Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 175: We have money

   To tell the truth, Zhou Tao was moved with compassion.

   When she was a child, she was very similar to those three children. She became her own master at the age of fifteen, and she came out to work to earn money.

   At that time, she was also in tattered clothes, with fear and hesitation in her eyes. She also seized any opportunity and desperately refused to let go. She was too aware of the hardship and difficulty.

  Although Qi Lei did nothing wrong out of Sanshi’s own interests, Zhou Tao always felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to say something for the three children.


   hesitated, "Actually, these three kids are pretty good. Although they are not comparable to you, they are at least much better than me. When I was 16 years old, I couldn't earn 300,000."

   "I think it might be useful in the future if you train it well."

   "Cut!?" But he didn't want to. Regarding Zhou Tao's remarks, Qi Lei sneered, "They are far behind you!"

   Zhou Tao smirked, "Don't be angry, I was better than me!"

Qi Lei who    had been speechless, his tone changed, "Little Taoist, you are trying to pretend to be confused, right?"

   Zhou Tao was startled, "No, I mean it!"

   simply turned around from the co-pilot, facing Zhou Tao, "I just ask you, when you were sixteen, no matter how poor or poor, do you want to steal it?"

   Zhou Tao, "I..." staring at her eyes, "Of course I won't!"

But Qi Lei was not satisfied with the answer, and scanned Zhou Tao's eyes up and down, "Just like us, this figure...a big money, a junior, and it won't be a waiter or a receiver. Let's get started?"

   "I'll go to you!" Zhou Tao was angry and almost scolded her mother, "You look down on your little peach sister too much!"

   I saw Qi Lei spread his hands, "Yes, this is the bottom line! I can't just because I am poor, I can do everything, and I can justify my mistakes."

   "So, you are better than them!"

   sternly said: "No matter how great a person is, it is no use not to follow the right path!"

   Zhou Tao stopped talking, but still thinks Qi Lei is a bit exaggerated.

   However, Qi Lei hasn't finished speaking yet, "Sixteen years old! Come to blackmail this set? In order to make some money, you can do everything!"

   "No matter what reasons they have, I don't think they will be of much use in the future. On the contrary, if you give them 300,000, it's over."

   "I won't talk about employment anymore, I dare not use this kind of person!"

   Zhou Tao: "......"

   felt a little regretful, but he wanted to say something, but Qi Lei said, "Okay, I know what you are going to say! This is a reward order from us. Bargaining is not blackmail, right?"

   "Looking at their pitiful look, maybe it is really difficult, right?"

   Zhou Tao pouted and nodded, "To be honest, I really think so."

   "To tell the truth..." smirked, "Three hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, it's not a big deal for us, are you right?"

   Qi Lei, "..."

   Qi Lei buzzed in his head, mom made a wave, you really think so! ?

   He suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem.

   The car has been quiet for a long time, and Qi Lei finally spoke, "Sister, you are not so irrational, are you? You should know that it is not the case at all, your compassion is used in the wrong place."

   Speaking of this, Qi Lei suddenly spit out the window, "Fuck!"

   "When this period is over, you, and the third uncle and his brother-in-law, hurry up and find me a president class to study hard, and we will spend as much money!"

   "I think my third uncle and his brother-in-law are unreliable enough. It turns out that you are dead too. I am afraid that the company will be handed over to you!"

   Zhou Tao was scolded anxiously by him, and simply turned off the starting car.

   "If you make it clear, why did I die? It was originally a reward order set by you, what happened to someone increasing the price!?"

   "You make money in "Legend" and still have such an important loophole. Don't say 300,000, do you want more than 3 million!? I think you are the face of a capitalist!"

   "Cai fan!!"

   Qi Lei, "..."

   stared at his eyes, his expression was a bit dazed, and suddenly realized that this problem was more serious than he thought.

   is not to say how serious Zhou Tao said these things, but that she should have said these things.

   This is very serious!

   ignored Zhou Tao, but slowly took out her cell phone and called her mother-in-law.

   "Auntie Zhang, are you busy?"

   "Yes... something is going on... the Peking University president class you mentioned during the Chinese New Year..."

   "A 500,000 person is 500,000 a person...Let's report it! Report all three! Report two issues!"

   Hanging up, Qi Lei still looked terrified.

   Looking at Zhou Tao, who was still angry, he first reached out to the driver to screw the car, turn on the warm air, and then confirm it again, "Zhou Tao, do you really think so, or are you angry?"

   Zhou Tao, "I..."

   She suddenly felt a little guilty, because she found that Qi Lei's expression was wrong, not the anger of quarreling, but the cold! !


   When Ben came to his lips, he went back in a daze.

   She is not stupid. At this time, she will either admit it, or if she can’t pull the face down, then don’t talk.


   Qi Lei was really anxious, his breathing became heavy, and his voice hung up.

   "First of all, this is the most basic logical problem."

   "This loophole is worth 100,000, 300,000, or 3 million! Even if it is 30 million!!"

   "It has nothing to do with these three little hackers!"

   "This value is you! Me! All the employees of Sanshi created it, not their three little hackers!"

   "You can't cost 300,000 for "Legend" because of this loophole, three to fifty thousand for "Red Moon", and three hundred million for Microsoft!"

   "A quick-acting heart-saving pill is not important for people with heart disease? It can't be just because I have money to ask me one million pieces. There is no such reason."


   "The 100,000 reward I offered is not for them to bargain, let alone prove the value of hacking skills."

   "Just like the door lock of my house is broken, I can ask someone to fix it, or I can ask someone to come to the house as a security guard to pay the salary."

   "But you can't force a burglary just because you know I'm not locked!"

   "Finally!!" Qi Lei's voice grew louder and louder, "Ms. Zhou Tao! I want to ask you something!!!"

   "If... if I easily promised them blackmail, no, as you said, just bargain!!"

   "Then you think that hackers all over the world think that Three Stones Company is really righteous and a good person. I will not bully the good person, or..."

   "Three Stones Company is really bullying, can I tear a piece of meat off him too!?"

   "Or is morality more restrictive? Is the driving force of interest greater? Have you thought about this issue?"

   "You should have thought of it!"

   "Because you are the manager of Sanshi Company, this is your responsibility!"

   "I..." Zhou Tao was speechless when asked.

   Knowing Qi Lei for so long, it is the first time she has seen Qi Lei make such a big fire.

   And Qi Lei, "Fuck!" He slammed the door and went upstairs to look for Lao Geng, leaving Zhou Tao alone to calm down.

   He wasn't angry that Zhou Tao was speaking for the three children, he looked very pitiful. But pitiful, pitiful, you have to know where you are, otherwise, don’t you have a pit in your mind?

   His anger is that Qi Lei discovered a very, very serious hidden danger.

  Old Geng's office.

   The uncle saw him go and returned, and asked the ins and outs, but didn't feel anything, and poured water on Qi Lei.

   "Isn't this normal? Your Aunt Zhang and I have persuaded you a long time ago to give them a few classes, even if they are a night student, that's the truth."

   "Then you are still too expensive, right now?"

   Qi Lei rolled his eyes silently and quibbleed, "Isn't there no money at that time!"

   After the summer vacation, when Zhang Nan just learned about them, he thought of giving Qi Guodong and Zhou Tao a chance to study further.

   Zhang Nan actually did it. The president class of Peking University lasted for a month, with hundreds of thousands of people per person.

   At that time...

   Qi Lei didn't let it go.

   When I came, I really had no money. At that time, it was the time when Sanshi's funds were most in short supply, and the old man had to help!

  Secondly, in the so-called presidential class, Qi Lei always feels that he can't learn anything. In fact, it is just to make friends and expand contacts. It is not necessary for the time being.

   But now it seems that at least it is useful to Zhou Tao, Qi Guodong and Zhao Wei, they can really learn something.

At this time, Uncle Geng pushed the tea to Qi Lei, and continued to persuade: "You said you, from a small door face to a big company in more than a year, sometimes your genius brain can't keep up. Learn to sell now, let alone Zhou Tao, Guodong and the others?"

   "It is understandable!"

   This is also the reason why Old Geng and Zhang Nan strongly suggested that the three heads go for further study.

   Don't say anything else, Qi Lei is an outlier, this can make everyone envy to death.

   His thinking and ability not only surpassed his peers, but surpassed most people in this era.

   But what about Qi Guodong? Where is his brother-in-law Zhao Wei? And Zhou Tao?

   Qi Guodong turned out to be a small clerk in a hardware store, no matter how deep his family background is, he can’t use it.

   Zhou Tao is the most experienced in business among the three, but she is only capable, but she has no vision. After all, it was just a small trader who changed his career.

   As for Zhao Wei...not to mention, there is nothing left but one who is obedient and loyal.

   A little bastard, second-rate, what can you expect from him?

   But, in just one year, these three unreliable people became the top executives of the country's largest network technology company. Isn't that nonsense?

   It is inevitable that there is a problem, and even the ideological concept cannot be changed, and it is not suitable for the current role. It is inevitable, and there is nothing to fuss about.

   On the contrary, if there is no problem, you can adapt immediately, and you can look forward and plan your strategy. What a ghost!

   After all... there is only one Reviver in this world.

   At this time, Uncle Geng sat opposite Qi Lei, and said with earnest heart, "You are running too fast, and you are flying too high!"

   "Of course, the rapid development can cover up many problems, but it will also expose problems, which are unavoidable."

   "Maybe you slow down, those three can learn little by little, and grow from practice, so there won't be these problems."

   "But, in just one year, like a dream, I think it's not easy for the three of them to see people through their nostrils!"

   "What do you want to do? Take your time!"

   chuckled, taunting intentionally, "This time you are still not willing to pay the 1.8 million tuition fee!"

   Qi Lei stared, "It's still one million eight hundred thousand? I'll give them two installments at once, and I have to spend as much money!"

   "Ha!" Uncle Geng laughed, "Don't listen to the old man? You have to listen to me early, and you are willing to spend the money, don't you have to do it now?"

   said Qi Lei bared his teeth, "Is this to blame? Blame you!"

   Old Geng was startled, "Weird? Blame me?"

Qi Lei, "You are my uncle, don't you help me stare? You are so capable, you don't persuade me to die? Besides, why don't you remind them? With you, I save money Woolen cloth!"

   "Hey!!" Annoyed, "You are really shameless!"

   "I still stare at you? Can I stare over!?"

   "For more than a year, I just stared at you! Without me, have you today?"

   Qi Lei curled his lips and arrogantly, "That's my foundation, it has nothing to do with you."

   Uncle Geng stared, "You are so embarrassed to say!"

   "I have been on you all this year, and the money earned by the Internet cafes and agents was thrown on you! As a result, your kid made a lot of money and didn't play with me. You still have a face!"

   "Hey!" Qi Lei began to pretend to be stupid, "I asked you, you don't want it, blame me!"

   The old and the young started to fight like this, you said one sentence to me, but it alleviated the tension.

   After a burst of laughter and scolding, Old Geng started talking about business.

   "Don't tell me, those three kids, you really don't want to kill you."

   Qi Lei raised his eyes, "How do you say?"

   Uncle Geng, "Let's do it, you can't take advantage of it, you don't want to please!"

   "Don't be ruthless, there will be more and more flies. It is necessary to kill chickens and respect monkeys."

   "But if you are too ruthless, spread it out and say that you are bullying at the Three Stone Company store and bullying three poor children."

   "So, it's almost done, let's deal with it cold!"

   Qi Lei agrees with these words.

   "So..." He hammered the table heavily, "I was mad at the time, you didn't see it, what's special, what are these three things? The oil and salt don't get in, and you don't listen to life and death!"

   "I will tell them clearly, if you dare to ask for 300,000, I will kill you!"

   "But..." spread his hands, "It's useless! I can't listen to them at all, I said that giving them an annual salary increase will not work!"

   "I am so stubborn that I don’t know my fart and I come out to be a gangster, so I am still used to him?"

   Qi Lei was really angry at the time, and he had never seen such a "shaft".

   "But..." The front of the conversation turned, and his face turned bitter, "When it comes to digging a hole, I really can't bear it."

   Old Geng raised his eyebrows and jokingly said, "Why don't you have the heart?"

Qi Lei said calmly: "When I asked them to trip Actoz, I always hinted at first. Even if something really happened, it has nothing to do with Sanshi or me personally. It wasn't that I let them go to Korea to publish the plug-in. Yes, legally, I am not responsible."

   "But, I thought about it later..."

   Qi Lei's face was distorted, "Like you said, this matter is not human inside and out, it's still three children, it's not very benevolent..."

   "I just added one more sentence, which is equivalent to tying the three stones to the three of them. Something really happened, and the space for maneuvering is relatively large."

   sighed for a long time, "It's the best result! To break some money, at least I won't say that I am bullying a child with Three Stones, which also serves as a warning."

   "Yeah!" Old Geng nodded and said only two words, "Yes!"

   The phrase "not bad" has two meanings.

  The first thing is that he did not miss Qi Lei. Wisdom, but not stupid, in the end, good is more than ruthless.

   The second layer is, well handled.

   not only kills chickens and respects monkeys, but also does not lose the reputation of big companies.

   This is not necessary in a foreign country, just do whatever it takes.

   But in China, many other factors must be considered. After all, China is a society of human relations, which pays attention to human relations, the great righteousness of the country, and the small virtues of the people.

   So, you have to pay more attention to buying *** in China.

   The word that Lao Geng said was not good enough, but it was actually-the Golden Mean.

   "Okay, I'm leaving!"

   Angrily came along, Qi Lei got up and was about to leave.

   just yelled at Zhou Tao a chase, I have to calm down when I go back. As a boss, at least it doesn't matter whether you are in charge of the senior management.

   rubbed his face vigorously, "These three little B boys, I'm so angry!"

   Uncle Geng laughed happily, "Who told you to go to school badly and toss about?"

   Qi Lei was very concerned about this, and suddenly he said, "Master, should I give you some shares, and you will keep it for me? I'll go back and study hard every day!"


   Uncle Geng felt a little bit in his heart, and was stunned there.

   He knew that Qi Lei's remark was definitely a whim, but it was definitely not a joke.

   Three Stone's shares?

   You said that Uncle Geng is not tempted? That's nonsense!

   Now 1% of the shares of Three Stones is an astronomical figure. At the time of New Year's Day, Qi Lei said that three stones were worth 100 million U.S. dollars. That was modest. At that time, it was possible to value three to five billion U.S. dollars.

  While the success of "Legend" and the gradually familiarity of No.17 East Street, no one knows how many somersaults are possible with the current Three Stones.


   suddenly raised his foot, followed Qi Lei’s **** and flew over, "Fuck off! Who will run!?"

   Old Geng can't take this share.

   Because Qi Lei does not really need a management, but is compensating him.

   There are indeed some problems with Three Stones, but Qi Lei is just complaining here.

  First, he didn't count it himself, Qi Lei himself is a qualified leader.

  Second, even if Qi Lei really wants to get away, he doesn't need to be an outsider! Which of his fathers and aunts is not a human being? Do you need him as a bad old man?

  Thirdly, Lao Geng hasn't learned how to understand the Internet. He can't be the helm of Three Stones.

   "Look at..." Old Geng's refusal made Qi Lei pouted, "I mean it!"

   Uncle Geng blushed, "While playing, I won't mix your business!"

   "Really not mixed up?" Qi Lei was a little disappointed, he was really sincere.

   was the affirmative reply from Old Geng, "One, side, play!"

   Your uncle Geng is not so shallow!

   To drive Qi Lei away, Uncle Geng also laughed out loud.

   Qi Lei is unwilling to take care of things now, that was his adolescence when he was still reluctant to bear his petty notes.

   But sooner or later he has to adapt, after all...

   After all, Old Geng always felt that the small Three Stone Company was not his focus, and this kid would make a big move sooner or later.

   Yes, as Uncle Geng thought before, no one knows where Qi Lei's boundary is.

   Uncle Geng firmly believes that this is just the beginning, and one day, this kid will be earth-shattering.



   Coming out of Uncle Geng’s Internet cafe, Zhou Tao had already driven away, Qi Lei drove back to Sanshi headquarters.

  As soon as I entered the company, I saw Zhou Tao, Qi Guodong, Zhao Wei, and Wu Ning and Tang Yi all sitting together, and the atmosphere was a little dull.

   Okay, when Zhou Tao came back, she was completely wilted.

   Everyone sees that she came back by herself, so of course you have to ask.

   As a result, Zhou Taoyi talked about the cause and effect. At first everyone thought Qi Lei had done a little too much. The three poor children were a bit too bullying.

   But, when Zhou Tao said the section that Qi Lei yelled at her, everyone lost their temper again, and they were all wilted.

   Qi Lei is right, he is doing business, not opening a shantang. If you think about it carefully, it's quite scary.

   At the same time, I am not stupid. I also realize the problem. Everyone can't keep up!

   Not only Qi Guodong and his brother-in-law think so, but Tang Yi, Wu Ning, Yang Xiao and Xu Xiaoqian also realize that their identities have changed now, and they can no longer think so narrowly.

   Especially Xu Xiaoqian, brows furrowed, no one knows what she is thinking.

   In fact, Xu Xiaoqian thinks that the problem is farther than anyone else's angle, and it is more unique:

  If this incident comes out, even if there is someone around him who thinks the same, he will not yell at Zhou Tao or make such a big fire.

   Qi Lei's self-control ability is so strong that he is not a human being. From the same bed that night, Xu Xiaoqian deeply realized how perverted this guy is.

   So, Qi Lei really got angry, and he had to yell, not easy.

   Moreover, according to Xu Xiaoqian's understanding of Qi Lei, he would not lose control of his emotions for anyone, so he was not angry because of Zhou Tao's attitude.

  The answer...It's actually himself.

  He is tantrums with himself because he is so lonely.

   He was frustrated that when he made a controversial decision, there was no supporter around him, and no one understood his thoughts.

   But, how can I help him?

   And Qi Lei saw the quail state of everyone, and he couldn't hold back the fire, what's the matter, come back? You can't stand the blow so much, you start a **** company! ?

   But, you can't yell anymore, you will blow up camp if you yell again!

   suppressed the frustration and eased the tone, "Actually, it is not a big deal at all. We have one head and one head, and the old puppies fall on the pigs. Don't laugh at anyone."

   "The grass platform team made up of pieces together, want to be a corner, the road is still long!"

   "I am the mother-in-law and Lao Geng who are trained well, but they are not good."

   "What's so special!" sipped, "I regret it now, why do you feel weak!? It should be done to death!"

   "Let’s work hard together!"

   Everyone chuckled, and the atmosphere eased slightly.

   However, everyone knows in their hearts that it has been so smooth for more than a year, and the road is still long!

   Although it's not a big deal today, it is enough to be a warning.

   Zhou Tao said suddenly: "That president class... I kind of want to go."

   Qi Guodong nodded, "Is it in the capital, right? Very good. I will stay for two months and have a long experience!"

   After the two had finished speaking, Zhao Wei came to a sentence, which amused everyone.

   "Then...before I go to Peking University, do I have to make up the middle and high school classes? After all, it's a university!"

   Well, three illiterate, none of them finished junior high school.


   In the afternoon, Qi Lei and the others were going back to Shangbei.

   There is nothing going on here, and school will start in less than a week.

   To be honest, everyone really hopes to start school.

   Going to school is so comfortable, at least there is a legitimate reason to shut out these messy things, no one else should look for me, my main job is to study.

   Zhao Wei drove them back.

   As soon as the car leaves Harbin, it feels like being in another world. The land where you can't see the head is covered with snow, and the roads are simple enough to make people yearn for rural residences and villages, two worlds diametrically opposite to Harbin.

   Wu Xiaojian suddenly said, "I kind of miss the big stubble porridge of Sigu's family, or let's not wait for the summer vacation, and let's go play for two days in spring!"

   There is no objection from everyone.

   Compared with all kinds of things in the city, Baihezi’s days when he went barefoot to the fields, fished and picked melons, were indeed a bit fascinating.

  Yang Xiao said: "I kind of miss Kou Zhongqi's heartlessness. With her, my sister feels that she is very normal."

   "Now..." With a bitter face, "I feel very abnormal!"

   As a result, Tang Xiaoyi suddenly jumped out, "Don't think about it, only Zhang Yang is in the eyes of that hooligan, without you!"

   Yang Xiao: "......"

   Yang Xiao was a little jealous, and suddenly said blankly, "I don’t even have anyone to think about, my mother!"


   "I broke up."





   There was silence in the car, plastic sisters, vividly.

   When Qi Lei wanted to speak, he found that Wu Ning, Tang Yi, and Yang Xiao had already gone to sleep. Only Xu Xiaoqian beside him was ignoring the windshield in front of him.

   doesn't know if she is looking at the glass or the scenery outside the window.

   Qi Lei, "What do you think?"

   It’s okay if you don’t ask, Xu Xiaoqian seemed to have made a certain decision after hearing this, her eyes suddenly became firm, and she suddenly grabbed Qi Lei’s hand and leaned to his ear., "You said, is it OK for me to go abroad?"

   "Huh?" Qi Lei stagnated, "Don't you say we will go to Beiguang together?"

   Xu Xiaoqian smiled lightly, "I just... want to go abroad!"

   Qi Lei looked at her, not feeling like joking, and looked at each other for a moment, "Okay! I'll be with you."

   Xu Xiaoqian flattened her mouth slightly, but didn't say anything, just said: "I'll just say it casually, it's not decided yet!"

   Qi Lei, "Then you slowly think about it, I am the same everywhere."

  Xu Xiaoqian, "Really?"

   Qi Lei, "Of course it's true! We are so rich now, what's different?"

   Xu Xiaoqian nodded and said nothing.

   This is not the first time Qi Lei has said this.

   He has already advertised this kind of rhetoric, starting a company for financial freedom. With financial freedom, the body is also free, and you can do whatever you want.

Before   , Xu Xiaoqian also thought so.

   Therefore, Xu Xiaoqian's precise life plan, going to the best school, the best university, going abroad, etc., has long been forgotten by her.

   Like Qi Lei said, do what you like to do if you have money.

   So, she wants to go to Beiguang with Qi Lei, and continue to be heartless in the university.

   But, Xu Xiaoqian's thoughts have changed today!

   She realized Qi Lei's loneliness, and realized that if they couldn't help him, they would only become a burden to him.

   So, she gave birth to the idea of ​​going abroad.

   After all, studying economics, studying finance, and studying how to manage a company is indeed the best choice nowadays abroad.

   She has to think about it.

  Because she is Xu Xiaoqian, what she can give Qi Lei is not just company, but also the courage to move forward hand in hand.

   I have to say that Xu Xiaoqian awakened a bit late.

   At this point, no one can compare to Wu Ning.

   Almost the moment Sanshi started to take off, Wu Xiaojian had already calibrated his future.

  He is the most sober, knowing what he will do in the future, and what he will do in the future.

   Therefore, even if Qi Lei brags over and over, that if you have money, you can be free, and you can do whatever you want. Wu Xiaojian has never believed in it, and even more unswervingly implements his overseas route.

  Because he is very clear, he doesn't want to be a burden, let alone a bystander.


   Regarding Xu Xiaoqian's sudden change, Qi Lei didn't seem to be much, but he was already overwhelmed and cursed constantly.

   "These three little B bastards, you are waiting for!!"

   Where can he not see Xu Xiaoqian's thoughts, it must be the events of today that have touched her.

   You need to know that Xu Xiaoqian is completely "petrified" regardless of what she has learned from Yang Xiao.

   But, there are some inner things that can never be shaken, her self-esteem is too strong!

   What's so special, I can't be at ease! !


   was resenting, the phone ringing suddenly rang.

   Qi Lei didn't react much, but he quarreled the sleeping couples, staring at them with confused eyeballs, and pricked their ears to listen.

   Okay, it's almost a conditioned reflex.

   Qi Lei's broken cell phone rang, is there something to do with the guarantee, and there is still more to it?

   But, I only heard Qi Lei yelled, "Aunt Zhang..."

   The mental arithmetic that everyone was holding fell to the ground, almost all moved and continued to sleep.

  Don't tell me, I used to think that the old mother-in-law Qi Lei is the one who has the most troubles and is the most able to cause moths.

   But look at it now, what kind of scumbag, what this and that, are these all things?

   Moreover, Zhang Nan is the most reliable person who has called during this period of time.

   never asks them about business matters, and only cares about their lives outside, which is more practical than Qi Lei's mother.

   It's the same this time.

   Just now, Qi Lei called Zhang Nan to ask about the president's class. After asking, Qi Lei hung up without explaining much.

   Zhang Nan estimated that they had encountered some problems, and only then thought of the president class. He also guessed that Qi Lei might not be in the right mood, so he didn't rush to get to the bottom.

   It is estimated that after a short period of time, it should be stable, and then I called and cared about it.

   And Qi Lei did stabilize his emotions, but the grievances in his heart didn't disappear very much. The old mother-in-law called, just in time to talk.

   I explained the general situation to Zhang Nan, including how irritating the three little kids are. By the way, I also said that I should listen to you before leaving the president's shift.

   Regarding this, Zhang Nan could hear that Qi Lei had taken care of it, so he didn't make any comments, except that she would help pay attention to it again.

   Then after coming back, let Qi Lei rest for two days, and then come to the house for a meal. She had a small matter to discuss with Qi Lei, and then hung up.

   Qi Lei put away the phone, let out a long sigh, and no longer think about the three hapless children, and then erased the three **** from his mind, and there will never be any intersection.

It's not just three bear kids. Now, Qi Lei has thrown away all the messy things of the Three Stones Company. What he thinks is the start of school, and he promised to kill the animals in the experiment this semester and do it all over again. A happy second B, enjoying the last teenage years.

   However, there are certain things in this world that there is no right or wrong, but the angle and position are different.

   There are some people in this world that you can forget if you want to.

   At this time when Qi Lei and his friends were dangling in the car towards Shangbei, in a dilapidated rental house in Harbin.

   This is the simplest rental house. There is only one room at the entrance. From the inside to the outside, there is only a large bed, a small bed, a coal stove in the middle of the floor, and an old cupboard at the door.

   There is only one window in the room, which is covered with frost, blocking the not-so-sufficient sunlight, making the room dark and curvy.

   However, in such a simple ruined house, Dong Xiuxiu curled up on the small bed wrapped in a quilt, with a sweet smirk on the corner of his mouth, and shouted at Li Xin on the side of the medium stove:

   "Second brother, we are rich now, don't learn to cook, come back to school! Only one semester was delayed, and we can still catch up!"

   Li Xin glared at her angrily, "Children’s family, what do you know! I am willing to be a cook, and my master is kind to me!"

   Dong Xiuxiu's mouth was flat, but he didn't speak.

   Li Xin said that the chef’s master is really good, and sincerely teaches him, but he is also ruthless. Li Xin has a bruise on his waist for a week, and it hasn’t been good until now.

  It was his master who kicked it and knocked it on the corner of the stove.

   At this time, Li Xin still looked like he didn't look good to anyone. He took down a small pot made on the coal stove and moved it to the bedside.

   "Sir, don't care about it!" Lifted the lid of the small pot, "Try it!"

   Dong Xiuxiu sat up wrapped in a quilt, looked at the milky white soup in the small pot, smirked: "Hot..."

   Li Xin stared, "You have to drink it too hot! Crucian carp soup, can make up!"

   After finishing speaking, don't care about Dong Xiuxiu, go back to the media stove, and stare at the check with Xu Chen.

   It took a long time to sigh, "Three hundred thousand!"

   Xu Chen smiled, "Three hundred thousand!"

   At this time, Dong Xiuxiu’s voice came from behind the two, "When we get the money back, what do you want to do?"

   What are you doing...

   want to do a lot! !

   Xu Chen wants Li Xin to go back to school... His grades are actually better than both him and Xiuxiu.

   Li Xin wants to rent a bigger house, at least not to let the air leak...

   He also wants to go back to the children's welfare home in Jiangbei to see the grandma of the dean... Bring a bunch of gifts and tell her they are making a lot of money.

   I also want to change into warm clothes for the three of them... and buy a schoolbag for Xiuxiu. Since childhood, Xiuxiu has never used schoolbags.

   They also want to buy a set of English computer magazines for Teacher Jia. Without his teaching, they would not have the craftsmanship they have today.

   It's a pity....Although they want these, they are not what they want the most!

   looked back at Xiuxiu, Li Xin winked at Xu Chen.

   then said to Dong Xiuxiu, "Don't grind those useless! Isn't this still holding it!?"

  While asking Xu Chen to collect the check, he instructed: "Drink the soup, and then take the medicine by myself! Lie down there for me to sleep, and Xu Chen and I will go to see how much the game is sold for."

   Dong Xiuxiu heard, "I want to go too!"

   Li Xin stared at him and scolded, "I'm not obedient and beat you! Sleep!"

   "Oh..." Dong Xiuxiu replied, drinking soup obediently...

   Xu Chen and Li Xin filled the stove with coal, then wrapped their coats and went out...

   The three of them are orphans, so there are three people with three surnames.

   grew up in a children’s orphanage. By the age of 14, in accordance with national regulations, he cannot stay in a children’s orphanage and must be transferred to a social orphanage...

   It's a pity....Social welfare institutes are no longer utopias guarded by the dean and grandma when I was young.

  The children here are very few going to school. They either completely shepherd the sheep to the society, or they have begun to work to earn money...

   It's messy anyway...

  With some other reasons, the three brothers and sisters moved out.

   The two brothers left the house, and snowflakes began to float in the sky... it was beautiful...

   but let the brothers who are not too warm shrink tighter to resist the cold.

   Against the snow, it took a long time to get to the First Hospital of Harbin Medical University.

   Go up to the floor where the internal medicine department is located in a light car, and look at the probe outside a clinic...

   There was a doctor in his forties sitting in the room who was receiving the outpatient clinic. He inadvertently saw Xu Chen and Li Xin at the door.

   kindly let them beckon them to wait a while.

   After seeing the last few patients, he called them in, "Isn’t it supposed to be here tomorrow? Where's Xiuxiu?"

   Before the two children could talk, he smiled and said, "But it's better to come over today."

   took out an application form from the drawer and handed it to the two of them, "Take this back and let your social welfare institute stamp it."

   "I have already greeted me in the yard. I can save more than half of the cost for dialysis in the future. Only one material is charged."

   "In addition..." he took out another form, didn't pass it, just showed the two of them, "I will fill in this for you."

   "The department has sufficient funding this year, from the original 30% to 50% for you."

   "In this case... Xiuxiu is at least dialysis of the cost of this item, one thousand yuan a month is enough."

   Xu Chen happily accepted the form, and looked at it carefully, "Just stamped?"



   is kidney failure syndrome...

   referred to as kidney failure.

   There are only two ways to survive, or change the kidney! Or do hemodialysis for a long time.

   eight times a month, each time the current cost is 600 yuan.

   The cost is not affordable at all.

  Even if the welfare institution pays part of the cost, the money is not enough to take medicine. It is only paid according to the lowest standard of treatment.

   The hospital is also trying to reduce the exemption, but it is still not enough...


   Fortunately, there are still many people in this world.

   such as the grandma of the dean, such as teacher Jia... such as Zhang Xinglin in front of me.

   Looking at the form handed by Zhang Xinglin, Li Xin's eyes were a little red, "Uncle Zhang...Thank you! Thank you for saving Xiuxiu's life!"

   Zhang Xinglin waved his hand needlessly, "Don't talk about it!"

   glared at Li Xin, "It's a business that you can honestly send me back to school! Is it the ingredient for being a chef?"

   "I..." Li Xin choked on Hehe laughed, "I like being a chef."

   At this time, Xu Chen'an couldn't help but gave Li Xin a bit, "Don't say it's useless."

   talked, unable to hide his excitement, "Uncle Zhang, does that thing you said before count!?"

   Zhang Xinglin was startled, "What's the matter?"

   Li Xin also reacted, "Just what you said, 300,000 yuan can give Xiuxiu a kidney."

   Zhang Xinglin looked at them blankly, "Yes... I said it."

   He hasn't reacted yet. He did say that the cost of a kidney transplant is at least 300,000 yuan.

   But... what does this have to do with you?

   But I didn’t expect that, I saw Xu Chen from the pocket inside the cotton jacket, carefully please write out the check...

   slowly pushed to Zhang Xinglin, and said something that made him unresponsive for a long time...

   "We are going to give Xiuxiu a kidney transplant!"

   "We have money!"



  【Monthly pass coin slot】

  【Recommended ticket coin slot】


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