Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 171: The ambition of Qi Lei and Xiao Ma

E-commerce, trading platform, for an Internet practitioner, is originally an extremely sensitive word.

In particular, these Internet giants attach great importance to them.

The reason is not complicated.


As I said before, whether portal websites or community forums, including the penguin of Xiao Ma, have always lacked a stable and attractive profit model.

Why does the coming Internet bubble appear?

It is precisely because the popularity of Internet companies by capital does not match their own profitability.

The influx of large amounts of funds not only failed to bring greater confidence to the industry, but also caused widespread panic, and it exploded.

This is not the same as the property market bubble and economic bubble. Housing is at least just needed, and there is also the natural value of the house and the value of the land!

The same is true for economic bubbles. There are also national underpinnings and the actual value of the market.

But the Internet, its assets are invisible and intangible. If they are gone, they are really gone, which is very scary.

Just like Sina and Netease, Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong have achieved the top of the pyramid of domestic Internet companies, but the main source of income for websites is advertising.

This single, extremely limited profit model is simply not worthy of the capital market's emphasis on the Internet industry.

Moreover, this problem cannot be solved by listing.

The stock price of the stock market still feeds back its value through the confidence and vision of stockholders in the company. You just burn money without making money, no matter how good you blow it, you will have to go back to before liberation even if it fluctuates.

It is precisely because of this abnormal development that a spectacle of China's Internet ecology has emerged.

That is: every Internet tycoon wants to do everything!

Not only e-commerce, but like a fly, as long as it is a business that comes with money, I want to try it.

Looking back at the Internet companies in China, it seems that all of them are omniscient and omnipotent. Those big bosses will do this for a while, and then they will do that again. Today I want to do manual functions, and tomorrow I want to raise pigs.

For example, Tang Haichao, his Yitang is a hodgepodge, he wants to develop into paid mailboxes, he also wants to make games, he also wants to take into account his desire for e-commerce, and even wants to play offline.

Of course, this is also the main reason why he can fool around to invest.

Another example is Wang Zhendong. In addition to seeking breakthroughs in mailboxes, forums, sports broadcasts, etc., Sina has also recently hooked up with eBay and Chinaren. I also want to enter the field of e-commerce and online communities to try the waters.

Not to mention Ding Lei, he is the most addicted to making games! He was the one who went to raise pigs in that life.

Moreover, before NetEase started its cooperation with Three Stones, it also tried a project from each other-NetEase E-cartoon.

Ding Lei found that each game company issued its own point card, and each of them had the problem of getting through the channels, which was quite troublesome. Therefore, Netease wants to open up all offline channels and build a huge point card sales network. At that time, your game company will not have to lay down channels by yourself, but will use my E-cartoon, which will allow me to make money while also reducing channel costs.

However, afterwards, there was No. 17 East Street and Three Stone Company. Ding Lei was very interesting to stop the project. No way, no matter how big your offline channels are, is it efficient to have three stone direct access to Internet cafes? And this attempt to lay down offline channels is also a model of e-commerce.

These few East Street 17 East Street and the game industry that now give high hopes are actually the same.

Want to make money, want to make up for the shortcomings of profitability, I want to go crazy!

Let me put it this way! This time node now! The boss of every Internet company doesn't know whether he is still in good standing three months later, or whether he is going bankrupt and begging for food!

I don't even know whether to go home to farm after the financing is finished, or to get the next sum of money, and continue to be worried.

Everyone is willing to follow a 17-year-old kid...

The same is true for spending money and hard work.

They saw a way out for Sanshi Company! !


The current domestic Internet companies....

Three Stones is not the largest company because it has no financing.

But this is just a question of whether Three Stones Company wants or not! !

If Lei Qi raises his arms at this time, "I want to raise money!"

The investment institutions rushing to send money can line up from the Sanshi headquarters to the Songhua River!

It only takes a moment, no Internet company in China can match the financing volume of Three Stones!

It will instantly become the largest and richest Internet company in the country! !


It's not just how big the traffic of the navigation network is, nor how strong the market share of the Sanshi Internet cafe management system is, and it has nothing to do with Nan Guanghong's system team!

Just because it is a company with stable profitability and long-term profitability! !

This will give investors extremely firm confidence that they dare to give as much money as they want!

If Sanshi chooses to go public, the stock price will fly upwards!

This is like, a lot of people in later generations complained, a legend can make the grand Chen become the richest man in China.

On the surface, it looks like a legendary super gold absorbing ability. But in fact, it is because Shanda was one of the few profitable companies at that time!

Because of this, such a game agency with no technology and mainstream traffic can get 80 million in the first financing! It is not in the same dimension with other companies.

We must know that at this time Penguin has already dominated instant messaging, and can only get half of Shanda's.

Jack Ma’s Ali was less than a grand one-third.

And so much money was taken when the Internet bubble just swept the world!

As you can imagine, profit! How important it is to an Internet company.


That's why everyone circled Qi Lei. He didn't have any financing, relying on 200,000 capital to make an Internet company such a big one! Can it be profitable?

This is unreasonable!

There must be some logical and commercial self-consistency.

There is a success password.

Everyone staying on, is just observing and finding out the secret. Or....

Stealing the teacher!

To put it bluntly, these are all from world-renowned schools, and they are all millennia-old fairies.

Everyone knows that it is difficult to live with capital money. No one wants to be kidnapped by capital.

Who doesn't want to be like Qi Lei and the others? Seeing you Actoz, Origin, and Lei Jue are upset, you will scold your mother when you lift the table! ?

But it doesn't work... Without that confidence, there are too many worries!

Just those routines and public relations methods that Lei Qi played. If it doesn't work on them... let alone do it.

They have to be responsible to shareholders and they have to be responsible to capital.

Sometimes, knowing that it is not the best choice, but for the sake of safety, low risk, and the rate of return, you have to bite the bullet.

That's the truth.

They also imagined standing and making money like Qi Lei. And it's not just a few of them, but the whole network now has this mentality!

From the perspective of netizens, Sanshi Company said, "The appearance of the entrepreneurial team is really good! It's really eye-catching."

But from the peers, from the perspective of practitioners...

No one can figure out how they got up!

To put it bluntly, I don't know how many colleagues at home and abroad are studying the "three-stone model". I want to find a development path that can be used for reference.

And a few of them are near the water!

None of the three stone gates is defending them, and they can still scold their mother face to face with the soul of the three stones. How can this opportunity not be missed?

All right! Some are not open too!

That's 30 trading platforms! This department is not at Sanshi headquarters at all, and every time I ask Qi Lei, it is ambiguous.

But it doesn't work if you don't ask... this is the core business!

E-commerce! It's too sensitive, anyone who sees this word wants to go up and take a bite!


Tang Haichao was especially serious, "Stone, brother and you have a heartbreak!"

"Especially after the incident in Korea, I really want to understand one thing! It's not a problem if it goes on like this!"

"We can't let those foreigners choke their necks! I don't want to listen to them!"

"You have to show me a clear way!"

Qi Lei, speechless, "Isn't this clearing the way for you? You are acting as an agent for King Wan...make games! Don't you have money!?"

Tang Haichao, "That's not enough..."

"Let me tell you the truth, Etang's first two financings have already burned out half of them!"

"Now I really don't want to find the third financing...Although I know that 17 East Street, it can bring us a lot of benefits."

"At least in terms of financing, it will be much more convenient."


"Fuck! Don't mention it, I'm sorry!"

Wang Zhendong smiled bitterly over there, "Who isn't? It's best to be self-sufficient, even if we own a major shareholder, it's good to go to the Lao Mei's stock market in the end!"

"If you continue to melt, I will almost lose the decision-making power! I really want to turn the situation around right away!"

Ding Lei's situation is similar to that of Tang Hai Dynasty and Wang Zhendong.

Qi Lei lost his head and said nothing, this is indeed a big problem...

Later generations said that none of China's Internet companies are their own. This is not unreasonable.


Ding Lei also spoke, "Stone...Have you ever gotten a head start in your e-commerce business? Would you like to give everyone a good word?"

"Don't worry, everyone is your own, how can you still steal your business!?"

"Fuck!" Qi Lei wanted to cry! Want to laugh again! "Am I afraid of you grabbing business!?"

Looking around everyone, "Don't say whether you can get it, even if you get it, just use the strength of everyone in the past two months, I will let you too!"

Tang Hai frowned at them. To be honest, they really didn't believe that Qi Lei refused to show up because he wanted to eat alone.

If he was such a stingy person, even if he worked hard for a certain purpose, he wouldn't work as hard as he does now.

To put it bluntly, Qi Lei, his grandson is a real grandson! Your teeth are itchy with anger. But... he is always the kind of person who makes people feel at ease when he catches a glance.

Tang Haichao, "Then what are you hiding?"

Qi Lei is in a hurry! There was a sentence that made everyone stunned for a long time and didn't react, "I just don't want a few brothers. In the future, I will be scolded and led by the nose to take the e-commerce step!"

Staring at his eyes, "Do you think I'm willing to do this?"

Suddenly pointed to Xiao Ma, "Do you know why I don't let him touch the game? As long as it is a profitable business, Penguins will not participate?"

"Because the two of us have already negotiated! Two to three years later, Three Stones and Penguin will be fully integrated and at the same time enter the overseas market!"



Tang Haichao didn't panic their jaws! Fuck! If your two are together, then others will play a fart! ?

He never expected Qi Lei and Xiao Ma to still hold back such a big move!

However, after another thought, it was wrong, "What does this have to do with whether you do e-commerce?"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes, "Three Stones are purely wholly-owned. Penguin's two investment institutions, one is Hong Kong and the other is domestic!"

"Without any foreign investment background, we want to go out? Will Lao Mei let us out so smoothly?"

"Originally, there was a lot of resistance! Adding a domestic financial business, it would be even more difficult to get out!"

"It's nothing special to leave a way for you, I won't even touch it!"

"???" Everyone look at me, I look at you, "Not just an e-commerce..."

Even more startled! ! "Gold, finance!? Where does finance come from?"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes silently.

Everyone gave a white glance, "Just what you are thinking about is also called e-commerce?"

The term e-commerce is not unfamiliar in the Internet industry.

It can even be said that the driving force of the Internet is this term! !

I really thought that "" as the netizens imagined, the purpose is to connect the world and turn the earth into a global village?

Too ethereal, capital will not pay for such an idealized ranking.

The root purpose is actually that when the concept of the Internet was put forward, it was accompanied by a dream of capital, that is: human-to-human transactions, financial structures, and trade circulation patterns will undergo earth-shaking changes because of the Internet!

The dreamers at that time used their imagination to construct an ideal state in which one person could complete the transaction of real and virtual items without face-to-face!

Greatly improve the efficiency and coverage of trade.

This is like, a supermarket can only cover one community, ten supermarkets may cover a city, and a leading international supermarket brand can only cover large and medium-sized cities in the world. To achieve such a large-scale coverage rate is a difficult project.

But e-commerce is different... theoretically, it can cover any corner of the world that has the Internet.

So as long as you are an Internet company, you actually have an e-commerce dream, or even the ultimate goal.

Just like the time and space of later generations, on the surface, it seems that only Jack Ma and Dong Ge are engaged in this direction (Later Vipshop, and Xi Xi temporarily ignored it.)

Other bigwigs don't seem to be interested in e-commerce, and they have their own development paths.

But the actual situation is not like that at all!

There are almost no major domestic Internet companies that have never tried it.

Including, Xiao Ma Ge, Ding Lei, Wang Zhendong and so on. Everyone wants to do e-commerce! It just failed.

In fact, everyone is very clear that as long as this road is cleared, in this era of bubble Internet, it can be regarded as a real realization.

To put it in a bad way, whoever has done it will have confidence! Even if you make a dollar, those investors who go to fool you are all right.

Take the present moment...

8848, eBay, Ali, and the billion Tang of the Tang Hai Dynasty count as half.

They were all established for less than a year, and they all wanted traffic, no traffic, no scale, no scale.

but! ! These financing companies are also very unreasonable!

Tang Haichao flicked tens of millions of dollars with only one PPT.

The same goes for Jack Ma, a teacher who went to the sea to do business, took 25 million US dollars from SoftBank!

This is incomparable between NetEase and Sina.

Because of what?

Because e-commerce is the foundation of the Internet economy and the most reliable business!

However, to be honest, these so-called e-commerce around 2000, from the perspective of later generations, are a bit off the track.

At this time, Qi Lei took a deep breath, "The 30 trading platform is part of the game in the short term."

"The long-term is another plan."

Everyone took a deep breath when they heard this, and he finally spoke.

It’s just that no one realized it, after listening... after reading... all regretted it!

I really have to ask the bottom of what I'm doing! ?

But before I listened...

I'm all looking forward to it! "No hurry! You start from the beginning! Let's talk about the short-term first!"

I saw Qi Lei take a deep breath and groan for a moment.

"It's very simple in the short term. I actually want to create a game ecosystem."

"What is it?" The first sentence made Tang Haichao them change their tune, ecology? ?

Okay, just imagine that the economic system in this game is not taken seriously, even in an unbalanced era of recklessness, who has heard the term game ecology?

At this point, I saw Qi Lei being very serious, "Yes, it's the ecosystem in the game!"

Looking at everyone's still confused gaze, Qi Lei gradually became straightforward:

"You have been asking, how do 10 players sell 12 value-added services? Why do rich players pay for players who don't spend money?"

"After observing this for so long, you probably can understand what's going on?"

Wang Zhendong nodded, "I do understand, but...not systematic."

Qi Lei laughed, of course, it is not systematic. This is a concept of later generations, and almost anyone with a bit of interconnected experience can understand the truth.

But in this savage era, every sentence is the essence.

Explained: "Actually, you only need to think of the game as an ecological closed loop and it should be understandable."

Ding Lei became solemn, this is dry goods: "What kind of closed loop?"

Qi Lei licked his lips and organized the language.

"First of all, I want to have a relatively stable economic system in the legend, as well as an attractive game equipment system."

"For these two points, one was done by Actoz, and the other was improved by me later."

Everyone nodded, "What then?"

Qi Lei, "Then a stable economic system can give the game currency a stable value within the game."

"And an attractive piece of equipment or props can give game currency a chance to circulate."

"Everyone wants to have good equipment, so you can use game currency to buy it. This is the most basic logic. It is also the most basic economic theory."

Everyone is thinking, the truth is this truth, but no one applies this truth to the game, but it is a new business...

You should know that the systematic game economy system was established by "King of Kings", which means that before it, no attention was paid to it, and no one thought about it.

Qi Lei continued, "Then the problem is, if I am a player who has achieved the best equipment, if you are a player who wants the best equipment."

"But everyone has the same game time and the same gold efficiency. You don't have enough game coins to buy equipment. What should I do?"

How to do? Everyone groaned.

Suddenly Tang Hai said, "I understand...If I don't have game currency, I can barter with other valuable things! In the game, the most stable value is the Warrior Medal!!!"




Several Internet tycoons were suddenly taken aback, and they broke the secret in one word!

Qi Lei, "By the way! The most stable is the Warrior Medal!! Because we gave it a realistic value, the official price is 30 yuan each."

"To put it bluntly, the greatest value of the Warrior Medal is actually not the functions of value-added services, but the actual value of the official anchor."

"So, there are two cases of first-level transactions."

"First, use the Warrior Medal in exchange for top-quality equipment."

"Second, use the Warrior Medal to trade game currency, and then use the game currency to buy top-quality equipment."

In fact, when it comes to this, many things have been passed, and none of the people present are laymen.

Qi Lei, "This is the so-called letting the rich players recharge the non-rich players."

"The Warrior Medal is also a currency in the game."

"Players who don't have money don't spend money. They only rely on luck and hard work in the game to obtain equipment and props, and then use equipment and props to get medals."

"And rich players not only need to use the Warrior Medal, but also use the Warrior Medal to make themselves stronger! Get a variety of game props and money."

"Gradually, when the Warriors Medal is completely circulated in the game, as long as a senior player must have a medal, and some of the medals are used by players, but also participate in economic circulation. This is 10 players. There will be 12 medals!"

"But here comes the problem..."

Everyone was completely fascinated by it, "What's the problem? Say it!"

Qi Lei, "Suppose, there is a player who hits a piece of the best equipment, worth 50 medals!!"

"Or, a player, he is not keen on PK in the game, but only likes business! He has become a full-time businessman in the game. Buy and sell. What should I do if I accumulate a lot of game wealth?"

Tang Haichao frowned, he didn't understand, it was profound.

Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong also grinned, feeling that there was something in it! But... just can't catch it, can't think of it!

The anxious little Ma started to guess!

"There is too much money in your hand? Then find a new item to let the money flow."

"But..." Xiao Ma denied himself again, "What are you doing, this is a game, it's over!"

As a result, Qi Lei hadn't spoken yet, and Tang Hai said, "No! What you said is wrong!"

Brother Xiao Ma was startled, "What's wrong?"

Several other people also looked over, "What's wrong?"

Tang Chenggang, "This is not a question of letting money flow."

Raised an eyebrow, "It doesn't matter whether the game currency is the Warrior Medal, it's not real money! It's still a commodity!!"

"So..." looked at Qi Lei, "I see, you have to provide a channel for cashing out the game currency and Warrior Medal in the hands of this group of people!"

Qi Lei smiled brilliantly and said to them, "Yes!"

"That's the truth!"

"The role of the 30th Bazaar is to connect the virtual value of the game with reality!"

"Not only must some people spend money to play games, but also some people must not spend money to play games! Some people have to think that games can make money."




Tang Hai turned black towards them, heck! Why didn't you think of such a simple truth?

At this time Qi Lei, "Understood! The trading platform is the truth! He is a part of the game ecology."

Tang Haichao frowned and was speechless, "No...what can't you say about this?"

"That's right." Wang Zhendong was also stunned. "You can't get it if you say it clearly earlier."

Ding Lei said, "Don't worry! Doesn't he still have a long-term? And how is finance?"

"Hey..." Qi Lei sighed, "I will tell you a set of data and you will know..."

Everyone, "What data?"

Qi Lei, "30 platforms, yesterday's trading volume was...3.3 million."

"It is expected that when the legendary player level rises, the production of advanced equipment and props will stabilize..."

"With the addition of "The King of Kings" and "UO", in the second half of the year, about 6 million daily transactions can be achieved."

"I puff!!"

Ding Lei, Tang Haichao, Wang Zhendong and Chen Fangzhou!

A bit of old blood almost sprayed Qi Lei's face! !

"How many!?"


"What are you bragging about!?"

3.3 million yesterday? Although it is a transaction amount, it is not a profit.

However, this is also impossible!

Why do you say that? Because the establishment of China's online banking is still very early.

Only a few banks such as China Merchants have opened online banking services, accounting for less than 10% of all banking companies!

In other words, only one of the ten banks has online banking services and can consume online.

and! ! Most of these are still corporate users! The number of personal online banking users can be said to be rare.

Let's put it this way, in a thousand people, there may not necessarily be one online banking user!

There is no such soil from the roots! !

At present, the e-commerce websites in operation in China, 8848 and eBay, together, can have hundreds of thousands of transactions per day, and hundreds of thousands of transactions are already good. Only one-tenth of 3.3 million!

According to the data provided by the Bureau of Statistics, the number of individual users who conduct transactions on the Internet every day in China may not add up to 3.3 million! !

How did you come out of a game platform? ?

Staring at Qi Lei, staring at the eyeballs.

Everyone suddenly realized something...

Tang Haichao said suddenly, "You...have you got a financial license?"

Qi Lei spread his hands, "Is this difficult for Sanshi?"

Wang Zhendong, "So the Internet cafe management system has become a financial channel?"

Qi Lei nodded, "Yes... all financial services such as recharge and cash withdrawal can be carried out."



"You..." Tang Haichao squatted, "What the **** are you doing?"

However, Qi Lei said without thinking, "Don't ask!!"

"In short, give me a little time, two to three years will be enough! When I complete the basic framework, you will all be able to eat meat!"

"At that time, half of this thing will belong to the country, and half will belong to yours. Brother Xiao Ma and I will not touch each other. We will have other things to do."

Everyone who said frowned! More confused.

Eating meat... Eating meat is of course a good thing. Let's not say whether this piece of meat can be full, it is probably not too big, but it shouldn't be too small.

But for a few of them, the more important thing is the concept! It is the secret to open the door to Internet wealth.

Wang Zhendong said solemnly, "What the **** is going on? The more you talk about it, the more curious I become!"

"Or else! Let us take a look. Let's take a look at what's going on at this 30th bazaar. If there are too many, you don't have to say, just take a look at the head office?"

Qi Lei is the heart, take a look, with your abilities, you can understand everything!

But, once I think about it, forget it!

I don't feel entangled anymore. If you still hold your hand forcibly at this step, you will break the friendship.

Moreover, he is indeed not against these people, but against outsiders...

30 platform, if no one pays attention to your own development, no matter what.

If someone notices it, study it carefully, it is not difficult to copy one.

With a long sigh, "Look, but the 30th bazaar is not in Harbin."

Um? ?

Everyone was at a loss, "Are you not in Harbin?"

Qi Lei, "In Shangbei."

"..." Everyone is speechless again!

Tang Haichao said, "Oh, go, are you? Tibet Shangbei went to the north?"

Qi Lei also smiled bitterly, "It's not Tibetan Shangbei, it's not Shangbei..." he saw Xu Xiaoqian, "I have to work hard with me if I don't let Shangbei!"

Everyone who said this was even more confused, "Why?"

Qi Lei, "The job issue."

Wang Zhendong, "Don't you just use dozens of customer services? Isn't this job position?"

He clearly remembered that when Seven-fold Surprise came out, Qi Lei said about ninety customer services.


Suddenly his eyes widened, "How many people do you hire?"

Qi Lei, "Hehe...hehe...not much."

"Just over 500 people..."




More than 500 people, isn't that too much?

The first reaction of everyone was, "Go! You take us to see!"



In theory, it's really not too much. "Legend" has opened more than 300 regional servers. Nearly 1.35 million average online players, more than 3 million registered players.

There are only more than 500 customer services for the online transaction service for 3 million users, which is really not much.’s not even counted, it will be returned to "The King of Kings" and "UO" at No.17 East Street.

No way, many people say that the model of the 30th bazaar is similar to the later "snail bazaar" and NetEase's Treasure Pavilion.

In fact, this statement is not accurate because it is technically impossible.

Later generations of snail and NetEase trading platforms can be directly integrated with the game. In other words, the props and game currency data in the game can be directly uploaded to the market, and the players sell and buy are directly traded by the system. The data is automatically changed from the platform to the game server.

However, this level was not possible in 2000, and IE could not communicate with game data. This is not a problem that the Three Stones can solve. The key is that the browser does not support this kind of data intercommunication.

Therefore, ‘30 Bazaar’ is more like 5173, China’s earliest game trading platform.

Use the mode of manual consignment or secured transaction to complete online transactions.

Young people in later generations may never have seen this trading model.

For example, if a player wants to sell a gold coin, if he chooses the consignment model.

To register a trading account (usually a small account) on the platform, and then put the gold coins in the trading account to publish the transaction information.

When the transaction is completed, the platform customer service logs in to the transaction account and transfers the gold coins to the buyer.

Guaranteed transactions are even simpler. The transaction information is released, someone buys, and the transaction time and place are agreed. Buyers, sellers, and platform accounts log in to the game together.

The seller first trades to the account of the platform, and then the platform trades to the buyer.

For later generations, this may be a clumsy method. But in this era, it is the safest and most efficient way!

You know, in this era, there is only one way to trade game items offline and that is face to face.

In order to kill the dragon, went to the university dormitory to trade, and flew to Hangzhou with the golden weapon of "Jian Xia Qing Yuan"! This is a common occurrence.

Therefore, the current trading platform is really a labor-intensive industry.

More than 500 people are really just getting up. The next step Sanshi has to continue to recruit customer service, including the establishment of a legendary online customer service.

Add these two together, thousands of jobs, maybe even more jobs, Xu Wenliang can let him put them somewhere else?


30 trading platform, located in the new building of China Merchants Group opposite Shangbei Development Zone.

There was an old building in the Merchants Building and a land facing the street. China Merchants asked grandpa to tell grandma the year before and raised a sum of money. Use that piece of land to build a commercial building.

Originally, the small abacus rang, half of the first to third floors were used as the new office of China Merchants, and the other half was used as a tertiary industry, preparing to build a China Merchants Hotel.

4 to 7 are sold as commercial buildings, so that not only an office building, a hotel, but also a small profit by selling commercial housing.

As a result...the new office building and hotel are all renovated...just waiting for the beginning of spring to move!

Xu Wenliang attended a wedding of Qi Guodong, and followed Qi Guojun and the others to check the accounts of Sanshi Company.

Originally this thing, he can't help much from an official. But Xu Wenliang was quite attentive.

Finally let him find a place in the company where he can squeeze the wool!

At that time, Three Stone Company was reporting to Harbin ZF that it wanted to rent an old building of the original boiler factory to set up a 30 trading platform.

Xu Wenliang took a look, don't you ask me about this?

Customer service, there is no technical content, and the requirements for geographic location are not high. It's the same everywhere!

In fact, it is better to put Shangbei, the employment cost and daily cost are much lower.

The explanation Qi Lei gave was that he had indeed thought about putting it in Shangbei, but it was too late.

It’s only a month away from the opening of the legendary service. To choose a location, you have to recruit people. It also requires equipment to enter the arena and so on. How can you go back to Shangbei to find a place at that time?

To put it bluntly, not only is this place large, it must be suitable for customer service offices, and even the decoration must be considered.

The conditions are harsher.

It makes sense, and Qi Lei and the others also promised to move back to Shangbei if conditions permit.


In Xu Wenliang's view, nothing will happen in the future.

If you are a trading platform, the benefits will be good and the tax will be high. When you want to move, Harbin might not let it go!

There are always more solutions than difficulties! "I'll find a way for you! Turn on the green light! Just leave it alone."


Shangbei China Merchants is out of luck...

The building I worked so hard to build, I didn't live in it for a day... So Xu Wenliangwei expropriated it.

The leaders of China Merchants Group are all wronged, "Secretary Xu, is this inappropriate? The hotel structure is different."

Xu Wenliang takes care of you? A dead order was placed directly on the phone! "One week! Free up the building for me! No discussion!"

When it was over, Xu Wenliang called Cai Zhenglin again. So the Mayor of Finance personally supervised the affairs.

Cai Zhenglin is even more ruthless: "This is about the overall planning of Shangbei City in the future, you can figure it out!"

With a big hat, the director of China Merchants who buckled couldn't lift his head, "Move!"

They moved here, and all the telephones and internet were installed there.

Water, electricity and heating are selected and settled afterwards.

A week later, the bulk cargo of the three-stone company loaded with computer equipment and furniture was unloaded into the building.

Cheng Jianguo from the Board of Education there recruited all the heads of vocational high schools, middle schools in towns, as well as teachers, technical secondary schools, and health schools.

"Graduates within three years, who can operate on computers, and those who are unemployed at home, find them for me!"

"As soon as graduation is approaching, those who don't have the will to take the college entrance examination, ask me!"

"With a monthly salary of 500-1000, I want 1000 interviews in a week!"

The principals of each school almost didn't laugh when they heard it, "Is 1,000 enough?"

I have just experienced the tide of lay-offs in 1998. Let alone the graduates who broke the school, how many workers and technical talents are laid off in the society.

But here comes the question, "Where is the interview?"

That building of China Merchants is still messy!

When Cheng Jianguo heard this, it was a problem! ? "Bring me all to the Board of Education! Interview with the Board of Education.

"So these principals said to the school teachers after they went back, "Our school has made a package distribution route!" a good job! You have to go to the Board of Education for the interview! "

In this way, after New Year's Day, it only took two weeks, and Three Stones company has already started the training of new customer service.

Only two hundred people were recruited in the first batch, which I thought was enough, but the legendary became a buzzer once the server was opened, and the number of customer service was also increased.

When Tang Haichao came to Shangbei and under the China Merchants Building, they all couldn't believe it...

Within a month, the customer service of hundreds of people has been established like this?

In this regard, Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian fudged together, “You can also put the customer service here when you are running the game! Absolutely support! Various preferential policies are softened.”


To be honest, Ding Lei and the others are a little tempted...

The strength and determination of the government's support alone is enough to make people tempted.

Unfortunately, this is not the time to consider these.

Go inside the building on platform 30. There are also obvious traces of hotels and government offices.

It was originally not specially built for customer service and the little thing Qi Lei wanted to hide... finally couldn't hide it.

So the question is, what does Qi Lei want to hide?

Is the profit of 30 platforms?

Or the channel advantage of the Internet cafe management system...

Or... not at all!

What Qi Lei really wants to hide is actually the concept of e-commerce that transcends the times and the creativity of integrating channels.



There are a lot of things to express in this plot, I am a little greedy, and I feel so uncomfortable to write it.

However, it is almost over.

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