", "craftsmanship spirit", "the scenery in the western subway", and "the inferior nature of the Chinese nation" became popular in this way.

A few people can mislead hundreds of millions of netizens with just one blog.

But, do you think the Chinese are so ignorant? Haven't been to a foreign country before, and don't know anything?

Ordinary people may be like this, but the government, a considerable number of scholars, etc., are actually clear. That is pure nonsense.

It’s just that, firstly, I disdain to speak up and take care of myself; secondly, I don’t know how to make a sound.

Later generations, with the rapid development of the domestic Internet and the gradual formation of Internet culture, Chinese talents began to slowly awaken, only to realize that sometimes, it is true that a gentleman does not speak, but it is really a disadvantage!

As a result, the public opinion tricks and cultural cannibalization of that small group of people will not work.

In the age of certain music, I wish every local government and public security traffic police had a public account, the system, the law, the fairness, and the more open and transparent.

It is no longer the time when a few well-known people chanted, "Western ZF is more efficient than China", "American police is more humane", and everyone believes it.

Of course, there are good and bad.

There are a lot of bad things, but there are actually some good things.

That is, it despises you, it doesn't understand your deep culture, and it doesn't bother to understand it.

Therefore, it is not clear what the difference between the East and the West will be under the same manipulation of public opinion, and what the result will be.

For example, let's talk about the Three Stone Company.

If it is placed in the West, then netizens cursing is cursing, and all the people are cursing!

Scolding stems from hate, from the free self that twists freedom.

In China, first of all, not everyone is scolding; second, scolding is more of love and eagerness to hate iron and steel.

This has ethnic attributes in it.

Looking back, it is also the case of Three Stones. If Qi Lei is allowed to operate it, he will definitely not lead public opinion to the national level and political direction.

He must be just talking about things from the perspective of the industry, and in the end he sold it badly and pretended to be pitiful.

For example, once the Three Stones are free, it will bring much damage to the industry and cause many losses to various companies.

The final result is that Sanshi is basically cold.

Those people shouldn't do anything, and they shouldn't touch the national self-esteem and sense of family and country of the Chinese people.

In this era, although the national mood is not as straightforward and unrestrained as later generations, being introverted does not mean that it is not high, it does not mean that it is not love.

On the contrary, I really love deeply.

It is a character carved into the bones, flowing in the blood, carved out of five thousand years of culture.

So, when EA made a sound, Qi Lei jumped, and the grandson cut to the pain.

However, immediately after Blizzard jumped out, when the Japanese and Korean media began to attack, when the domestic public began to ridicule and ridicule Qi Lei music again.

"Why did you hit me professionally? You don't play public opinion like that!"

Do you know what Lao Tzu is studying? Do you know what the public knowing and hating the National Party of later generations become hidden?

Don't you mean that you cursed the Chinese for the Chinese market, forcing us to accumulate anger, and finally rebound strongly?

Originally, after Three Stone Company launched pre-registration and recharge, the number of registered players per day was only three to fifty thousand, and the overall recharge amount increased at a low amount of two to three million RMB per day.

According to this growth rate, by February 6th, there will probably be a 50W registered player, and the total recharge amount can reach 6 million.

Qi Lei was already very satisfied. After all, "Legend" is a new game with no foundation. Players can only learn a little information through the promotional video and some game spoilers on the official website. This data is already very satisfied.

The real online population explosion and recharge growth will take a month to see the effect after the game is launched and the word-of-mouth fermented for a period of time.

In other words, under normal circumstances, only in March can "Legend" usher in a full-scale outbreak.

However, let them make such a fuss, starting from January 20th, the official website registration and recharge backstage almost collapsed.

The number of registered players is 100,000 jumps every day, and the recharge is even more popular.

No need to ferment anymore, it will explode when it is online!

It really is...

Colleagues help!



Everyone is still wondering, why is this the result?

I hope Qi Lei will solve the puzzles, but now it’s not a time to gossip, so it’s very uncomfortable to hold back.

However, among the people, only Old Geng didn't want these messy things.

I can't even think about it, and I can't understand it when I listen. What do you want him to do?

Besides, how can the old man have the time to think about these messy things?

He stayed here for a whole day and kept repeating a sentence there:

"One million recharges a month, that's 30 million, a small 400 million a year...I can account for 10%!"

This winter, Mr. Geng missed his biggest investment in the first half of his life, and he was a little at a loss.

Among the sluggish crowd, Qi Guojun suddenly said, "What should I do next?"

The tone was not a question, but a gloomy and cold tone.

Lao Tzu knows his son best, and Qi Lei has never suffered, even a little bit of chicken intestines. It should be this moment that can let him endure such a long time.

And Qi Guojun... protect the calf!

"Next, what should I do?"

Everyone raised their heads when they heard the words, and first looked at Qi Guojun blankly, with their eyes facing each other, but they somewhat understood the reason for this honest man's question.

Mom stunned and scolded us for more than two months. What happened in the end? Didn't you still fail to hold us! ?

I don’t know why, even rational businessmen like Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong suddenly became a bit enthusiastic and looked at Qi Lei, "Next, what should I do?"

Greeting everyone's expectations, Qi Lei grinned and looked at each other with Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian. The three brothers suddenly rubbed their hands.

Qi Lei, "What can I do? Cold!"

Xiao Ma immediately said: "Well, let me let the Penguin pop up the window and announce the results? I want to see what the three companies will look like when they see the results."

Ding Lei's eyes lit up, "Yes, yes! As soon as the results are announced, I guess the public opinion on the Internet will gradually calm down."

Regarding this, Qi Guojun also nodded, "It's time to rectify the name."

"Hehe!" No one thought that Qi Lei just smiled for such a suggestion.

"It's over if you announce it? We have to kill him... clean!"

In the professional field of Qi Lei again, you have to play with those grandchildren!



New Year's Day is definitely a complicated day for the three Actoz companies.

First of all, the three games have achieved good results, which are higher than previous expectations.

"Red Moon" achieved a peak online score of 260,000. 24 hours a day, the average online has reached 120,000, which is pretty good.

"The King of Kings" is much better than "Red Moon", with a peak online of 340,000, which, as expected by Jiang Mingsheng, surpassed the record set by "UO" in North America, with an average of 180,000 online.

"UO" is not bad, with a peak of 310,000 and an average of 160,000 online, which also broke the record set by North America itself.

If placed in normal times, this achievement is enough for the three companies to toast to celebrate, and even publicize and show off on the official website.

However, is it just for the three of them to be happy?

"Legend" opened 264 servers on the first day.

264! !

Moreover, people from all three have secretly entered "Legend" to see it, and the server capacity is definitely not low.

So, what is the data of "Legend"?

No one can guess, and there is no guts to guess.

In this way, the time came to the second day of the new year, ten o'clock in the morning,

Without warning, the official website of "Legend", the navigation website, the official website of Three Stones, NetEase, Sina, Etang, Penguin Community, Chinaren Community, and Kingsoft's official website simultaneously published the head of Three Stones-[900 million] An open letter from Girl Dreams.

"Let your dreams fly for a while"

-Letter to players and all colleagues.

Jin Yongmin, Jiang Mingsheng, and Harold got the news right away and logged onto the official website of "Legend" to see what happened.

The IDs of "Let Dreams Fly for awhile" and "Nine Billion Girls Dream" are in sight.

The three are also speechless. Is this the ID of Qi Guodong, the general manager of Sanshi?

Enough to show up!

Well, the netizens who often hang around under the R tree may not be unfamiliar with this ID, but other netizens on the entire network have the same idea as Jin Yong and others.

Qi Guodong, what a show!

The dream of a 900 million girl? Isn't it too ostentatious?

However, why do so many female netizens drool?

Some people even shouted out the slogans of "I have personality" and "I like it"!

Well, it fully explains what is meant by appearance is justice.

Turning back to continue talking about the three hapless Jin Yongmins, they only made a slight complaint, and immediately turned their attention to the main text.

After all, the current situation is very bad. Three-Stone Company has turned up against the wind. In the future, if three-Stone's server cannot be broken, it will be in trouble. It is really only forced to accept the rise of No. 17 East Street.

Want to share the Chinese market with them?

Think of the three not reconciled.

Why? Why is an agency company asking them to get in?

But what can be done if you are not reconciled? It has become a fact, and the three companies can only clean up their moods and adjust their next strategy.

At this time, it is to look at what Three Stones Company has said, so as to respond.

The open letter is long, but not long-winded.

The first sentence of the opening is a response to various criticisms at home and abroad since this period of time, and it is a one-sentence response.

"We just want to make an attempt, a bold attempt regardless of success or failure."

"But why is it so difficult?!"

This sentence made Jin Yongmin's brows clenched. At first glance, it seemed to be nothing, but after careful consideration, Jin Yongmin wanted to scold his mother.

So insidious!

It is not only selling miserably, but also a sophistry of free operation and vicious competition, or sympathizing with a nearly pitiful tone.

Ordinary netizens who don't know everything have to be brought in if they are not careful.

The first reaction is, who wrote the copy? It's so tall!

Think about it, after reading it, it feels like:

Sanshi Company is not in vicious competition, people are just trying a new way out, it is an explorer!

Finally, "Is it that difficult?" Dao is full of cold and warm in the world, with mixed flavors, and it is impossible to make you sympathize with them, as if they are the weaker side.

Jin Yongmin secretly cried out that it was bad.

I thought that Sanshi Company was unable to argue with each other, so I chose the cold treatment method and did not respond.

It's hard to think, people have experts, and they have already thought about PR copywriting.

Continue to watch in a hurry.

"As a Chinese game company, we started very late, starting from scratch."

"To be honest, it can't compare to foreign countries and the three peer companies in the report."

"So, very helpless, we can't choose self-developed games. We don't know where to start. We can only accumulate experience bit by bit from the agency."

"However, Sanshi has never given up the dream of independent research and development!"

"So, we united several like-minded companies and established No.17 East Street."

"Remember, it was the evening in early October. I sat in front of a grilled wing shop by the side of Chaoyang Road with Xiao Ma, Lao Ding, and Lao Wang. Everyone was holding a big green stick and talking about it. To be the leader of China's game industry."

"Drinking and drinking, I was a little bit up and said, why don't we hug a group and go through the foreigners together!"

"This proposal is actually not in line with business logic. The so-called group is actually sharing technology."

"The purpose of starting a company is to make money. Who wants to take out his own things for others to use?"

"I thought it was a joke, but what I didn't expect was that Old Ding said, okay!"

"In this way, a Chinese game league that does not care about commercial interests, shares technology and resources, was born in a drunk state, accompanied by a table of empty wine bottles."

"Later, Brother Xiao Ma looked back at the number of the grilled wings shop and said, it's called'East Street 17'!"

"In the future, it will be bigger, and you will be able to boast about the media. A meal, a few drunken heads, and an increase in the number of gears will get things done."

"Oh, no one thought that Xiao Ma's joke finally became reality."

"At that time, the Three Stone Company had no money, and the agent of "Legend" had not been taken down. There was a sum of 5 million in the account, which was borrowed from an uncle."

"However, we have the world's most advanced server technology, which is a good start for 17 East Street."

"Lao Ding has the game department of Netease, so he was born. Although no one has no skills in Lao Wang's Sina and Lao Tang's Yi Tang, but these two guys are rich and rich and give everyone money."

"Later on, Jinshan's'Thunder Undead' heard about a few of us, and they wanted to join in, and they also made bold words. Take whatever you like at Xishanju!"

"I have never seen such a generous master!"

"However, we all know that this ‘profiteer’ is not really generous, he is eyeing Sanshi’s server plan. It’s not easy to puncture it with friends."

"The joining of profiteers gives us confidence."

"Furthermore, profiteers are actually quite righteous. After Sanshi got the agent of "Legend", they discovered that the game was incomplete, and there were many problems with game elements and security."

"The profiteer and Lao Ding moved the Xishanju Studio and NetEase's game development department to Harbin, and helped us change the code and fix the loopholes day and night."

"Everyone is even scornful and scornful, so I asked a few masters from Zulong and Creative Yingxiang to come and help."

"So later, when Actoz's President Kim publicly expressed doubts about the operational capabilities and attitude of Three Stones, everyone was very uncomfortable to say it to the heart."

"Because, the "Legend" that was finally presented to the players is no longer an Actoz game (Sanshi bought all the copyrights and made a large-scale adaptation

"Legend" is not even the result of the Three Stones family, but the result of the joint efforts of No. 17, East Street, and even the entire game industry in China!"

"It's the crystallization of our sweat!"

"Everyone should know what happened later, the declaration of war stickers, propaganda videos, and the help of colleagues from all over the network."

"In fact, there is only one purpose, and that is to let foreign counterparts and our own Chinese netizens see..."

"Not satisfied!"

"I, we, no, accept!"

At this point in the open letter, all the netizens who saw it were silent.

Qi Lei, that is, [Nine Million Girl Dreams] used to laugh and scold, and with a tone of self-deprecation and ridicule, he wrote a story about a few profit-seeking businessmen who wanted to make a lot of money in partnership, and wrote a story of inspiration, touching, and special. What a down-to-earth history of struggle.

It's like a magnificent picture of Chinese gamers working hard and forging ahead hand in hand.

There is the bleakness and desolation of the snowy night, and the heroism and passion of the people in the storm.

And, just think about it. In such an era, where every public figure is a great light, even stars dare not be elephants, and always have to maintain a sunny and positive image.

Suddenly a bunch of Internet god-level bigwigs jumped out, and everyone with a family of more than 100 million people said here, they eat roadside stalls, drink big green sticks, and brag about the mountains?

Too grounded!

It's incredible that a big boss like Lei Fudie has been teased for becoming a profiteer.

Invisibly created an atmosphere where everyone would rise up together regardless of each other.

What a shame!

However, netizens don't know!

Many netizens start to post comments without waiting to finish reading it.

[Netizen 1998458754]: I feel sour... It's not easy!

[Classmate Xiao Wang]: Nice job! I see the attitude of Chinese game makers!

[Sanshengshi]: Dissatisfied! With these two words, it is a warrior medal to show support!

[One Leaf Knows Autumn]: Hahaha! Wouldn't it be the grilled wings across from Beiguang? I haven't been, but I pass by there every day.

[226 Ms. Er Er]: You may not believe it. I was there that day, sitting next door, and I heard it. I thought it was some old men bragging about it!

[Huahua World]: Lucky upstairs! Come on, who is the most handsome?


Jin Yongmin and the others will not go through the comments before they see it halfway. They can only say that Qi Guodong's writing style is a bit strong!

Continue to look down.


"We are not convinced!"

"Not only do we need to improve the game and make operations well, we also have to try an operation path that fits our China's national conditions."

"To be honest, the point card operation model may be reasonable abroad, and maybe in the future, after the Chinese become rich, it will be no problem."

"But at the moment, we think it is unreasonable."

"A game spending of tens of dollars or even hundreds of dollars per month is too extravagant for a considerable number of players. Besides, is there really only a point card operation mode for games?

"So, we are looking for a change, seeking an operating model that the Chinese can afford to play and game companies are also profitable."

"Free operation and value-added charging schemes have also emerged from this."

"This plan is very risky, no one is optimistic about it, including our own colleagues."

"There are only Xiao Ma, Lao Ding, Lao Wang, Lao Tang and Lao Chen, and a few people firmly believe in the feasibility of the plan."

"Even if you finally make up your mind and risk your death, the opinions given by most people are, quietly promoting, don't use it in the early stage of operation, it will cause trouble."

"Many colleagues will not understand our intentions, and they will even think that this is the 17th East Street lifting the table and destroying the market."

"However, the gentleman's ambition is to face the blue sea and dusk Cangwu!"

"Be magnanimous and fearless, come at ease!"

"Since we have to do it, then why look forward and backward? So..."

"So I was scolded miserably!"

"It's really miserable. I'm about to be labeled as a traitor. I dare not go online during this period. I can't stand the scolding on the screen, no matter how thick my face is."

"However, fortunately, we survived, we were not defeated, we...still the dreamers of us!"

"We waited until the day "Legend" went live."

"I would like to thank all "Legend" players, you are our motivation for persistence!"

"Thank you, Brother Xiao Ma, Ding Lei, Wang Zhendong, Tang Haichao, Chen Fangzhou, Lei Fudie. Your fighting with your fate has allowed Three Stones to survive and "Legend" to survive."

"Thank you, those who slander us, your slander makes us firmer."



"I wrote this open letter today not only for thanks, but for remembrance, but also for the stubbornness of No.17 East Street, and the stubbornness of the bull who blew after drinking!"

"Stubbornly: I refuse to accept it! Never refuse to accept it!"

"The blown bull X: We will be the boss!"

"And today, we did it!"

"Legend" was online for one day, and a satisfactory answer sheet was handed in. As of 10:00 on February 7, 2000, there were 1.75 million registered users of "Legend"! The peak online player on the first day was 159W! The average number of online players in 24 hours was 940,000. !"

"As of 10 o'clock on February 7, a total of 400,000 paying users have been generated, 1.92 million value-added charges have been contributed, and more than 46.8 million recharge revenues have been made!"

"As of February 7, ten o'clock in the morning.

Suffered client/server attacks in 24 hours: 387,843 times!

Intercept abnormal data packets: 85412 times!

The server/client has crossed the security barrier: 0 times! "

"We did it!

Our attempt was successful!

Our stubbornness has thus become our slogan—

No, take it! "

——On the second day of the first lunar month of the Gengchen year, [Nine Billion Girls Dream] Headquarters of Sanshi Company in Harbin.

[At this time, Xiao Ma and Lao Ding are all by my side. On behalf of those old guys, I wish everyone:

Happy New Year, always stubborn! 】





This open letter caused the entire network to fall into a short silence.

Jin Yongmin, Jiang Mingsheng, and Harold, the pupils of the three people dilated, almost staring at a group of numbers on the screen.

The first reaction is: fake!

But how could it be fake! ? Unless Sanshi has a brainstorm and enters Erguotou, it dares to falsify its public statement.


Peak 1.59 million!

An average of 940,000 online!

And that 47 million in revenue?

It doesn't seem to be true at all, this is too ridiculous!

47 million! It's the revenue that ended the first day of service.

are you crazy? Does the Chinese market have so much potential?

Jin Yongmin immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately broke down in cold sweat. As soon as this open letter from Three Stones Company was issued, the public opinion orientation of the whole network was about to collapse.

In fact, where is the collapse is so simple, this is more thorough than the declaration of war stickers, but also a shocking reversal.

As soon as the open letter was issued, the shocking data was there, and the hard struggle history of Three Stone Company, No. 17, East Street, and Chinese gamers stimulated your nerves.


The three companies, as well as those companies that have criticized Sanshi and China, the media, and public knowledge, have to let the netizens eat their lives.

Not to mention Jin Yongmin and the others, Ding Lei and others saw this open letter, and they were all in cold sweat.

The first reaction is: I... have you supported your free operation? We really just... is it so difficult?

The second reaction is: swear! Don't mess with Qi Lei in this life, this grandson is so yin!

As soon as this open letter came out, no one would stand in the position of those three, and no one would not remember No.17 East Street. That's how it became famous in World War I.

And the third reaction: Do you want to go to university to get a degree in journalism?

It's really insight. What does it mean to play public opinion to the extreme?

This thing is too scary, it doesn't make sense at all!


At this moment.

Lao Qin, who was far away in the capital, looked at the open letter on the computer and couldn't help but screamed.

"Good job! I really have to kill him this time!"

Scrolling down the comment area, countless comments have popped up, and all netizens have only one reply:

"Not satisfied!"

"Not satisfied!"

"Always stubborn! Never accept!"

"Awesome! Just refuse to accept it!"

"Just rush to this post and go to the Internet cafe downstairs to rush ten medals of warriors!"


"What did you clamor for before!? Where is the ruining Chinese market!? Let's see what dissatisfaction is!?"


"I am a server agent. Let me tell everyone something professional. As far as the security is the carrying capacity, I can only say that Sanshi's servers are invincible, and it is not an exaggeration to stand alone in the world! Compared to a rough one 2D game production, this is the real Niu X! Don’t say that people don’t have technology anymore, it’s a shame!"


"This is just the beginning! Looking forward to the rise of No. 17 East Street! Looking forward to the rise of Chinese games!"


"Dissatisfied! Just dissatisfied!"


"Someone has the truth. I can't imagine what kind of server setup can provide such load-bearing capacity, nor can I imagine what algorithm can make the server's security so high, it is simply chilling!"


The overwhelming comment is the opposite of yesterday.

How much slander and abuse the Three Stone Company, No. 17, East Street, and Chinese game makers have suffered before, at this moment, they have received much praise and support.

The foreign companies and media professionals who have provoked the incident also have to endure much anger.

Therefore, Lao Qin suddenly realized a problem, a very serious problem, that is:

The times have changed, and the times that went straight and straight are gone forever. Now is the era of the Internet, the era of the wisdom of the whole people, and the era of information explosion.

Public opinion wars, cultural output, cultural defense, and even the social influences produced by folk culture will inevitably change the thinking of the world.

"We" can no longer think about problems according to the original survival logic.

Just like the competition in the game industry by Three Stones, on the surface, it is a business struggle between several businessmen. But in fact, it reflects the cultural differences between the East and the West, the attitudes of Chinese netizens to open media incidents, and the actual reactions of different expressions. These are all issues that are worth pondering.

Should we, in this regard, make arrangements in advance while the West has not yet reacted? What about moving ahead?

Lao Qin felt that it was necessary to have a good chat with Qi Lei when he had time. This guy has directed this big drama in one hand, so he should have the most experience.

However, before looking for Qi Lei, Lao Qin also knew that this kid had been wronged for so long, should he be compensated?



The other side of the ocean.

Westerners do not have the sharp sense of smell as Lao Qin, they are struggling with another matter.

EA President Tripp Hawkins stayed up all night and has been watching the battle in the Chinese market.

As early as a few hours ago, Harold had reported to him the situation in China, and Hawkins was mentally prepared for the result of not suppressing Three Stones.

However, when he received the Three Stone Company data sent by Origin to the mailbox, Hawkins still looked at the email blankly, speechless for a long time.

For him, he saw not only the tilt of public opinion, but also the desperate number of online players from Three Stones, but something else.

For example, nearly 400,000 hacker attacks failed to defeat Sanshi’s servers.

For example, 264 district servers can withstand a peak congestion of 1.59 million! ?

Moreover, Hawkins learned from Harold that there was no server freeze.

How strong is this server technology! ?

This even makes Hawkins jealous.

Yes, jealous!

You know, EA has the most advanced 3D engine and the world's top game production team.

However, there are long and shortcomings, and EA's server technology can be said to be terrible.

Just look at the servers of "UO" that are not suitable for the purpose. The most complaints about "UO" on the entire network are server freezes.

Can Hawkins not be jealous when seeing such an excellent server?

Moreover, there is one of the most important reasons why Hawkins can't let go of it, that is, you can see the products under the EA company.

"Need for Speed", "FIFA Football Manager" and "NBALive95", EA can be said to be the overlord of current competitive stand-alone games.

Although it has dominated this category, EA has not been able to show the greatest charm of competitive games, that is, online battles.

Imagine two users from the Internet, through a certain platform, staged a battle between the world's top teams, rather than confined to one game console with two controllers...

That is Hawkins' ultimate dream.

Unfortunately, EA's server technology is so bad that Hawkins is unable to complain, which greatly restricts the company's development.

After pondering for a long time, Hawkins made an overseas phone call to Harold, "Immediately stop the attack on the "Legend" server, I will go to China next week!"

At the same time, Mike Mohan, the founder of Blizzard Entertainment, looked at the night in Irvine and fell into contemplation.

Just now, he also received related emails from mainland China.

Supporting more than 6,000 people online at the same time has not yet reached the limit, and the security is solid.

Such a server architecture can be said to be the dream baby of every game company and even every Internet company.

Blizzard invests tens of millions of dollars every year and countless efforts on server architecture development and maintenance, but it is still impossible to get such a perfect server in a short period of time.

Although's server installation is relatively advanced, it is incomparable with Three Stone's.

Later, Mike Mohan learned in detail about the history of the four melees, as well as the cooperation philosophy and composition of No.17 East Street.

Finally, Mike Mohan called the head of Blizzard’s public relations department. UU reading

"I will write a press release immediately, and Blizzard apologizes for the sloppy remarks before. Three Stones is a respectable colleague with surprising core technology. Chinese players are also a group of players worth fighting for."

Blizzard must make a remedy, because this incident also allows Mike Mohan to see the potential of the Chinese game market.

This is only one day, more than 47 million RMB, which is terrifying!

Putting down the phone, Mohan groaned for a while.

"No, I want to go to China."

Blizzard must get the server technology of Three Stones, and even have to deploy in the Chinese market in advance, even if it pays a large amount of royalties to Three Stones.

Mohan thought.



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