Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 177: Habitual cheating

Hell, heaven...

Maybe... the most bitter and the most enjoyable are in the world.

The injustice of destiny and the hardships of life have made almost everyone sigh that "the world is not worth it".

However, there are always some people who live as they are in our dreams, and then throw something called "hope" on your face, roaring, "Follow me, it's not over yet!"

Such people are especially numerous in our country! !


Jia Taofang took Li Xin, step by step down the stairs of the teaching building, to the snow-covered playground, and out of the old gate of 163 Middle School.

Li Xin still didn't think he did anything wrong.

In fact, it is difficult for you to describe what is the bottom line and what is right or wrong to a boy who only has pain in life.

However, maybe he doesn't need to know at all, because Jia Taofang's position in his mind has surpassed right and wrong.

Just like those little fans who chase stars, reason is not enough to control their words and deeds, but idols can.

Fortunately for Li Xin, his the real idol.

One teacher and one apprentice just went to Three Stone Company, stride! magnanimous! !

When they arrived at the Three Stone Company, they were taken to an office after being checked and blocked by the guard.

When Qi Guodong and Zhou Tao came and looked at Jia Taofang and the little **** in a bit of astonishment, when Jia Taofang solemnly and reluctantly handed the check to the people at Three Stone Company, Li Xin suddenly felt, Teacher Jia is so handsome, so awesome!

The feeling of Qi Guodong and Zhou Tao is, hell!

Even the old Nan, Zhao Na and Zhang Jian who came after hearing the news were extremely shocked and stared at the two people at the door.

Well, the impact of 300,000 in this era is no less than 30 million in later generations.

It was sent out in the morning, and it was sent back in the afternoon. I didn't expect it and I had never seen it.

And then, at the foot of Jinshan in the north of the city, looking at the quiet and peaceful Shang Beicheng in the distance, Qi Lei, who exhaled a long breath, was once again disturbed by the telephone ringing.

When I glanced at it, it was Lao Nan's call.

Qi Lei didn't care too much, and picked it up, "Hello?"

As a result, a roar from the other side frightened Qi Lei, "What are you doing? I'm Uncle Nan, get out of here right away!"

Qi Lei, "???"

what's going on? Who offended you, made such a big fire with me.

I haven't figured out what's going on yet, but the roar of Zhou Tao and Qi Guodong in the room can still be faintly heard on the phone.

"This prodigal child, what can't you tell me clearly on the table? People's hearts are grown in flesh, so who can make it difficult for you?"

"Are you still threatening? Do you know what you said wrong!?"

"If it wasn't for your teacher to come, would you still save your sister's life!? You can save the ghost, go to you!"

Qi Lei was holding his mobile phone in a daze, listening to the opposite mad woman Zhou Tao's curse.

"Out, what happened?"

Old Nan didn't say much, "Anyway, you come back quickly, in a hurry!"

"I..." There are not many things that can make Nan Lao say very urgent.


At this time, Qi Lei can immediately choose the city he hates most in his life-Harbin! ! none of them!

I really don't want to go anymore.

But there was no other way, so Zhao Wei drove forward for a while, and put Wu Ning and Xu Xiaoqian down on the edge of the city where they could get the electric three rounds, and then turned around and drove back immediately.

Wu Ning and the others are actually curious about what happened, but they really don't want to go back, so let's die a fellow Daoist and not die a poor Dao!

Wu Xiaojian even kindly reminded, "Brother Stone, don't be tired! Come back early! I have delayed the start of school, I will ask you for leave!"

Tang Xiaoyi, "Go with peace of mind, for the future of everyone! Don't worry, we won't miss you."

The Qi Lei said he regretted his death. When he was still naked, he should just turn over and crush them to death.

Three hours later.

Harbin City has already started to shine, and Qi Lei, who overlooked Shangbei from a distance, returned to the headquarters of Sanshi.

First glanced at the office through the window in the corridor. At this moment, there were four people sitting inside—Jia Taofang, Xu Chen, Li Xin, and Dong Xiuxiu.

Qi Lei didn't rush in, but went to Qi Guodong's office and listened to his own general situation first.

Jia Taofang brought Li Xin over in the afternoon and returned the check directly.

The purpose is just one, don't let these three children participate in the competition between Three Stones and Actoz, they can not have so many.

Even as long as the Three Stone Company does not pursue it, even if it does not cost 200,000, just take the bonus of 100,000.

The sudden change naturally made Qi Guodong and the others puzzled, and it was the first time that they saw too much money.

And Jia Taofang didn't conceal anything under the repeated questioning of Sanshi, she told the situation of the three children, it can be regarded as a sympathy for them!

Then it exploded.

It's too pitiful, no one feels uncomfortable, so there was this scene of Nan Lao calling Qi Lei back.

Okay, it's not like Nan Lao, everyone doesn't know, it's quite calm, and I chatted with Teacher Jia for a while.

However, after the chat, I called Qi Lei.

At this moment, Qi Lei frowned tightly after listening to their descriptions, and hated the three children even more, so what! ! What is this?

This time it’s troublesome. If it doesn’t, it’s another public opinion crisis and moral condemnation.

But what am I doing wrong? What did Three Stones do wrong?

What a fuck!

At this time, Qi Guodong was still complaining to the south, "Why do you always tell him to come back? What's the use of him coming back?"

While speaking, he looked at Qi Lei, "In the afternoon, I followed the man named Li back to find the other two, it was a bit..."

Qi Guodong, an old man, couldn't bear it anymore. The two children were nestled in a dilapidated house with air leaking on all sides. It looked pitiful at first sight.

To Qi Lei handed a bank card, "Since you are back, then you go!"

"The company is a company. We also want to understand this. You did it right. We have such a big stall. We really have to act according to reason."

"But..." annoyed, "Anyway, this is my personal opinion! Isn't it bad rules?"

Zhou Tao did the same, and handed over a card, "I also count mine!"

Over there, Zhang Jian also took out a card and gave it to Qi Lei, and he also ordered, "After withdrawing the money, return the card to me, I will just have this card!"

I puff! !

Qi Lei wanted to vomit blood, neither did he answer it, nor did he answer it.

This is so special, do you still blame me? Is this slap me in the face?

However, it is really the best solution they can think of.

Donations from the company will not break the rules and help the three children.

No way, Qi Lei took three cards first, and looked at Nan Guanghong shamelessly, "Lao Nan, where's yours?"

"Mine?" As a result, Old Nan glared at Qi Lei viciously, "You still don't understand this? Let me pay you? Then you go and stay cool as soon as possible!"

After cursing, he leaned close to Qi Lei again, with a serious face, and said in a low voice: "Do you know what to call you back for?"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes, "I know."

Old Nan was happy, "Just know, go!"

Before leaving, Qi Lei joked to everyone, "You guys study hard, or the old man understands me, you are nothing!"

He raised three cards, then put it in his pocket, "Thank you!"

Qi Guodong, Zhou Tao and Zhang Jian were inexplicable.

After Qi Lei finished speaking, he came out of Qi Guodong's office and went straight to Jia Taofang's room.

Jia Taofang and the three children were a little nervous when they sat in the room. They knew they were waiting for someone and the real boss of Three Stones Company to show up.

However, Jia Taofang did not expect that a child would be waiting.

And Li Xin and Xu Chen didn't even expect that they were this "very annoying" peers.

I saw Qi Lei pushing the door and entering, sitting across from the four under the staring gaze of the four.

"Introduce yourself," Qi Lei went straight to the point, "The actual controlling shareholder of Three Stones, Qi Lei."





The four people opposite had no expressions.

Well, Jia Taofang didn't react, and the other three children didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

Qi Lei didn't care either, he first looked at Li Xin playfully, "Are you a cook?"

As a result, Li Xin didn't reply yet, Jia Taofang changed his tone, "Huh!? What is it!?"

Jia Taofang almost didn't jump up, his long reflex arc finally took effect, looking at Qi Lei in horror! "You... are you the boss of Three Stones?"


Well, one more world view collapsed.

Qi Lei just smiled faintly, there is no way, he has been used to it, the world is marveling at his "young and promising".

Continue to look at Li Xin, "So, you are a cook? No, you are still an apprentice cook!"

Li Xin still stuck with his neck, "What's wrong? No way?"

"Okay, really OK!" Qi Lei slapped his mouth, OK, but I haven't seen it much.

After a glance, Dong Xiuxiu, who was still very pitiful, felt completely different from when he met during the day.

Secretly sighed, and beckoned to Zhou Tao outside the door, asking her to take Dong Xiuxiu to eat first, and then bring some food for the remaining three. Then don't let Dong Xiuxiu come back, find a place to rest.

Dong Xiuxiu was a little afraid to go at first, but in the end Jia Taofang nodded before willing to move.

When only Qi Lei and the three people on the other side were left in the room, Jia Taofang also woke up from the shock, no matter who was the boss, it was the same.

He no longer treats Qi Lei as a young man, and proactively speaks: "Boss Qi, we have no other intentions. I apologize to Three Stone Company on behalf of my students."

"Then..." took out the check again and returned it to Qi Lei, "these three hundred thousand, they agree to return it to you."

"And then...."

After all, it is just a teacher who is not sociable, and reluctantly squeezes out a smile, "After all, they have completed the reward order of your company. You have the final say on how much you should give."

Jia Taofang is also very embarrassed, the money must be refunded, there is nothing to say. However, it is not possible to retire all, after all, that is Dong Xiuxiu's life-saving money.

If it is less than one hundred thousand, Jia Taofang can still think of a way. His wife was laid-off and placed seventy to eighty thousand, plus his savings as a teacher over the years, he could still make up three hundred thousand.

I saw Qi Lei picking up the check and playing with it in his hand.

In fact, he is also entangled, this is a horrible mess.

Now, on the contrary, the Three Stones Company is struggling to overcome it, and there are no people inside and outside.

There is nothing wrong with sticking to principles! What's wrong if you don't want to be blackmailed?

However, if you take back the money... and spread it out, it is not only as simple as hurting three poor children, but also hurting one life. Public opinion can bury the Three Stone Company.

But then again, if your generous sympathy overflows, 300,000 don't need it, and I will give you how much you lack, it won't work.

After pondering for a while, it seemed to sort out his thoughts.

Suddenly he said, "Come... I must take it back!"

Looking at Li Xin coldly, "You know, what's wrong with you?"

Li Xin gritted his teeth, glanced at Jia Taofang, and finally lowered his head unwillingly, "I...I shouldn't be insatiable!"

"Wrong!" Qi Lei shook his head. "It's normal to be greedy. Everyone is greedy, and I'm greedy. I hope I won't give you a penny, and I can still achieve my goal."

Seeing Li Xin and Xu Chen both raising their heads to look at him, Qi Lei sneered, "Don't think that I want to tell you something greedy, and there must be a great truth."

"I'm not that noble, and I don't have that qualification." Looking at Jia Taofang, "Only your teacher has this qualification."

"What I want to tell you is, greed is fine, but you have to have the ability to match it. Otherwise, you will either harm others or yourself."

"If you are wrong, you are wrong. You shouldn't say that. If you don't give it, post the vulnerability on the Internet."

"I..." Li Xin and Xu Chen were speechless for a while.

Qi Lei looked directly at Li Xin, "You attacked my server and went to my house to search for it. Even if there is no damage, it is a moral issue."

"Our country has not yet legislated cyber attacks. As a vulnerable party, I have to consider losses and costs. As long as you use the right methods, we are actually willing to save money and avoid disasters."

"But you should never say that threatening sentence."

"Because without this sentence, the law cannot punish you. But with this sentence, you constitute extortion."

"Even if we don't hold you accountable, do you know how much harm this sentence has done to us?"

Li Xin lowered his head, "I just said casually!"

Qi Lei, "Huh." sneered, "You just said it casually?"

Suddenly, "Legendary server has been launched, and in less than a month, Sanshi's server has withstood nearly 10 million cyber attacks."

"If every hacker says something like this casually, do you know what it means?"

"Do you know what you said, how many hackers have to attract attention to the fat of Sanshi?"

Li Xin's face was pale: "I..."

Qi Lei, "Without this sentence, I would be happy to contribute to an industry story between you and Sanshi. You are highly skilled and Sanshi is generous."

"But with this sentence, you have ruined all possibilities. The most incapable temperament of a company... is weakness!"

"A bully company cannot survive."

"So, it's not that you are greedy, it's that you said the wrong thing."



Li Xin and Xu Chen looked at Qi Lei blankly, they really hadn't considered these things.

He lowered his head and said, "We were wrong..."

Qi Lei, "..."

Hold! !

Want to give yourself a mouth, waste so much saliva, just to make the two kids admit a mistake?


Not much grind, and slowly tore open the 300,000 check.

"Looking back, the cashier will write you a check for 200,000 yuan. That's the price we negotiated before. This matter will pass."

"I don't want you to use this as a source of talk in the future to show off. Especially the sentence you threatened Three Stone Company, forget it!"

"In addition, Three Stone Company will not hire you to attack the game side of "Red Moon".

As soon as these words came out, whether Jia Taofang, Li Xin and Xu Chen were relieved.

"But!!" As a result, Qi Lei hadn't finished his anger, and Qi Lei changed his words, "But, I won't give you this money."

Li Xin became anxious when he heard that, "Why!?"

Don't give it to us, why are you talking so much here?

Although he knew it well, there was nothing he could do without it. However, he must ask for the money.

I saw Qi Lei smiling slightly, "You said you were treating your sister, but after all, you said, how do I know if you are really treating the illness, rather than lie to me?"

"I..." Li Xin was at a loss.

Teacher Jia is quite calm, "Boss Qi doesn't have to worry about this. Xiuxiu sees a doctor in the First Hospital of the Medical University. Director Zhang Xinglin of the Department of Internal Medicine is the attending doctor. Boss Qi can just get to know it for a while."

Unexpectedly, Qi Lei still shook his head, "But I still don't believe it. The two of them have lost trust in me."

"This..." Jia Taofang has nothing to say, and now the initiative is in Qi Lei's hands.

Xu Chen couldn't hold back anymore, "Then what are you going to do!?"

Qi Lei smiled, "Don't worry, I didn't say not to give the money, but I want to make sure that the money is actually used for medical treatment."

"Well, the money will be kept by the Three Stone Company. When the hospital has a suitable kidney source and requires an operation, the Three Stone Company will hand the money to the hospital. Only in this way can I completely believe that it is money for treatment. "

"Look at it, okay? Anyway, you are treating illnesses. It is safer to put it with me than with you."




Teacher Jia squinted at Qi Lei. To be honest, he didn't understand what this operation was. It was completely unnecessary, right?

Either Three Stone Company wants to fall back on the bill, but it is unlikely. Or, this Reviver has other plans.

When he was puzzled, the two children were happy.

The main thing is that he is too tender, and he has no ability to parry in front of Qi Lei. From their point of view, Qi Lei's plan just can't believe them, it is a radical strategy.

You look at me, I look at you, my heart said, who do you look down on? We were originally treating Xiuxiu, who is going to lie to you for the bad money! ?

Finally glared, "Okay! Listen to you, okay!?"

They want to see, when the day comes to get Xiuxiu money, what expression do you look like, ashamed or ashamed?

Li Xin red eyeballs: "But, you must guarantee that the money will be given to us at that time! Otherwise...or Xiuxiu will die!"

Qi Lei smiled, "Don't worry, I have more credit than you."



It's so embarrassing, I can't tell him.


When Jia Taofang heard this, although she still had questions, she let out a long sigh.

After all... two hundred thousand! He left 200,000, which is already the best result. Even if he takes a portion of the money, it is at least affordable.

Of course, Jia Taofang is not as naive as the two boys, knowing that 300,000 is definitely not enough, it's a bit close, and she has to think of other ways.

Suddenly said: "Boss Qi, can I make another request?"

Qi Lei still respected Jia Taofang, "Teacher Jia, you said."

Jia Taofang organized the language, "My student."

He was referring to Li Xin, "He is still very talented and capable in computer, and it is a good seed to cultivate it. Look, can your company..."

"No!" Qi Lei interrupted Jia Taofang, "Sanshi will not hire him, at least not now."

Jia Taofang is anxious, "Why?"

Qi Lei glanced at Li Xin, "Teacher Jia, to be honest with you, I don't doubt his character right now, on the contrary, I admire him very much."

"If I'm in his position, I can't imagine if I can hold on."

"However, I still dare not hire him. It has nothing to do with trust and character."

"Why!?" Even Jia Taofang didn't understand this time. It was not a question of trust. What was the problem?

Moreover, if you really admire the character of Li Xin and Xu Chen, why did you just say you don’t trust? Why do you want to keep that money forcibly? What is the picture?

"Can you tell me the reason?"

Qi Lei, "Huh..." exhaled a murky breath: "The character is okay, it doesn't mean that the character is okay."

Looking at Li Xin, he was very solemn, "You are too young to do nothing light or heavy."

"My colleague said, you also sent threatening emails to Microsoft? Do you know the consequences? Do you think Microsoft is better bullied than Three Stones?"

Shaking his head, "I'm really sorry, just because of your stupefaction, I really dare not hire you."

"In addition to its own security issues, Three Stones also involves the core technologies of many brother companies. In case something happens, I really can't afford it."

Li Xin lowered his head again when he was told, retorting speechlessly.

And Teacher Jia, "Hey..." he sighed and his face collapsed. This is indeed Li Xin's biggest shortcoming.

But this is indeed the money... the last glimmer of hope.

If the Three Stone Company is willing to accept Li Xin, at least the kid does not need to be a chef, and his skills are wasted. Although he can't let Li Xin go back to school, at least let him have a good way out.

In addition, if Li Xin can enter the Three Stone Company, Xiuxiu's treatment costs can be more or less relieved from the salary.

At this time, Qi Lei could see Teacher Jia's thoughts, but he didn't say much, let alone pity them.

Leaning on the back of the chair, holding the cup, drinking slowly.

Heart said...

Xin said, Teacher Jia, think again, think about it, there may be other ways besides sending Li Xin into Sanshi!


At this time, Qi Guodong and Zhang Jian anxiously went round and round outside the door.

They took out all their savings, what are you waiting for? Do you think the teachers and students are anxious? Give it to others quickly.

You see people are anxious!

Even Zhao Wei is not on Qi Lei's side now, so what does he have to do? What should I do, can't I be happy?

However, Qi Lei didn't give it, so he drank the water slowly, waiting for Jia Taofang to think of a solution.

Finally, Jia Taofang came back from the sorrow and made the last effort, "That..."

He hesitated, "Then can I ask Boss Qi for a final favor?"

Qi Lei put down the water cup, with a hint of expectation: "You said, I actually sympathize with them too, so if I can help, I will definitely help!"

Jia Taofang is overjoyed, "Your company is second to none in China. There should be some business connections with Microsoft... right?"

Qi Lei, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Jia Taofang, "Then... Boss Qi can help explain to Microsoft? Just assume we haven't sent that email?"

"He was really impulsive, and we absolutely didn't mean to blackmail!"

"This..." Qi Lei raised his eyebrows and said Xin, I'm just waiting for your words!

Faced with embarrassment, "Well, this's difficult!"

Jia Taofang's heart sank, but it became loose again.

Difficult! It's just not easy to handle. However, it is difficult to do, and it also means that it can be done!

Anxiously said: "Boss Qi, because these three children are really pitiful, please help!"

Seeing Qi Lei frowning, looking at Li Xin and Xu Chen, he seemed very sorry, "Oh, let's go, let me discuss it with my colleagues!"

After speaking, Qi Lei got up and went out, as if he was really going to discuss with others.

As a result, his face immediately changed as soon as he left the house.

"Where is Lao Nan!?" I went to Lao Nan when I went out.

"What about this!" Nan Guanghong hurriedly squeezed out from behind Qi Guodong and the others, "Get me started, what's the matter?"

Finally got together with Qi Lei, with a look of expectation, "How is it? Are you done?"

Qi Lei said: "Which is so easy? I will check again for the last time. You are really optimistic about this person, right?"

Nan Guanghong glared, "Do you dare to doubt my vision?"

Qi Lei shrank his neck, "Don't dare!"

I saw the gossip from Nanlao Street generally came to Qi Lei's ear, "I have talked with him, and these three little ones are all learned from him."

"He came from Peking University, the 84th class!"

"After graduating from university, I originally joined Founder of Peking University, but my mother was bedridden, so I returned to the northeast to become a teacher."

"Just now, I talked to Professor Wang Xuan, who is also at Peking University, to get to know him. Wang Xuan knows this person!"

"guess what?"

Qi Lei's eyes started to shine too, "What's the matter?"

Mr. Nan said, "This person is not a computer at Peking University. He is talking about radio. He spent more than a year teaching himself basic, C++, and C languages."

"Moreover, he is the one who made the windows system Chinese!!"

"You know, at the time, Microsoft spent great efforts to solve the problem of Chinese languageization that had not been solved in five years. He completed it in less than two years by himself!"


Qi Lei sucked his saliva. Is it so awesome? Talent!

When Old Nan looked at Qi Lei's expression, he knew that he was tempted, and said anxiously, "What's the matter with such a good piece of material and throwing it away as a middle school teacher? What a pity!"

"But after chatting with him a few words, he really wanted to be quite willing to be a teacher, I didn't dare to speak."

Spread his hands, "No, I have to call you back!"

It was not enough to finish, and he glared at Qi Guodong, "Just this stuff, nothing!"

Qi Guodong's face is green, and you didn't tell me that you want to dig someone? You have to say it, didn't I move early?

Okay, why is Nan Lao calling? It wasn't necessary for Qi Lei to come back to resolve this matter, but Old Nan was thinking about it.

At this time, Nan Guanghong gave Qi Lei a death order: "I don't care, you can get it for me, I want this person!"

Qi Lei: "..."

Wiped the corners of his mouth, huh! It's really a pity to be a teacher!

Assure Nan Lao, "Look at me!"

After talking with Elder Nan, he was about to enter the house, but Qi Guodong approached him and stopped him, "What are you talking about? Don't you just give the money to others!?"

Staring at the eyeballs, it seems to mean, it's not spending your money!

Qi Lei gave him a white look, that is to say, my third uncle, for another person, I must say something to you.

He went back into the house, did not sit down, but greeted the three of them, "Come with me."

I took the three teachers and students out of the office building and came to the system research and development center in the backyard.

Entering inside, the lights are brightly lit, and the test version of Sanshi's domestic system is almost complete. At this time, it is the end of the final stage of overtime. The people in the R&D center have reached a state of desperation.

In the first place, it was Nan Lao who was fully committed.

Secondly, didn't Lao Qin come here some time ago? Said to let Qi Lei feel at ease, don't think too much, in fact, the main task is this system.

You know, the country also attaches great importance to it.

Qi Lei led them through the large office area. The three teachers and students had been stunned by the nearly two hundred programmers working hard in front of them. It was the first time they saw such a scene.

It wasn't until Qi Lei took them to a small office with a network security team sign that Jia Taofang came back to her senses.

There were only two people in the office, Chen Yinghao and Weng Shitong, two people from Baodao.

Qi Lei didn't introduce it either. Instead, he said to Li Xin and Xu Chen, "I can help with this, but in the final analysis, it depends on your own abilities."

Li Xin and Xu Chen's eyes are still dazzling, I really envy the dazzling array of equipment here!

"What's the ability? Just say it."

Only Wen Qi Lei said: "This matter, Three Stones is incomprehensible, it's useless! The only way is to downplay your threat."

"So, I need another vulnerability, a vulnerability that really belongs to the windows system."

Pointing to the two laptops on the table, "Of these two computers, one is running windows98se and the other is a brand-new system. You two have their own abilities, whether it is cooperation or fighting each other, before Microsoft responds to the email. Find a loophole."

"In this way, I can help you solve this crisis."

The two children looked at each other, not only not timid, but even a little eager to try.

I am young and ignorant. My heart said, what's the matter?

Each took a notebook and started to get busy.

Chen Yinghao and Weng Shitong stood behind them watching the excitement, with meaningful smiles.

Just two laptops? This is not easy.

Moreover, Sanshi's "Pangu" system, although not as difficult to use as LINUX, requires special learning, and what it pursues is the simplicity and ease of operation of the window system.

However, after all, it is a brand new system, the operating mechanism, and even the system instructions are different from Windows. Even if there are loopholes, it is not just looking for it.

As for windows98se, this is Microsoft's upgraded version of win98. It can be said to be unprecedentedly stable, and it is not so easy to find loopholes.

Jia Taofang obviously saw this too. He stood behind the two and watched for a while, frowning gradually, and suddenly Qi Lei said: "Can I help them?"

Qi Lei was happy, "Of course."

Jia Taofang, "Then give me a notebook too."

Qi Lei, "Is there enough laptop? You can use any equipment here!"

The R&D center is the brainchild of Nan Lao, not to mention laptops and desktops, large computing modules are available.

"No." Jia Taofang said calmly, "a notebook is enough."

The thief is confident!

Qi Lei pursed his lips, and walked out with Nan Lao, Qi Guodong and others who were watching the excitement.

Coming to the outside of the R&D center, Qi Guodong lit a cigarette, and everyone gathered in the snow at the door to chat.

As March approaches, the northeast is still very cold, but after the coldest time, the cold wind blows on the cheeks and feels a bit comfortable.

At this time, Zhou Tao led Dong Xiuxiu back from the gate and walked here too.

Qi Lei discovered that the eldest sister not only took people to eat a meal, but also went shopping.

Dong Xiuxiu changed into a whole new dress, a thick long down jacket, and brand new cotton shoes.

Zhou Tao still carried a lot of large and small bags in her hand, apparently bringing clothes for both Li Xin and Xu Chen.

Qi Lei glared at Zhou Tao with a faceless look. You are really good!

Zhou Tao pretended not to see it, and yelled to everyone with joy: "This child's cotton jacket is like a piece of paper, so I threw it away!"

Pushing Dong Xiuxiu in front of everyone: "Look, watery little girl!"

Everyone smiled to show that they had indeed changed their clothes, as if they had changed themselves.

Dong Xiuxiu was very shy and well-behaved, "Thank you, Miss Tao...Thank you guys..."

As a result, Qi Lei came up with an untimely sentence, "Thank you? I will deduct two hundred thousand miles from yours."

When Dong Xiuxiu heard this, she immediately lowered her head, feeling a little at a loss: "Okay..."



Everyone is speechless, what are you doing?

Zhou Tao glared at Qi Lei, always thinking that this guy was a bit hypocritical, or overcorrected?

Isn't it just a set of clothes? Are you as for?

He glared back, then ignored Qi Lei, and took Dong Xiuxiu back to his office.

She has a bed in her office, so let her sleep there tonight.

After she settled down and Dong Xiuxiu came back, Qi Lei was on the phone, wandering around the crowd, and when he heard something, he kicked the snow with his head down.

Qi Guodong and the others had a chat without a word.

Zhou Tao approached, "Did you give them the money?"

Qi Guodong curled his lips and shook his head, "No, let the little capitalist be greedy!"

Zhou Tao was startled, "Why haven't you given it yet? He dare?"

He didn't take it seriously, and said, "Oh, yes, 300,000 yuan is enough for a kidney transplant? I will think about recruiting if it is not enough!"

She didn't understand this matter, but, still the same sentence, Zhou Tao had sympathy for these three children beyond ordinary people from the beginning.

Knowing about Dong Xiuxiu, even more...

Elder Nan knows a lot about this, so he said, "Three hundred thousand? Another three hundred thousand is not enough!"

"Huh?" Zhou Tao's heart tightened, "That little girl is too pitiful."

Looking up at Qi Lei, he wanted to ask him why the money hadn't been paid, but he heard the content of his call.

"Pharaoh, do you have any acquaintances with Concord?"


"Hey, don't mention it, three little cubs popped up and caused a mess of things for Lao Tzu, and in the end I couldn't leave it alone."


"Yeah, if this spreads out, I won't be saved, it will damage the company's reputation!"


"So what can I do? I'm unlucky! You help me find a relationship to see if there is a matching kidney source."


"I know that kidney sources get a lot of money. It's okay, people have money to spend, but they don't spend mine."


"I'll help to make contact. If something really happens, I can't find our fault, isn't it the end?"


"Yeah, what do you want to do? That's it."


"Okay! Hung up!!"




"You...really! Don't take it seriously. My life is dangerous, and I may be scolded at any time."


"Hey!! Love to die! I am anxious, who will die!?"


Hanging up the phone, Qi Lei smashed his mouth and looked at the sky, his face was constipated.

But as soon as I lowered my head, I saw everyone looking at him straightforwardly, blushing again.

"Both, what are you looking at me for!?"

As a result, before everyone could say anything, Qi Lei's eyeballs stood up, and he couldn't hold back his whites. No more points!"

"Puff..." Everyone really didn't hold back.

"Yes, right, right, right!" Zhou Tao stepped forward in a stance to coax the child, stroking Qi Lei's back smoothly, "Our little capitalists are all right, right?"

He shouted, "Then we stone is ordinary people? My heart is hardened!"

Qi Lei: "..."

Suddenly he softened and squatted down, feeling very frustrated, "If you don't be kidding, the company will pay 200,000 yuan...this is the rule, it can't be broken."

Zhou Tao tentatively asked, "What if that is not enough?"

Qi Lei, "Not enough...not enough..."

He gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't that special enough for me!"

"Count you?" Everyone's eyes lit up.

As a result, Qi Lei said, "No!" He regretted it again, "I can't be counted as mine, I'm not being taken advantage of, count as my dad!"

With a big grin, "Yes, the old Qi, he is also rich and oily now!"

Everyone rolled their eyes, what's the difference?

To say that Qi Lei is just twisting the ba, he was cruel, and now he is not conscious of changing his mind.

But his starting point is actually correct, no one is wrong.

No one thought it would be like this, but as a boss, you can't let him admit his mistakes.

"Okay!" everyone said following him, "That's it? Your dad's?"

Qi Lei, "Yes, isn't it good?"

"Yes, it's good!" Qi Guodong, Zhou Tao, and Zhang Jian stretched out their hands together as they said, "Come on?"

Qi Lei was dumbfounded, "What?"

The three, "Bank card!"

Qi Lei touched his pockets subconsciously, only then did he remember that the three people's bank cards were still with him.

Suddenly changed his mind, "Or, don't let my dad leave alone? It's not easy for his elderly to make money."


Zhang Jian grabbed it when he started, "That's my wife's son, give it to me!"

Qi Lei hid, "You are all bald, and you are invincible if you are bald, so what kind of wife do you need?"

Zhou Tao also came to join in the fun, "My old lady still has to find a man!"

Qi Lei hides again, "Just marry Sanshi Company, no matter what you want!"

"Qilei, are you looking for a beating?"

The crowd was in a mess, and the haze was swept away.

As a result, before they were separated, Chen Yinghao pushed open the door of the R&D center with a bang, staring at everyone with horror.

"Don't leave that locomotive (four beeps)!"

"It's over!"




Qi Lei stagnated and didn't respond, "What's the matter?"

Chen Yinghao, "The surname Jia... is over, the work is done!"

I puff! ! !

Everyone rushed out of blood, is it fake?

This is... how long is this?

Not even an hour!

Nan Lao and Qi Lei looked at each other, and there was a green light in their eyes, talents! ! Absolute talent! !

Jia Taofang is such a big man, he must stay!

Thinking of this, I rushed to the R&D center.

And Zhang Nan, who is far away in the small town of, was sitting on his sofa at this time, peeling an apple for Xu Xiaoqian and thinking about his thoughts.

Jia Taofang... is a talent!

Must get the second middle school!



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