Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 173: The worst plug-in in history

Make a difference?

   For the 40-year-old Xiao Ma, these words may be just a smile. At that time, he had too many things to consider, and he no longer believed in verbal rhetoric.

   But, for the current little Ma brother, there is a kind of blood that is hard to cool.

   "What are you going to do?"

   Qi Lei frowned slightly, he couldn't say how he did it. I can’t say straight, I’m born again, can I take the lead?

   ambiguously said: "That is a capital-first world, as long as you have money in your hands, you can make a difference."

   Xiao Ma knows the relationship between Qi Lei and Lao Bei, and he also understands that what he said is definitely not just a profitable business.

   reminded: "The core technology and key mouthpiece, they will not be easy for you to master."

   Actually, Qi Lei’s logic is not difficult to understand. There is no need to wait for any financial crisis. There are a lot of companies and technologies to pick at every moment.

   military technology from a strategic level to an Internet company.

   For example, Ukraine’s aviation M technology and aviation engines.

   Another example is the waning Internet miracle-Yahoo, the ARM company that has been tepid.

  These things that involve core interests will not be sold to you.

   Regarding Brother Xiao Ma’s concern, Qi Lei also just chuckled, and he didn’t need to explain much, but he said, “It’s worth a try, isn’t it?”

   Brother Xiao Ma thought for a while, "That's right, it's man-made, I'm not surprised what you do."

   The two laughed, they were quite bold and strategizing.



   Actually, the rebirth is a very lonely profession, especially when returning to an era where the concepts are completely different.

   This is also the pain point that Qi Lei only experienced after being reborn.

  Imagine that one's thoughts are incompatible with reality.

   What you see, hear, and feel may completely contradict your perception.

   But, you don’t have any kind, it’s harder to persuade, that feeling is not wonderful.

   Take the simplest example.

   In 2000, the "Resident Evil" series has become popular among players, and the zombie apocalypse has even become a generation's pessimistic framework for the future world.

   Among them, the incomprehensibility of the T virus and the collapse of human society under the catastrophe are even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I think that if there is such a virus, then human civilization will be over.

   After more than 20 years, almost all zombie movies and literature have been framed by this.

   The discussions among online players and netizens are also convinced.

   But, for Qi Lei, he has experienced SARS and COVID-19... a powerful virus that can only be spread by biting people, and it has no incubation period, and wants to break the world?

   At least in China, you can't even get out of the community!

Therefore, you can only look at the discussion posts on the forum that imagine a real-world virus outbreak, boasting that the United States has a small population density, strong democracy, and widespread guns. When the zombie virus breaks out, it will be much better than China.. . I am unable to refute.

   For a person who is not so calm and loves tossing, it is very painful.

   The only good thing is that Qi Lei is reborn at a better age, and he can shape a young and unruly person to cover up his out-of-fit eyes and crazy thoughts.

   More fortunately, the people around him, several friends, including Xiao Ma Ge and Tang Haichao, have also been completely driven off track through Qi Lei's unremitting efforts.

   And, it’s not a bit too partial.

   It can be said that whether it is brain hole or cognition, it is like a wild horse, completely free.

   Xiao Ma is already looking forward to the future, and Qi Lei counterattacks Europe and the United States, and has a lot to do.

  Tang Haichao, who is in the 30 customer service building, is focusing on the layout of online finance. Based on the blueprint drawn by Qi Lei, they have in-depth discussions and formulated the grand strategic goals of several companies.

   Qi Lei, a small person who chaotically enters time and space, is becoming more and more unscrupulous, and the butterfly effect it sets off is getting bigger and bigger.

   He doesn't even know what the future will be like, how many of his 20-year memories buried deep in his memory will be fulfilled again.


   The two chatted for a while, Xiao Ma was very witty and left, and went back to brag to them with Tang Hai.

   As for Qi Lei, Xiao Ma knows that he has another identity, a down-to-earth identity that makes people jealous-a character in Shangbei No. 2 Middle School and a sophomore in high school.

   Qi Lei sent Brother Xiao Ma downstairs, Viagra greeted him naturally, "Are you gone? Come here anytime!"

   Okay, quite self-conscious of the owner.

   Xiao Ma smiled and nodded. He is a bit accustomed to the unique enthusiasm and familiarity of Northeast people.

   Moreover, Brother Xiao Ma also knows that these are all Qi Lei's little buddies, and the relationship is no worse than that of him and Tang Haichao.

   Passing by Viagra, I saw him hanging "Legend" and boarding QQ while chatting with a female account.

   Qi Lei smiled knowingly, which means, look at it, it's all our stuff!

   However, he found that Qi Lei was not very happy, "What are you talking about with my sister!?"

   Teme that is Yanling's QQ.

   As a result, Viagra is still very confident, "What are you talking about? Do you think I would like to talk? Special brother is in college, and he is still tortured by the geometry of the second grade. Am I easy for me?"

   "Oh." Qi Lei changed his face instantly, "Let's talk about it first!"

   Yanling went to Qingcheng with her four aunts after the Chinese New Year, and her grandparents were there.

   "Teach well!"

   Viagra gave him a blank look, "By the way, you also give me the entire QQ account! Otherwise, I won't teach it!"

   Yanling’s QQ number was registered before and after Qi Lei. At that time, when Penguin first started, Qi Lei had a 3-digit Q number, and Yan Ling had a 4-digit number.

   No one paid attention to this thing in the first few months, but as the penguin became more and more popular, and more and more people used it, the comparison of QQ account did not escape the inertia of time and space, and arrived on schedule.

   The current QQ account has 8 digits, and Viagra’s has 7 digits, which is far from Yanling’s.

   "Yan Ling said you still have 3 QQ numbers, you give me one!"


   Qi Lei does have it. When he saw it were three, he was a bit shallow and registered six numbers at once.

   The original plan was five of them, plus Zhao Wei, one for each.

   But later, when it was about to be given to Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei had already used QQ, not later than him, so there was only one left.

   Then, Xiao Ma listened to Qi Lei's opinion, and set the initial number to 5 digits as short as possible, so there is no possibility to register for 3 and 4 digits.

   The remaining number has been kept in Qi Lei's hands all the time, and everyone knows it too.

   Unexpectedly, it made Viagra miss it.

   Besides, Brother Xiao Ma is here, do you care about me?

   stopped talking and looked at Brother Xiao Ma silently.

   Little Ma rolled his eyes when he saw him, how big is it?

   did not say much, took the keyboard and mouse from Viagra, crackled and entered a number: 107.

   Then he pushed the keyboard to Viagra, "The password ******, this is for you, and you can ask customer service to change the information later."

   Viagra: "..."

   looked at QQ, then at Xiao Ma, " hacked the account?"

   Qi Lei immediately covered his face, Brother Xiao Ma hacked the account! ?

   Brother Xiao Ma was also happy, and only said: "My own number, I will send you off."

   But, Viagra still looked confused, looked at QQ, then looked at Brother Xiao Ma, "Here is a sentence, your number? What is it called [beautiful girl 107]?"

   "I puff!!" Qi Lei couldn't help it anymore, just a bit of black history, can't get through it?

   And Xiao Ma's constipation on his face cannot be explained.

   lifted his leg and left, Qi Lei said: "Don't give it away!"

   Viagra watched Xiao Ma's back disappear quickly at the door of the Internet cafe, and asked, "Who is this person?"

   Qi Lei just found it interesting, but he didn't explicitly say, "A friend from another city."

   Hello viagra, and Guan Xiaobei and Cao Xiaoxi, go upstairs.


   Viagra, I don’t want to ask any more. When I got upstairs, I couldn’t wait to turn on the computer and log in to the game and QQ.

   First, with classmates, friends, and Yan Ling on the old QQ, for a while, he added his new QQ107! !

   Then, he plunged into the game.

   Guan Xiaobei and Cao Xiaoxi also do the same.

   Well, the three of them are still hacking "Legend" there!

   While playing, chatting with Qi Lei, Viagra keeps his eyes on the screen, manipulating his little mage.

   "I have heard Li Hanhan say ha, you destroyed a school with Beiguang?"

   Guan Xiaobei: "Hey! Don't pay attention to it, forget about the second middle school. Why run away from Beiguang and arrogant?"

   As a result, after finishing talking, he barked his teeth towards Qi Lei, "But, I like it!"

   Cao Xiaoxi glanced across Guan Xiaobei, "You like a fart! Bring me a few sets of sun water, hurry up."

   Guan Xiaobei promised in a hurry, "Immediately! Viagra gave me a set of warrior weapons, and I am trading it!"

   Qi Lei sat behind the three of them, watching them play, "Where is Li Hanhan? Why didn't she come?"

   Cao Xiaoxi glared at Qi Lei immediately, "What the **** did you do in this period? She never went home during the Chinese New Year."

   Qi Lei, "???"

   Cao Xiaoxi, "Said it was for a CCTV program group! The opportunity is rare, and I didn't come back during the Chinese New Year."

   "Oh." Qi Lei understood, and said to his heart, Li Chunyan helped me?

   Just about to speak, the result was that Viagra screamed and almost didn't jump up.

   "There was a silly fork hitting me!!"

   just finished...

   "Fuck! It's dead..."

   After listening to Xiaobei and Cao Xiaoxi, what's the matter? "Where? Let's go over!"

   Viagra, "Outside the safe zone, hurry up!"

   cursed, "What a stupid warrior, he blocks the door and cuts at people, get sick!"

   Qi Lei leaned over the cloud here, and it was true.

   I saw a soldier who was coaxing and blocking the door outside the safe area. Several of them were brought down by him, and the public channels were full of scolding.

   "There is a silly B at the door! Relying on the equipment to kill people!"


   "Are you sick?"


   As a result, the soldier was extremely arrogant.

   Here, Guan Xiaobei and Cao Xiaoxi were assaulted, "Team and team! Go out together and blow him up!"

   Viagra called, "Wait for a while, go back to the warehouse and get a weapon."

   Guan Xiaobei and Cao Xiaoxi are speechless, "Weapons have been exploded?"

   Viagra sophistry, "Broken things, just beg for food!"

   Qi Lei, "..."

   "Then what, don't go out!"

   The three of them stagnated, and said in doubt, "Why!? Must be cut back!"

   Qi Lei, "You can't cut it..."

   Viagra stared, "Then I will ask my classmates to go online!"

   Qi Lei was speechless, "Forget it, that's...Tang Yi."

  噗! ! !

   The three of them all sprayed, and they took a look at the ID-[Your crazy grandpa]!

   Okay, it’s the grandson’s style indeed

   As everyone knows, Tang Xiaoyi is enjoying himself there!

   The newly won Dragon Slaying and Paralysis Rings, although Slaying Dragons still can't bring them, their level is not enough. However, a set of numb ring can't move when encountering it, and singled out is the existence of invincibility. How cool it is!

   It's a pity that people ran away as soon as they saw his equipment, and didn't fight him! Make Tang Xiaoyi anxious! It can only stop people from standing at the door.

  The angry Viagra screamed in the game, yelling "Tang, go to your uncle! I'm your grandfather wealth! Give me the staff!"

   "Believe it or not, I'm a real pk you?"

   Take a look at Tang Xiaoyi’s equipment in the safety zone of Xiaobei Station, "Give me the ring to play with!"

   Then, the opposite [Your crazy grandpa] was stunned for a few seconds...

   typed a sentence, "I admit the wrong person..."

   is offline.

   Tang Xiaoyi is still weird, who? financial? Cai Wei? How did you recognize me?

   Run quickly!

   is too embarrassing.



   Qi Lei stayed with them in the Internet cafe for a while, then got up and left.

   Before he left, Viagra asked him, school is about to start, someday I will gather.

   Regarding this, Qi Lei also agreed, "A few days or two! We will be back almost the day after tomorrow, and we will call in and make an appointment."

   After hearing Viagra, he waved his hand and said: "Get out of here!"

   Qi Lei didn’t hear it, but tapped twice on Guan Xiaobei’s desk, "Give me a little bit! Didn’t you hear Viagra? School is about to start!"

   While talking, he cast a glance at Cao Xiaoxi.

   Cao Xiaoxi blushed at once, and then went crazy: "Qilei, can you teach him something good!?"

   "I thought Guan Xiaobei was nothing but a thing, but I didn't expect that he could still learn from you! What a loss, let him run to my house if nothing happened!"

  "!!!" Qi Lei was startled at once, "has something to do with me? He committed the same thing!"

   Cao Xiaoxi, "Come on, you! Guan Xiaobei recruited himself, it was your bad idea."

   Qi Lei, "..."

   Okay, no more sophistry, just pointed to Guan Xiaobei and sighed: "You, you! You are really good!"

   sold me backhand? Are you still personal?

   As a result, Guan Xiaobei pretended to be silly, "It's done, thank you for the rest of your life!"

   Qi Lei rolled his eyes and smiled and cursed: "Fuck you!"

   slammed the door and left.


   This trip back to Shangbei, the harvest is still great.

  Tang Haichao, Wang Zhendong, Ding Lei, Chen Fangzhou, each donated one million to No. 2 Middle School to support education.

  Furthermore, it was decided to build a customer service base in Shangbei, and move several website customer service, as well as future game customer service, to Shangbei.

   To be honest, this is a bit unreasonable.

   Although customer service is a labor-intensive thing, putting it in a small place can indeed save part of the cost, which is a good choice.

   However, in Shangbei, especially the self-built customer service base, it really doesn't save much money.

   This is determined by the geographical conditions of the Northeast.

   Many people in later generations say that no one wants to invest in the Northeast because the investment environment is not good, the Northeast people are not hardworking, the Northeast people are too concerned about human relations, the Northeast people are xenophobic, and the Northeast talents are outflowing.

   In fact, these are really not the main reason, or even the reverse, the cause and effect are not right.

   Because of what created the human relationship and society in the Northeast, and the poor investment environment, the brain drain?

  The main issue is the climate!

  Moreover, the climate affects not just the problem of being too cold in winter.

   First of all, the construction cost is much higher than that in the south, including roads and houses.

   When a building was built in the south, the steel-concrete hollow bricks were built. In the age of using red bricks, wall thicknesses of 24 and 37 are sufficient.

   Asphalt roads are repaired, and the pavement may be paved on top of rammed soil and gravel foundations.

   But in the three provinces of Northeast China, if you build this kind of house, people will be gone in winter; if you pave this kind of road, you will have to rebuild it after one or two years of death.

   In the northeast, 50 walls are the foundation, even 70 thick walls.

   Moreover, in order to cope with the temperature difference between winter and summer, the foundation has to undergo special treatment, and the road is the same.

   The construction cost is much higher.

   Take the construction of a customer service center as an example. To build a customer service center in Shangbei is enough for them to build one and a half in the south.

   Then, it is the cost of employment.

   The small towns in the Northeast are definitely a bit worse than the developed coastal cities, but they have no advantage compared to other inland areas.

  Before the reform and opening up, the Northeast was the country’s heavy industry base, production base, and raw material base. It was highly urbanized and the average living standard was not low.

   After the opening up, there is no advantage in human resources.

   This is like the average wage of factories in Yanjiao and Langfang around the capital is only four to five hundred yuan. However, in Shangbei, in the northeast, workers in the factory cost 400 yuan.

   Moreover, in addition to the four to five hundred yuan, there is also the “alpine subsidy” stipulated by the state.

   For the company, it is an additional income.

   In addition to these, there are heating costs in winter, which is really not a small amount of money.

   Take the 30-platform management service building as an example, the heating fee of hundreds of thousands in a winter is still discounted by China Merchants.

   Putting on ordinary people, this cost cannot be ignored.

   Northeastern people often say that for a year’s salary, there are two months to pay for heating, and one month to buy winter clothes.

   This is really no joke.

   To put it ugly, you have to prepare two sets of tires when you buy a car in the Northeast, and the fuel consumption is higher than that of other places.

  In this era, eating vegetables in winter is more expensive than meat.

   Ordinary people, in winter, it is really a meal of potatoes and cabbage, and a meal of cabbage and potatoes.

   Radish soup, radish cubes, and radish sticks are eaten from November to May Day of the following year.

   all say that Dongbei cuisine has a strong taste, you can’t do it if you don’t. Just those few things, not important, can you swallow it?

   The coldness brings obstacles to people from all aspects.

   In addition, the heavy industries in the Northeast are all at the beginning of the country, and the economic support to the local area is actually very small.

   The development of a region cannot be separated from policy support, but the Northeast is natural, and policy costs and development costs are higher than other places.

   So the problem is coming. High urbanization and high overcapacity, the country has strategic and overall considerations, and there is not so much money to invest in the development of the three northeastern provinces. What can be done?

   Those who are related, stay in the system by renunciation, stay in the comfort zone created by generations of this family. This is the natural law of survival of the fittest.

   No one wants to be laid off, no one wants to become a loser in this deteriorating hometown.

   So it gave birth to a social ecology with more and more relationships and relationships.

   and capable, what should I do if it doesn’t matter? I can only choose to leave and pursue a better life.

   Including those who are incapable but have desires, they also have to go out, at least to live without potatoes, cabbage and potatoes.

   Actually, people from the Northeast are not lazy at all, nor are they stupid at all. The lazy and stupid people suffer from poverty at home and will not be scattered all over the country to seek a living.

   In the end, it fell into a vicious circle. If the company does not come, the talents will go; if the talents go, the companies will not come.

   The capable and incapable are gone, and the rest are humane. The mechanism of human relations is more solidified, and those who are capable and incapable have to go out.

   To be honest, Qi Lei feels that the following three provinces in the East have fallen into decline, but they have not completely fallen behind. It is really not easy to ensure the status of education and heavy industry.

   It's a bit far-reaching, but, at least, to explain one problem, Ding Lei's investment here is really not worth the investment, but they always have to pay back when they come out. The exchange terms given by Qi Lei are too big.

  So that even after being bled, these guys are still wondering when they return to Harbin!

   special, we have been tossing with you for almost two months, shouldn't it be you Qi Lei who owes us so much favor?

   How did he come to the end, helped, bleed, and finally owed him a favor that might not be good for the rest of his life?

   But there is no way. This is Chinese society and national conditions.

  Relationships and personal connections are things that everyone can never escape from the moment they are born, especially in business.

   Brother Xiao Ma, they left the next day. There really is no need for them to stay here.

   Before leaving, Wang Zhendong patted Qi Lei on the shoulder, "I won't say anything extra. I'll just say anything in the future, you're welcome! You will get to the capital in two years, and we will get together again."

   This is very northeast.

   But Qi Lei just smiled faintly, "I don't think it will take that long."

   Wang Zhendong stagnated, "What do you mean?"

   Qi Lei didn't say, "I'll know then."

   sent away a few of them, Qi Lei and his friends are also preparing to return to Shangbei, and school will start soon.

   Before leaving, Qi Guodong has one more thing!

   "Have you talked about those hackers?"

   Qi Lei was taken aback, but this matter was forgotten.

   wondered: "What is the situation with those few people?"

   Qi Lei doesn't understand, what's wrong?

   Three Stones has a reward order. If you break into the server, you will be rewarded 100,000 if you make a plug-in. There is also a job with an annual salary of 100,000 in the Three Stones company, no matter how many people your team is.

   This is a win-win business, with both sides making a profit without losing money.

   If it can’t be broken, then Three Stones company has put on a wave of advertisements, and my server is a cow.

   It would be no surprise if someone breached it, it would definitely not be more than the other three.

  Moreover, it is definitely not the average person who can crack the security module of the Three Stones server. Three Stones will recruit a few people with an annual salary of 100,000.

   For hackers, 100,000! There are also jobs. This is the year 2000, which is really not low.

   So, Qi Lei couldn't figure it out, "What can I entangle?"

   Qi Guodong smiled bitterly about this, "They want the 100,000 bonus, but they don't want to work at Sanshi."

   Qi Lei was speechless, "Don't do it with an annual salary of 100,000? How much do they want? No, you let them make a price!"

   Qi Guodong has a toothache, "It's not a question of how much to give."


   Qi Guodong: "That's two students, only 16, with an annual salary!"

   Qi Lei was surprised, "Is only 16?"

"Yeah, one year younger than you! They want to add a bonus of 100,000, so they won't come to work at Sanshi. Then I definitely can't do it! Talking and talking, it’s a little broken. Those kids Say, if you don’t add that 100,000, you will publish the plug-in they researched on the Internet."

   Qi Lei frowned, and said to his heart that he used to hear about computer geniuses on the Internet for the first time.

   speechlessly: "Publish it out?"

   "Aren't these kids going to settle accounts? If it's announced, it turns out that they won't be able to take 100,000 yuan. What good is it for them?"

   is Qi Guodong bitter face, "This is not a question of what is good for them, but it has too much influence on us!"

   "Oh?" Qi Lei was puzzled.

   I saw Qi Guodong stand up solemnly, "That plug-in is too domineering, I really can't let them publish it on the Internet!"

   Qi Lei, "Affect the balance of the game?"

   Qi Guodong, "Hehe, their plug-in is called'Ice City Forced.' As long as you have a game account, you can log in to anyone's account without a password!"

   "I puff!!" Qi Lei spouted out old blood, "Is there any kind of hanging?"

   "Hehe." Little Ma and the others are here these days, Qi Guodong didn't feel embarrassed to say.

   Three Stones Company claims to be the strongest server and the highest security level, and the result was taken by two 16-year-old kids. And it was completely taken down, making the most incomprehensible plug-in, and it would be embarrassing to say it.

   Qi Guodong, "It's really any account. They can completely block our secure server and password verification mechanism. You can log in to whoever you want to log in."

   "Give me the money!" Qi Lei didn't even hit him at this time. "Don't you just add another 100,000? Here!"

   You have to be counseled when you should be counseled, it's so deadly.

   immediately said: "But there is an additional condition, they must give us the method of how to get over the safety barrier."

   can't be two hundred thousand white flowers, such a terrible thing is still in others' hands, right?

   But not wanting, Qi Guodong said angrily: "The card is stuck here! I'm not stupid. I don't want to let go for 100,000 yuan. However, those little kids are a bit too much and just refuse to hand it over."

   "That's why I asked you to have a chat. Anyway, Zhou Taolun and I tried it out. I can't figure it out."

   "Hiss!!" Qi Lei took a deep breath, which was more troublesome.

   pondered for a moment, "Let's do it!"

   After half an hour, a QQ number without ID added Lei Qi's friend.

   comes up with a sentence, "The QQ number is good, and the password is *******."

   Qi Lei's face turned black, and he was just getting off the horse when he came up?

   squinted his eyes and groaned, and said, "You guys are also very good, Hashi?"


   Qi Lei, "Don't be nervous, Sanshi also has masters, and the author of the CIH virus works for Sanshi."

   Opposite, "Isn't that person from Treasure Island?"

   Qi Lei, "Hey, please come here."

   Opposite, "Oh, you guys are really rich."

   Qi Lei, "If you want, you can also come to Sanshi to work. Even if you don't have the opportunity now, you can do it in the future, and the salary can still be negotiated."

"more importantly......"

   Opposite: "What is it?"

   Qi Lei, "The environment of Sanshi Company is much better than yours in Internet cafes."


   Qi Lei stopped talking when he saw the other person, and smiled knowingly, "How about? Consider it? The opportunity of an annual salary of 100,000 is not always available."

   saw this sentence on the other side, and finally said, "Really?"

   Qi Lei, "Really!"

   Opposite, "Then how much do you give?"

   Qi Lei, "How much do you think you are worth?"

   Opposite, "200,000 per person, okay?"

   Qi Lei smiled, "Well, 200,000 is still a bit less, your team, I will give you an annual salary of 500,000, how about it?"

   Opposite, "500,000? Forget it, 200,000 per person!"

   Qi Lei smiled brighter, "So, you are not two, are you?"

   The other side fell silent for an instant, and Qi Lei clearly broke the mystery with a single word.

At this moment, in an Internet cafe diagonally across from the old customer service center of Sanshi Company in Xuanhua Street, two ordinary boys with glasses and a fragile-looking girl are gathering in front of a computer and whispering. Discussion work.

   Xu Chen panicked, "Are we exposed? No police will come to arrest us?"

   Li Xin was behind him and hammered him, "Don't talk nonsense, how can there be such a god?"

  The girl Dong Xiuxiu is even less courageous, "Or, just agree to their request? 200,000 is a lot, and the method is also for them!"

   Xu Chen is cruel, "No! 200,000 is enough?"

   teased the girl: "Don't worry about it, my second child and I are in charge of this matter."

   Upon hearing this, the girl bit her lower lip and stopped speaking.

   While the two boys were arguing, the person named Shitou on QQ suddenly sent another message, which was a string of phone numbers.

   When Xu Chen looked at it, he became serious immediately, the keyboard crackled, "The terms are not agreed, don't call us."

  , the opposite Shishi replied: "Don't get me wrong, this is a lawyer's call."

   Xu Chen stagnated and became more nervous: "What do you mean?"

   [Stone]: "You can check it online, Guangzhou Zhenjie Law Firm, Lin Wanxiao."

   "There are a lot of information about this person on the Internet. He is a well-known barrister in China. This is his phone number. If you don't believe the phone number I gave, you can also confirm the landline of Jie Law Firm."

   "Then, this person will tell you very clearly that what you are doing now has not violated any laws, and there is no clear legislation on hackers at home or abroad."

   "What you can do and what you can't do, they all give you a faithful suggestion. Don't worry, I will pay the legal fees for you."

   "So, you don't need to be so vigilant, we can face to face and talk honestly."




   Three kids, look at me, and I look at you, it’s a little bit awkward.

   Who is this person on the other side? Better than the previous ones.

   After a few words, I knew that they were from Harbin, in an Internet cafe, and not two people, and now I recommend a lawyer to them.

   Dong Xiuxiu is a little anxious, "Or, let's not have the money? I'm a little scared."

   Xu Chen glared, "Counsel! What are you afraid of?"

   Li Xin also took a look at Dong Xiuxiu, "Can you be a little promising? This is our chance to make a lot of money!"

   Dong Xiuxiu's eye circles are a little red, "but...but...but..."

   "Oh, don't worry about it!" Xu Chen shook his arms.

   He rolled his eyes, tapped the keyboard, and searched the Internet for Lin Wanxiao and Zhenjie's lawyer.

   Sure enough, countless pieces of information popped out about Lin Wanxiao, and the stone didn't tell lies.

   scanned it quickly, and Xu Chen took down the phone number of Zhenjie Law Firm and the cell phone number given by Qi Lei.

   finally left a message on qq: "Okay, you will wait!"

   The stone on the opposite side replied, "Okay, after understanding, think about it, call me, this is my mobile phone number."

   After speaking, the three people went offline and went to the front desk to return the machine.

   The internet fee for half an hour is only one and fifty cents.

   When paying the money, Xu Chen also asked the network administrator, "Brother, is there a public phone parked nearby? The IC card type."

   The webmaster smiled, "What IC phone do you look for in the cold weather?" Pointing to the phone on the bar, "We have it here."

   Xu Chen glanced at it, "Forget it, we just want to go home."

   talked and led Li Xin and Dong Xiuxiu to leave the Internet cafe.

   After searching on the street for a long time, I found a working IC phone.

   Xu Chen took out his phone card from his arms and inserted it in. The first call was made to Zhenjie Law Firm.

   asked if there was Lin Wanxiao at the front desk. After confirmation, he asked the front desk for Lin Wanxiao's mobile phone number.

   But it is impossible for others to give it to him. If anyone asks Mr. Lin's phone number, then Mr. Lin doesn't have to do anything else. Professional consulting customer service is still available 24 hours a day.

   Xu Chen didn't get the phone number, but it didn't matter.

   He was very mindful and said to the front desk: "Sister, I actually have Uncle Lin's cell phone, but he gave it to us a long time ago. I don't know if I still use this number."

   "The number he left for me is: *******."

   When the front desk sees that the number is correct, then there is nothing to say, "Yes, it's this number."

   Xu Chen got a positive answer and immediately hung up the phone, making the front desk inexplicable.

   Here, Xu Chen tremblingly hung up the phone, and looked back with Li Xin and Dong Xiuxiu who were also trembling!

   "How is it? Brother is amazing, right?"

   Dong Xiuxiu urged, "Hurry up, I'm cold!"

   Li Xin was anxious when he heard it, "It's nothing, it's so warm today!"

   After finishing speaking, he took off his ragged cotton clothes and surrounded him with Dong Xiuxiu. He... he wore a leaky old sweater and shrank even more tightly.

   Dong Xiuxiu wanted to say no, but Li Xin glared at her back, "Wrapped! Is it troublesome if you catch a cold!?"

   Dong Xiuxiu dare not speak anymore.

   But Xu Chen speeded up, and Lin Wanxiao's phone number was dialed out.

After    was connected, the speed of speech was also very fast, "Lawyer Lin? A person named Shitou from Three Stones Company said that he has paid the lawyer's fee. You can give us a free consultation."

   When I heard Lin Wanxiao, he almost couldn't control his emotions.

lawyer fee? where! ?

  Who paid! ? Why did I not see it?

   The prodigal playing Yinger, the money for the guardian contract on New Year's Day is owed.

   There is also a game statement, saying that it is to give as much as you want, but the result is still a debt.

   Repay the lawyer's fee?

  Law a fart! ? I'm going to file a lawsuit with him and ask for money!

   Be patient, "What's the matter?"

   As a result, when the other side heard it, the young voice came again, almost not sending Lin Wanxiao away.

   "Lawyer Lin, can you call us? He paid for it anyway."

   spoke very fast, and before Lin Wanxiao was mad, a busy tone came.

   What makes Lin Wanxiao angry, no, what is the mess in your northeast! ? Don’t you say how bold you are? Don't dare to be stingy! ? A long-distance call charge is all about it! ?

   hesitated for a finally called back.

   After all, arrears are also money, and the consulting fee is 1,000 yuan an hour!

   After talking on the phone for more than half an hour, Lin Wanxiao was just a few words, and he probably understood the intention of the other person, and even combined with the reward order from Sanshi, he had guessed Qi Lei's intention.

   These are a few young people who are more vigilant, borrowing my reputation to subdue them?

   Lin Wanxiao didn't hide her privately either. Whatever is going on, it's going on.

   It's just that the three children have suffered and stood in the snow for more than half an hour.

   Li Xin couldn't stand the cold at last, and leaned against Dong Xiuxiu, shivering while wrapped in cotton clothes.

   Fortunately, when Xu Chen finally hung up, most of his worries had been erased.

   Li Xin saw that he finally hung up, and eagerly said, "Why don't you call that stone, you can make an appointment directly!"

   I only saw Xu Chenyang raise the IC card, "The card is out of money."



   Explain one thing, at the age of 16 he made a strong login device that can log in without a password...

   is indeed a bit too exaggerated, but this is a real thing, but it did not happen in the legend, but happened to the penguin who is more powerful than the legend.

   It can only be said that reality is more magical than fiction.

  【Monthly pass coin slot】

  【Recommended ticket coin slot】

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